The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams
The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.72, with 49 lectures, based on 388 reviews, and has 2773 subscribers.
You will learn about Understand the brain science behind your sleep Apply proven methods and strategies to improve the quality of your night rest Understand and interpret the content of your dreams Use your dreams as a problem-solving tool Apply a set of simple steps to reach Lucid Dreaming Take control within your dreams and create your own dream content This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone with an interest in Brain Science or Anyone with an interest in their sleep and dreams or Anyone who wants to improve their sleep quality or Anyone who wants to understand what their dreams are all about or Anyone eager to learn how to reach lucidity in their dreams It is particularly useful for Anyone with an interest in Brain Science or Anyone with an interest in their sleep and dreams or Anyone who wants to improve their sleep quality or Anyone who wants to understand what their dreams are all about or Anyone eager to learn how to reach lucidity in their dreams.
Enroll now: The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams
Title: The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.72
Number of Lectures: 49
Number of Published Lectures: 49
Number of Curriculum Items: 49
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 49
Original Price: $89.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Understand the brain science behind your sleep
- Apply proven methods and strategies to improve the quality of your night rest
- Understand and interpret the content of your dreams
- Use your dreams as a problem-solving tool
- Apply a set of simple steps to reach Lucid Dreaming
- Take control within your dreams and create your own dream content
Who Should Attend
- Anyone with an interest in Brain Science
- Anyone with an interest in their sleep and dreams
- Anyone who wants to improve their sleep quality
- Anyone who wants to understand what their dreams are all about
- Anyone eager to learn how to reach lucidity in their dreams
Target Audiences
- Anyone with an interest in Brain Science
- Anyone with an interest in their sleep and dreams
- Anyone who wants to improve their sleep quality
- Anyone who wants to understand what their dreams are all about
- Anyone eager to learn how to reach lucidity in their dreams
From the moment we close our eyes in the evening, until we open them again in the morning… we enter a fascinating world of endless possibilities… and most of us are hardly aware of it.
We sleep every night, of course. I mean, we need to rest, right? But did you know that quality sleep is by far the number one condition for a good functioning brain. Sleep function evolves over time, from childhood to our golden age, but at any stage it is THE critical factor for our overall health, and brain health in particular. So yes, we’re going to talk about that in this course,
but there’s more….
Sweet Dreams
Every night we are creating our own virtual reality through our dreams. We are immersed in the most unlikely scenarios. But what does it all mean? Most of us just ignores them, but what if we dream for a reason. What if those dreams are trying to tell us something. At least… some of them. And how can we know? Well, we’re going to cover that as well.
And we’re going even further.
Take control
What if I told you it is possible to use your dreams to your advantage. To harness their creative potential and use it for problem solving in the real world, when you’re awake.
What if I told you, it is even possible to wake up within your dreams and become aware you’re dreaming, and from there onward take control of everything that happens in your dream. Flying around like superman, time-travel, teleportation. It’s all possible and everybody can do it. And I’m going to show you how.
But even better than that, you can use your dreams as a virtual reality playground where you can rehearse and prepare yourself for situations in the real world, and become better at skills you need to develop.
As always with the Brain Academy, everything we will see in this course is based on Scientific research and facts. For centuries it was extremely hard to study sleep. But that completely changed with the advances in neuro-imaging technology. The discoveries made these last 10 to 15 years completely changed our understanding of how sleep works and why we sleep.
In this course, I’m sharing it all with you. The studies, the research, but more importantly, how to use this in your own life with simple tips to improve your sleep quality, and simple methods to take control of your dreams and use their creative power. There’s a whole set of practical exercises for you to try out. To take the theory and turn it into action.
So if you want to explore what happens at night between your ears
If you want to understand what those dreams about failing an exam, walking around naked or your ex are all about?
If you want to learn how to take control and become the director of your own dreams…
You know what you have to do.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Sleep
Lecture 1: Why do we sleep
Lecture 2: Why do we fall asleep
Lecture 3: Morning or evening type
Lecture 4: Caffeine
Lecture 5: REM
Lecture 6: Nap time
Lecture 7: From conception to adolescence
Lecture 8: From adulthood to old age
Lecture 9: Best Practices
Chapter 3: Dreams
Lecture 1: Dreaming – Introduction
Lecture 2: Ancient Dreamers
Lecture 3: Dream Science
Lecture 4: Freud and Dreams
Lecture 5: Jung and Dreams
Lecture 6: Dream Journal Exercise
Lecture 7: Threat Simulation Theory
Lecture 8: Memory Consolidation
Lecture 9: Extinction Recall
Lecture 10: Dreams as a memory technique
Lecture 11: Disregulated Threat Detection
Lecture 12: Dreams and Depression
Lecture 13: Dreams as Psychotherapy
Lecture 14: The benefits of nightmares
Lecture 15: Dreaming and Creativity
Lecture 16: Pattern Recognition
Lecture 17: Linear and non-linear thinking
Lecture 18: Information Processing
Lecture 19: Daydreaming
Lecture 20: Psychosis
Lecture 21: Practical exercise: Dream Incubation
Lecture 22: Dream Theories Summary
Lecture 23: Concretely, what does it all mean?
Chapter 4: Lucid Dreaming
Lecture 1: Introduction to Lucid Dreaming
Lecture 2: The Science of Lucid Dreaming
Lecture 3: Inducing Lucid Dreaming
Lecture 4: Practical Exercises – Introduction
Lecture 5: Relaxation Exercise
Lecture 6: Practical Exercise – MILD
Lecture 7: Practical Exercise – Tholey's Combined Technique
Lecture 8: Practical Exercise – SILD
Lecture 9: How to recognise you're dreaming
Lecture 10: How to stabilise your lucid dream
Lecture 11: You're Lucid, now what?
Lecture 12: Lucid Dreaming for real life application
Lecture 13: Practical Exercise – Incubation
Chapter 5: Summary and Conclusion
Lecture 1: Conclusion
Lecture 2: Certificate of Completion
Lecture 3: BONUS: What's next?
Gregory Caremans – Brain Academy
Neurocognitive and Behavioral Expert
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 25 votes
- 4 stars: 99 votes
- 5 stars: 257 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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