Life Skills: "Know Thyself," How to Develop Personal Wisdom
Life Skills: "Know Thyself," How to Develop Personal Wisdom, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.83, with 51 lectures, based on 6 reviews, and has 36 subscribers.
You will learn about Become comfortable with, even excited about who you are and want to be Learn the benefits of positive selfishness Use six life rules including the 8 billion rule, the iceberg rule and the snake rule Learn to avoid the tyranny of the Shoulds Learn how anyone can be your teacher Be able to recognize and handle the three types of defining moments Learn why to add a sense of wonderment to your daily life Learn how to create a life theme Learn about the possibility of becoming perfect This course is ideal for individuals who are Great course for anyone who wants to experience life at its best or For the curious or For those who do not want to be ordinary It is particularly useful for Great course for anyone who wants to experience life at its best or For the curious or For those who do not want to be ordinary.
Enroll now: Life Skills: "Know Thyself," How to Develop Personal Wisdom
Title: Life Skills: "Know Thyself," How to Develop Personal Wisdom
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.83
Number of Lectures: 51
Number of Published Lectures: 49
Number of Curriculum Items: 51
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 49
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Become comfortable with, even excited about who you are and want to be
- Learn the benefits of positive selfishness
- Use six life rules including the 8 billion rule, the iceberg rule and the snake rule
- Learn to avoid the tyranny of the Shoulds
- Learn how anyone can be your teacher
- Be able to recognize and handle the three types of defining moments
- Learn why to add a sense of wonderment to your daily life
- Learn how to create a life theme
- Learn about the possibility of becoming perfect
Who Should Attend
- Great course for anyone who wants to experience life at its best
- For the curious
- For those who do not want to be ordinary
Target Audiences
- Great course for anyone who wants to experience life at its best
- For the curious
- For those who do not want to be ordinary
You must define your own life path. If you’re lucky it will good. If you are wise, it will be the right one.
By the end of this course:
You will be able to live, enjoy & share your UNIQUE life.
Life is not easy.
You have a burden unique to humans. The burden is you must figure out what is important. How well you choose determines the value of your life. This course will not focus on a single problem. It will give you the understanding and the tools to create a life unique to you.
Personal Wisdom will help you find true knowledge about yourself and what is important for your life. You will live your life from this new knowledge, rather than the haphazard accumulation of opinions, guesses and assumptions that have guided your existence until now.
If you want a life full of meaning, happiness, intimacy, fulfillment, compassion, joy and doing things of lasting value, you have come to the right place.
No one can teach you how to live your best, that must come from your experience, but this course, in as practical a way as possible, will help you make better sense of you and your world.
1. Personal wisdom is gaining the knowledge to live your unique life.
2. Your unique life will always be evolving.
3. You can never be sure you’re living your best life.
4. No one else knows what’s best for you.
5. Just about everyone is ready with an opinion.
Personal Wisdom will help you discover the secret to your life. Only your life, no one else’s. This is your opportunity to learn life skills, use them, and enjoy a meaningful life; one created for you, by you.
What makes this course different? I have spent almost sixty years seeking the secrets to living the ideal life. I help thoughtful/insightful people fulfill their potential by exploring significant life challenges. This course is based upon my book, Personal Wisdom,and my almost 60-year search for how to live a happy, successful and meaningful life. This course is focused on helping you discover what will work for you. By the end of this course, you will be as confident as humanly possible that you are living your life as well as humanly possible.
If for no other reason, your life is precious because it will end. Before it ends, whether this is a long time or all too brief, you decide how to define your life and what should be done with it.
A Set of Courses for Exceptional Lives
My LIFE SKILLS courses are ideal if you want to live a unique, independent life, separate from the herd. They’re for you if you seek a full and meaningful life but aren’t sure how to do that.
Life isn’t easy. How can you know with confidence you’re doing it right? You have searched, but don’t yet feel totally confident. A thousand books and courses offer a thousand ideas. My courses go a step farther. I don’t tell you what to think, but what to think about.
My courses follow that old saying, “if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” I teach both skills and concepts. If you want both training and an education, this is the place, tools and ideas. Each course provides ideas to explore and skills to try out. You choose the topic and in about three hours or less, you’ll acquire advanced life skills, enabling you to build a life unique to you.
This set of courses is ideal for these topics: Personal Development, Life Purpose, Motivation, Communication Skills, Listening Skills, Relationship Building, Positive Psychology and Spirituality.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Learn About Your Instructor and His Courses Here
Lecture 1: Your Doctor Bob Advantage
Lecture 2: The Life Skills Series
Chapter 2: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Michael Crichton, M.D.
Lecture 3: The Goal
Lecture 4: Meeting Your Maker
Chapter 3: Understanding Your World
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The Universe
Lecture 3: The World
Lecture 4: Your World
Lecture 5: You're Born, You Live, & You Die
Chapter 4: Becoming You
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Choosing You
Lecture 3: Tyranny of the Shoulds
Lecture 4: Human Being Hall of Fame
Chapter 5: Living With Others
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: You and Others
Lecture 3: Men and Women
Lecture 4: Your Teachers
Chapter 6: Living a Full Rich Life
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The Eight Billion Rule
Lecture 3: The Iceberg Rule
Lecture 4: The Two-Cents Rule
Lecture 5: The Deck of Cards Rule
Lecture 6: The Reality Rules Rule
Lecture 7: The Snake Rule
Chapter 7: Defining Moments
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Defining Moments
Lecture 3: Slippery Slope Moments
Lecture 4: Deal With It Moments
Lecture 5: Go For It Moments
Lecture 6: Defining Moments
Chapter 8: Deeper Wisdom
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The Cost of Personal Wisdom
Lecture 3: Flaubert to Maupassant
Lecture 4: The Art of Living
Lecture 5: Wonder
Lecture 6: Life Theme
Chapter 9: Become Perfect (if you like)
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Human "Perfection"
Lecture 3: Caring
Lecture 4: Mistakes
Lecture 5: Goals
Lecture 6: The Perfect You
Chapter 10: Next Steps
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: You and Personal Wisdom
Lecture 3: What to do Now
Lecture 4: What to do from Now On
Lecture 5: Thank You
Robert Brown, Ph.D.
Unique Insights for Personal and Business Success
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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