Manifesting Beyond Law of Attraction: Karma & Universal Law
Manifesting Beyond Law of Attraction: Karma & Universal Law, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 28 lectures, based on 30 reviews, and has 167 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand why the Law of Attraction alone isn't enough to manifest your desired outcomes. Know ALL universal laws (not just the LOA) that affect manifestation. Discover what Karma truly is and why it is the critical missing piece to your manifesting process! Learn all 12 Laws of Karma and all 12 Universal Laws. You need to know them all in order to effectively manifest abundance! Gain insight into the Akashic Records, a tool to manage your karma and become a magnetic manifestor. Receive valuable spiritual knowledge of the cosmic and universal forces that affect you as a soul having a human experience. Mantras and Journal Prompts for each karmic and universal law to integrate them into your life to raise your vibration and align your energy to your desires. This course is ideal for individuals who are You're curious about manifestation and how it works or You've tried to manifest something but it didn't really bring the results you wanted or You've heard about Law of Attraction and want to know more or You're ready to expand your spiritual knowledge or You want to live more authentically It is particularly useful for You're curious about manifestation and how it works or You've tried to manifest something but it didn't really bring the results you wanted or You've heard about Law of Attraction and want to know more or You're ready to expand your spiritual knowledge or You want to live more authentically.
Enroll now: Manifesting Beyond Law of Attraction: Karma & Universal Law
Title: Manifesting Beyond Law of Attraction: Karma & Universal Law
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 28
Number of Published Lectures: 28
Number of Curriculum Items: 28
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 28
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand why the Law of Attraction alone isn't enough to manifest your desired outcomes. Know ALL universal laws (not just the LOA) that affect manifestation.
- Discover what Karma truly is and why it is the critical missing piece to your manifesting process!
- Learn all 12 Laws of Karma and all 12 Universal Laws. You need to know them all in order to effectively manifest abundance!
- Gain insight into the Akashic Records, a tool to manage your karma and become a magnetic manifestor.
- Receive valuable spiritual knowledge of the cosmic and universal forces that affect you as a soul having a human experience.
- Mantras and Journal Prompts for each karmic and universal law to integrate them into your life to raise your vibration and align your energy to your desires.
Who Should Attend
- You're curious about manifestation and how it works
- You've tried to manifest something but it didn't really bring the results you wanted
- You've heard about Law of Attraction and want to know more
- You're ready to expand your spiritual knowledge
- You want to live more authentically
Target Audiences
- You're curious about manifestation and how it works
- You've tried to manifest something but it didn't really bring the results you wanted
- You've heard about Law of Attraction and want to know more
- You're ready to expand your spiritual knowledge
- You want to live more authentically
The Law of Attraction is just one of 12 universal laws that govern our existence here in the physical realm. And, there’s another energetic force at work called Karma. Until you overcome your karma, and include all 12 universal laws into your manifesting process, it will be difficult to manifest and create the life you truly desire. That’s because you will continue to attract your karma first, giving you an opportunity to clear it, before you can truly start to bring new results into your life.
I’ve been an energy healer for 14 years, specializing in the Akashic Records, which is the energetic record of your soul. After doing hundreds of individual akashic readings to clear karma for clients all around the world, I can tell you with absolute certainty that clearing karma and understanding all the forces of universal law is what will help take your life – and your manifestation process – to the next level!
Manifesting is truly beyond just the Law of Attraction! I will go in-depth with you during this course on each of the 12 universal laws plus an entire module just on karma and its own set of 12 laws. I’ve also including a workbook with affirmations and journal prompts for each law to help you fully understand and integrate each law into your life. By the end of the course you’ll have a full understanding of how to leverage all the laws of the universe to manifest your dreams and live your highest potential.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: How your karma affects your ability to manifest what you want
Lecture 2: What you'll learn in this course
Chapter 2: What is Universal Law and why you need all 12 laws to effectively manifest
Lecture 1: What is Universal Law?
Lecture 2: Universal Law #1: The Law of Divine Oneness
Lecture 3: Universal Law #2: The Law of Vibration
Lecture 4: The Law of Attraction
Lecture 5: Universal Law #4: The Law of Inspired Action
Lecture 6: Universal Law #5: The Law of Correspondence
Lecture 7: Universal Law #6: The Law of Cause & Effect
Lecture 8: Universal Law #7: The Law of Compensation
Lecture 9: Universal Law #8: The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Lecture 10: Universal Law #9: The Law of Relativity
Lecture 11: Universal Law #10: The Law of Gender
Lecture 12: Universal Law #11: The Law of Polarity
Lecture 13: Universal Law #12: The Law of Rhythm
Chapter 3: Karma: how it drives your life experiences and the results you can manifest
Lecture 1: Karma, Karmic Law and Akashic Records
Lecture 2: Karmic Law #1: The Great Law
Lecture 3: Karmic Law #2: The Law of Creation
Lecture 4: Karmic Law #3: The Law of Humility
Lecture 5: Karmic Law #4: The Law of Growth
Lecture 6: Karmic Law #5: The Law of Responsibility
Lecture 7: Karmic Law #6: The Law of Connection
Lecture 8: Karmic Law #7: The Law of Focus
Lecture 9: Karmic Law #8: The Law of Hospitality and Giving
Lecture 10: Karmic Law #9: The Law of the Here and Now
Lecture 11: Karmic Law #10: The Law of Change
Lecture 12: Karmic Law #11: The Law of Patience and Reward
Lecture 13: Karmic Law #12 and Akashic Records: The Law of Significance and Inspiration
Patty Oliver
Akashic Records Master Practitioner
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 5 votes
- 5 stars: 22 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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