Schema Therapy-Comprehensive Approach to Psychotherapy
Schema Therapy-Comprehensive Approach to Psychotherapy, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 70 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 4 reviews, and has 61 subscribers.
You will learn about What life-traps are what traps to avoid, how to notice partners with these features. Learn about the origins of lifetraps What are changing machanisms Step by step guiding manual with all practice, sheet-work and exercises included. You will be able to get feedback on your assignments, learning (quizzes) and questions. This course is ideal for individuals who are Mental health professionals-Counselors, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists. or Parents who want to raise healthy children and children originated from dysfunctional families. or It is great for clients as therapy supplement. It is particularly useful for Mental health professionals-Counselors, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists. or Parents who want to raise healthy children and children originated from dysfunctional families. or It is great for clients as therapy supplement.
Enroll now: Schema Therapy-Comprehensive Approach to Psychotherapy
Title: Schema Therapy-Comprehensive Approach to Psychotherapy
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 70
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 69
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 72
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 71
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- What life-traps are what traps to avoid, how to notice partners with these features. Learn about the origins of lifetraps
- What are changing machanisms
- Step by step guiding manual with all practice, sheet-work and exercises included.
- You will be able to get feedback on your assignments, learning (quizzes) and questions.
Who Should Attend
- Mental health professionals-Counselors, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists.
- Parents who want to raise healthy children and children originated from dysfunctional families.
- It is great for clients as therapy supplement.
Target Audiences
- Mental health professionals-Counselors, psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists.
- Parents who want to raise healthy children and children originated from dysfunctional families.
- It is great for clients as therapy supplement.
Schema Therapy is a highly effective and evidence-based form of psychotherapy that has been shown to be particularly effective in treating complex psychological disorders such as personality disorders, borderline personality disorder, and chronic depression. This course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Schema Therapy, its underlying principles, and practical techniques for implementing this approach in clinical practice.
Throughout the course, participants will learn about the origins and development of Schema Therapy, its theoretical underpinnings, and how it differs from other forms of therapy. They will also gain a deep understanding of the core concepts of Schema Therapy, including the identification and treatment of maladaptive schemas, modes, and coping styles. The course will cover a range of practical techniques for implementing Schema Therapy in clinical practice, including cognitive restructuring, imagery re-scripting, mode work, and behavioral activation. Participants will also learn how to integrate Schema Therapy with other evidence-based therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). Students will have opportunity to learn and practice combining different modalities of psychotherapy, technically and essentially applied on dissolving Maladaptive Schemas and Lifetraps.
In addition to learning the theoretical and practical aspects of Schema Therapy, participants will also have the opportunity to practice their skills through role-playing exercises, case studies, and assignments. By the end of the course, participants will have gained a deep understanding of Schema Therapy and be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to implement this approach in their own development.
Structure of the course:
Part 1
1-Lifetraps definition, characteristics and basic needs
2-Lifetraps-reminder, Coping mechanisms and development
3-Basic trust and connecting to others Life traps
4-Lifetraps related to Autonomy and Self esteem
5-Lifetraps related to Self-expression
6-Lifetraps related to early adulthood and entitlement
7-Eric Ericson`s stages of psychosocial development
8- Psychodynamic of life traps
9-What schemas are, types, hierarchy of units and mechanisms of schemas
Part 2
Abandonment life trap
Mistrust and Abuse
Being submissive
Defectiveness as a Life trap
Dependence and counter-dependence
Entitlement life trap (subtypes impulsiveness, spoiled and dependent)
Social isolation
Emotional deprivation
Vulnerability Lifetrap
Failure Life trap
Unrelenting standards
Similarities and differences among lifetraps
Whole chapter explaining interconnection of Lifetraps forming in ones life
Unhealthy relationship patterns
Practicum with 6 parts (following seven step transformation)
All relevant Therapeutic Techniques and Strategies covered. Cognitive disputation and Cognitive restructuring, Gestalt therapy techniques, writing letters, worksheets, Experiential interventions (Experiential Strategies) such as Imagery Dialogue, Reparenting, Traumatic Memories (Fast Phobia Cure), Changing Coping Style.
Principles of change in Schema therapy
Do you want to know how to be free from dysfunctional patterns of your family and environment? Do you want to achieve freedom on personal level well-being? Have you ever dreamed of stability in your life, more fulfilled career, happier family and more harmonious relationship? You are on the right place! I am Marko and I had a blessing to grow up in disharmonious family with very complex pathological patterns. I felt in my childhood the urge to rise above that at the same time I managed to stay stable and very functional in all aspects of life so therefore early on I started studying human nature and methods of improvement and growth.
Other than that I mastered psychology and specialized neuropsychology. For the last seven years I helped hundreds of people and adolescents find their own path and achieve authenticity, in person and online.
I have seen people change their lives from being unhappy and hopeless transforming into very functional, authentically powerful and highly successful individuals. This course will enable you to understand and break dysfunctional patterns, even if those are trans generational! You will also achieve better self-recognition and well-being, build stronger and more authentic self-esteem and confidence which will surely reflect positively on your career, intimate life and health.
From more than 5000 hours of effective experience in self-work, applying techniques and principles of psychology, neuroscience and psychotherapy I reached high levels of insights and spiritual maturity. Throughout that process I realized that everything I achieved in my life externally I owe to internal work! Now, with the great joy I present you this Schema therapy course. This tool is one of most powerful transformative experience that I ever had and now I am proudly presenting it to you.
This course is made with intention to be the comprehensive, integrative and holistic online for very affordable price, because my mission is to give people these powerful transforming tools for affordable price worldwide, I enjoy seeing people empowered and I dedicated my life to that cause. Everyone can grow and everyone has part within that wants to be happier.
I invested more than 100 hours creating this content and I teach you all I know, no secrets! Within this course all levels of knowledge are covered. We break down all the theory and you will be able to experience benefits of schema therapy as integrative practice hands on! Course goes with 9 hours high quality content, all books and worksheets, workbook specially written for this course consultation support, audios as extra content to experience different techniques and entrance on my Skype group in which we practice every Saturday. This all goes with 30 days money guarantee, so you can enroll risk free! What are you waiting for? Enroll now and experience profound deep positive transformative changes in your life!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Chapter 1-Schemas, Lifetraps, basic needs, goals and Stages of development.
Lecture 1: 1-Lifetraps definition, characteristics and basic needs
Lecture 2: 2-Lifetraps-reminder, Coping Mechanisms and Development
Lecture 3: 3-Basic trust and connecting to others Lifetraps
Lecture 4: 4-Lifetraps related to Autonomy and Self-esteem
Lecture 5: 5-Lifetraps related to Self-expression
Lecture 6: 6-Lifetraps related to early adulthood and entitlement
Lecture 7: 7-Eric Ericson Stages of Psychosocial Development
Lecture 8: 8- Psychodynamic of Lifetraps
Lecture 9: 9-What Schemas are? Types of Schemas. Hierarchy and Mechanisms of Change.
Lecture 10: 10-Quiz for chapter 1
Chapter 2: Lifetraps in details-Sources, Traps, Mechanism of Change, Steps in change.
Lecture 1: Abandonment Lifetrap
Lecture 2: Mistrust and Abuse
Lecture 3: Emotional deprivation
Lecture 4: Social isolation
Lecture 5: Dependence and Counter-dependence
Lecture 6: Vulnerability Lifetrap
Lecture 7: Defectiveness
Lecture 8: Failure
Lecture 9: Being submissive
Lecture 10: Unrelenting standards lifetrap
Lecture 11: Dependent subtype of entitlement lifetrap
Lecture 12: Impulsive subtype of entitlement
Lecture 13: Spoiled subtype of entitlement
Lecture 14: Similarities and differences among lifetraps
Lecture 15: Unhealthy relationship patterns
Lecture 16: Introducing quizz for chapter no 2
Lecture 17: Quizz for chapter no 2-Answers
Chapter 3: Innerconnection between Lifetraps
Lecture 1: Interconnection between Lifetraps final part 1
Lecture 2: Interconnection part 2 final
Lecture 3: Interconnection between Lifetraps part 3 final
Chapter 4: Practicum for Step 2
Lecture 1: 1-Steps in schema therapy
Lecture 2: 2-2d parenting system
Lecture 3: 3-3d parenting system
Lecture 4: 4-Practicum for step no 2 chapter 3 parenting styles
Chapter 5: Practicum for step number 3
Lecture 1: 1-General procedure for starting step 3
Lecture 2: 2-Detect and change irrational beliefs
Lecture 3: 3-Process of finding ABC
Lecture 4: 4-Disputation basic example
Lecture 5: 5-Disputation-Practical example
Lecture 6: 6-FELS disputation and two additional ways
Lecture 7: 7-Example of humor disputation Failure lifetrap
Lecture 8: 8-E & F in REBT model-Some worksheets
Lecture 9: 9-Algorhythm of maladaptive schemas
Chapter 6: Practicum for step no 4
Lecture 1: 1-Writting letters & flashcards examples
Lecture 2: 2-Flash cards and two different insights
Lecture 3: 3- Combining gestalt techniques
Chapter 7: Practicum for step no 5
Lecture 1: 1-Reminder of 7 steps
Lecture 2: 2-Worksheet about outlook on a lifetrap
Lecture 3: 3-Practice on the example
Lecture 4: 4-Reminder on being submissive Life trap
Lecture 5: 5-Assignment tablework on being submissive life trap
Lecture 6: 6-Face your fears!
Chapter 8: Practicum for step no 6
Lecture 1: 1-Principles for step no 6 and pattern breaking
Lecture 2: 2-Self reflecting questions
Lecture 3: 3-Table work to follow action steps
Lecture 4: 4-Practical example Ivan
Lecture 5: 5-Assignment-Story about Ivan
Chapter 9: Experiential strategies and techniques
Lecture 1: 1T-Rationale
Lecture 2: 2T-Time structure of a session and goals of each phase
Lecture 3: 3T-Imaginary dialogue final
Lecture 4: 4T-Imaginary dialogue, reparenting and traumatic memories imagery
Lecture 5: 5T-Writting Letters & Pattern breaking
Chapter 10: Experiential strategies-Practicum
Lecture 1: Instruction for guided imagery (check resources for mp3 file)
Lecture 2: Worksheet for introduction imagery exercises
Lecture 3: Work with rationale 1
Lecture 4: Work with rationale 2
Chapter 11: Principles in Schema therapy
Lecture 1: 6-Seven principles of change
Lecture 2: 7-Seven steps of change reminder
Lecture 3: 8-Outro
Marko Orlović
MasterAlchemist,MD in Psychology,Integrative psychotherapist
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 2 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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