Learn how to have a conversation with ease and enjoy it
Learn how to have a conversation with ease and enjoy it, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 20 lectures, based on 42 reviews, and has 1264 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn how to speak more easily to all people in all situations You will have the skills to be able to continue a conversation with anyone You will have the ability to speak on the phone with little or no stress/anxiety You will learn how to speak with confidence in a more formal situation You will be able to start a conversation with anyone, anywhere This course is ideal for individuals who are People who are scared of having to make conversation and therefore want to improve their conversation skills or People who worry about not knowing what to say to anyone they might meet or when they have to go to the doctor, dentist etc. and have to speak to the receptionist or Anyone of any age who dreads the thought of making a phone call or answering the phone It is particularly useful for People who are scared of having to make conversation and therefore want to improve their conversation skills or People who worry about not knowing what to say to anyone they might meet or when they have to go to the doctor, dentist etc. and have to speak to the receptionist or Anyone of any age who dreads the thought of making a phone call or answering the phone.
Enroll now: Learn how to have a conversation with ease and enjoy it
Title: Learn how to have a conversation with ease and enjoy it
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 20
Number of Published Lectures: 20
Number of Curriculum Items: 20
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 20
Original Price: £39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn how to speak more easily to all people in all situations
- You will have the skills to be able to continue a conversation with anyone
- You will have the ability to speak on the phone with little or no stress/anxiety
- You will learn how to speak with confidence in a more formal situation
- You will be able to start a conversation with anyone, anywhere
Who Should Attend
- People who are scared of having to make conversation and therefore want to improve their conversation skills
- People who worry about not knowing what to say to anyone they might meet or when they have to go to the doctor, dentist etc. and have to speak to the receptionist
- Anyone of any age who dreads the thought of making a phone call or answering the phone
Target Audiences
- People who are scared of having to make conversation and therefore want to improve their conversation skills
- People who worry about not knowing what to say to anyone they might meet or when they have to go to the doctor, dentist etc. and have to speak to the receptionist
- Anyone of any age who dreads the thought of making a phone call or answering the phone
Get ready to meet all sorts of people and converse with ease.
‘She explained everything professionally well and honest she gave very good useful tips and has this unique charm and engaging voice that soothes my fears of always being afraid to speak to others because they might judge me and she was thoroughly precise and to the point and she gave quite a lot of useful longevity tips for everyday use. IMPRESSIVE 5 STARS!! ‘ –Laurie
‘I suffer with anxiety & public speaking. This really helped me think of ways I can manage in situations I would feel most anxious. Thank you, I will definitely be recommending you.‘ -Chelsea
I know how you feel, when I was about ten, my school had a parents evening – you know the type of thing – the parents go along and chat to the teachers to find out how their children are getting on. I remember my teacher well – he was young and not very chatty. During the course of the conversation with my mum, he told her that I seemed happy enough but that he couldn’t remember speaking to me during the year! I hated having to speak to people – I was fine with my family and best friends but that was it!
I was sent to elocution lessons to give me confidence when speaking and in 1994 I qualified as a teacher to the highest level. I have had to learn how to converse and now people say that I sometimes talk too much!
Speaking Anxiety is the number one social phobia or fear and if you’re one of the many sufferers it can make your life much more difficult than it needs to be.
Luckily, confident speaking is a skill which can be learned. Some people are just naturally quiet but are confident enough to be able to speak when they have to. Other people are very shy and think that they’re going to somehow make a fool of themselves if they speak. Some people look really confident but suffer badly from speaking anxiety, they just hide it very well but their stress levels are high.
Having a conversation should always be fun. Think back to a time when you’ve been busy chatting to a friend and then suddenly realised you’ve been talking for 2 hours!
This course will show you how to feel confident when you are speaking and will give you some ideas for questions to ask or comments to make to get a conversation going or to keep a conversation going.
There are exercises for you to try so that you will be able to talk to strangers. I was like you and in this course I combine my learnt technical expertise (qualified to Fellowship level) with the anxieties I suffered in my younger life!
My 58 page ebbok ‘How to overcome speaking anxiety’ is included as a downloadable resource.
Are you like I was? Terrified of the phone ringing in case you have to answer it or just praying and hoping that the person you need to contact has an email address or a contact page or live chat so that you don’t need to use the phone?
This part of the course is based on my knowledge as a highly qualified elocution teacher and on my own personal experiences of having what I can only call a phone phobia.
Using the phone is still not my first choice when it comes to communicating but I do use the phone now with hardly any stress or anxiety and this course will talk you through the processes I use to achieve this.
Have a look at my promotional video and free lectures to see how I can help you overcome this horrible social anxiety. Life should be fun and stress free. Enrol now and start the path to improved confidence.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Important Note
Lecture 3: Speaking anxiety
Lecture 4: How to start a conversation
Lecture 5: Be heard
Lecture 6: Be a good listener
Lecture 7: Speaking on the phone
Lecture 8: Going to new places/doctors etc
Lecture 9: Top tips for speaking in conversation and speeches
Lecture 10: Topics for conversation and/or speech
Chapter 2: Speaking on the phone
Lecture 1: Introduction to speaking on the phone
Lecture 2: Making that call and knowing what to say
Lecture 3: Practice making notes
Lecture 4: You've made notes – now speak
Lecture 5: Giving someone your details on the phone
Lecture 6: Practice answering the phone
Lecture 7: Talking to friends on the phone
Lecture 8: Quick tips for clear speaking on the phone
Lecture 9: One way to practice for using the phone
Chapter 3: Bonus lecture
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Serena Greenslade F.V.C.M. (Hons), A.N.E.A.
Elocution coach AKA Voice coach F.V.C.M.(Hons) for 28 years
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 27 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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