The Art and Science of Conscious Living: Protocol & Process
The Art and Science of Conscious Living: Protocol & Process, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 5, with 43 lectures, based on 9 reviews, and has 54 subscribers.
You will learn about Living through the simple conscious truth enables you to collaborate easily with life, liberating the mind from fear-based belief systems that build conflicts. Placing yourself firmly, in full awareness, in the center of your life puts you in service to the Self and the community of Universal Consciousness. Living from a consciousness perspective is to be inwardly focused; shifting from blaming and shaming to a state of non-judgement infused with gratitude. Learn to practice accessible self-exploration and learn to question everything around you in a playful manner. Develop the skills to reconstruct old patterns and beliefs. Remembering Consciousness creates sustainable self awareness to become the collaborative architect of your life with trust, openness and equanimity. To help you embrace with non-judgement where you are in this moment, no need to fix. What the mind is afraid of, it already thinks it is. Open up a fearless sense of peace in your heart while building inspired whole relationships and gaining freedom in new expanded perspectives. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone who is asking questions about "Why am I here?", "What is my purpose?", "Why is life so hard?", "Why can't I get any where in life?" or Anyone who is tired of the struggle and feels like there is something more about life they are missing. or Anyone who wants to expand their knowledge of consciousness and ready to take simple, fun action in real life scenarios. or Anyone who is ready to let go of the need to judge themselves. It is particularly useful for Anyone who is asking questions about "Why am I here?", "What is my purpose?", "Why is life so hard?", "Why can't I get any where in life?" or Anyone who is tired of the struggle and feels like there is something more about life they are missing. or Anyone who wants to expand their knowledge of consciousness and ready to take simple, fun action in real life scenarios. or Anyone who is ready to let go of the need to judge themselves.
Enroll now: The Art and Science of Conscious Living: Protocol & Process
Title: The Art and Science of Conscious Living: Protocol & Process
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 5
Number of Lectures: 43
Number of Published Lectures: 43
Number of Curriculum Items: 43
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 43
Original Price: CA$119.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Living through the simple conscious truth enables you to collaborate easily with life, liberating the mind from fear-based belief systems that build conflicts.
- Placing yourself firmly, in full awareness, in the center of your life puts you in service to the Self and the community of Universal Consciousness.
- Living from a consciousness perspective is to be inwardly focused; shifting from blaming and shaming to a state of non-judgement infused with gratitude.
- Learn to practice accessible self-exploration and learn to question everything around you in a playful manner.
- Develop the skills to reconstruct old patterns and beliefs.
- Remembering Consciousness creates sustainable self awareness to become the collaborative architect of your life with trust, openness and equanimity.
- To help you embrace with non-judgement where you are in this moment, no need to fix. What the mind is afraid of, it already thinks it is.
- Open up a fearless sense of peace in your heart while building inspired whole relationships and gaining freedom in new expanded perspectives.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone who is asking questions about "Why am I here?", "What is my purpose?", "Why is life so hard?", "Why can't I get any where in life?"
- Anyone who is tired of the struggle and feels like there is something more about life they are missing.
- Anyone who wants to expand their knowledge of consciousness and ready to take simple, fun action in real life scenarios.
- Anyone who is ready to let go of the need to judge themselves.
Target Audiences
- Anyone who is asking questions about "Why am I here?", "What is my purpose?", "Why is life so hard?", "Why can't I get any where in life?"
- Anyone who is tired of the struggle and feels like there is something more about life they are missing.
- Anyone who wants to expand their knowledge of consciousness and ready to take simple, fun action in real life scenarios.
- Anyone who is ready to let go of the need to judge themselves.
There is only one reason you experience life as a series of endless conflicts and struggles;
FEAR is living at the center of your life.
Fear in life only ever happens as an illusion in the mind, driving the judging and struggle you experience every day. Fear in the mind is not your biggest problem that you have to fix, but your most amazing opportunity to discover the whole you and your True Self Worth. In this course I will guide you to learn to work with your fears to uncover the wonder of the universe! Your mental self is your greatest wealth!
CLI perspective is a process that employs the stuck mind to see it is indeed a whole mind and can function as a valued partner to the heart and the True Self. The most essential nature of the CLI process is to create an atmosphere of complete safety for the mind to explore itself without the need to be ‘fixed or punished’. Because the mind is living in a perpetual state of fear and shock, the mind automatically thinks any investigation is life threatening to you and itself. The CLI perspective understands that working with the fear-based split mind is the key to an inspired universal experience in life.
The CLI process is rooted in the following two quantum scientific theories:
How you do one thing is how you do everything and everywhere you go there you are! The understanding there has never been anything wrong with you and there is nothing to fix in yourself or your life. This is the practice of nonjudgement and unconditional gratitude which is inherent to the True Nature of each of us.
CLI invites you to take conscious responsibility for cultivating alchemy in every aspect of life. You will learn here that the world is made FOR you BY you to discover and LOVE you. The heart, as a representative of Universal Consciousness, and has all the information ever needed to transform the fear into unconditional gratitude.
CLI is a work of Heart! When the fearful mind is received with a compassionate and unconditional heart, knowing that it will not be punished or shamed, the mind can become your most trusted ally in life instead of something you are constantly judging and victimizing yourself with.
CLI and the SHOW THE HELL UP process is:
Waking up! This only takes one second to get a glimpse of TRUTH through the illusion of Fear
Showing up! Taking action to investigate consciousness comes first!
Cleaning up! Fear perspectives and letting go of judging
Growing up! By growing out of the need to judge and blame
Leveling up! Turn up the volume on this new path to wholeness!
This perspective has literally changed my life! And it will certainly change yours too!
The only one thing you have available to shift in life is your perspective!
Welcome Aboard!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Section 1 Introduction
Lecture 1: Segment 1.1 Introduction
Lecture 2: Segment 1.2 Positioning CLI in the Modern Healthcare System
Lecture 3: Segment 1.3 Setting the CLI Stage
Lecture 4: Segment 1.4 Meeting the Mind with Compassion
Chapter 2: Section 2 Self Worth and Self Esteem
Lecture 1: Segment 2.5 True SELF Worth
Lecture 2: Segment 2.6 Misperception of the Liver
Lecture 3: Segment 2.7 Conditional to Unconditional
Lecture 4: Segment 2.8 To Me or For Me
Chapter 3: Section 3 Where do we come from and how do we get here?
Lecture 1: Segment 3.9 Origins
Lecture 2: Segment 3.10 Zero to Four Months in the Womb
Lecture 3: Segment 3.11 The Big Switch
Lecture 4: Segment 3.12 Birth to 7 Years
Lecture 5: Segment 3.13 Chart Review
Lecture 6: Segment 3.14 Perspectives Chart
Chapter 4: Section 4 Understanding the Mind
Lecture 1: Segment 4.15 Triangle before the Mind
Lecture 2: Segment 4.16 Triangle After the Mind
Lecture 3: Segment 4.17 The Split Mind
Lecture 4: Segment 4.18 The Sciences
Lecture 5: Segment 4.19 Cycle of a Belief
Lecture 6: Segment 4.20 Stages of Releasing Fear and Judgments
Chapter 5: Section 5 Conscious Living Investigation Process Tools
Lecture 1: Segment 5.21 The Nature of the Breath
Lecture 2: Segment 5.22 Emotions
Lecture 3: Segment 5.23 Blame
Lecture 4: Segment 5.24 Forgiveness
Lecture 5: Segment 5.25 Resolving the small self
Lecture 6: Segment 5.26 Terms Explained
Chapter 6: Section 6 Conscious Living Steps
Lecture 1: Segment 6.27 Cortices Technique Demonstration
Lecture 2: Segment 2.28 CLI Steps Overview
Lecture 3: Segment 6.29 CLI Steps Example with Ideal List
Chapter 7: Section 7 Demonstrations of the CLI Process
Lecture 1: Segment 7.30 Demonstration of the Notice Strategy (Banana)
Lecture 2: Segment 7.31 Demonstration of the Favourite and Worst Strategy (Mandarin)
Lecture 3: Segment 7.32 Demonstration of the Ideal List Strategy (Highlighter)
Lecture 4: Segment 7.33 Demonstration of the Worst Ever List Strategy (Hammer)
Lecture 5: Segment 7.34 Demonstration of the Ideal List Strategy (Spoon)
Lecture 6: Segment 7.35 Demonstration of the Notice Strategy (Sofa)
Lecture 7: Segment 7.36 Demonstration of the Favorite and Worst Strategy (Game)
Chapter 8: Section 8 Wrap Up
Lecture 1: Segment 8.37 Content Summary
Lecture 2: Segment 8.38 showthehellup
Lecture 3: Bonus Lecture
Chapter 9: Announcements
Lecture 1: Ready to start? Your course is waiting for you!
Lecture 2: New Measuring Stick
Lecture 3: Remember there is nothing to FIX!!
Lecture 4: Making CLI a way of life
Kelley Byrne
B.PE., B.Ed., Senior BodyTalk Instructor, Shaman
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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