Intentional Daydreaming
Intentional Daydreaming, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 13 lectures, based on 50 reviews, and has 404 subscribers.
You will learn about Use the 7 simple steps of the Intentional Daydreaming system to request useful guidance, help, and insight from the subconscious mind to improve your personal and professional life. Unlock, understand, and appreciate the incredible power of the subconscious mind. Easily enter your inner sanctuary or Safe Place to meditate and contemplate on your desires and concerns. Use the simplified 'Countdown to Relaxation' method to relax and enter an altered state of consciousness to accelerate learning, growth, development and change. Develop practical contemplation skills so you can visualize what you want, mentally rehearse desired skills, and communicate your desires to the subconscious mind. Understand the unique multi-sensory language of daydreaming used by the subconscious mind. Communicate with subconscious mind using the language of contemplating and daydreaming. Explore 31+ applications of the Intentional Daydreaming System Experiment using contemplation and daydreaming to develop and deepen numerous psychic, mystical, spiritual, and transpersonal skills and abilities. Deepen and accelerate learning through use of the "Key Question." Utilize the 90-minute cycle of creativity to increase the power and effectiveness of your contemplation and daydreaming. Explain the difference between intentional daydreaming and spontaneous daydreaming. Identify and record their personal pattern of daydreaming. Recognize and understand commonly used terms for daydreaming such as visualization, mental rehearsal, mind-wandering, mental fantasy. Understand frequently used terms related to imagery such as process imagery and end-state imagery. Explain the practical application of forward chaining and backward chaining. Increase the power and effectiveness of contemplation using the "secret" language, process imagery, end-state imagery, receptive and active imagery, multiple points of view, forward and backward chaining, self-talk, emotions, and realism. Shift from an active, conscious perspective to a receptive subconscious point of view. Employ the technique of imaginal interactions to better prepare for future personal or professional communication. Coordinate contemplation and daydreaming sessions with the Lunar cycle. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is designed for adults interested in learning how to use advanced techniques of contemplation and daydreaming to improve their personal and professional lives. Although no experience is necessary, this 7-section course employs college-level vocabulary. It is particularly useful for This course is designed for adults interested in learning how to use advanced techniques of contemplation and daydreaming to improve their personal and professional lives. Although no experience is necessary, this 7-section course employs college-level vocabulary. .
Enroll now: Intentional Daydreaming
Title: Intentional Daydreaming
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 13
Number of Published Lectures: 13
Number of Curriculum Items: 13
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 13
Original Price: $64.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Use the 7 simple steps of the Intentional Daydreaming system to request useful guidance, help, and insight from the subconscious mind to improve your personal and professional life.
- Unlock, understand, and appreciate the incredible power of the subconscious mind.
- Easily enter your inner sanctuary or Safe Place to meditate and contemplate on your desires and concerns.
- Use the simplified 'Countdown to Relaxation' method to relax and enter an altered state of consciousness to accelerate learning, growth, development and change.
- Develop practical contemplation skills so you can visualize what you want, mentally rehearse desired skills, and communicate your desires to the subconscious mind.
- Understand the unique multi-sensory language of daydreaming used by the subconscious mind.
- Communicate with subconscious mind using the language of contemplating and daydreaming.
- Explore 31+ applications of the Intentional Daydreaming System
- Experiment using contemplation and daydreaming to develop and deepen numerous psychic, mystical, spiritual, and transpersonal skills and abilities.
- Deepen and accelerate learning through use of the "Key Question."
- Utilize the 90-minute cycle of creativity to increase the power and effectiveness of your contemplation and daydreaming.
- Explain the difference between intentional daydreaming and spontaneous daydreaming.
- Identify and record their personal pattern of daydreaming.
- Recognize and understand commonly used terms for daydreaming such as visualization, mental rehearsal, mind-wandering, mental fantasy.
- Understand frequently used terms related to imagery such as process imagery and end-state imagery.
- Explain the practical application of forward chaining and backward chaining.
- Increase the power and effectiveness of contemplation using the "secret" language, process imagery, end-state imagery, receptive and active imagery, multiple points of view, forward and backward chaining, self-talk, emotions, and realism.
- Shift from an active, conscious perspective to a receptive subconscious point of view.
- Employ the technique of imaginal interactions to better prepare for future personal or professional communication.
- Coordinate contemplation and daydreaming sessions with the Lunar cycle.
Who Should Attend
- This course is designed for adults interested in learning how to use advanced techniques of contemplation and daydreaming to improve their personal and professional lives. Although no experience is necessary, this 7-section course employs college-level vocabulary.
Target Audiences
- This course is designed for adults interested in learning how to use advanced techniques of contemplation and daydreaming to improve their personal and professional lives. Although no experience is necessary, this 7-section course employs college-level vocabulary.
This practical 7-Step system teaches you how to use contemplation and daydreaming to receive insight and guidance from the super-intelligence dwelling within you—the subconscious mind. Daydreaming is one way the subconscious mind communicates. Using these innovative methods, you can resolve personal or professional concerns and accelerate your growth and development. You will learn how to enter your safe place; relax, enter an altered state; and use contemplation and daydreaming to:
- Make useful changes in your personal, business, spiritual life.
- Improve physical, emotional health.
- Enhance communication skills, relationships, sexual intimacy.
- Unlock artistic creativity.
- Envision valuable new products, services.
- Increase musical or sports performance.
Once you complete this 7-Step training, you’ll possess valuable skills you can use for a lifetime. You can even explore altered states to cultivate psychic and spiritual abilities. If any of this is appealing, Intentional Daydreaming might be just what you’re looking for.
Business leaders, musicians, sports enthusiasts, writers, and others use daydreaming as part of their creative process. You can too! Use this course to:
- Explore 31+ ways to accelerate personal, professional, spiritual growth.
- Communicate with your subconscious mind using contemplation and daydreaming.
- Locate your Safe Place.
- Countdown to relax.
- Improve business practices.
- Accelerate skill development—speaking, writing, music.
- Mentally test-drive career options—prepare for meetings, interviews, important conversations.
- Enhance sexual, erotic experiences.
- Develop psychic, mystical skills.
- Enter a powerful altered state, practice self-suggestion.
- Conduct paranormal, transpersonal, and thought experiments.
- Contemplate philosophical, religious, scientific, spiritual, metaphysical concepts.
And more!
Target Audience
For adults who want to accelerate personal and professional success, this course contains 2.5 hours of content. No other materials are needed. PDF section summaries and important practices are included for easy review. 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The super-intelligence that dwells within each of us—the Subconscious Mind
Lecture 1: The Super Power of the Subconscious Mind
Chapter 3: What is daydreaming? How often do we daydream? Why do we daydream?
Lecture 1: What is daydreaming?
Lecture 2: What is daydreaming? Part 2
Chapter 4: Steps 1-2 of the Intentional Daydreaming System
Lecture 1: Intentional Daydreaming – Steps 1-2: Go to your Safe Place and Relax
Lecture 2: Section 3 – Step Two Relax into an Altered State – Video B
Chapter 5: Step 3: Advanced Contemplation
Lecture 1: Advanced Contemplation – Part 1
Lecture 2: Advanced Contemplation – Part 2
Chapter 6: The Complete 7-Step Intentional Daydreaming System
Lecture 1: 7 Steps Daydreaming System
Lecture 2: 7 Steps Part two
Chapter 7: 31 Ways you can use Advanced Contemplation and Daydreaming
Lecture 1: 31 Ways to use Advanced Contemplation and Daydreaming – Part 1
Lecture 2: 31 Ways to use Advanced Contemplation and Daydreaming – Part Two
Chapter 8: Explore Spiritual, Transpersonal, and Psychic Daydreaming
Lecture 1: Transpersonal and Psychic Daydreaming
Timothy A. Storlie, PhD
Psychologist, Hynotherapist, Counselor, and Daydreamer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 14 votes
- 5 stars: 32 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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