How to overcome anxiety & panic attacks
How to overcome anxiety & panic attacks, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.79, with 91 lectures, based on 116 reviews, and has 730 subscribers.
You will learn about Overcome Anxiety and Panic attack within 5 weeks with a step by step guided process Learn to deal with unpleasant sensations, emotions & thoughts Use tools from CBT, Somatic Experiencing and Body therapy to overcome anxiety & panic attacks Self heal, Grow from where you are now to feel better This course is ideal for individuals who are If you are suffering from Anxiety or Panic attacks or If you are living with or interacting with someone who suffers from Anxiety or Panic attacks or If you are ready to take a step forward and heal yourself and live life fully without fear. or If you want to stop worrying and be in the present moment or If you want to be happy and relaxed or If you want to get help without paying high therapy costs It is particularly useful for If you are suffering from Anxiety or Panic attacks or If you are living with or interacting with someone who suffers from Anxiety or Panic attacks or If you are ready to take a step forward and heal yourself and live life fully without fear. or If you want to stop worrying and be in the present moment or If you want to be happy and relaxed or If you want to get help without paying high therapy costs.
Enroll now: How to overcome anxiety & panic attacks
Title: How to overcome anxiety & panic attacks
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.79
Number of Lectures: 91
Number of Published Lectures: 90
Number of Curriculum Items: 95
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 94
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Overcome Anxiety and Panic attack within 5 weeks with a step by step guided process
- Learn to deal with unpleasant sensations, emotions & thoughts
- Use tools from CBT, Somatic Experiencing and Body therapy to overcome anxiety & panic attacks
- Self heal, Grow from where you are now to feel better
Who Should Attend
- If you are suffering from Anxiety or Panic attacks
- If you are living with or interacting with someone who suffers from Anxiety or Panic attacks
- If you are ready to take a step forward and heal yourself and live life fully without fear.
- If you want to stop worrying and be in the present moment
- If you want to be happy and relaxed
- If you want to get help without paying high therapy costs
Target Audiences
- If you are suffering from Anxiety or Panic attacks
- If you are living with or interacting with someone who suffers from Anxiety or Panic attacks
- If you are ready to take a step forward and heal yourself and live life fully without fear.
- If you want to stop worrying and be in the present moment
- If you want to be happy and relaxed
- If you want to get help without paying high therapy costs
This course is designed for anyone who experiences anxiety or panic attacks, and even for those that suffers from panic disorder, agoraphobia and more. As well as for people who support people who suffer from these conditions.
If you have excessive worrying, unwanted feelings, anxiety, fears or ruminations. If you have tried therapy, self help books and felt you needed a boost to motivate you, if you needed something that was directly addressing what you experience then this is the course for you.
This course is fully guided and yet it is self paced, the course is divided into 10 sections, each one taking 1-3 sittings to complete. You will be guided in each section step by step, with video, exercises, and workbooks to take your life in your own hands.
Section 1 – will give you all the basic information as to why you are experiencing what you are experiencing.
Section 2 – will teach you ways to jump start the para-sympathetic nervous system, which will undo the stress that is in your body
Section 3 – will explain everything thing you need to know about panic anxiety and panic attacks
Section 4 – will teach you how to look at your thoughts and prevent them escalating in the way they do now.
Section 5 – will teach you on how your interpretation of what you are experiencing might make the panic worse, it will help you overcome obsessive thoughts and ruminations
Section 6 – will teach you how to decondition the anxiety out of your nervous system and body.
Section 7 – will guide you step by step how to practically perform this deconditioning
Section 8 – will help you understand how it all started, which will help you undo the knot of anxiety
Section 9 – will guide you how to continue in day to day life
Section 10 – will conclude our work
This course is based on research, and proven therapy protocols, the practices in it are taken from CBT, Somatic Experiencing, mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Body psychotherapy, some of the deconditioning exercises in section 7 may require the help of a friend or close person to hold space.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Promo
Lecture 2: Introduction
Lecture 3: Disclaimer
Lecture 4: Initial diagnosis – ruling out anything else, gaining confidence
Lecture 5: How it feels to have a panic attack
Lecture 6: Is there something wrong with me?
Lecture 7: From Panic Attack to Panic Disorder
Lecture 8: Can panic attacks be overcome?
Lecture 9: Is this course right for you?
Chapter 2: Creating a safe zone
Lecture 1: Introduction to the second session
Lecture 2: Resourcing
Lecture 3: Grounding 101
Lecture 4: Externalization
Lecture 5: Butterfly tap
Lecture 6: 4-4-4-4 Breathing
Lecture 7: 4-4-6-2 Breathing
Lecture 8: Using a Paper Bag
Chapter 3: Understanding panic attacks
Lecture 1: What is fear?
Lecture 2: How emotions are created
Lecture 3: The vicious cycle of the overactive alarm system
Lecture 4: Catastrophizing and the cycle of panic
Lecture 5: The interaction of the 3 brains
Lecture 6: Recording our progress
Lecture 7: Assess your level of mindfulness
Lecture 8: Online automated Mindfulness assessment scale
Lecture 9: Another mindfulness meditation to develop the powers of the pre-frontal cortex
Chapter 4: Questioning the mind
Lecture 1: Monitoring your inner level on anxiety
Lecture 2: Make a list of your thoughts
Lecture 3: How to question our thoughts
Lecture 4: Cognitive Bias Part 1
Lecture 5: Cognitive Bias Part 2
Chapter 5: Understanding the symptoms
Lecture 1: Let's deepen with another mindfulness meditation
Lecture 2: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Introduction
Lecture 3: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Elevated heart rate aka "Heart Palpitations"
Lecture 4: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Dizziness and Light Headedness
Lecture 5: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Feeling weakness or faint
Lecture 6: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Breathing difficulties, shortness of breath
Lecture 7: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Chest pain or constriction
Lecture 8: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Tingling & Chills
Lecture 9: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Trembling, Shaking, Sweating
Lecture 10: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Dry mouth
Lecture 11: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Ringing in the ears
Lecture 12: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Tense muscles
Lecture 13: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Heat Flashes
Lecture 14: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Nausea
Lecture 15: Nausea Relief Massage
Lecture 16: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – A need to go to the toilet
Lecture 17: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Heightened vigilance for physical danger
Lecture 18: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Feelings of unreality and detachment
Lecture 19: Panic Attack Symptoms Explained – Fears of becoming confused
Lecture 20: Learning abdominal breathing
Chapter 6: Learning to decondition the body
Lecture 1: Why Avoidance makes fear worse
Lecture 2: First experience of deconditioning a fear
Lecture 3: What is habituation and deconditioning?
Lecture 4: Keys for habituation & Deconditioning
Lecture 5: Exploring relaxation 1
Lecture 6: Explaining the first relaxation excercise
Lecture 7: Second relaxation excercise
Lecture 8: Progressive relaxation 1
Lecture 9: Progressive relaxation 2
Lecture 10: Progressive relaxation 3
Chapter 7: Deconditioning the body & mind
Lecture 1: Instructions for the friend
Lecture 2: More mindfulness meditation
Lecture 3: Introduction to the habituations
Lecture 4: Make a habituation plan
Lecture 5: Instructions how to do a habituation & deconditioning session
Lecture 6: Instructions how to do daily small habituations
Lecture 7: Introduction to the individual habituation sessions
Lecture 8: Habituation & Deconditioning Group A – Elevated Heartrate
Lecture 9: Habituation & Deconditioning Group A – Lack of Balance
Lecture 10: Habituation & Deconditioning Group A – Dizziness
Lecture 11: Habituation & Deconditioning Group A – Nausea
Lecture 12: Habituation & Deconditioning Group B – Hot flashes
Lecture 13: Habituation & Deconditioning Group B – Difficulty breathing
Lecture 14: Habituation & Deconditioning Group B – Light Headedness
Lecture 15: Habituation & Deconditioning Group B – Hyper Ventilation
Chapter 8: A look into the past
Lecture 1: Intro to working on our history
Lecture 2: Resource pendulation excercise
Lecture 3: Write down the first panic attack
Lecture 4: Analyze & Reframe the first panic attack
Lecture 5: Analyze what triggered the first panic attack
Lecture 6: Reprocess the 1st panic attack
Lecture 7: Uncovering the roots of our catastrophic thinking pattern – Part 1
Lecture 8: Uncovering the roots of our catastrophic thinking pattern – Part 2
Lecture 9: Overcoming Panic Disorder through Self acceptance and recruiting others
Lecture 10: Working on Agoraphobia
Lecture 11: Concluding this section
Chapter 9: Practical tools for dealing with panic attacks
Tomer Weiss
Therapist & Instructor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 28 votes
- 5 stars: 84 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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