How To Write Like Malcolm Gladwell Series Vol.1
How To Write Like Malcolm Gladwell Series Vol.1, available at $24.99, has an average rating of 3.5, with 17 lectures, based on 8 reviews, and has 1095 subscribers.
You will learn about You will be able to deconstruct the writing style of Malcolm Gladwell and countless other authors and writers You will understand what makes Gladwell such a powerful creator of thrilling narratives that engage personalities, emotions, and the social hierarchies that exist around us You will be able to use Gladwell's style to infuse your writing with powerful strategies to engage the reader and make them want to follow your lead Students will learn how Gladwell writes and introduction to create their own intoductions that grab the reader and make them want to continue reading Students will learn how Gladwell describes a person and the importance of personalities, charisma, and power in the creation of a gripping narrative Students will learn how Gladwll talks about statistics and facts to give them a solid foundation on which to build their narrative and get the reader to follow their bread crumbs This course is ideal for individuals who are This course on How To Write Like Malcolm Gladwell is for entrepreneurs, authors, writer's or Gladwell enthusiasts to gain a deeper understanding of how and why Malcolm Gladwell does what he does or This course is meant for those excited about expanding their identity as a writer and learning how to deconstruct a writing style or This course will benefit anyone interested in Malcolm Gladwell's writing and emulating his style to supplement their own writing to create a new, richer narrative It is particularly useful for This course on How To Write Like Malcolm Gladwell is for entrepreneurs, authors, writer's or Gladwell enthusiasts to gain a deeper understanding of how and why Malcolm Gladwell does what he does or This course is meant for those excited about expanding their identity as a writer and learning how to deconstruct a writing style or This course will benefit anyone interested in Malcolm Gladwell's writing and emulating his style to supplement their own writing to create a new, richer narrative .
Enroll now: How To Write Like Malcolm Gladwell Series Vol.1
Title: How To Write Like Malcolm Gladwell Series Vol.1
Price: $24.99
Average Rating: 3.5
Number of Lectures: 17
Number of Published Lectures: 17
Number of Curriculum Items: 17
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 17
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will be able to deconstruct the writing style of Malcolm Gladwell and countless other authors and writers
- You will understand what makes Gladwell such a powerful creator of thrilling narratives that engage personalities, emotions, and the social hierarchies that exist around us
- You will be able to use Gladwell's style to infuse your writing with powerful strategies to engage the reader and make them want to follow your lead
- Students will learn how Gladwell writes and introduction to create their own intoductions that grab the reader and make them want to continue reading
- Students will learn how Gladwell describes a person and the importance of personalities, charisma, and power in the creation of a gripping narrative
- Students will learn how Gladwll talks about statistics and facts to give them a solid foundation on which to build their narrative and get the reader to follow their bread crumbs
Who Should Attend
- This course on How To Write Like Malcolm Gladwell is for entrepreneurs, authors, writer's or Gladwell enthusiasts to gain a deeper understanding of how and why Malcolm Gladwell does what he does
- This course is meant for those excited about expanding their identity as a writer and learning how to deconstruct a writing style
- This course will benefit anyone interested in Malcolm Gladwell's writing and emulating his style to supplement their own writing to create a new, richer narrative
Target Audiences
- This course on How To Write Like Malcolm Gladwell is for entrepreneurs, authors, writer's or Gladwell enthusiasts to gain a deeper understanding of how and why Malcolm Gladwell does what he does
- This course is meant for those excited about expanding their identity as a writer and learning how to deconstruct a writing style
- This course will benefit anyone interested in Malcolm Gladwell's writing and emulating his style to supplement their own writing to create a new, richer narrative
There’s one of two questions going through your mind right now…
Why not read Malcolm Gladwell and use what I find there to emulate his writing style?
How is it possible to learn the skills of a seasoned writing veteran like Malcolm Gladwell?
The simple fact that led me to create this course was that these assumptions are based on a fundamental misunderstanding: That experts are capable of explaining both how and why they do what they do.
Endeavoring on the creation of this course meant throwing aside the notion that experts are better at reverse engineering their creative process than an outside observer dedicated to poring over their works and putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
What is so special about this course?
After understanding the three basic elements of Gladwell’s writing, we can recalibrate the direction of our own writing using a compass from a new world.
This course will focus on three fundamental aspects of Gladwell’s Writing
- How Malcolm Gladwell Writes an Introduction
- How Malcolm Gladwell Describes a Person
- How Malcolm Gladwell Talks About Statistics/ Facts
These three areas provide a foundation from which our understanding of the way that Malcolm Gladwell writes and develops his characters can build.
Why choose these three sections?
These three sections provide the foundation from which our understanding of the way that Malcolm Gladwell writes and develops his characters will build.
After understanding these three basic elements, we can recalibrate the direction of our own writing using a compass from a world that’s itching to be discovered.
The options are limitless but each journey begins with the same step: removing pre-conceived notions.
Using the powerfully persuasive writing style of Malcolm Gladwell featured in Blink, and numerous New Yorker articles this course provides over an hour and a half of content dedicated to applying the same understanding of Gladwell’s writing to the creation of our own persuasive narratives.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction To How To Write Like Malcolm Gladwell Course
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: How Malcolm Gladwell Writes An Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: How To Write an Intro Like Malcolm Gladwell From The Gift of Doubt
Lecture 3: How To Write an Intro Like Malcolm Gladwell From Groupthink
Lecture 4: How To Write an Intro Like Malcolm Gladwell From Superfriends
Lecture 5: Conclusion
Chapter 3: How Malcolm Gladwell Describes a Person
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: How Malcolm Gladwell Describes a Person From The Gift of Doubt
Lecture 3: How to Describe a Person Like Malcolm Gladwell From Groupthink
Lecture 4: How to Describe a Person Like Malcolm Gladwell From Superfriends
Lecture 5: Conclusion
Chapter 4: How To Talk About Statistics/Facts Like Malcolm Gladwell
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: How To Talk About Statistics/Facts Like Malcolm Gladwell From The Gift of Doubt
Lecture 3: How To Talk About Statistics/Facts Like Malcolm Gladwell From Groupthink
Lecture 4: How To Talk About Statistics/Facts Like Malcolm Gladwell From Superfriends
Lecture 5: Conclusion
Chapter 5: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Conclusion
Martin Kenny
Investor I Mentor I Helping biotech firms exit for max value
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 1 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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