Proofreading Business Writing (Many Exercises)
Proofreading Business Writing (Many Exercises), available at $84.99, has an average rating of 4.34, with 66 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 279 reviews, and has 1047 subscribers.
You will learn about Immediately produce higher-quality writing with improved proofreading Improve business communication Learn common proofreading techniques Create better first impressions with your writing by simply proofreading and catching errors Avoid costly mistakes with proofreading Proofread and catch more errors in your writing before someone else does This course is ideal for individuals who are You must learn proofreading to make all your work-related writing better! It is particularly useful for You must learn proofreading to make all your work-related writing better!.
Enroll now: Proofreading Business Writing (Many Exercises)
Title: Proofreading Business Writing (Many Exercises)
Price: $84.99
Average Rating: 4.34
Number of Lectures: 66
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 60
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 71
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 65
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Immediately produce higher-quality writing with improved proofreading
- Improve business communication
- Learn common proofreading techniques
- Create better first impressions with your writing by simply proofreading and catching errors
- Avoid costly mistakes with proofreading
- Proofread and catch more errors in your writing before someone else does
Who Should Attend
- You must learn proofreading to make all your work-related writing better!
Target Audiences
- You must learn proofreading to make all your work-related writing better!
Proofreading isn’t fun. But it is necessary. Learn the best proofreading techniques to help you have fewer errors in your writing and have your writing appear more professional.
I’ll walk you through what to do on each proofreading pass through the text.
After you’ll learn proofreading techniques, you will learn the basics of English grammar. We’ll start with basics like the building blocks of a sentence and once you feel comfortable with that, we’ll move on to writing sentences together so they read well.
At any job, you must write. You will write everything ranging from texts and instant messages to email to fill-length documents. This course will help you master grammar so you can impress with your writing no matter what you are writing or with whom you are communicating.
Your co-workers, managers, or potential clients will often get their first impression of you from your writing. Whether it’s a potential client visiting your website or a manager or a potential employer, sometimes they see your work like a resume or a report or an email pitch before they have a chance to meet you.
If you make a bad first impression with your writing, you may not get a chance to talk to your client on go on a job interview. But if you make a great first impression with your writing, it may open doors and give you a chance to prove yourself further.
I was a Computer Science major in college. But because I was interested in writing, my ability to write better always helped me stand out above my peers.
I always had a better than average resume, and got better jobs than my peers. When I went into online business, writing helped me write my books, blog posts, and other website content. In online marketing, writing helps me write better titles and descriptions of my products. Writing also helps me have more efficient online communication. I use it every day and it is in nearly everything I do. This is why I highly recommend it for you too.
If you have questions about improving your proofreading skills, I am here to help! I answer 99% of student questions within 24 hours. Many students tell me that other instructors don’t respond. Well, I do because
1) I care about my students.
2) I feel a responsibility to make sure that students get their money’s worth from the course.
Invest in your future. Enroll today.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome and introduction to this proofreading course
Lecture 1: Welcome and introduction to this proofreading course
Chapter 2: Proofreading your writing
Lecture 1: Proofreading your writing
Lecture 2: Checklist for proofreading
Lecture 3: Not re-reading what we expect and using different perspectives
Lecture 4: Word document features and services you can ask for or hire
Lecture 5: Proofreading longer texts by printing it out
Lecture 6: Proofreading exercise
Lecture 7: Proofreading exercise – answer
Chapter 3: English grammar to help you with your proofreading
Lecture 1: Introducing basic building blocks of English grammar
Lecture 2: Sentence clauses and sentence fragments
Lecture 3: Sentence clause exercise: hands on practice to improve your communication skills
Lecture 4: Sentence clause exercise answers
Lecture 5: Conjunctions
Lecture 6: Fixing run-on sentences and dealing with complex grammar issues
Lecture 7: Example of fixing run-on sentences with simple and clear sentences
Lecture 8: Four types of sentence structures
Lecture 9: 10 comma rules that will immediately make you a better writer
Lecture 10: Comma exercise to practice your English grammar and written communication skills
Lecture 11: Comma exercise answer – check your command of comma use in English grammar
Lecture 12: Example of fixing many mistakes per sentence in a sales text
Lecture 13: Semicolon rules
Lecture 14: Semicolon exercises
Lecture 15: Colon rules
Lecture 16: Colon exercise
Lecture 17: Colon exercise – answers
Lecture 18: Question marks
Lecture 19: Use of quotes – otherwise known as quotation marks
Lecture 20: Quotation mark exercise
Lecture 21: How to use the hyphen
Lecture 22: Another rule for using the hyphen
Lecture 23: Common terms with hyphen to memorize
Lecture 24: Exercises to practice the hyphen rules
Lecture 25: Commonly misspelled words that involve a hyphen
Lecture 26: NEW! Many more examples added to the course
Lecture 27: English grammar and punctuation exercise
Lecture 28: English grammar and punctuation exercise – answers
Chapter 4: Fixing common word choice errors
Lecture 1: Common word choice errors: Its vs. it's, Fewer vs. less, than vs. then & more
Lecture 2: Use of lets vs. let's
Lecture 3: Who and whom
Lecture 4: Ten commonly misspelled words
Lecture 5: Common word-choice error exercise
Lecture 6: Common word-choice error exercise answer
Chapter 5: Regular and irregular verbs
Lecture 1: Regular and irregular verbs
Chapter 6: Proofreading and editing tone of voice
Lecture 1: Section introduction – managing tone of voice in your writing
Lecture 2: Correcting errors and starting to change written tone of voice with word choice
Lecture 3: Writing with a polite tone of voice
Lecture 4: Writing with a direct tone of voice
Lecture 5: Writing in a customer support or customer facing role
Chapter 7: Tool to aid your proofreading
Lecture 1: Grammarly for spell check and grammar checking
Chapter 8: Artificial Intelligence (AI) ChatGPT for editing and proofreading your writing
Lecture 1: Section introduction to ChatGPT to help your proofreading and writing quality
Lecture 2: Logging into and creating an account in ChatGPT
Lecture 3: ChatGPT and prompt engineering to help proofreading and editing email
Lecture 4: Better editing, and making any business writing more sophisticated
Lecture 5: Starting to proofread a blog post with ChatGPT
Lecture 6: Deep proofreading for emotional writing vs. sterile writing
Lecture 7: Doing sales copywriting with Artificial Intelligence – AI
Lecture 8: How to get Artificial Intelligence to help you edit and brainstorm the right way
Chapter 9: Fonts and visual presentation
Lecture 1: Fonts for professional and business writing
Chapter 10: Proofreading course conclusion – thank you for being an amazing student
Lecture 1: Course certificate for this proofreading course – how to get it
Lecture 2: Thank you for taking this proofreading course, and parting words
Alex Genadinik
Business, Entrepreneurship, SEO, Marketing, Amazon, YouTube
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 25 votes
- 4 stars: 100 votes
- 5 stars: 149 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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