Learn decision making skills using animated parable stories.
Learn decision making skills using animated parable stories., available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 22 lectures, based on 28 reviews, and has 63 subscribers.
You will learn about 1. How to consciously shift from system 1 way of thinking & decision making to system 2 way of thinking & decision making 2. How to use mental Models to improve decision making 3. How to identify the cognitive biases that affect our decision making and eliminate it. 4. How to use the 90 second rule to prevent getting emotionally hijacked 5. How to use our physiology, breathing, to get emotional & cognitive coherence. And improve thinking & decision making ability 6. How to us creative visualization to improve decision making ability This course is ideal for individuals who are This course has been designed for entrepreneurs. Business owners of small scale enterprises. You can improve your decision making and also use the learnings to improve the decision capability of your team. or Corporate executives would also immensely benefit. You might be aware of Google’s Project Oxygen. A research to determine what makes a manager great at Google. They identified ten behaviours that are common among their highest performing managers. Most of these behaviors are soft skills and utilized more emotional intelligence than computer or systems training. This course will help you understand the role emotions play in our decision making process. And prevent getting emotionally hijacked. or This course will also help corporate trainers, Learning & development managers and Human Resources managers to understand how to use parables. According to Dr. Kenneth Yates, Professor of Clinical Education in the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California, “Analogies increase learning by about 35%”. “Use analogies when possible in training but always when we teach novel and complex processes” (The first important behavior listed in Project Oxygen was “The person is a good Coach”.) or I would recommend students to do this course to improve their decision making skills. Be it in the field of sports or choosing a career or deciding on a relationship the skills would be of immense help. or Lastly I would recommend parents who have kids between 10 to 16 years to do the course and share the learnings with their children. It is particularly useful for This course has been designed for entrepreneurs. Business owners of small scale enterprises. You can improve your decision making and also use the learnings to improve the decision capability of your team. or Corporate executives would also immensely benefit. You might be aware of Google’s Project Oxygen. A research to determine what makes a manager great at Google. They identified ten behaviours that are common among their highest performing managers. Most of these behaviors are soft skills and utilized more emotional intelligence than computer or systems training. This course will help you understand the role emotions play in our decision making process. And prevent getting emotionally hijacked. or This course will also help corporate trainers, Learning & development managers and Human Resources managers to understand how to use parables. According to Dr. Kenneth Yates, Professor of Clinical Education in the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California, “Analogies increase learning by about 35%”. “Use analogies when possible in training but always when we teach novel and complex processes” (The first important behavior listed in Project Oxygen was “The person is a good Coach”.) or I would recommend students to do this course to improve their decision making skills. Be it in the field of sports or choosing a career or deciding on a relationship the skills would be of immense help. or Lastly I would recommend parents who have kids between 10 to 16 years to do the course and share the learnings with their children.
Enroll now: Learn decision making skills using animated parable stories.
Title: Learn decision making skills using animated parable stories.
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 22
Number of Published Lectures: 22
Number of Curriculum Items: 22
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 22
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- 1. How to consciously shift from system 1 way of thinking & decision making to system 2 way of thinking & decision making
- 2. How to use mental Models to improve decision making
- 3. How to identify the cognitive biases that affect our decision making and eliminate it.
- 4. How to use the 90 second rule to prevent getting emotionally hijacked
- 5. How to use our physiology, breathing, to get emotional & cognitive coherence. And improve thinking & decision making ability
- 6. How to us creative visualization to improve decision making ability
Who Should Attend
- This course has been designed for entrepreneurs. Business owners of small scale enterprises. You can improve your decision making and also use the learnings to improve the decision capability of your team.
- Corporate executives would also immensely benefit. You might be aware of Google’s Project Oxygen. A research to determine what makes a manager great at Google. They identified ten behaviours that are common among their highest performing managers. Most of these behaviors are soft skills and utilized more emotional intelligence than computer or systems training. This course will help you understand the role emotions play in our decision making process. And prevent getting emotionally hijacked.
- This course will also help corporate trainers, Learning & development managers and Human Resources managers to understand how to use parables. According to Dr. Kenneth Yates, Professor of Clinical Education in the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California, “Analogies increase learning by about 35%”. “Use analogies when possible in training but always when we teach novel and complex processes” (The first important behavior listed in Project Oxygen was “The person is a good Coach”.)
- I would recommend students to do this course to improve their decision making skills. Be it in the field of sports or choosing a career or deciding on a relationship the skills would be of immense help.
- Lastly I would recommend parents who have kids between 10 to 16 years to do the course and share the learnings with their children.
Target Audiences
- This course has been designed for entrepreneurs. Business owners of small scale enterprises. You can improve your decision making and also use the learnings to improve the decision capability of your team.
- Corporate executives would also immensely benefit. You might be aware of Google’s Project Oxygen. A research to determine what makes a manager great at Google. They identified ten behaviours that are common among their highest performing managers. Most of these behaviors are soft skills and utilized more emotional intelligence than computer or systems training. This course will help you understand the role emotions play in our decision making process. And prevent getting emotionally hijacked.
- This course will also help corporate trainers, Learning & development managers and Human Resources managers to understand how to use parables. According to Dr. Kenneth Yates, Professor of Clinical Education in the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California, “Analogies increase learning by about 35%”. “Use analogies when possible in training but always when we teach novel and complex processes” (The first important behavior listed in Project Oxygen was “The person is a good Coach”.)
- I would recommend students to do this course to improve their decision making skills. Be it in the field of sports or choosing a career or deciding on a relationship the skills would be of immense help.
- Lastly I would recommend parents who have kids between 10 to 16 years to do the course and share the learnings with their children.
The Most common decision making technique thought to us is:
Identify the situation/problem, gather information, identify alternatives, weigh the evidence, choose the action, get feedback & make the changes.
But this doesn’t teach us
How our emotions & feelings influence our decision making.
How our cognitive biases (automatic decision making formulas) influence our decision making.
How our physiology influences our decision making.
This course will help you identify the basic process of decision making.
How we think, leading to how we feel, leading to how our body reacts and leading to how we act.
Understand the many elements which influence our decision making process.
From stimuli to thoughts to emotions plus feelings to physiological changes in the body to we taking an action and the consequences.
The two types of thinking and decision making systems we all use.
System one (Fast, Unconscious, automatic, effortless & without self-awareness)
and System two (slow, deliberate, conscious, effortful & controlled mental process)
You will learn many tips & techniques on how to consciously shift from system one to system two. Like:
The 90 second rule
The 5 whys method
Recognizing cognitive bias
Using mental models
Using physiology &
Using creative visualization.
At the end of the course your decision making capability will substantially improve.
You will be able to take more conscious decisions.
No more emotional hijacks. (You end up taking a decision and then wonder why you did that!)
You would all agree the outcome of our life is dependent on the many decisions we take. Our decision to choose a particular formal education, our career path, company we join for work, person we decide to marry, our investments, our risks, our decisions while playing a particular sport…
But unfortunately neither in our schools or college we are formally thought the skill of decision making. We are left on our own to figure it out, by trial & error, as we stumble & steady ourselves in our life journey.
As I traversed through life many a time I have looked back with a remorse “why did I take that decision?”
I started to explore the science of decision making. The psychology & the neuroscience. What are the key factors involved in the decision making process?
Is our decision making purely driven by our instinct?
Have we any control over it?
Can we consciously change the way we think & decide and thereby the outcomes?
The discovery process was exciting.
It was like a street smart cricketer or soccer player, joining a coaching camp and discovering that there is scientific way to hold the bat and kick the ball! It doesn’t have to be trial & error.
And I am excited to share the same.
This course has been designed to give you a comprehensive view of the decision making system. Once you become conscious of the many factors involved in our decision making process the decisions you will make would be a conscious one and not instinctive.And as you keep practicing the tips & techniques taught you will become better and better.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: How our decision making process works The different elements & how they interact
Lecture 1: Why it is important to learn decision making skills?
Lecture 2: Understanding our thinking & decision making process. System 1 & 2.
Lecture 3: How system 1 works using a parable story “Man using a hammer to kill a fly"
Lecture 4: Using the parable story “Man using a hammer to kill a fly” as an analogy
Lecture 5: Using parable “Man using a hammer…” understand how to use the 90 second rule.
Lecture 6: Using parable “Man using a hammer to kill a fly” to understand cognitive bias
Lecture 7: Using Parable “Man using a hammer to kill a fly” to understand Mental Models.
Lecture 8: How to use our physiology (breathing & meditation) to make better decisions?
Lecture 9: How to us creative visualizations (Psycho cybernetics) to make better decisions?
Lecture 10: How to internalize learnings?
Lecture 11: Why continuous practice is important & critical to change our habit?
Lecture 12: Reminding yourself that you are not your emotions
Chapter 2: Parable: The cockroach story
Lecture 1: Understanding how system 1 works using the parable story “The cockroach story”
Lecture 2: Using the parable story “The cockroach story” as an analogy
Lecture 3: Using the parable story “The cockroach story” to understand how to use the 90 se
Lecture 4: Using the parable story “The cockroach story” to understand cognitive bias
Lecture 5: Using the parable story “The cockroach story” to understand Mental Models.
Chapter 3: Parable: “Frog in the boiling water”
Lecture 1: Understanding how system 1 works using a parable story “Frog in the boiling w
Lecture 2: Using the parable story “Frog in the boiling water” as an analogy
Lecture 3: Using parable “Frog in the boiling water” understand how to use the 90 sec rule
Lecture 4: 4. Using parable story “Frog in the boiling water” to understand cognitive bias
Lecture 5: Using the parable story “Frog in the boiling water” to understand Mental Models
Prasad Rajagopalan
Video Producer, Writer & Story Teller -
Kedar Bhole
Marketing Habits Expert
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 16 votes
- 5 stars: 12 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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