Rhetoric of Story : Learn the 7 foundations of storytelling.
Rhetoric of Story : Learn the 7 foundations of storytelling., available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.02, with 36 lectures, based on 770 reviews, and has 7191 subscribers.
You will learn about The 7 foundations of powerful storytelling. A scientific insight into story drawing on psychology and neuroscience. How to tell powerful stories as novels, screenplays and more. The wisdom of storytellers dating back 5000 years. This course is ideal for individuals who are Writers with ambition who want to work professionally in the writing industries. or Novelists, screenwriters, playwrights, game designers seeking bigger audiences. or Marketers and executives who want to harness powerful stories in their work. It is particularly useful for Writers with ambition who want to work professionally in the writing industries. or Novelists, screenwriters, playwrights, game designers seeking bigger audiences. or Marketers and executives who want to harness powerful stories in their work.
Enroll now: Rhetoric of Story : Learn the 7 foundations of storytelling.
Title: Rhetoric of Story : Learn the 7 foundations of storytelling.
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.02
Number of Lectures: 36
Number of Published Lectures: 36
Number of Curriculum Items: 36
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 36
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The 7 foundations of powerful storytelling.
- A scientific insight into story drawing on psychology and neuroscience.
- How to tell powerful stories as novels, screenplays and more.
- The wisdom of storytellers dating back 5000 years.
Who Should Attend
- Writers with ambition who want to work professionally in the writing industries.
- Novelists, screenwriters, playwrights, game designers seeking bigger audiences.
- Marketers and executives who want to harness powerful stories in their work.
Target Audiences
- Writers with ambition who want to work professionally in the writing industries.
- Novelists, screenwriters, playwrights, game designers seeking bigger audiences.
- Marketers and executives who want to harness powerful stories in their work.
A Udemy “Top Course” in Writing.
Selected as “New & Noteworthy” in Creativity.
College level instruction, based on 10 years of teaching and research, now available on Udemy
“Damien speaks with great clarity about a subject he really understands. His delivery is great. The ideas he delivers are fascinating.” Rod Duncan, author of The Bullet Catcher’s Daughter.
We live in a Golden Age of story. From blockbuster cinema and bestselling novels like Harry Potter & Hunger Games, to HBO television shows like Game of Thrones and American Gods, great storytelling is loved by billions of people worldwide. Writers who can tell great stories make huge fortunes.
Great storytelling can be learned.
The writers and creators of Star Wars, Breaking Bad or Mass Effect aren’t just making things up. Today’s most loved stories draw on thousands of years of storytelling techniques, from Aristotle’s Catharsis, to the Monomyth of Joseph Campbell, and the Dramatica model used by many of today’s highest paid screenwriters.
Based on over a decade of research, and bringing together ideas from today’s most successful storytellers and story theorists, The Rhetoric of Story is an essential course for all creative writers, screenwriters and novelists.
The seven foundations of powerful storytelling.
Stories are powerful. Just a few words on a page, or some flickering images on a screen, and for a handful of moments, minutes, or hours we can believe we are another person, living another life, in another world. How do stories have such a powerful, immersive effect?
Just seven core techniques provide the foundation for every great story every told. Together these seven foundations form a “rhetoric of story”, that can be used to tell a powerful, immersive story in any medium, from a 5 page short story, to a 10 hour television series.
A scientific insight into story.
Stories are more than just entertainment. As psychology and neuroscience reveal the inner workings of the mind, we’re learning how great stories appeal to the deepest drives of the human psyche. The Rhetoric of Story draws on the psychological insights of Freud and Jung, and leading scientific research, to reveal the 7 foundations of powerful storytelling.
Unleashing the power of story for all.
The poet and novelist Maya Angelou said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” The Rhetoric of Story provides a simple, flexible toolkit to tell any story. Apply the seven foundations to your writing and produce powerful stories that audiences fall in love with.
College grade teaching at internet prices.
The Rhetoric of Story is based on courses taught at under-graduate and post-graduate college level, to students paying thousands of dollars in fees. it makes that knowledge accessible for all, at incredible value.
The 7 foundations of great storytelling, in one easy to follow course.
Ideas you will learn in The Rhetoric of Story:
Why no story can be great without a profound INTERNAL change.
A psychological insight into self, the engine of story.
The key to creating truly human characters: the web of relationship.
Conflict, why it must be present, and the 3 levels it must cross.
The “fractal” pattern of events; stories within stories.
Why it’s OK to steal story structure…in fact it should be compulsory.
How to harness the secret super power of story: Emotion.
Who is this course for?
Anyone who wants to write a book, short story or screenplay and wants to learn the 7 foundations of telling a compelling story.
Writers who have many stories under their belt, but struggle to find an audience for their work.
Creative professionals – journalists, copywriters, bloggers, marketers and more who want to utilise powerful storytelling.
Experts, influencers and business executives who want to harness the power of story in their careers.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction NEW – What is the rhetoric of story?
Lecture 1: Introduction to the rhetoric of story?
Lecture 2: What is a story?
Lecture 3: What is rhetoric?
Lecture 4: The rhetoric…of story!
Lecture 5: Lecture Notes
Chapter 2: Change – Where all story begins.
Lecture 1: This story is over 5000 years old.
Lecture 2: Story is how we understand change.
Lecture 3: Archetypal change is the core of story.
Lecture 4: Lecture notes
Chapter 3: Self – The engine of story.
Lecture 1: Know Thyself
Lecture 2: The formation of desire
Lecture 3: What is the self becoming?
Lecture 4: Lecture Notes
Chapter 4: Other – The web of relationship.
Lecture 1: Demeter and Persephone
Lecture 2: The web of relationships
Lecture 3: The sundered self
Lecture 4: Lecture Notes
Chapter 5: Conflict – Why can't we all just get along?
Lecture 1: Achilles and Hector
Lecture 2: The levels of conflict
Lecture 3: Antagonism and fear
Lecture 4: Lecture Notes
Chapter 6: Events – Stories within stories.
Lecture 1: What are stories made of?
Lecture 2: What is an event?
Lecture 3: Stories within stories.
Lecture 4: Lecture Notes
Chapter 7: Structure – The key to complex storytelling.
Lecture 1: What is structure?
Lecture 2: Three Act structure.
Lecture 3: Acts, Sequences, Scenes and Beats.
Lecture 4: Alternate structures.
Lecture 5: Lecture Notes
Chapter 8: Emotion – The secret super power of story.
Lecture 1: Catharsis, Kairos and emotion.
Lecture 2: Tools for shaping emotion.
Lecture 3: Emotion and the seven.
Lecture 4: Lecture notes
Chapter 9: ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: Short videos and blog essays.
Lecture 1: Why is writing hard?
Lecture 2: Writing as practice.
Damien Walter
Writer for The Guardian, BBC, Wired.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 13 votes
- 2 stars: 24 votes
- 3 stars: 86 votes
- 4 stars: 267 votes
- 5 stars: 380 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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