Introduction to Art Activism
Introduction to Art Activism, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.58, with 31 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 6 reviews, and has 20 subscribers.
You will learn about You will know how to bring attention to a cause you are passionate about fighting for using your art You will know how to practice safe art activism You will know how find other artists and activists to build a creative impassioned community around you You will know how to start making activist art that displays clear and concise imagery You will know how to practice self-care as an artist and activist You will know how to attract an audience to view and engage with your art You will know how to display your art in different ways You will know how to find the perseverance to push forward when things become challenging This course is ideal for individuals who are Artists or Activists or Rebels and curious minds or Homeschoolers and unschoolers or Changemakers or Learners and creatives of all ages It is particularly useful for Artists or Activists or Rebels and curious minds or Homeschoolers and unschoolers or Changemakers or Learners and creatives of all ages.
Enroll now: Introduction to Art Activism
Title: Introduction to Art Activism
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.58
Number of Lectures: 31
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 31
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 35
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 35
Original Price: $69.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will know how to bring attention to a cause you are passionate about fighting for using your art
- You will know how to practice safe art activism
- You will know how find other artists and activists to build a creative impassioned community around you
- You will know how to start making activist art that displays clear and concise imagery
- You will know how to practice self-care as an artist and activist
- You will know how to attract an audience to view and engage with your art
- You will know how to display your art in different ways
- You will know how to find the perseverance to push forward when things become challenging
Who Should Attend
- Artists
- Activists
- Rebels and curious minds
- Homeschoolers and unschoolers
- Changemakers
- Learners and creatives of all ages
Target Audiences
- Artists
- Activists
- Rebels and curious minds
- Homeschoolers and unschoolers
- Changemakers
- Learners and creatives of all ages
+ New lessons updated regularly
+ Engage with other art activists
+ Show off & share your art
+ Fast responses to questions
This online art activism course will teach you the evolution and history of art activism, how to create art with a message, how to build an audience for your art, how to find other artists in your community to collaborate with, and how to take care of yourself while advocating for other people & causes while taking action in your community.
This art activism course is designed for all ages to teach you the ins and outs of becoming an art activist, even if you’ve had little to no experience with art activism. It will support you in creation of action-based imagery, regardless of whether you have an arts background or any artistic experience.
Begin your journey of making art with a message!
While there are many courses that focus on developing creative techniques, there are few courses that focus on creating art as a form of activism.
This course is for artists and activists of all skill levels and backgrounds who want to learn how to turn their art into a powerful and effective tool for change.
What you will learn:
· How to turn your art into an instrument for change in the world
· Where to find other artists and activists to collaborate with
· How to encourage and inspire your audience to engage with your art
· How to create impactful art by following activity prompts
· How to use social media techniques to share messages of action and change
· Self-care techniques to develop resiliency and fortitude as an artist and activist
· Knowledge of art activism history to use as a foundation for your own journey
Strengthen your voice, vision, and vitality for impacting change.
Regardless of your skill with visual, media, theatrical, dance, or musical arts, this course is designed to teach you everything you need to know to become an artistic activist.
Whether you prefer to write poetry, make murals, paint on rocks, do interpretive dance, or any other form of artistic expression, this course will help you learn how to turn your passion into an impactful way to ignite change.
Contents and Overview
This course is aimed at teaching artists and activists safe and easy ways to begin their journey as protest artists, civil rights activists, climate change fighters, and becoming a voice for those who cannot fight for themselves using the power of artistic expression.
You’ll start with the basics of the definition of art activism and what it encompasses along with learning about the history of art activism as we examine the artists that came before us.
You’ll learn about the rules and regulations around the world today that prevent the act of creative protesting, and how to stay safe when protesting and creating art for change.
You’ll work through exercises to create different types of art that will develop your style before exploring which angle will best connect your work with the right audience.
You’ll then discover how to find the right audience for your art, how the placement of your art is key, as well as how to find other artists and activists to collaborate with so that you can reach a larger audience and make bigger and even more impactful art.
Who is the Instructor?
Libby Copa is a writer, adventurer, activist, and rebel. Her favorite art activist medium is creative writing, creating stories for how she wishes the world would be. She believes that a person can be changed by reading a book and can then go on to make change in the world.
Libby creates a space in her work for societal taboos with hopes of making them less threatening – a space where flawed characters are not only forgivable but accepted, and where she can show readers what the world could have been and what it can still be. She encourages other artists to create work that clearly represents their own truths, to take risks, and to push against the creative norm in new ways.
I can’t wait to meet you in the course!
Enroll now, and I’ll show you how to use your own unique creative expression to change the world.
“Libby’s courses always resonate with me as an independent creator and artist. This Art Activism course is no exception! Libby is a wealth of knowledge and I took away a lot of actionables from this course for the future of my art and writing career!” -Kristina
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Extra Learning Features
Lecture 3: What Are You Fighting For?
Lecture 4: What is Art Activism?
Lecture 5: Activity – Found Art
Chapter 2: Practices
Lecture 1: Making Art
Lecture 2: Creation Over Perfection
Lecture 3: Activism Every Day
Lecture 4: Guess This Artist #1
Lecture 5: Examples #1
Lecture 6: Laws and Rule Breaking
Lecture 7: Examples #2
Lecture 8: Activity – Stealth Art
Lecture 9: Films on Activism
Lecture 10: Guess This Artist #2
Lecture 11: Building Your Audience
Lecture 12: Guess This Artist #3
Lecture 13: Community Collaboration
Lecture 14: Zine Activism
Lecture 15: Activity – Flip It
Lecture 16: Guess This Artist #4
Lecture 17: Activity – Signs
Lecture 18: Self-care, Safety, and Staying Motivated
Lecture 19: Examples #3
Lecture 20: Building Community
Chapter 3: Where Do You Go From Here?
Lecture 1: Recommended Reading
Lecture 2: Evaluating Your Work
Lecture 3: Congratulations Art Activist!
Chapter 4: Bonus Videos +
Lecture 1: Collab Activity
Lecture 2: Confronting Criticism
Lecture 3: Art Activism in the Public Eye
Libby Copa
Author. Educator. Rebel.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 3 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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