Telling a Story to Build a Community
Telling a Story to Build a Community, available at $39.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 173 lectures, based on 2 reviews, and has 10 subscribers.
You will learn about Grow your community with stories Story Basics Bölüm Building a Story Telling a Story This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who wants to tell a story It is particularly useful for Anyone who wants to tell a story.
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Title: Telling a Story to Build a Community
Price: $39.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 173
Number of Published Lectures: 173
Number of Curriculum Items: 173
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 173
Original Price: $27.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Grow your community with stories
- Story Basics
- Bölüm Building a Story
- Telling a Story
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who wants to tell a story
Target Audiences
- Anyone who wants to tell a story
Hi there, my name is Michael cast, I’m the founder of Story impact. And what I do is I help awesome people like you discover and tell your stories in order to create change in the world. And this course is all about learning to tell your story in order to build community. And here’s why I thought it was really important to share this course with you. I was in an event a couple weeks ago, that was to raise money and support for an organization that works with battered and abused women in South America. And the main speaker got up and she’s a woman who’s been working down there with, with women who’ve been through unimaginable things for over 20 years. And instead of starting with a story of her own personal passion and connection, or some of the women that she’s worked with, what she did is rattled off a bunch of statistics. And what happened is you had a room of about 200 people who were who had who were there in order to support this organization, and they immediately disengaged, they sort of glazed over a little bit because no matter how many statistics you rattle off, no matter how many facts, you rally in support of the cause, it’s never going to have the same weight, and the same power as a really well told story. And that’s what we’ll be talking about in this course, we’re going to start out by talking about the different types of story that you might want to tell whether you’re an individual working on a creative project or an artistic project or an organization that wants to create change in the world. There’s specific types of stories that everybody needs to tell in order to build community. Then we’ll look at where do you find the pieces the ingredients to put these stories together? What questions do you need to ask before you even start assembling the story and putting the structure together? Once we’ve assembled the pieces of your story, then we’ll actually learn how to structure them into a story that will have people engaged on the edge of their seat and probably most importantly, ready to step up and help you whatever your call to action is. We want them by the end of that story to be asking, okay, how can I help? How can I get involved? And then we’ll talk about really specific storytelling tricks and techniques. What are some things that you can do to make sure that people are engaged from the moment that you start talking, until the moment that you ask them for support, whether you’re asking them for money, or to volunteer or just to spread, spread the word about a project. So we’ll talk about all of that. And then we’ll look at different ways you can tell your story online, in writing, in person storytelling is really it’s the most universal community building tool that we have as human people. And so we’ll just talk about different ways that you can deploy these stories once you’ve developed them. It’s going to be great. I’m really excited to share it with you and I hope you’ll, you’ll come back and join us for chapter one. Thanks
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Story Basics
Lecture 1: Grow your community with stories
Lecture 2: How stories connect 1.1
Lecture 3: Story types to grow 1.2
Lecture 4: Good story qualities 1.3
Chapter 2: Building a Story
Lecture 1: Finding your story 2.1
Lecture 2: Your audience 2.2
Lecture 3: Call to action 2.3
Chapter 3: Telling a Story
Lecture 1: Story structure 3.1
Lecture 2: Grabbing attention 3.2
Lecture 3: Deep engagement 3 3
Lecture 4: Growing community 3.4
Lecture 5: Interactive stories 3.5
Chapter 4: More
Lecture 1: More material 4.1
Lecture 2: Interview 4.2
Lecture 3: Core values 4.3
Lecture 4: Connect before convincing 4.4
Lecture 5: Crowdfunding 4.5
Lecture 6: How to start your story 4.6
Lecture 7: Tell stories in person 4.7
Chapter 5: Getting Started with TikTok
Lecture 1: Benefits of creating on TikTok 1.1
Lecture 2: Identifying your authentic creator persona 1.2
Lecture 3: Setting up your account on TikTok 1.3
Lecture 4: Choosing accounts to follow 1.4
Lecture 5: Understanding trends 1.5
Chapter 6: Creating Content
Lecture 1: Developing a content strategy 2.1
Lecture 2: Understanding TikTok's algorithm 2.2
Lecture 3: Creative best practices 2.3
Chapter 7: TikTok İnterface and Features
Lecture 1: Home and Discover pages 3.1
Lecture 2: Inbox and Profile pages 3.2
Lecture 3: TikTok has quickly become one of the most popular 3.3
Lecture 4: Finding insights in analytics 3.4
Chapter 8: Monetizing Tiktok
Lecture 1: Initiating brand partnerships and collaborations 4.1 mov
Lecture 2: Selling products, services, and merchandise 4.2
Lecture 3: Growing your business with TikTok 4.3
Chapter 9: Strategy Development for Social Media Managers
Lecture 1: Strategy development overview 1.1
Lecture 2: Create a social media strategy 1.2
Lecture 3: Plan with an editorial calendar 1.3
Lecture 4: Research your industry and pop culture 1.4
Chapter 10: Content Creation For Social Media
Lecture 1: Content creation overview 2.1
Lecture 2: Polish your writing skills 2.2
Lecture 3: Prioritize your design skills for social media 2.3
Lecture 4: Grasp filming and recording foundations 2.4
Lecture 5: Host as on-camera talent 2.5
Lecture 6: Rely on content curation 2.6
Chapter 11: Community Management in Social Media
Lecture 1: Community management overview 3.1
Lecture 2: Monitor and respond to customer feedback 3.2
Lecture 3: Provide customer service on social media 3.3
Chapter 12: Paid Social Advertising
Lecture 1: Paid social advertising overview 4.1
Lecture 2: Distinguish paid advertising and organic promotion 4.2
Lecture 3: How to manage paid social campaigns 4.3
Chapter 13: Collaborate With Social Media Partnerships
Lecture 1: Social media partnerships overview 5.1
Lecture 2: Partner with stakeholders internally 5.2
Lecture 3: Collaborate with external partners 5.3
Chapter 14: Social Media Measurement
Lecture 1: Social media measurement overview 6.1
Lecture 2: Analyze social media goals and metrics 6.2
Lecture 3: Use a mix of measurement tools 6.3
Lecture 4: How social media managers evolve 6.4
Chapter 15: Live Video Styles
Lecture 1: Live educational videos 1.1
Lecture 2: Live interview videos 1.2
Lecture 3: Live demo videos 1.3
Lecture 4: Live video tours 1.4
Chapter 16: Creating Live Video Content
Lecture 1: When to create live video 2.1
Lecture 2: Different live video platforms 2.2
Lecture 3: Preparing for your live video 2.3
Lecture 4: Introductions and conclusions in your live video2.4
Lecture 5: Creating engagement during live videos 2.5
Chapter 17: Promoting Your Live Video
Lecture 1: Building your live video audience 3.1
Lecture 2: Sharing your live video 3.2
Lecture 3: Repurposing your live video 3.3
Chapter 18: Launching Live Video
Lecture 1: Tools for live video 4.1
Lecture 2: Visuals for live video 4.2
Lecture 3: Start creating live videos 4.3
Chapter 19: Frame Your Brand Strategy . Starting with Customer and Market Research
Lecture 1: 1 .1 How to build your strategy A customer researc
Lecture 2: 1.2 Forming a strategy through strong customer int
Lecture 3: 1.3 Leveraging customer research to develop a cust
Chapter 20: Develop Yoru Brand Promise. Building a Unique Position
Lecture 1: 2.1 Discovering your unique brand value to build a
Lecture 2: 2.2 Creating a customer benefit ladder Deliver con
Lecture 3: 2.3 Bringing it together Write your brand positio
Chapter 21: Define Your Brand Character. Articulating Brand Value
Lecture 1: 3.1 Identifying your brand character Select an arc
Sadık Vural
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