NLP Master Practitioner Training (Advanced to Specialist)
NLP Master Practitioner Training (Advanced to Specialist), available at $119.99, has an average rating of 4.69, with 309 lectures, 1 quizzes, based on 4255 reviews, and has 47190 subscribers.
You will learn about Gain a greater sense of social awareness, and improve your social skills. How to communicate in a way that bypasses superficiality and falsehood. A step-by-step guide to obtaining an individual's detailed personal history. How values are formed, learn how to elicit, organise and reorder values. Deliver captivating presentations that captivate and inspire your audience. Discover how to launch and maintain a successful NLP-based enterprise. Establish a clear distinction between individual identity and personality. Learn how to increase your resiliency and ability to accommodate change. An analysis of worldviews as a framework for understanding yourself. And much, much more. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is for students who are dedicated to self-discovery and improvement. or The course can be taken standalone or in conjunction with another Achology training. or Students with an interest in psychology will find this course particularly interesting. or This course is best suited to students who are interested in improving themselves. or This course is suitable for men and women, regardless of age or ethnic background. or NLP practitioners, coaches, managers, entrepreneurs, psychologists, doctors and trainers (actual or aspiring). It is particularly useful for This course is for students who are dedicated to self-discovery and improvement. or The course can be taken standalone or in conjunction with another Achology training. or Students with an interest in psychology will find this course particularly interesting. or This course is best suited to students who are interested in improving themselves. or This course is suitable for men and women, regardless of age or ethnic background. or NLP practitioners, coaches, managers, entrepreneurs, psychologists, doctors and trainers (actual or aspiring).
Enroll now: NLP Master Practitioner Training (Advanced to Specialist)
Title: NLP Master Practitioner Training (Advanced to Specialist)
Price: $119.99
Average Rating: 4.69
Number of Lectures: 309
Number of Quizzes: 1
Number of Published Lectures: 157
Number of Curriculum Items: 310
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 157
Original Price: £199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Gain a greater sense of social awareness, and improve your social skills.
- How to communicate in a way that bypasses superficiality and falsehood.
- A step-by-step guide to obtaining an individual's detailed personal history.
- How values are formed, learn how to elicit, organise and reorder values.
- Deliver captivating presentations that captivate and inspire your audience.
- Discover how to launch and maintain a successful NLP-based enterprise.
- Establish a clear distinction between individual identity and personality.
- Learn how to increase your resiliency and ability to accommodate change.
- An analysis of worldviews as a framework for understanding yourself.
- And much, much more.
Who Should Attend
- This course is for students who are dedicated to self-discovery and improvement.
- The course can be taken standalone or in conjunction with another Achology training.
- Students with an interest in psychology will find this course particularly interesting.
- This course is best suited to students who are interested in improving themselves.
- This course is suitable for men and women, regardless of age or ethnic background.
- NLP practitioners, coaches, managers, entrepreneurs, psychologists, doctors and trainers (actual or aspiring).
Target Audiences
- This course is for students who are dedicated to self-discovery and improvement.
- The course can be taken standalone or in conjunction with another Achology training.
- Students with an interest in psychology will find this course particularly interesting.
- This course is best suited to students who are interested in improving themselves.
- This course is suitable for men and women, regardless of age or ethnic background.
- NLP practitioners, coaches, managers, entrepreneurs, psychologists, doctors and trainers (actual or aspiring).
The Master Practitioner level training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) combines the principles and practices of NLP for both personal and professional change, allowing students to acquire the latest applications and developments in NLP.
In the NLP master practitioner training, you will have the privilege of continuing to build on the knowledge you have acquired through your NLP practitioner training. In this course, you will develop the skills needed to increase your ability to make informed decisions, increase your autonomy, elevate your personal leadership and optimize your operational efficiency.
A key component of Neuro-Linguistic Programming master practitioner training is exploring the link between a person’s behaviors, thoughts, emotions, and language, and the outcomes (or consequences) they produce. As a result of NLP’s methodological framework, students are able to enhance their natural creativity and accelerate their development as individuals.
By learning how the mind naturally process daily experiences, students will develop an in-depth awareness of the way they communicate and relate to others. In addition to providing students with methodologies, and techniques, this training discusses how to overcome psychological blocks to attain high performance and lead a more fulfilling life.
In general, NLP is a study that is commonly taken up by individuals who wish to become more proficient in their chosen fields. There are many applications for it, including education, team building, personal development, and leadership. Neuro-Linguistic Programming can be incorporated in virtually any setting that encourages personal or professional advancement.
What Will I Learn In This Course?
Gain a greater sense of social awareness, and improve your social skills.
How to communicate in a way that bypasses superficiality and falsehood.
How values are formed, learn how to elicit, organise and reorder values.
A step-by-step guide to obtaining an individual’s detailed personal history.
Deliver captivating presentations that captivate and inspire your audience.
Discover how to launch and maintain a successful NLP-based enterprise.
Establish a clear distinction between individual identity and personality.
Learn how to increase your resiliency and ability to accommodate change.
These skills are highly valuable and are immediately applicable in areas such as business, therapy, coaching, leadership, marketing, and healthcare. This on-demand NLP Master Practitioner training involves building upon what you learned in NLP Practitioner and advancing you into a whole new paradigm of thinking and application of the NLP methods.
This course is one of the most affordable and integrated NLP Master Practitioner programs available online. A balanced blend of instruction, demonstration, discussion, and modelling – a comprehensive solution for aspiring Neuro-Linguistic Programming practitioners interested in facilitating measurable results for themselves, their families, or those in their workplace.
NLP principles are presented using a principle-based instruction approach, allowing you to apply this knowledge in your own environment. Students will be exposed to behavioural change processes, breakthrough coaching, advanced language patterns, communication skills, and philosophical frameworks for character development.
We will provide you with bite-sized modules in this course that are easy to understand and apply. The flexibility to learn anywhere, anytime, on any device means you are in total control. The course is offered by the Academy of Modern Applied Psychology and includes all the essential subjects to ensure you gain a comprehensive understanding of NLP.
“This course showed me I’ve only scratched the surface of possibilities after spending years believing I was focused and evolving. Among my reasons for doing this course were motivation and desire to transform my career. I’ve now achieved both.” – Jude Harrison
This training is part of a larger curriculum of professional development training resources, designed by Kain Ramsay Ltd, and hosted within the Achology community peer-learning environment. The training course is accompanied by a 30-day money back guarantee, so if you’re not happy with the format, you can get your money back – no questions asked.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction section of NLP Master Practitioner Training (Revisiting the Basics)
Lecture 1: Introduction Video
Lecture 2: Course Support and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Lecture 3: Join the Achology Principles Into Practice Discussion Group! (Article)
Lecture 4: Current Conditions Vs. Ideal Conditions Part 1
Lecture 5: Current Conditions Vs. Ideal Conditions Part 2
Lecture 6: NLP Mastery: Revisiting the Basics
Lecture 7: Envisioning the Fully Functioning Human
Lecture 8: Concrete Authority Vs. Abstract Authority
Lecture 9: Questions to 'Activate' Your Mind
Lecture 10: The Dynamics of Facilitating Change
Lecture 11: Soil Types, Maturity Levels & Outcomes
Lecture 12: A Framework for Useful Thinking
Lecture 13: The Seven Stages of Personal Growth
Lecture 14: Seven Blocks to Personal Growth (Part 1)
Lecture 15: Seven Blocks to Personal Growth (Part 2)
Lecture 16: A Conversation about Blocks to Personal Growth
Lecture 17: A Container for Conscious Self-Awareness
Lecture 18: The Basic Presuppositions of NLP (Part 1)
Lecture 19: The Basic Presuppositions of NLP (Part 2)
Lecture 20: The Master Presuppositions of NLP (Part 1)
Lecture 21: The Master Presuppositions of NLP (Part 2)
Lecture 22: The NLP Human Experiential Model (Basic)
Lecture 23: The NLP Human Experiential Model (Advanced)
Lecture 24: The Levels and Stages of Learning
Lecture 25: Seven Levels of Self-Awareness
Lecture 26: End of Section One Check-In
Chapter 2: A Framework for Neuro-Logical Reasoning and Evaluating Beliefs
Lecture 1: An Introduction to Limiting Beliefs
Lecture 2: Four Categories of Truth
Lecture 3: Five Categories of Belief
Lecture 4: A Dialogue on the Five Categories of Belief
Lecture 5: Moving From Experience to Ideas
Lecture 6: A Dialogue on Exploring New Ideas
Lecture 7: Sigmund Freud's Three Levels of Consciousness
Lecture 8: The Ego, Superego and ID
Lecture 9: Milton Erickson and the Critical Factor
Lecture 10: The Socio-Cultural Learning Model
Lecture 11: Daniel Kahneman's Cognitive Bias (Part 1)
Lecture 12: A Dialogue on Cognitive Bias
Lecture 13: Daniel Kahneman's Cognitive Bias (Part 2)
Lecture 14: A Dialogue on Cognitive Bias: Further Distinctions
Lecture 15: The Pygmalion Effect (Self-Fulfilling Prophecy)
Lecture 16: The Circle of Disempowerment Vs Empowerment
Lecture 17: Inductive Vs Deductive Thinking Patterns (Part 1)
Lecture 18: Inductive Vs Deductive Thinking Patterns (Part 2)
Lecture 19: A Dialogue on Deductive Thinking Patterns
Lecture 20: The Battlefield of the Human Mind
Lecture 21: An Equation for Self-Regulation
Lecture 22: A Neurological Dissection of the Human Experience
Lecture 23: A Dialogue about Dissecting the Human Experience
Lecture 24: Socratic Questioning in Applied Psychology
Lecture 25: Demonstration: Socratic Questioning
Lecture 26: Neuro-Logically Reprogramming Limited Thinking
Lecture 27: Demonstration: Neuro-Logical Reprogramming
Lecture 28: The Belief Change Cycle
Lecture 29: The Beliefs that Bind People to Disempowerment (Part 1)
Lecture 30: The Beliefs that Bind People to Disempowerment (Part 2)
Lecture 31: End of Section Two Check-In
Chapter 3: NLP for Vision, Mission, Direction and Purpose
Lecture 1: The Four Main Stages of Life and Development
Lecture 2: The Four Different Categories of Idea
Lecture 3: Six Keys to Unlocking Your Purposes in Life
Lecture 4: Ideas First, Vision Second
Lecture 5: Smart Vision Boarding for Goal Setting
Lecture 6: Applying Vision Boarding in our Life Areas
Lecture 7: Great News for all ye Rule Breakers!
Lecture 8: IKIGAI: Finding Your Direction in Life
Lecture 9: Evaluating Goal and Vision Congruence
Lecture 10: Demonstration: Evaluating Goal Congruence
Lecture 11: Gerard Egan's Skilled Helper Model
Lecture 12: Perceptual Pacing for Congruent Goal Setting
Lecture 13: Demonstration: A Visualization Process for Evaluating Goal Congruence
Lecture 14: A Further Demonstration of Evaluating Goal Congruence
Lecture 15: The 'Head', 'Heart' and 'Gut' Model
Lecture 16: Demonstration: The Head, Heart & Gut Model
Lecture 17: End of Section Three Check-In
Chapter 4: Eliminating Barriers to Progress and Advancement
Lecture 1: The Characteristics of a Fully Functioning Person
Lecture 2: The Seven Choices of Maturity and Character
Lecture 3: A Dialogue about Choices of Maturity & Character
Lecture 4: Reflection on Maturity and Character Choices
Lecture 5: How OK is it to be Completely Honest?
Lecture 6: Present State to Desired State
Lecture 7: A Dialogue about the Acceptance of Truth
Lecture 8: Substantial Grounds for Stability of State
Lecture 9: Sigmund Freud's Defence Mechanisms
Lecture 10: A Dialogue about Defence Mechanisms
Lecture 11: The 'Cause to Effect' Technique
Lecture 12: Demonstration: The Cause to Effect Technique
Lecture 13: Exploring Your own Defence Mechanisms
Lecture 14: Questions to Identify Limiting Beliefs Demo – Setup
Lecture 15: Demonstration: Questions to Identify Limiting Beliefs
Lecture 16: Timeline: Identifying & Connecting Emotional Hotspots
Lecture 17: Demonstration: Parental Timeline Questions
Lecture 18: Demonstration: Timeline Reimprinting
Lecture 19: Demonstration Deconstruction: Timeline Reimprinting
Lecture 20: Timeline: A Story to Summarise
Lecture 21: Seven Principles of Self-Awareness (Part 1)
Lecture 22: Seven Principles of Self-Awareness (Part 2)
Kain Ramsay
Teacher of Modern Applied Psychology & Personal Development -
The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology
Leading the Revolution in Online Applied Psychology Training
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 45 votes
- 2 stars: 77 votes
- 3 stars: 328 votes
- 4 stars: 1082 votes
- 5 stars: 2723 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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