The Art of Breathing
The Art of Breathing, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 26 lectures, based on 75 reviews, and has 3277 subscribers.
You will learn about How to create more energy and vitality How to reduce anxiety How to reduce stress How to improve immune function 2 Downloadable guided breathing MP3s to keep for life FREE bonus Yoga Nidra Course when you enroll in this course How to achieve balance and harmony How to balance mind and body How to find greater harmony and peace in your life How to increase mental clarity Guided on screen breathing lessons This course is ideal for individuals who are Those interested in decreasing stress, reducing anxiety, creating more energy and vitality and increasing immune function It is particularly useful for Those interested in decreasing stress, reducing anxiety, creating more energy and vitality and increasing immune function.
Enroll now: The Art of Breathing
Title: The Art of Breathing
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 26
Number of Published Lectures: 26
Number of Curriculum Items: 26
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 26
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to create more energy and vitality
- How to reduce anxiety
- How to reduce stress
- How to improve immune function
- 2 Downloadable guided breathing MP3s to keep for life
- FREE bonus Yoga Nidra Course when you enroll in this course
- How to achieve balance and harmony
- How to balance mind and body
- How to find greater harmony and peace in your life
- How to increase mental clarity
- Guided on screen breathing lessons
Who Should Attend
- Those interested in decreasing stress, reducing anxiety, creating more energy and vitality and increasing immune function
Target Audiences
- Those interested in decreasing stress, reducing anxiety, creating more energy and vitality and increasing immune function
Would you like less stress and anxietyin your life? Would you like more energy, increased mental clarityand general well being?
In this course you’ll learn how to use the breath to transform your life. You might think you breathe correctly, but according to experts, most people only breathe at 10-20% of their full capacity, which decreases energy levels in the body, causes anxiety and stress and is a major cause of most illness and dis-ease. Our overstressed, anxious culture, with sedentary jobs and lifestyles have caused us to develop the habit for improper, shallow breathing and its wreaked havoc on our brain and body. But the good news is, we can easily change this.
Breath is the bridge between mind and body so this is the perfect place to start to establish not only a great meditation practice but also improve your overall health including your immune and brain functionality which will make you better at everything else you do in life. Learn basic breathing methods along with methods to combat anxiety, sleeplessness, create ultimate energy and clarity and so much more. Sign up today and learn the tools to live a more fulfilling and energetic life.
-Decrease stress
-Reduce and eliminate anxiety
-Create more energy and vitality
-Improve immune function
-Balance your mind and body
-Find greater harmony and peace in your life
-Increase mental clarity
-Easily correct improper breathing habits
-Enjoy your life more!
-And so much more
The simple act of breathing is amazing and breathing is something we rarely even think about, unless we lose our breath. We can live for days without eating food or drinking water but go only a few minutes without breath and you’re dead.
Each breath brings in life and regeneration and expels things that attempt to harm us. According to experts, most people only breathe at 10 to 20% of their full capacity. Restricted breathing greatly decreases respiratory function, which in turn decreases energy levels in the body, causes anxiety and stress and is a major cause of most illness and dis-ease.
Two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg revealed to the world that the cause of most disease is lack of sufficient oxygen in the body. This is in part due to poor breathing habits. The fact is that most of us don’t breathe properly, we’ve unconsciously trained ourselves to breathe shallow due to stress and other lifestyle factors. But like anything else, this is a habit and we can change it. In this course we’re going to learn the basics of proper breathing and how to use it to increase our energy and achieve optimal health and well being.
The two main functions of proper breathing are to bring more oxygen to the blood and brain and to control and increase our energy. Two major functions that affect everything else in our life. Respiration is the most important function of the body. So it’s astonishing how little attention we pay to the importance of breathing correctly.
Luckily, it’s not too difficult to change our habits of breathing from improper to proper.
I have twenty years of experience as a practitioner and teacher of yoga and meditation. I’ve traveled throughout India, South East Asia, and the United States, studying and practicing intently with many credible teachers, healers and masters.
I’ve lived in monasteries and ashrams where I studied the mind and discovered powerful techniquesthat transformed my life from being in massive financial debt and homeless, broke in every sense of the word; in my relationships, spiritually and emotionally broke to applying what I learned and transforming my life into success and fulfilment in all of those areas. I now dedicate my life to teaching others these amazing transformational tools.
Throughout my life I’ve struggled with addictions and self-limiting beliefs that held me back and caused a lot of pain and suffering in my life. I used to work in TV & Film production, I worked at Comedy Central and had my own production company, but no matter how great my life seemed, I always had this nagging feeling of dissatisfaction that kept me searching & chasing more. And so of course I left my career and company and booked a one-way ticket to India. At that time I was studying a lot of Buddhist Psychology and Yoga in New York and really thought this was the answer, that I was going to go there and come back enlightened. So I went high up into the Himalayan Mountains and all throughout India and South East Asia studying with a lot of great healers, teachers and masters. I went on crazy adventures and I brought what I studied in Yoga and Buddhist Psychology back to New York with me only to realize that a lot of the crap I went to India to get away from was still there inside of me. I then went through a hard and dark time in my life. I battled not only addictions to substances but also addictions to my thoughts, addictions to expectations, addictions to how other people should be, addictions to how I should be and after years and years of this I had a profound experience in meditation one day that shifted my entire mind, I then began to apply everything I had learned and I had amazing results in my life. I started to uproot and transform beliefs and habits that weren’t making me the best I could be in the world and the greatest benefit to other people.And now I devote my life to teaching this powerful stuff to my students all around the world.
What you’re about to learn can have immense transformational effects on your lifeand I can’t wait to begin this journey toward success, meaning, purpose and abundance with you!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The First Type of Breathing
Lecture 3: The Second Type of Breathing
Lecture 4: The Third Type of Breathing
Lecture 5: Simple Breath Excerise
Chapter 2: Breath, the Gateway to Better Health
Lecture 1: Three-Part Breath
Lecture 2: About Your MP3
Lecture 3: Three-Part Breathing MP3 Download
Chapter 3: The Science, Psychology and Physiology of Breath
Lecture 1: Breath and Emotions
Lecture 2: The Science of Breath
Lecture 3: Breathing for Optimal Energy, Health and Creativity
Lecture 4: Breath and the Nervous System
Chapter 4: Balance and Relax
Lecture 1: Calm Anxiety and Fall Asleep Easier
Lecture 2: Developing Awareness of Breath
Lecture 3: Alternate Nostril Breathing
Lecture 4: Breathing Ratios to Energize, Balance and Calm
Lecture 5: Making Proper Breathing a way of Life
Lecture 6: In Closing – Now What?
Chapter 5: Bonus Yoga Nidra Mini Course
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture 1: Welcome to Yoga Nidra
Lecture 2: Bonus Lecture 2: Proper Relaxation
Lecture 3: Bonus Lecture 3: The 5-Second Meditation
Lecture 4: Bonus Lecture 4: Rest
Lecture 5: Bonus Lecture 5: A System of Calming the Body to Calm the Mind
Lecture 6: Bonus Lecture 6: Yoga Nidra: The Yoga of Surrender
Lecture 7: Bonus Lecture 7: Yoga Nidra MP3 Download
Lecture 8: Bonus Lecture 8: Thank You!
Brian E. Miller
Author, Teacher & Speaker
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 19 votes
- 5 stars: 47 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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