Life Coach, a Program to Become a Certified Life Coach.
Life Coach, a Program to Become a Certified Life Coach., available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 80 lectures, based on 14 reviews, and has 576 subscribers.
You will learn about The student will be able to study the life coaching history, background, the life coaching processes, models, and principles. The student will be able to coach people to achieve their dream lifes by understanding where they are, where to go, and how to get their. The student can learn the way of questioning the clinet in a proper way. The student can learn how to have a new profeision as a life coach. This course is ideal for individuals who are For beginners or coaches who welling to review the life coaching models and principles. or The course has every information needed for to understand the life coaching It is particularly useful for For beginners or coaches who welling to review the life coaching models and principles. or The course has every information needed for to understand the life coaching.
Enroll now: Life Coach, a Program to Become a Certified Life Coach.
Title: Life Coach, a Program to Become a Certified Life Coach.
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 80
Number of Published Lectures: 80
Number of Curriculum Items: 80
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 80
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The student will be able to study the life coaching history, background, the life coaching processes, models, and principles.
- The student will be able to coach people to achieve their dream lifes by understanding where they are, where to go, and how to get their.
- The student can learn the way of questioning the clinet in a proper way.
- The student can learn how to have a new profeision as a life coach.
Who Should Attend
- For beginners or coaches who welling to review the life coaching models and principles.
- The course has every information needed for to understand the life coaching
Target Audiences
- For beginners or coaches who welling to review the life coaching models and principles.
- The course has every information needed for to understand the life coaching
Do you like to have a fascinating and very well-paid profession? Do you like to be a certified life coach? If your answer is yes, please join us to a very exciting journey of the “Life Coach, The Best Guide to Become a Certified Life Coach” course here on Udemy. Let us dive into our 75 lectures of all what you need to be a very well-paid life coach. In this course you will learn:
# Coaching origin and definitions.
# Coaching background.
# Coaching principles.
# All coaching models.
# Detailed dream-life coaching process.
#Learning how to coach.
# Neuro-linguistic-programming coaching principles model.
1. To learn all details related to life coach profession. 2. To get good understanding of the life coach tasks. 3. To practice a huge number of exercises to get into the subject. 4. To find an easy way to practice the profession of life coaching.
Eight hours of well-done videos are offered to teach you every thing about coaching. More than sixty exercises and many case studies from the best coaches around the world are explained in details to make you able to get the hands on experience on the subject. Dream big because dreams happen.
I hope you an enjoyable learning and the best luck.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: The certification
Lecture 2: Introduction
Lecture 3: Coaching definition
Lecture 4: Coaching buseniss
Lecture 5: Coaching origin
Lecture 6: What the Coaching is not
Lecture 7: Coaching forms
Lecture 8: Four important elements in coaching
Lecture 9: Coaching basics and boundaries
Lecture 10: Coaching credibility
Lecture 11: Coaching history1
Lecture 12: Coaching history2
Lecture 13: Case study1
Lecture 14: Exercise 1
Chapter 2: Coaching and psychology
Lecture 1: Humanistic psychology
Lecture 2: Constructivism
Lecture 3: Tipping point
Lecture 4: The coach skills
Lecture 5: Golden advice
Lecture 6: Exercise 2 – What is Coaching
Lecture 7: Exercise 3- a small discussion
Lecture 8: Exercise 4- listening
Lecture 9: Coach skills
Lecture 10: Listening skills
Lecture 11: The good listener
Lecture 12: The importance of the questioning
Chapter 3: Coaching Models
Lecture 1: Coaching models 1
Lecture 2: Coaching models 2
Lecture 3: Exercise 5- GROW model
Lecture 4: Inner game model
Lecture 5: Case study 2 (inner game and grow model)
Lecture 6: Integral model
Lecture 7: Integral model questions
Lecture 8: Case study 3 (integral model)
Chapter 4: Dream life coaching model/process
Lecture 1: Induction
Lecture 2: Step 1:Know where you want to be (KWYWB)/Part1: Discovering Your Dream-Exercise1
Lecture 3: Step 1:KWYWB/Part1: Discovering Your Dream-Exercise2,3,4,&5
Lecture 4: Step 1: KWYWB/Part 2: Understanding what matters- Exercise 1 &2
Lecture 5: Step 1: KWYWB/Part2: Understanding what matters-Exercise 3,4,&5
Lecture 6: Step 1: KWYWB/Part3: Eliminating limiting beliefs and behaviors
Lecture 7: Step 1: KWYWB/Part3: Eliminating limiting beliefs and behaviors-Exercise 1,2&3
Lecture 8: Step 1: KWYWB/Part3: Eliminating limiting beliefs and behaviors-Exercise 4&5
Lecture 9: Step 1: KWYWB/Part4: Creating a vision for your future
Lecture 10: Step 1: KWYWB/Part4: Creating a vision for your future-Exercise 1,2&3
Lecture 11: Step 1: KWYWB/Part4: Creating a vision for your future-Exercise 4&5
Lecture 12: Step 1: KWYWB/Part4: Creating a vision for your future-Exercise 4&5 Continue
Lecture 13: Step 2:Know what you need to do (KWYND)
Lecture 14: Step 2: (KWYND): Part 5: Designing real and specific goals
Lecture 15: Step 2: (KWYND): Part 5: Designing real and specific goals-Exercise 1, 2 & 3
Lecture 16: Step 2: (KWYND): Part 5: Designing real and specific goals-Exercise 4& 5
Lecture 17: Step 2: (KWYND): Part 6: Developing unshakable self confidence
Lecture 18: Step 2: (KWYND): Part 6: Developing unshakable self confidence-Exercise 1-5
Lecture 19: Step 2: (KWYND): Part 7: Building a detailed ‘plan of action’
Lecture 20: Step 2: (KWYND): Part 7: Building a detailed ‘plan of action’-Exercise 1-5
Lecture 21: Step 2: (KWYND): Part 8: Managing your resources
Lecture 22: Step 2: (KWYND): Part 8: Managing your resources-Exercise 1-5
Lecture 23: Step 3: Do it (DI)
Lecture 24: Step 3: (DI):Part 9: Developing amazing self discipline and staying power-Ex.1-5
Lecture 25: Step 3: (DI): Part 10: Facing your fears and calling on your strengths-Ex. 1-5
Lecture 26: Step 3: (DI): Part 11: Overcoming obsts., working through the tough times-Ex1-5
Lecture 27: tep 3: (DI): Part 11: Celebrating your success-Ex1-5
Chapter 5: Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) coaching model
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: NLP definition
Lecture 3: NLP and coaching
Lecture 4: Rapport
Lecture 5: Neurological levels
Lecture 6: NLP and thinking
Lecture 7: The inside qualities of thinging
Lecture 8: NLP and language
Lecture 9: NLP utility in coaching
Lecture 10: Case study 4
Lecture 11: References
Lecture 12: NLP – COACHING WITH A CAPITAL 'C'—- by Robert Dilts
Lecture 13: Extra video1-thinking
Lecture 14: Extra video2-thinking
Lecture 15: Extra video3-thinking
Chapter 6: Appendix
Lecture 2: Rough model for the session
Lecture 3: Meeting management
Lecture 4: Meeting rules
Khaled Daqrouq
Prof. Dr. at King Abdulaziz University
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 4 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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