My Vision Board: How To Create Interactive Vision Boards
My Vision Board: How To Create Interactive Vision Boards, available at $34.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 13 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 13 reviews, and has 872 subscribers.
You will learn about Create an Interactive Vision Board. Construct tangible goals from the ideas and dreams in your head. Diagram a roadmap to navigate towards your goals. Prioritize and sequence the goals in your life. Free yourself to articulate and go after your goals! This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for those interested in creating a vision board but not necessarily inclined to go buy a dozen magazines (more than the cost of this course) to simply cut them up. Only to find that posterboard can't go with you and serve you during your day when you really need it. This course is for those who want a vision board that goes where they go. It is particularly useful for This course is for those interested in creating a vision board but not necessarily inclined to go buy a dozen magazines (more than the cost of this course) to simply cut them up. Only to find that posterboard can't go with you and serve you during your day when you really need it. This course is for those who want a vision board that goes where they go. .
Enroll now: My Vision Board: How To Create Interactive Vision Boards
Title: My Vision Board: How To Create Interactive Vision Boards
Price: $34.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 13
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 13
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 17
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 17
Original Price: $24.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Create an Interactive Vision Board.
- Construct tangible goals from the ideas and dreams in your head.
- Diagram a roadmap to navigate towards your goals.
- Prioritize and sequence the goals in your life.
- Free yourself to articulate and go after your goals!
Who Should Attend
- This course is for those interested in creating a vision board but not necessarily inclined to go buy a dozen magazines (more than the cost of this course) to simply cut them up. Only to find that posterboard can't go with you and serve you during your day when you really need it. This course is for those who want a vision board that goes where they go.
Target Audiences
- This course is for those interested in creating a vision board but not necessarily inclined to go buy a dozen magazines (more than the cost of this course) to simply cut them up. Only to find that posterboard can't go with you and serve you during your day when you really need it. This course is for those who want a vision board that goes where they go.
Vision Boarding is an excellent way to plant the necessary seeds to really begin to see the changes in your life that you know to be possible. Traditional vision boards call for you to purchase a poster board and dozens of magazines to create an amazing collage in order to motivate, inspire, and be a catalyst for change. And it does the job, but most times only from your bathroom or bedroom. We would all think it about odd if someone walked around with a posterboard. Enter the Interactive Vision Board. The Interactive Vision Board goes wherever you go, enabling you to draw energy from it whenever you need it!
Learn to createyour own Interactive Vision board that you can draw energy from. An Interactive Vision Board goes with you to the gym, on the job interview, and helps you get through moments we all have where the light at the end of the tunnel doesn't shine so bright. Could you benefit from having access to that type of inspiration at your finger tips?
Articulate a clear vision of what you aspire to be in life
Focus on fundamental image of this life you seek
Simplify language that allows individuals immediately apply course content
Avoid alienating yourself by encouraging collaboration
Immediately create an Interactive Vision Board so you know HOW and WHAT your vision of success is
Starting a business, getting that promotion, finding that special someone, taking that dream vacation, etc…
We all have life that we have designed for ourselves that we have every intention of realizing and could use all the help we can get because life isn't always easy. Images are how we process information, so having access to the images of our desired life is the key to realizing it. How many moments in your life would've went differently if you could have taken a deep breath and referred to your Interactive Vision Board to strength?
My Vision Board: How to Create Interactive Vision Boards was built for the individual to be able to maximize the tremendous power of vision boarding.
On your terms.
The inspiration.
The motivation.
When you want it.
When you need it.
Content and Overview
Organizing Your Effort for the Ladypreneur is for the female enterpreneur that has either already started their respective business or the Ladypreneur that is prepared to launch and looking for guidance. This course combines practical business practices with the concepts of Education Based Marketing specifically tailored to the circumstances of today's female entrepreneur.
There are 4 sections with 13 lectures, and 4 quizes that are best suited to be accessed one after another with time to apply in between, but in respect to the individual can be taken at your own pace. The sections cover topics to allow you to successfully plan, prepare, construct, customize, and utilize your Interactive Vision Board virtually anywhere. Furthermore, there is an entire section dedicated to how you can use your Interactive Vision Board to start taking the steps to reach your expectations. Don't laugh at me, but I even include my own Interactive Vision Board to serve as either inspiration or an idea of how weird I am 🙂 on today's business climate for the Ladypreneur in regards to organizing the sale process in order to maximize individual interactions with ideal customers and clients. What's really innovative about this course is that is practical. Meaning that the language is conversational which opens the content up to Ladypreneurs of all business backgrounds and demographics who are ready to focus efforts in order to start reaching business goals and expectations. Also the course is made to scale so whether you're a Ladypreneur looking to quit your job and go all in or if your just looking to supplement your current income this course can assist your in reaching your objectives.
Sections include engaging video lectures and downloadable handouts (module supplements, summaries, recaps, flow charts) that allow the individuals to measure progress in real time.
In addition to the content associated with the course, there are a few external goodies such as an invitation to join a private FB page dedicated to allowing you and other to exchange feedback, advice, tips, and anecdotes to inspire one another. You will have access to me via, announcements, discussions, and email. As well as a group call where we all can collaborate for better living every other Thursday.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction To Interactive Vision Boarding
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The Different Types Of Interactive Vision Boards
Lecture 3: Setting The Stage To Create Your Interactive Vision Board
Lecture 4: How To Create And Where To Find Content For Your Interactive Vision Board
Chapter 2: How To Make An Interactive Vision Board
Lecture 1: Organizing/Prioritizing Content Before Creating Your Interactive Vision Board
Lecture 2: Constructing Your Interactive Vision Board
Lecture 3: Making A Interactive Vision Board YOUR Interactive Vision Board
Lecture 4: An Interactive Vision Board That Goes Wherever You Go
Chapter 3: Putting Your Interactive Vision Board To Work For You
Lecture 1: Using Your Interactive Vision Board To: Help You Establish New Habits
Lecture 2: Using Your Interactive Vision Board To: Encourage You To Take Action
Lecture 3: Using Your Interactive Vision Board To: Attract Opportunities To You
Chapter 4: Making Your Interactive Vision Board The Start Of Your Journey And Not The End
Lecture 1: Your Interactive Vision Board And Beyond
Lecture 2: Conclusion
Marcus Carter
The Goal Mentor helps your passion makes cents!
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 3 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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