THE BEST Lucid Dreaming & Dream Analysis Course
THE BEST Lucid Dreaming & Dream Analysis Course, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.95, with 120 lectures, based on 14 reviews, and has 81 subscribers.
You will learn about Become a consistent lucid dreamer. You will improve dream control, length/frequency of lucid dreams, and deepen your experiences. You WILL remember your dreams by starting this course! We start at 0 with dream recall and the basics of dreamwork- all the way to advanced practices. Learn to analyze your dreams and interpret the symbols. Effectively treat nightmares, and transform them into healing experiences. Access to research articles, books, and more rescources on lucid dreaming and OBEs. Master all states of consciousness such as out-of-body-experiences and Sleep Paralysis. Join a vibrant community of oneironauts & consciousness explorers. Explore advanced dreamwork practices such as dream yoga, sleep enhancers and more. Practice and improve at real life skills in a lucid dream. Use your dreams for endless possibilites! The MOST extensive lucid dream course on Udemy! This course is ideal for individuals who are Beginner and advanced lucid dreamers who want to learn more about dreams as a whole. or Anyone who wants to understand what their dreams mean. or People who know their dreams are powerful, and want to use them to their full potential. It is particularly useful for Beginner and advanced lucid dreamers who want to learn more about dreams as a whole. or Anyone who wants to understand what their dreams mean. or People who know their dreams are powerful, and want to use them to their full potential.
Enroll now: THE BEST Lucid Dreaming & Dream Analysis Course
Title: THE BEST Lucid Dreaming & Dream Analysis Course
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.95
Number of Lectures: 120
Number of Published Lectures: 120
Number of Curriculum Items: 123
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 123
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Become a consistent lucid dreamer. You will improve dream control, length/frequency of lucid dreams, and deepen your experiences.
- You WILL remember your dreams by starting this course! We start at 0 with dream recall and the basics of dreamwork- all the way to advanced practices.
- Learn to analyze your dreams and interpret the symbols.
- Effectively treat nightmares, and transform them into healing experiences.
- Access to research articles, books, and more rescources on lucid dreaming and OBEs.
- Master all states of consciousness such as out-of-body-experiences and Sleep Paralysis.
- Join a vibrant community of oneironauts & consciousness explorers.
- Explore advanced dreamwork practices such as dream yoga, sleep enhancers and more.
- Practice and improve at real life skills in a lucid dream. Use your dreams for endless possibilites!
- The MOST extensive lucid dream course on Udemy!
Who Should Attend
- Beginner and advanced lucid dreamers who want to learn more about dreams as a whole.
- Anyone who wants to understand what their dreams mean.
- People who know their dreams are powerful, and want to use them to their full potential.
Target Audiences
- Beginner and advanced lucid dreamers who want to learn more about dreams as a whole.
- Anyone who wants to understand what their dreams mean.
- People who know their dreams are powerful, and want to use them to their full potential.
This course includes
10-Weeks of lucid dreaming modules
Video lectures and written content from various professors
PDF studies and resources
Audio files, meditations, and downloadable tools
Access to Binaural Beats and FREE E-books
Opportunities to participate in research
A lifetime of valuable wisdom
A community with weekly meetups, live chats and events
Signs this course is for YOU
You want to have frequent and profound lucid dreams
Dreams fascinate you and you want to learn more about them overall
You have a recurring or distinct dream that you need help analyzing
You are seeking a community of like-minded people who love dream share
You are a lucid dreamer and want to get better dream control and learn about other states of consciousness
You are a vivid dreamer and you want to use your dreams to grow as a person
Learn more about the power of dreams & true nature of consciousness
The dream world is another dimension that we access while we sleep. Dream work allows us to innerstand the depths of our psyche and spirit. We can uncover parts of our past, present, and future. Through working with our dreams, we can heal trauma, get insights into our personal relationships, improve our lives, and an infinite amount of fun activities. We spend a third of our lives asleep which is usually neglected. Many people sleep walk through their dreams with little to no lucid awareness.
Our mission is to show you how your dreams can impact your life and act as your internal therapist. Not only will you learn to lucid dream on a consistent basis, but also to analyze your non lucid dreams, how to incubate different types of dreams, and so much more. To do this, we create not only an online course, but also a community that is safe for the discussion of dreams. This is the most extensive dream university curated by experts all over the world!
You will learn to lucid dream consistently. You will also learn to analyze your non-lucid dreams, how to incubate different types of dreams, dream control, and so much more. This is also a community that is safe for the discussion of dreams. We have weekly and monthly meetings. An extensive, interactive course, curated by dream experts all over the world!
While other courses merely scratch the surface, this one covers a wide range of dream topics. We provide everything you need to know in one place. We stand tall as the beacon of excellence, guiding you towards the shores of lucidity and self-discovery.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Intro To Dreamwork
Lecture 1: Welcome to The Dream World
Lecture 2: Meet Martin (Vadzimu)
Lecture 3: A message from the instructor
Lecture 4: Building Your Own Practice
Lecture 5: Consistency is Key!
Lecture 6: The Science of Dreams
Lecture 7: Dream Recall
Lecture 8: How to Remember More Dreams
Lecture 9: Dream Journaling
Lecture 10: How to Keep a Good Dream Journal For Lucid Dreaming
Lecture 11: Dream Symbols/Signs
Lecture 12: Dream Symbols/Signs
Lecture 13: Dream Incubation
Lecture 14: How To Influence Your Dream Content Intentionally
Lecture 15: The Presence of Dreamwork Online
Lecture 16: Evidence-Based Research
Lecture 17: Guided Meditaton by Ashaba Faridah
Chapter 2: Lucid Dreaming Basics
Lecture 1: What is Lucid Dreaming
Lecture 2: Lucid Dreaming 101
Lecture 3: Critical State Tests (Reality Checks)
Lecture 4: How to Effectively Perform State Tests/Reality Checks
Lecture 5: Dream Plan
Lecture 6: The Ultimate List of Things to do in a Lucid Dream
Lecture 7: Wake Back to Bed (WBTB)
Lecture 8: Wake Back to Bed (WBTB)
Lecture 9: Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream (MILD)
Lecture 10: How to MILD
Lecture 11: Dream Stabilization & Grounding
Lecture 12: Dream Stabilization
Lecture 13: Prospective Memory
Lecture 14: History of Lucid Dreaming
Lecture 15: Nightmares
Lecture 16: Sleep Paralysis 101
Lecture 17: Limiting Beliefs
Lecture 18: Misinformation About Lucid Dreaming
Lecture 19: Dream State Meditation By Ashaba Faridah
Lecture 20: Evidence- Based Research
Chapter 3: Sleep Hygiene
Lecture 1: Sleep Cycles
Lecture 2: Stages of Sleep
Lecture 3: Sleep Trackers
Lecture 4: Sleep Trackers
Lecture 5: Evening Hygiene
Lecture 6: How to Sleep Better
Lecture 7: Morning Hygiene
Lecture 8: Circadian Rhythm
Lecture 9: How knowing YOUR circadian rhythm can help with dream recall
Lecture 10: Problem Solving & Healing
Lecture 11: How to use your dreams to your benefit
Lecture 12: Anchor Technique
Lecture 13: Mental Health
Lecture 14: Evidence-Based Research
Lecture 15: Peaceful Sleep Meditation
Lecture 16: Lucid Dream/OBE Induction Lecture
Chapter 4: Liminal Dreaming
Lecture 1: Hypnagogia
Lecture 2: The Vanishing Point
Lecture 3: Hypnopompia
Lecture 4: Morning Linger
Lecture 5: Voice Recorder Method
Lecture 6: Liminal Dreaming Exercises
Lecture 7: The Dali Method
Lecture 8: Sleep Paralysis
Lecture 9: How to Deal With Sleep Paralysis
Lecture 10: Wake Induced Lucid Dream (WILD)
Lecture 11: How To WILD
Lecture 12: False Awakenings
Lecture 13: Dream Yoga
Lecture 14: Yoga Nidra
Lecture 15: Exploring Consciousness
Lecture 16: Lucid Dream Meditation By Ashaba Faridah
Lecture 17: Evidence-Based Research
Chapter 5: Dream Analysis
Lecture 1: How to analyze your own dreams
Lecture 2: How to analyze your own dreams
Lecture 3: Understanding Our Dreams
Lecture 4: Dream Interview Method
Lecture 5: Ullman Technique
Lecture 6: Waking Life Confluences
Lecture 7: Senses Induced Lucid Dream (SSILD)
Lecture 8: Sigmund Freud
Lecture 9: Jungian Psychology
Lecture 10: Precognitive Dreams
Lecture 11: Evidence-Based Research
Lecture 12: Shadow Work Assignment
Lecture 13: Astral Meditation By Ashaba Faridah
Chapter 6: Advanced Lucid Dreaming
Lecture 1: Dream Stabilization
Lecture 2: Dream Control
Lecture 3: Inducing Sleep Paralysis
Lecture 4: Stong Mind, Safe Heart
Lecture 5: Rope Method
Lecture 6: Finger Induced Lucid Dream (FILD)
Lecture 7: Partner Assisted Lucidity (PAL)
Lecture 8: Shared Dreaming
Lecture 9: Dream Yoga
Amina Mara
Podcast Host, Lucid Dream Coach & Researcher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 13 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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