Law of Attraction, Visualization, Manifest and Self-Hypnosis
Law of Attraction, Visualization, Manifest and Self-Hypnosis, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.2, with 29 lectures, based on 42 reviews, and has 2346 subscribers.
You will learn about Master the law of attraction Make visualization part of your daily routine Understand "what" to visualize and "how" Be able to create the life of your dreams Get what you want and deserve Develop the power of focused intention Help others Learn a little about Hermetic Law Great explanation of the terminology used in this field How to finally let go of the past and create a better future This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone interested in improving their quality of life or Anyone interested in discovering the power of the subconscious/conscious mind or Anyone interested in the power of focused intention or Anyone interested in living the life of their dreams or The concepts presented require dedication and practice to master. or Please only take this course if you are committed to your own personal and spiritual development. It is particularly useful for Anyone interested in improving their quality of life or Anyone interested in discovering the power of the subconscious/conscious mind or Anyone interested in the power of focused intention or Anyone interested in living the life of their dreams or The concepts presented require dedication and practice to master. or Please only take this course if you are committed to your own personal and spiritual development.
Enroll now: Law of Attraction, Visualization, Manifest and Self-Hypnosis
Title: Law of Attraction, Visualization, Manifest and Self-Hypnosis
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.2
Number of Lectures: 29
Number of Published Lectures: 24
Number of Curriculum Items: 29
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 24
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master the law of attraction
- Make visualization part of your daily routine
- Understand "what" to visualize and "how"
- Be able to create the life of your dreams
- Get what you want and deserve
- Develop the power of focused intention
- Help others
- Learn a little about Hermetic Law
- Great explanation of the terminology used in this field
- How to finally let go of the past and create a better future
Who Should Attend
- Anyone interested in improving their quality of life
- Anyone interested in discovering the power of the subconscious/conscious mind
- Anyone interested in the power of focused intention
- Anyone interested in living the life of their dreams
- The concepts presented require dedication and practice to master.
- Please only take this course if you are committed to your own personal and spiritual development.
Target Audiences
- Anyone interested in improving their quality of life
- Anyone interested in discovering the power of the subconscious/conscious mind
- Anyone interested in the power of focused intention
- Anyone interested in living the life of their dreams
- The concepts presented require dedication and practice to master.
- Please only take this course if you are committed to your own personal and spiritual development.
The secret behind “The Secret”. Have you tried “visualization” before but “didn’t work”? Find out the truth behind the laws of visualization explained like never before.
Creative Visualization (also: law of attraction, manifestation, self-hypnosis, white magic, focused intention and sensory immersion) is the process of tapping into the hidden (subconscious) power of your mind to create the life of your dreams, literally.
The “life of your dreams” represents an “ideal”, both as in what you’d love, and as in what only exists in your mind. The great challenge in life, and the great opportunity, is to dare to live the life of our dreams. Dare to exceed what you have been told are your limitations. Dare to become the best version of yourself. Dare to actually achieve what nobody thought was possible for you.
I am here to tell you, not only as an instructor, but as a person who faced challenges like anyone else, that it is possible to overcome great challenges, let go of past pain and trauma, and still be productive to the point of massive success.
The method presented in this course can be used to improve health – physical, mental, emotional, social, financial, professional, marital and spiritual. For that reason we have come to refer to creative visualization as focused intention therapy, the sort of therapy that you can do by yourself on yourself.
There is a strong body of scientific research on the topics presented here. However, this course is not a review of the scientific literature; rather, this course is more like a “how-to manual” for those who feel ready to jump right in and change theirs lives for he better.
Here you will learn how to master the law of attraction, make visualization part of your daily routine, understand “what” to visualize and “how”, and create your own future. Use the power of focused intention to achieve impressive results. Use creative visualization to live the life of your dreams…
The course is very well explained by an experienced instructor, however it uses a peculiar pedagogical style. What you see in the Promotional video is what you get throughout the course: no animations, no graphics, no bullet points. The teaching style evolved from years of experience as hypnotherapist; it works really well when your attention is fully engaged because you come to visualize as you learn. In this sense, you learn by doing it. Therefore, from this perspective, visual aids that can be useful in other types of courses would function as a distraction here. For that same reason we also discourage listening to the course in audio-only fashion while doing something else, such as driving a car. Feel free to submit questions or comments about this or any other matter.
This course was largely expanded and enhanced in February of 2023. In its second edition now, comments and suggestions from almost 2400 students were taken into account and used to make the content easier to learn and apply. I am certain you will agree that the results and updates make this a much better version of an already massively popular course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction and nomenclature
Lecture 1: A word about Nomenclature
Lecture 2: A personal example using visualization
Lecture 3: Two meanings of "manifestation"
Chapter 2: The Method: Here is HOW to do this
Lecture 1: Mentalism
Lecture 2: Meet our three friends
Lecture 3: Set the right intentions
Lecture 4: Get in the Mental State Needed
Lecture 5: Create what you want
Lecture 6: Update on our three friends
Lecture 7: The Pathway to your Success (Important)
Lecture 8: The importance of the crisis
Lecture 9: Summary of the Method
Chapter 3: Important notes on the Method
Lecture 1: Helping someone else, the basics
Lecture 2: What you can use this for, initially
Lecture 3: Personal growth and development
Lecture 4: What about prayer?
Lecture 5: The importance of practice
Chapter 4: Putting the Method to the test
Lecture 1: Introduction to making the world a better place
Lecture 2: Three important examples
Lecture 3: Putting it all together: what you can do
Lecture 4: Guided visualization
Lecture 5: Guided viasualization – Audio only
Chapter 5: Course wrap-up
Lecture 1: Conclusion
Lecture 2: BONUS: You deserve it for being here
Flavio Souza-Campos, Ph.D.
Author, Coach, Hypnotherapist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 9 votes
- 5 stars: 23 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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