The Complete Goal Setting and Goal Achievement Master Class
The Complete Goal Setting and Goal Achievement Master Class, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 173 lectures, based on 21 reviews, and has 400 subscribers.
You will learn about Get working “ON” your life not just “IN” it Learn the art of Yes’s and No’s Make mental shifts you have wanted to make for years Do what you say you’ll do Overcome procrastination, and build follow through systems you’ll LOVE Feel productive everyday Get back energy lost to things “slipping through the cracks” or just feeling like they will Avoid the burnout of auto-pilot Discover How to build finish lines and cross them This course is ideal for individuals who are People who want to run their own race with the best version of themselves and catapult their lives to places they have dreamed of. It is particularly useful for People who want to run their own race with the best version of themselves and catapult their lives to places they have dreamed of.
Enroll now: The Complete Goal Setting and Goal Achievement Master Class
Title: The Complete Goal Setting and Goal Achievement Master Class
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 173
Number of Published Lectures: 173
Number of Curriculum Items: 173
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 173
Original Price: $129.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Get working “ON” your life not just “IN” it
- Learn the art of Yes’s and No’s
- Make mental shifts you have wanted to make for years
- Do what you say you’ll do
- Overcome procrastination, and build follow through systems you’ll LOVE
- Feel productive everyday
- Get back energy lost to things “slipping through the cracks” or just feeling like they will
- Avoid the burnout of auto-pilot
- Discover How to build finish lines and cross them
Who Should Attend
- People who want to run their own race with the best version of themselves and catapult their lives to places they have dreamed of.
Target Audiences
- People who want to run their own race with the best version of themselves and catapult their lives to places they have dreamed of.
The Complete Goal Setting and Goal Achievement Master Class
Double Your Goal Achievement in Half the Time While Working Smarter
What do tennis greats Federer, Nadal, Murray and Djokovic have to do with Personal Productivity, Goal Setting and Achievement? It’s all about their EXPERT follow through—they finish their swings and they work SMARTER, not always HARDER!
My name is Jason Teteak. I am a YouTuber, Author, Trainer of Trainers, Business coach and the Founder of Rule the Room. As an educator, I am committed to YOUR learning, and as with all of my businesses, I have set out to “level the playing field of learning”. The way the world is going, personal productivity is becoming more and more important, and I can teach you how to get from point “A” to point “B” with supreme efficiency. They say “it’s the busy people that get things done—so, if you want to get things done ask a busy person”, but to me busy, is not always efficient or effective. Maybe the saying should go, “ask a productive person”?!?
In this program, I help you capture your best ideas with goal setting for every aspect of your life and make them reality. You will gain the confidence to do the IMPORTANT things, and stop being a slave to unproductivity.
The secret sauce? Great goal setting systems to guarantee your follow through, to make things happen, and lead your most PRODUCTIVE life. You’re learn what I as a goal setting life coach teach my clients.
Early in my training career I worked for a very successful tech company called EPIC. Epic has a wonderfully PRODUCTIVE, not-so-secret, philosophy that bucks the trend of “bull-pen-style”, shove everyone in a football field-sized spot with desks here and there office spaces of Facebook and the like.
Do you wanna know what they did? By the way—its proven to increase productivity by 40 percent and I LOVED IT. …On its 385-acre campus, They provided PRIVATE offices (yes, you get a door!) for ALL staff—a choice that is designed to support the laser-focused-work practices.
This is an example of the type of strategies you’ll find in this program—strategies that work, but aren’t what EVERYONE and their brother is doing or has thought of.
This program is for anyone looking to eliminate Procrastination—those just beginning to embrace a culture of getting things done as well as Seasoned Pro’s.
Have you Heard THIS MYTH?
“I really hope I don’t achieve this goal”, said no one… ever.
There is a big difference between a goal and a wish or dream.
You could wish for a million dollars, or dream of being your own boss, but goals are where the dreams meet reality.
Wishing is much easier– the pie-in-the-sky nature of it all makes it feel less uncomplicated…more fun.
In many ways setting goals and going after them is inconvenient.
Procrastination on the other hand, FEELS good.
It’s much more comfortable to sit back and stall, or promise to get to it “soon”.
But although it might feel better, it makes things WORSE.
This complete, in-depth goal setting course is for you if you are ready to switch gears.
This program is for anyone that is excited to pursue what they want to become, in business, in life, or all of the above.
Here’s what you’ll get:
Get working “ON” your life not just “IN” it
Learn the art of Yes’s and No’s
Make mental shifts you have wanted to make for years
Do what you say you’ll do
Overcome procrastination, and build follow through systems you’ll LOVE
Feel productive everyday
Get back energy lost to things “slipping through the cracks” or just feeling like they will
Avoid the burnout of auto-pilot
Discover How to build finish lines and cross them
This complete goal setting coursecovers everything you need to:
Run your own race with the best version of yourself.
Thrive with your life – not just survive
Catapult your life to places you never dreamed
Live out your true worth.
Use your success to bring success to others
In this program we take a goal for what it is, in its simplest form–
A goal plan is a plan to move you from point A to where you want to get to– point B.
Without goals, there is no growth, or worse, you are not shaping your choices, but just letting others’ goals shape your life, likely without taking your needs into account.
I created this goal-setting system and achievement system for you to strategically meet those needs and take those dream and wishes and make them happen.
Learn these whip-smart ideas and personal productivity systems and get yourself to the top of your game by working smarter, with these proven winner strategies.
Wake up energized for your day tomorrow—let’s get going!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Set Meaningful Goals
Lecture 1: Run your own race with the best version of yourself
Lecture 2: Make Your Goals Your Own
Lecture 3: Create Your Bucket List
Lecture 4: Create Your Mission Statement
Lecture 5: Create Your Ten-Year Vision
Lecture 6: Create Your Principles
Lecture 7: Identify Your Strengths
Lecture 8: Select Your Target Market
Lecture 9: Create Your Business or Life Process
Lecture 10: Create Your Three-Year Goals
Lecture 11: Create Your One-Year Commitment
Lecture 12: Set Up Your Quarterly Building Blocks
Lecture 13: Describe Your Playing-Field Reality
Lecture 14: Activity: Create Your Bucket List
Lecture 15: Activity: Create Your Mission Statement
Lecture 16: Activity: Create Your Ten-Year Vision
Lecture 17: Activity: Create Your Principles
Lecture 18: Activity: Identify Your Strengths
Lecture 19: Activity: Select Your Target Market and Create Your Process
Lecture 20: Activity: Create Your Three-Year Goals
Lecture 21: Activity: Create Your One-Year Commitment
Lecture 22: Activity: Set Up Your Quarterly Building Blocks
Lecture 23: Activity: Describe Your Playing-Field Reality
Chapter 2: Leverage Focus to Achieve Your Goals
Lecture 1: Build Momentum to Make Great Things Happen
Lecture 2: Stay Focused to Your Vision, Improvement and Score
Lecture 3: Apply Your Personal Vision
Lecture 4: Create Improvement from Focus
Lecture 5: Keep Score
Lecture 6: Activity: Develop Focus through a Personal Vision
Lecture 7: Stay Focused on Your Day, Time and Goals
Lecture 8: Take Control of Your Day
Lecture 9: Be Intentional with Your Time
Lecture 10: Focus on Your Professional Vision Goals
Lecture 11: Activity: Focus on Your Time and Accountability
Lecture 12: Leverage Others to Stay Focused
Lecture 13: Don’t Overcommit
Lecture 14: Keep Your Promises
Lecture 15: Activity: Establish a Weekly Accountability Meeting
Chapter 3: Create a Fail-Safe Follow-Up System
Lecture 1: Save rewards from slipping through the cracks
Lecture 2: Follow Up on What Accomplishes Your Goals Now
Lecture 3: Identify Actionable Versus Non-Actionable Items
Lecture 4: Decide If Your Actionables Are Tasks or Projects
Lecture 5: Create a Task List for One-Step Actionables
Lecture 6: Delegate, Defer, Schedule or Wait for Tasks
Lecture 7: Activity: Follow Up on What Helps You Achieve Your Goals Now
Lecture 8: Follow Up on What Helps You Achieve Your Goals Later
Lecture 9: Trash, File or Tickle Non-Actionable Items
Lecture 10: Activity: Follow Up on What Helps You Achieve Goals Later
Lecture 11: Manage Your Time More Efficiently with Daily Processing Time
Lecture 12: Manage Your Time More Efficiently with Weekly Review Times
Lecture 13: Apply a Weekly Reflection to Your Life
Lecture 14: Putting it All Together
Lecture 15: Activity: Manage Your Time More Efficiently
Chapter 4: Master Your Grit Scale
Lecture 1: Don’t Just Talk about ‘It,’ Be ‘It’
Lecture 2: Identify How Gritty You Are
Lecture 3: Describe Your Own Grit
Lecture 4: Activity: Take the Grit Scale Assessment
Lecture 5: Set Up Your Environment for Self-Control
Lecture 6: Get Some Sleep
Lecture 7: Purge Yourself of Negativity
Lecture 8: Follow a Healthy, Daily Routine
Lecture 9: Live with Zest and Excitement
Lecture 10: Rise Up and Be Real
Lecture 11: Activity: Incorporate the Five Healthy/Daily Habits in Your Life
Lecture 12: Make Your Grit Sustainable
Lecture 13: Direct Yourself to Sustained Grit
Lecture 14: Focus on Solutions, Not Problems
Lecture 15: Activity: Self-Coach to Sustain Your Grit
Chapter 5: Take a Risk
Lecture 1: Grow yourself and your career faster and stronger
Lecture 2: Create a Safety Net for Yourself
Lecture 3: Create Safety Parameters
Lecture 4: Activity: Create a Safety Net for Yourself
Lecture 5: Conduct a Risk Audit
Lecture 6: Decide What Would Need to Change
Lecture 7: Be Really Honest with Yourself
Lecture 8: Activity: Conduct a Risk Audit
Lecture 9: Execute on the Risk
Lecture 10: Create an Accountability Game Plan with Your Partner
Lecture 11: Deal with the Crabs in Your Life
Lecture 12: Know Who You Are as You Take Risks
Lecture 13: Activity: Execute on the Risk
Chapter 6: Solve Your Inefficiencies
Lecture 1: Get a higher rate of return on your time
Lecture 2: Identify Your Life Success Process
Lecture 3: Do a Time Audit of Your Life
Lecture 4: Identify Your Inefficient Activities
Lecture 5: Activity: Identify Your Goal-Success Process
Lecture 6: Reduce Inefficient Activities
Lecture 7: Delegate Someone to Do Low-Goal Achieving Activities
Lecture 8: Activity: Reduce Inefficient Activities
Lecture 9: Maximize Your Goal Achieving Activities
Lecture 10: Find Your BHAGS
Lecture 11: Sharpen the Saw
Lecture 12: Activity: Maximize Your Positive Goal-Achieving Activities
Chapter 7: Set Positive Boundaries
Jason Teteak
Author, YouTuber, Keynote & TEDx Speaker, CEO Rule the Room
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 7 votes
- 5 stars: 12 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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