Money Maestro – How To Become Irresistible To Money
Money Maestro – How To Become Irresistible To Money, available at $24.99, has an average rating of 4.45, with 68 lectures, based on 10 reviews, and has 41 subscribers.
You will learn about How your thoughts, beliefs, words and actions impact how wealthy you are Why money is more than just something physical Understand that money is an energy, and to understand what this energy is Identify your current relationship with money and how it might be sabotaging your attractiveness to money Identify your money goals Explore deeper into what you feel about money based on your past and present beliefs, memories and experiences Observe how you react to different money stories in your environment Critically question your current money beliefs and transform them into more empowering ones How to have more powerful conversations with money that can help you How to focus your thoughts towards a better money story How even the slightest fears or anxiety about money can push money away This course is ideal for individuals who are People who want to have more money in their life, but don't quite know how or People who might currently be struggling financially or People who have been having money issues for a very long time or People who might have lost their source(s) of income or are earning less than what they were before or People who have increased financial commitments without an increased income or People who have been unknowingly chasing money away or People who really want to not only celebrate wealth coming into other people's lives, but their own too or People who want to become irresistible to the energy and flow of money or People who want more for themselves It is particularly useful for People who want to have more money in their life, but don't quite know how or People who might currently be struggling financially or People who have been having money issues for a very long time or People who might have lost their source(s) of income or are earning less than what they were before or People who have increased financial commitments without an increased income or People who have been unknowingly chasing money away or People who really want to not only celebrate wealth coming into other people's lives, but their own too or People who want to become irresistible to the energy and flow of money or People who want more for themselves.
Enroll now: Money Maestro – How To Become Irresistible To Money
Title: Money Maestro – How To Become Irresistible To Money
Price: $24.99
Average Rating: 4.45
Number of Lectures: 68
Number of Published Lectures: 68
Number of Curriculum Items: 68
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 68
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How your thoughts, beliefs, words and actions impact how wealthy you are
- Why money is more than just something physical
- Understand that money is an energy, and to understand what this energy is
- Identify your current relationship with money and how it might be sabotaging your attractiveness to money
- Identify your money goals
- Explore deeper into what you feel about money based on your past and present beliefs, memories and experiences
- Observe how you react to different money stories in your environment
- Critically question your current money beliefs and transform them into more empowering ones
- How to have more powerful conversations with money that can help you
- How to focus your thoughts towards a better money story
- How even the slightest fears or anxiety about money can push money away
Who Should Attend
- People who want to have more money in their life, but don't quite know how
- People who might currently be struggling financially
- People who have been having money issues for a very long time
- People who might have lost their source(s) of income or are earning less than what they were before
- People who have increased financial commitments without an increased income
- People who have been unknowingly chasing money away
- People who really want to not only celebrate wealth coming into other people's lives, but their own too
- People who want to become irresistible to the energy and flow of money
- People who want more for themselves
Target Audiences
- People who want to have more money in their life, but don't quite know how
- People who might currently be struggling financially
- People who have been having money issues for a very long time
- People who might have lost their source(s) of income or are earning less than what they were before
- People who have increased financial commitments without an increased income
- People who have been unknowingly chasing money away
- People who really want to not only celebrate wealth coming into other people's lives, but their own too
- People who want to become irresistible to the energy and flow of money
- People who want more for themselves
Money Maestro was designed to help you identify and change your current relationship with money, through a transformation in how you see, think and feel about money.
Most of us unknowingly chase money away from us because we have a fear-based or lack-based relationship with money – and the main reason we do so, is because we’re unaware of the energy of money. Like any other relationships in our lives, being clingy, needy, attached, over-bearing, afraid and doubtful can turn the relationship into a bitter experience – and the same applies to our relationship with money. Once you’ve conquered how to manage this relationship, it’ll be easier for you to understand yourself and how you react to, respond to and influence your environment.
The course is called Money Maestro because it’s all about how you set your life up to receive money. It’s all about what you do, how you do it and why you do it that will determine whether money waltzes in or out of your life. Every single action you take, relates to the trajectory of how money flows into your life. Every slightest feeling that is not aligned to money will chase it away. You need to know what you’re currently doing that’s blocking your ideal money story to materialise for you in your life.
The truth is, you can orchestrate a symphony, a new story that will bring more money in.
Play this symphony over and over again and witness money continuously come to you. Change your money story, change your money reality. It’s not about changing one thing, but changing the way you see yourself, your life and your relationship with money.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome and Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome To Money Maestro!
Lecture 2: Introduction
Lecture 3: Why I Created Money Maestro
Chapter 2: My Money Story – The Wins, The Losses and The Learnings
Lecture 1: I Was Asked If I Was Rich Enough To Teach About Money
Lecture 2: Key Learnings From My Current Money Story
Lecture 3: Winning And The Energy Of Money
Lecture 4: Attracting Money In Any Economy
Lecture 5: The Low Points Of My Old Money Story
Lecture 6: Saying No To My Old Money Story
Lecture 7: How My New Money Story Supports Me
Chapter 3: Important Pre-Course Information
Lecture 1: #1 – You Will Manifest Money
Lecture 2: #2 – When Frustration Creeps In
Lecture 3: #3 – The Law Of Attraction
Lecture 4: #4 – Not A Finance Course
Chapter 4: Your Money Goals
Lecture 1: Exercise : Let's Set Your Money Goal
Chapter 5: Your Relationship With Money
Lecture 1: Exercise : Take The Money Relationship Quiz
Lecture 2: Your Relationship With Money – Explained
Lecture 3: Your New Money Story Declaration
Chapter 6: Your Conversations With Money
Lecture 1: Conversations with Money – An Introduction
Lecture 2: Money Feelings
Lecture 3: Exercise – Money Feelings
Lecture 4: Exercise – Ideal money feelings
Lecture 5: Honest Letter to Money
Lecture 6: Exercise – Honest Letter to Money
Lecture 7: Happy Letter to Money
Lecture 8: Exercise – Write a Happy Letter to Money
Lecture 9: Letters From Money – Money Wants To Tell You Something
Lecture 10: Letters From Money – Letter 1
Lecture 11: Letters From Money – Letter 2
Lecture 12: Letters From Money – Letter 3
Lecture 13: Exercise – Fear, The Third Component In Your Relationship With Money
Lecture 14: Exercise – It's Time To Have A Conversation With Your Money Fears
Lecture 15: Kicking Fear Out Of Your Relationship With Money
Lecture 16: I Have A Question…Isn't Fear Good?
Lecture 17: Summary and What's Next
Chapter 7: Money In Your Environment
Lecture 1: Observing and Absorbing Money Experiences In Your Environment
Lecture 2: Deciding To Have A Powerful Money Story Despite Your Environment
Lecture 3: Exercise – Money In Your Environment
Lecture 4: Exercise Debrief – Money In Your Environment
Chapter 8: How To Become Irresistible To Money
Lecture 1: Focus On The Desire, And Not On The Worry About Your Desire
Lecture 2: How to Overpower Fear
Lecture 3: Asking For More
Lecture 4: Don't Give In To Distractions
Lecture 5: An Exercise On Focusing On Your Money Desire, Not On The Worry
Lecture 6: Money Goal Check In
Lecture 7: Money's Likes and Dislikes
Lecture 8: Journeying The Energy Of Money
Lecture 9: The Energy That Money Dislikes
Lecture 10: Being Aligned To Money's Energy
Lecture 11: A Story About Being Aligned To Money's Energy
Lecture 12: The Shift To Alignment
Lecture 13: Opening Your Channels Of Receiving
Lecture 14: A Bonus Exercise : Your New Money Story Cycle
Lecture 15: Money Goal Check-In
Chapter 9: Recreating Your Money Story
Lecture 1: Your Money Story And Experiences
Lecture 2: An Analysis On The Supremely Wealthy
Lecture 3: Challenge Your Money Beliefs
Lecture 4: The Sausage Story : Beliefs We've Absorbed From Our Past
Lecture 5: Question All Your Money Beliefs And Let Go Of The Damaging Ones
Lecture 6: Change Your Money Feeling Associations – A Story
Lecture 7: Change Your Money Feeling Associations – A Deeper Look
Lecture 8: Change Your Money Feeling Associations – Unexpected Expenses
Lecture 9: Nurturing Your Relationship With Money – Why It's Important
Lecture 10: Nurturing Your Relationship With Money – Morning Conversations With Money
Lecture 11: Action Item – Nurturing Your Relationship With Money – Money Is On Your Side
Chapter 10: Money Blueprint and Course Summary
Lecture 1: Action Item – Your Money Blueprint
Lecture 2: Wrap Up and Course Summary
Chapter 11: The End
Lecture 1: The End
Sharm Siva
Mindset Coach
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 7 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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