Learn EFT Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT for Rapid Change
Learn EFT Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT for Rapid Change, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.8, with 26 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 162 reviews, and has 5147 subscribers.
You will learn about use this technique to overcome many of their limitations such as fear, anxiety, cravings eg. cigarettes and food Change how you feel and respond to any situation in your life Reduce stress from your life with a simple technique. downloadable mp3 files downloadable pdfs 157 page downloadable EBook with protocols for issues from A to Z using EFT All Videos are downloadable for easier access offline This course is ideal for individuals who are This course was created for people who really want to make changes to how they feel about Negative emotions and want to experience much more in your life or This is not for you if you are not willing to set aside 35 minutes each day and commit to making a positive change to your life It is particularly useful for This course was created for people who really want to make changes to how they feel about Negative emotions and want to experience much more in your life or This is not for you if you are not willing to set aside 35 minutes each day and commit to making a positive change to your life.
Enroll now: Learn EFT Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT for Rapid Change
Title: Learn EFT Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT for Rapid Change
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.8
Number of Lectures: 26
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 26
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 32
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 32
Original Price: $27.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- use this technique to overcome many of their limitations such as fear, anxiety, cravings eg. cigarettes and food
- Change how you feel and respond to any situation in your life
- Reduce stress from your life with a simple technique.
- downloadable mp3 files
- downloadable pdfs
- 157 page downloadable EBook with protocols for issues from A to Z using EFT
- All Videos are downloadable for easier access offline
Who Should Attend
- This course was created for people who really want to make changes to how they feel about Negative emotions and want to experience much more in your life
- This is not for you if you are not willing to set aside 35 minutes each day and commit to making a positive change to your life
Target Audiences
- This course was created for people who really want to make changes to how they feel about Negative emotions and want to experience much more in your life
- This is not for you if you are not willing to set aside 35 minutes each day and commit to making a positive change to your life
Learn EFT Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT for Rapid Change
Now with over 70 Online Reviews
5 Star Review
Alan has a great “therapy” voice that immediately puts you at ease. I liked the background scenery as well in the exercises. Nature does connect us to our bodies like nothing else. I learned a lot. I came across a video about EFT Tapping on Facebook. There are many school districts teaching it to children as stress and anxiety effect so many children today. And this is leading to increased mental health issues. I felt that watching the video was clearly not enough information about EFT and somewhere in my searching this course popped up. I didn’t hesitate to sign up because I have taken other courses through UDEMY and I would recommend them to anyone. I am a middle school teacher and it is my goal to bring EFT into my school. I showed the video I found to our assistant principal and she was very intrigued and wanted to know more. So now, thanks to Alan, I have that much more information to share with her. There are RESOURCES provided with this course! Thank you! I do wish there was a diagram that not only showed the Meridian points but the organs each one is connected to. It would make it easier to remember.
Gloria Budz
If you have been suffering from negative feelings or emotions this is the course to help you beat that feeling of helplessness with a easy to learn and apply technique that I will teach and guide you through each exercise so that you will be able to change how you think and feel and become a more relaxed person in all areas of your life. The technique I will be teaching you is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) it is a gentle tapping technique where when you tap on certain points on the body while thinking about a problem you reduce or eliminate the bad feelings attached to that problem. This technique may seem a little silly however the reason you are reading this is because what you have tried before has not worked whether that be medication or therapy. I am so confident you will get results from taking the time to learn and apply this technique that Udemy is offering you a 30 day money back guarantee so there is no risk or cost to you if what I teach you does not work. However as I have been using this technique for so many years with excellent results with my clients that I decided to create this course so I could reach out and help as many people as I can.
So what will I teach you
What is EFT
The EFT Tapping points
EFT Tapping Points and Energy Meridians they are connected to
Proof that mind and body are connected
The Setup Phrase
The Reminder Phrase
The Breathing Exercise
Let go negative emotions with EFT
Mopping up with EFT
Mopping up with EFT using color
the terrible cost of unforgiveness
Eliminate anger towards yourself and others with EFT
My Secret Tips
Advanced EFT Technique
Bonus EFT Video Sessions
1. Stop Exam Anxiety with EFT
2. Get what you really want with EFT
3. Asthma Relief with EFT
4. EFT for people with Dyslexia
5. EFT for Diabetic Food Cravings
6. Overcome Racism with EFT
7. EFT for carpal tunnel syndrome
8. EFT for Fear of Blood
Bonus EFT Session Downloads
1. Anger elimination session
2. Anxiety session
3. EFT Healing with The Seven Archangels
4. EFT rejection session
5. Freedom from fear session
6. Freedom from stress with EFT
7. IBS Relief with EFT
8. Expectation of loss of sexual pleasure
9. Imaginary tapping session
10. Improve sports performance.
11. Improve your sex life
12. Let go of bad feelings with EFT
13. Letting go feelings of worry with EFT
14. Negative emotions session
15. OCD Relief with EFT
16. Pain relief with EFT
17. Panic attack release session
18. Release Self sabotaging feelings of Guilt
19. Release feelings of being bullied
20. Tension Relief With EFT
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Learn What EFT and How to apply it !
Lecture 1: What is EFT with a downloadable mp3
Lecture 2: The EFT Tapping points
Lecture 3: EFT Tapping Points and Energy Meridians they are connected to
Lecture 4: Points Recap
Chapter 2: Mind body connection
Lecture 1: Proof that mind and body are connected
Lecture 2: The Setup Phrase
Lecture 3: The Reminder Phrase
Lecture 4: The Breathing Exercise with a downloadable mp3
Chapter 3: Release Negative Emotions with EFT
Lecture 1: Let go negative emotions with EFT
Chapter 4: Mopping up
Lecture 1: Mopping up with EFT with a downloadable mp3
Lecture 2: Mopping up with EFT using color
Lecture 3: the terrible cost of unforgiveness
Lecture 4: Eliminate anger towards yourself and others with EFT
Chapter 5: Advanced EFT Technique
Lecture 1: My Secret Tips with downloadable Pdf File
Lecture 2: Advanced EFT Technique
Chapter 6: Session Debriefing
Lecture 1: Session Debriefing with MP3 and PDF Download
Chapter 7: EFT Live on Irish radio
Lecture 1: EFT Demonstration live on the radio
Chapter 8: Bonus EFT Sessions
Lecture 1: Stop Exam Anxiety with EFT
Lecture 2: Get what you really want with EFT
Lecture 3: Asthma Relief with EFT
Lecture 4: EFT for people with Dyslexia
Lecture 5: EFT for Diabetic Food Cravings
Lecture 6: Overcome Racism with EFT
Lecture 7: EFT for carpal tunnel syndrome
Lecture 8: EFT for Fear of Blood
Lecture 9: Bonus EFT Session Downloads
Alan Kirwan
Change Your Mind Instantly with Hypnosis Change Your Life
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 6 votes
- 3 stars: 11 votes
- 4 stars: 46 votes
- 5 stars: 96 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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