Self Esteem – Together Let's Learn How to "Believe You Can"
Self Esteem – Together Let's Learn How to "Believe You Can", available at $19.99, has an average rating of 3.88, with 85 lectures, based on 4 reviews, and has 616 subscribers.
You will learn about I will introduce you to the concept that if you could feel confident then you are in charge of your life I will give you the tools necessary to set, and then accomplish your goals Self-esteem can be fragile, you will learn how to manage your fears to help strengthen you self-esteem You will learn how to identify anxiety and how that is different than fear in your life And you will learn how to manage anxiety on your own or when to seek professional help This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to be more than they are now. It takes some work but it is well worth the effort It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to be more than they are now. It takes some work but it is well worth the effort.
Enroll now: Self Esteem – Together Let's Learn How to "Believe You Can"
Title: Self Esteem – Together Let's Learn How to "Believe You Can"
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 3.88
Number of Lectures: 85
Number of Published Lectures: 85
Number of Curriculum Items: 85
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 85
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- I will introduce you to the concept that if you could feel confident then you are in charge of your life
- I will give you the tools necessary to set, and then accomplish your goals
- Self-esteem can be fragile, you will learn how to manage your fears to help strengthen you self-esteem
- You will learn how to identify anxiety and how that is different than fear in your life
- And you will learn how to manage anxiety on your own or when to seek professional help
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to be more than they are now. It takes some work but it is well worth the effort
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to be more than they are now. It takes some work but it is well worth the effort
I think the best way to describe this course is to start by looking at one fairly basic piece of advice when it comes to the wayyou think. This will serve as a nice opener that will show you just what a difference altering your thought patterns can make. In the course itself this information is in the last section. But, for now though, I will use it first and let it be a nice little example.
The ‘law of attraction’ is a popular term that describes the process through which acting a certain way or holding certain beliefs can actually change your reality.
At its most basic level, the law of attraction states that ‘as you think, so you become’. Likewise, as you become, so you become more.
But what on Earth does thatmean?
Okay, let’s take an example. If you wanted to become the youngest ever manager with the highest ever salary in the organization you work for, what would you do?
An excellent place to start would be to start believing you were alreadythe top performing candidate in your organization and the most valuable member of your team. Believe it and live it and within a short amount of time it will happen.
Sounds too good to be true right? Well it actually makes a lot of sense once you get down to the mechanisms of how the process operates so now let me explain briefly how this course works to help you build your self-esteem.
I will first help you take a broad look at yourself, how you view things and how you view yourself.
If you find areas you will want to change on your road to greater self-esteem you will want to keep a written record so I have a section on journaling, how to journal and give you several journal templates to use to create your own journal.
Any change in our lives requires that we stop doing something the same old way and start a new process be it a physical act or an emotional thought. I believe it was Einstein that said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The way to change that is to change habits. In this course you will spend a fair amount of time learning how habits look on the inside and then learn how to break old habits and replace them with new, productive, good habits.
For many of us change represents fear and anxiety so it makes sense that we take time and learn how to address your fears and anxieties. Increasing self-esteem is important so it is important that we address these two uncomfortable issues that we all face.
It is a proven fact that we are our own harshest critic and our own greatest task master. In building self-esteem, it is important that you learn how to manage both; how to cut yourself some slack so to speak, give yourself a break and be kind to yourself. It can be done and I will teach you how.
There is much more we can talk about but at this point I would just like to invite you to register for the course. You have nothing to loose and a whole lot to gain from the information I share in this course on Self-Esteem.
See you on the inside. Itβs an exciting journey!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Our Thought Process
Lecture 2: Do It or Find an Excuse
Lecture 3: What Can I Do With 5 Minutes?
Lecture 4: 3 Steps to Increase Your Willpower
Lecture 5: Be Lead By The Dreams in Your Heart
Chapter 2: Journalling For Self-Improvement
Lecture 1: So Why Journal
Lecture 2: Choosing the Best Self-improvement Journal
Lecture 3: Creating Awareness and Change
Lecture 4: Personal Goals and Achieving Them
Lecture 5: Expressing Yourself Through Self Portraits
Lecture 6: Remembering to Give Gratitude
Chapter 3: Goal Setting Made Simple
Lecture 1: Let's First Look at Bad Goal Setting
Lecture 2: Now Let's Write a Good Goal
Lecture 3: Don't Get Overly Ambitious Right Away
Lecture 4: Maybe Goal Setting is Like a Computer Game
Lecture 5: What is the Basis of Goals?
Lecture 6: The Blueprint
Lecture 7: Tell Me a Story
Lecture 8: Dream in Images
Chapter 4: Overcoming Fear
Lecture 1: The Answer is to Overcome Your Fears
Lecture 2: "The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself"
Lecture 3: The Samurai Code
Lecture 4: Fear Setting
Lecture 5: Taking Chances
Chapter 5: Sometimes It Is Not Fear But True Anxiety, What Then
Lecture 1: You and Your Anxiety
Lecture 2: Understanding Your Anxiety and What it is Doing to You
Lecture 3: Reflection upon Your Triggers and Identifying Beliefs
Lecture 4: Mindfully Moving Beyond Your Beliefs
Chapter 6: Your Mind and Your Body
Lecture 1: Your Mind and Your Body
Lecture 2: Self Blame Self Loathe
Lecture 3: Connecting Them With Your Mind and Body
Chapter 7: Overcome Resistance to Change
Lecture 1: Overcome Resistance to Change
Lecture 2: Acting On Your Change Blocking System
Chapter 8: How to Achieve Acceptance and Move On
Lecture 1: How to Achieve Acceptance and Move On
Lecture 2: Minding Your Moods
Lecture 3: What are Distorted Thought Patterns
Lecture 4: Assessing Your Present and Preparing a Plan for the Future
Chapter 9: How to Act On Your Fears and Achieve Your Goals
Lecture 1: How to Act On Your Fears and Achieve Your Goals
Lecture 2: Acting Against Your Fears
Lecture 3: Create and Execute Your Plan
Chapter 10: How to Stop Being a Hard Taskmaster
Lecture 1: How to Stop Being a Hard Taskmaster
Lecture 2: Moving Away From the Past You Need to Leave Behind
Lecture 3: Knowing When You Need Help
Lecture 4: Focus On the Positives
Chapter 11: Preventing Burnout
Lecture 1: Preventing Burnout
Lecture 2: Perfectionism and Borrowed Expectations
Lecture 3: Fear of Feedback
Chapter 12: You've Got This
Lecture 1: You've Got This
Lecture 2: Your Anxiety and Your Journey
Chapter 13: Everybody Needs a Self-Confidence Boost
Lecture 1: Why Self-Confidence?
Lecture 2: Why Self-Confidence Will Change Your Life
Lecture 3: How to Boost Your Confidence
Lecture 4: Intrinsic Confidence
Lecture 5: Training Your Confidence
Lecture 6: Improve Your Verbal Communication Skills
Lecture 7: Understanding Intonation and Tone
Lecture 8: Practice, Practice, Practice
Lecture 9: Develop Good Listening Skills
Lecture 10: Listening Skills are Essential
Chapter 14: The Law of Attraction
Lecture 1: Be at Peace With Your Decisions
Lecture 2: The Half-Glass Full and Positive People
Lecture 3: Take a Pause
Lecture 4: Thoughts and Dreams
Chapter 15: Thoughts and Dreams
Lecture 1: Achieving Your Dreams
Lecture 2: What Are Your Excuses
Lecture 3: What You Can Accomplish in Just 5 Minutes
Lecture 4: The Lesson of the Tortoise
Lecture 5: Positive Thinking and Determination
Chapter 16: Let's Learn How to Develop Powerful Productive Habits
Lecture 1: The Habit Poem
Lecture 2: The 30-Day Rule
Lecture 3: Piling On
Lecture 4: The Power of Routine
Lecture 5: Take a Moment
Lecture 6: Addressing the Critics
Lecture 7: What About Rewards?
Lecture 8: Let's Develop Some Positive Habits
Lecture 9: Now We Can Shift Our Behavior
Lecture 10: What Happens in 30 Days?
Lecture 11: Piggyback Good Habits
Lecture 12: Building Routines Add Power
Lecture 13: So, Let's Sum Up What We Have Learned About Habits
Chapter 17: Let's Put an End to Procrastination
Lecture 1: Let's Just End It Now
Lecture 2: Why Discipline is So Important
Brent Dalley
Trainer in: Leadership, Marketing, Family Counseling
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 1 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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