Human and Educational Psychology
Human and Educational Psychology, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 3.95, with 44 lectures, based on 116 reviews, and has 6995 subscribers.
You will learn about What is psychology? Schools of thoughts Cognitive Development Stages of development Theories of learning Emotions Pursuit of happiness Frustration and it's cause's What is memory What is Intelligence? Child Psychology This course is ideal for individuals who are Psychology Students It is particularly useful for Psychology Students.
Enroll now: Human and Educational Psychology
Title: Human and Educational Psychology
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 3.95
Number of Lectures: 44
Number of Published Lectures: 44
Number of Curriculum Items: 44
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 44
Original Price: $99.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- What is psychology?
- Schools of thoughts
- Cognitive Development
- Stages of development
- Theories of learning
- Emotions
- Pursuit of happiness
- Frustration and it's cause's
- What is memory
- What is Intelligence?
- Child Psychology
Who Should Attend
- Psychology Students
Target Audiences
- Psychology Students
< Step-by-step explanation of more than 6 hours of video lessons on Human and Educational Psychology>
<Instant reply to your questions asked during lessons>
<Weekly live talks on Human and Educational Psychology. You can raise your questions in a live session as well>
<Helping materials like notes, examples, and exercises>
<Solution of quizzes and assignments>
In this course, we will take a look at Human and Educational Psychology. We will learn much about Human and Educational Psychology through video slides and background images. However, the Human and Educational Psychology course is much more informative and creative. Human Psychology is the basic course while educational psychology has a few advanced features. If you want to learn Human and Educational Psychology, then this is the perfect course. On other hand, introduction to child and educational psychology is the sum of two courses. The first course is human psychology and the second course is educational psychology.
The course is lecture-based on PowerPoint slides, but questions and discussion are encouraged. I recommend that you complete assigned textbook readings prior to the lecture. For a further in-depth discussion of content, I recommend attending weekly Supplemental Instruction or Tutoring sessions. Many students have found it beneficial to read through the assigned reading both prior to and following the lecture. Weekly assignments will also be assigned to help gauge your understanding of class content. Every effort will be made to keep to the schedule presented in the syllabus, although unforeseen emergencies may require changes. Any such changes will be announced and will be effective at the earliest reasonable opportunity. Each video is not more than 10 to 20 minutes. Some videos are just 2 to 3 minutes. There are total reasonable sections and each section is just the chapter of a textbook. By the end of this course, you will get mastery of child and educational psychology.
We have a question-answer section with each video and if you feel any difficulty then you can put a question and we will answer you every question promptly. Also, we would like to give you some suggestions about the course.
1. Watch each video without skipping
2. Repeat videos, again and again, to restore the concepts in your mind
3. Watch only one-hour video content daily and by doing so, please finish the course in a week rather than in one sitting.
4. If you have a problem with my accent then please slow down the video speed from 1 to 0.8 or turn on the cc button.
5. Make a discussion with your instructor. Through the discussion, you will learn more than just watching.
This course is for anyone and has no requirements before enrolling. We have made this course easy and understandable for everyone. Slides are much attractive and if you are already professional then the slides will give you a fantastic overview of the course. Explanations are great and supportive.
I would like to tell you something more about the course
1. It is prepared on PowerPoint slides
2. It is just like a textbook which is shifted on slides
3. And the instructor made the voice over in Asian accents
4. Long course having textbook-like contents
You have to dig out the points from each video and run each video by stopping again and again. You have to focus on slides and focus on the voice-over. You will read each slide and collect the main points that you want to learn.
Why I have described the above points? Because I don’t want to sell things that are not matched with your interest. Everything should be clear before enrolling in this course.
Course Instructor
AD Chauhdry
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is Psychology
Chapter 2: Human Psychology
Lecture 1: Adults Psychology
Lecture 2: Psychology of Teenage Girls
Lecture 3: Psychology of College Girls
Lecture 4: Psychology of a Child Before Birth
Lecture 5: Psychology of a Child After Birth
Chapter 3: Schools of Thoughts
Lecture 1: Schools of Thoughts
Lecture 2: School of Psychoanalysis
Lecture 3: Gestalt Psychology
Lecture 4: Humanistic Psychology
Chapter 4: Cognitive Development
Lecture 1: Child Development
Lecture 2: Principle of Development
Lecture 3: Cognitive Development
Chapter 5: Stages of Development
Lecture 1: Piaget's Stages of Development
Lecture 2: Implications of Piaget's Development Theory
Lecture 3: Vygotsky's Theory of Development
Lecture 4: Eric's Psycho social Development Theory
Lecture 5: Stages of Erick's Psycho Social Development Theory
Chapter 6: Motivation
Lecture 1: Motivation
Lecture 2: Mcdougall's Motivation Theory
Lecture 3: Hull's Drives Motivation Theory
Lecture 4: Mas low's Theory of Actualization
Chapter 7: Learning and Learning Theories
Lecture 1: What is Learning?
Lecture 2: Factors Affects on Learning
Lecture 3: Theories on Learning
Lecture 4: Educational Implications of Classical Conditioning
Lecture 5: Operant Conditioning
Lecture 6: Implication of Operant Conditioning
Chapter 8: Sexual Motivation
Lecture 1: Sexual Motivation
Lecture 2: Sexual Response Cycle
Lecture 3: Psycho Sexual Stages
Lecture 4: Difference between Sexual Motivation and Other Primary Motives
Lecture 5: Pattern of Sexual Behavior
Chapter 9: Emotions
Lecture 1: Emotions
Lecture 2: Roll of Learning and Cultural Emotions
Chapter 10: Pursuits of Happiness
Lecture 1: Pursuits of Happiness and Anger Management
Lecture 2: Aggression
Lecture 3: Frustration and it's Causes
Lecture 4: Violent Youth Gangs
Chapter 11: Memory and it's Types
Lecture 1: Memory and it's Types
Lecture 2: Decay and Other Theories
Chapter 12: Intelligence
Lecture 1: What is Intelligence?
Lecture 2: Characteristics of Good Intelligence Test
AD Chauhdry
Researcher, Mathematician, and Data Scientist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 15 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 29 votes
- 4 stars: 29 votes
- 5 stars: 37 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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