The Secrets of Confidence and Communication
The Secrets of Confidence and Communication, available at $79.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 54 lectures, based on 580 reviews, and has 3201 subscribers.
You will learn about How to stop criticizing yourself. How to challenge your comfort zone comfortably. How to manage self-doubt, stress and nerves. How to turn your need of approval into a helpful tool. How to never again be disappointed in yourself or others. How to understand others better than ever before. How to easily start conversations with almost anyone, almost anywhere. The three ingredients to a successful interaction – and how to master them. How to create interactions that will be more than a one-time superficial conversation. And much more.. This course is ideal for individuals who are People interested in improving their social skills or People who want to become more confident or People who want to communicate better It is particularly useful for People interested in improving their social skills or People who want to become more confident or People who want to communicate better.
Enroll now: The Secrets of Confidence and Communication
Title: The Secrets of Confidence and Communication
Price: $79.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 54
Number of Published Lectures: 54
Number of Curriculum Items: 54
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 54
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to stop criticizing yourself.
- How to challenge your comfort zone comfortably.
- How to manage self-doubt, stress and nerves.
- How to turn your need of approval into a helpful tool.
- How to never again be disappointed in yourself or others.
- How to understand others better than ever before.
- How to easily start conversations with almost anyone, almost anywhere.
- The three ingredients to a successful interaction – and how to master them.
- How to create interactions that will be more than a one-time superficial conversation.
- And much more..
Who Should Attend
- People interested in improving their social skills
- People who want to become more confident
- People who want to communicate better
Target Audiences
- People interested in improving their social skills
- People who want to become more confident
- People who want to communicate better
Do you ever feel out of place socially—a little awkward and off-balance, and unsure of what to say or do while socializing, or during professional events or even romantic dates?
Do you find it hard to get noticed or make a strong impression in your private and professional life?
Then you need to learn the secrets of confidence and communication, the ability to stay calm and focused and to shine brightly in social situations—while remaining authentic to who you are.
It boils down to understanding two crucial skills—confidence and communication. And in this course, you’ll learn how to channel those two forces to achieve a sparkling presence that everyone will notice.
“I wish I can give more than 5. Life-changing course, it gives you a totally new mindset and helps you to build better relationships! Loosens you up and gives you hope that better understanding and practice will eventually lead to better social skills for everyone!”– Alida Varju, Udemy student
“This is the 2nd course of TJ’s I’m doing, and I couldn’t praise him enough! Brilliant teacher, explains everything excellently and I couldn’t recommend this course enough! For me personally, best course on here!” —Ben Yates, Udemy student
The coach’s coach
Welcome to “The secrets of Confidence and Communication” —the unsurpassed personal-transformation program created by Norway’s most high-profile social coach, TJ Guttormsen. For over a decade, TJ has helped thousands of people suffering from a sometimes crippling lack of confidence to reinvent themselves as socially savvy individuals with endless opportunities.
With more than 100 national media appearances to date, TJ’s expertise on the subject of social confidence is widely sought after by television, radio, newspaper, and magazine reporters. He has shared the stage with countless celebrated self-help experts and change-work practitioners and published books, produced courses, taught workshops, and performed 1-to-1 coaching with results that have impressed the industry.
TJ’s work is backed up by three university degrees in psychology and pedagogy, as well as a Mensa qualification. His grateful clients include billionaires, CEOs, award-winning musicians, and even an Olympic gold medalist.
“If you are serious at improving your socials skills, stop reading reviews of this course and smash that add-to-cart then checkout button. Seriously though TJ is one of the best instructors I’ve had here in Udemy. […] 6 videos in, and I’m speechless how high of quality this is, so many “aha” moments for the concepts discussed, his manner of delivery puts me in a relaxed mood, and it is never boring!”– Admor Aloysious Aguilar, Udemy student
“Massively Eye-Opening, Excellent Information. Wow!!!”– Simon Aston, Udemy student
Centered Confidence
The concept of centered confidence is rooted in something known as subtractive psychology, the understanding that the less you have on your mind, the more you can get in touch with your naturally confident self and begin to emit a magnetic presence.
Instead of giving you moreto do – more techniques, more affirmations, more stuff that doesn’t work – here, you will discover how letting go of harmful mental conditioning and how activating your psychological immune system will help your mind clear itself of negative thinking that dims your natural state of radiance.
Centered confidence is about returning to your primordial state of calm and contentedness that many of you may have experienced as children but somehow lost as you grew through adolescence to adulthood.
“I have learned here more than I actually learned anywhere else. Life skills that one truly needs to know.”– Sarah, Udemy student
“This video course is packed full of useful information. The course is very concise. (To the point, without any unnecessary words or “hype” in between.) Which is refreshing. So it is easy to repeat the separate videos for later, without feeling you’re wasting time. Best of all – you can contact him directly with any questions you might have. He answers fast. My impression is that he truly loves doing this, and genuinely wants to help people.”– Håkon M, Udemy student
In this groundbreaking program, you will discover why the “get-out-of-your-comfort-zone” model most self-help gurus tout rarely works. TJ shows that only by understanding two more zones—the growth zone and the panic zone—can you safely and constructively exit your comfort zone at will and begin seeing a massive difference in your progress.
“The secrets of Confidence and Communication”is a deep dive into the negative psychological programming we all experience growing up, but few know how to completely rid themselves of. You’ll also learn how to reprogram automatic and subconscious thought processes so that they go from being your biggest saboteurs to your greatest supporters.
Among many other advanced mental strategies, you will learn:
· How to stop the self-critical voices in your head that keep you from taking action
· How to substitute them for new voices that serve you better
· Why you should immediately stop comparing yourself to others
· How to turn your need for approval from an obstacle to social freedom into a helpful tool for growth
· How and when to confidently say “no”
· How never to be disappointed with yourself
· How to stop feeling frustrated with others
· How to quickly understand other people’s thoughts and intentions
· How to accurately predict others’ behavior
· How to identify the untested assumptions holding you back
· How to break free from the “social hierarchy”, the idea that somehow some people have more social value than others
Centered Communication
Centered communication relies on three ingredients known to people who excel at sales, negotiation, teaching and influence. Those qualities are also what naturally good communicators, knowingly or not, apply to cultivate deep platonic and romantic relationships.
The three ingredients are rapport, tension, and escalation, and once you understand how they fit together and how to create each of them your social confidence andresults will skyrocket immediately.
“I was looking for a course that helped me to improve my confidence, and moreover, to help me to communicate better with others, which is one of my weakness in all fields. This course has not only fulfilled but surpassed my expectations, and it is surely a perfect start point to learn and improve on those things.”– Moises Lorenzo León
You too will discover:
· How to give clear information that gets you what you want
· How to master your sub-communication to create a whole new impact from your words
· The two rules for social success the masters all follow
· Three simple ways to start conversations with anyone, anywhere
· How to have a magnetic presence in social situations
· How to create deep connections faster than ever
· What makes people want more of you, and how to create it
· How to boost your ability to make decisions and take initiatives
· How to create relationships that somehow just work
TJ has helped many hundreds of clients leverage these skills to achieve outstanding results – such as negotiating $20,000 pay rises, getting new jobs and promotions, healing broken family bonds, building amazing social circles from nothing, and creating their dream relationships.
“TJ Guttormsen is an authority in his field. He is very knowledgeable and bases his teachings on documented and effective strategies, which sets him apart from most coaches out there.
TJ has a unique ability to teach in an engaging way and his courses are structured so that the content becomes easy to understand and learn… Anyone taking his course will be in great hands.”– Lillian Rydning, Psychologist and Author.
Consistent and reliable results
With a sharp focus on mind mastery, social awareness, and artful communication, the program takes students on a journey of self-discovery rooted in the most advanced and sophisticated modern approaches to human psychology.
By unmasking the dark psychological programming holding many people back, the program is designed to quickly and dramatically upgrade your self-confidence, revolutionize your relationships, and enhance how others perceive you.
The program’s focus, like all of TJ’s courses, is on consistent and reliable results—not the boom-and-bust approach of too many fly-by-night personal-change gurus.
So come aboard and learn many more priceless skills like:
—How to bypass small talk and create conversations you actually enjoy with people you naturally click with
—How to create and maintain friendly networks of people who’ll support rather than pressure, discourage or limit you
—How to go outside of your comfort zone at an easy, manageable pace
—How to live in your “growth zone,” where true confidence is built.
—How to help others understand you better.
—How to manage and understand your own emotions better than ever before
—How to boost your emotional intelligence for smoother interactions
—The secret to understanding other people’s insecurities and self-talk
—How to understand a person at a deep level the moment you meet them
—How to stop worrying about making a good impression, and what to do instead.
—How to create an attractive personality and sparkling presence that makes people want to spend more time with you
—How to go straight into conversations you find interesting and enjoyable with almost anyone you meet
—How to become comfortable making the first move with someone you don’t know
How often have you missed out on connections that might have been perfect because you held yourself back or didn’t know what to do?
How many more professional opportunities do you think you might have had if you knew how to confidently communicate with others?
How many times have you felt like you wasted your time and energy on people or situations that went nowhere?
After this course, you may never need to deal with such disappointments again. Enroll now and make this the day that everything starts to change for you.
“WOW!!!! Everyone, young and old alike will enjoy and learn from TJ’s special style of teaching. I look forward to attending additional courses and am glad I invested in myself by taking this class. I wish this had been available to me when I was in middle school – I believe I would have benefitted a great deal and may have been able to deal with some of those “awkward” teenage / adult situations with greater ease and confidence. Everyone – YES EVERYONE – needs to take this class. THANK YOU, TJ!!!”– Sara J. Kegley, Udemy student
“This course helped me understand the thoughts and ideas that were behind my inhibitions and lack of confidence. With each new lesson, I began to grow in knowledge and skills on how to present myself to others better and communicate with more confidence! Take this course if you want to be guided by someone who truly understands and identifies with people who struggle with social confidence. T.J. addresses the issues holding you back and offers many solutions, skills tricks, and tips to help you increase your confidence!”– Flo Bell, Udemy student
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: A quick hello
Lecture 2: A simple eye-contact trick to convey confidence
Lecture 3: Get fast and personal support!
Chapter 2: Understanding and deprogramming your mind.
Lecture 1: How to stop criticizing yourself for your mistakes
Lecture 2: How to use your Growth Zone to become more confident
Lecture 3: Expand your Comfort Zone easily and safely
Lecture 4: How to create the right challenges for yourself
Lecture 5: How to adjusts your challenges to get the most out of them
Lecture 6: Where your nerves, stress, fear and self-doubt really comes from
Lecture 7: Why the world doesn't have to change
Lecture 8: How to activate your psychological immune system to handle bad emotions
Lecture 9: "I understand it logically, but it still doesn't help!" – The fix.
Lecture 10: The source of all your self-doubt and self-critical thinking
Lecture 11: How to change those self-doubting and self-critical thoughts
Lecture 12: Why and how to stop comparing yourself to others
Lecture 13: How to turn your need for approval into a useful tool for growth
Lecture 14: How and when to confidently say no
Lecture 15: How to never again be disappointed or frustrated with yourself
Chapter 3: How to easily understand other people
Lecture 1: How what you just learned will change how you see others
Lecture 2: Why you used to be wrong about others – and how you won't be again
Lecture 3: Learn to predict how others will behave in the future
Lecture 4: Proof that people are more alike than we think (and a fun party trick)
Lecture 5: The great misunderstanding that prevents connection – and how to avoid it
Lecture 6: The cause of (nearly) all social screw-ups – and how to prevent it
Lecture 7: How to break free from the idea that some people have higher value than others
Lecture 8: How to become an independent – and the incredible advantages it will give you
Lecture 9: How to never again need to be disappointed or frustrated with others
Chapter 4: Centered Communication
Lecture 1: Why good communication is better than status, fame, wealth or money
Lecture 2: The two techniques to eliminate misunderstandings
Lecture 3: How to use sub-communication to give your words enormous impact
Lecture 4: The two rules for social success used by master communicators
Lecture 5: Why making a "good first impression" is a bad idea
Lecture 6: Why we should learn how to start a conversation with anyone, anywhere
Lecture 7: Discover your presence, and learn to make it impossible to ignore
Lecture 8: A simple trick to make communicating with strangers easy
Lecture 9: Three simple ways to start conversations with anyone, anywhere
Lecture 10: A successful conversation's three secret ingredients
Lecture 11: How to never again run out of things to talk about
Lecture 12: How to create a deep connection with anyone almost instantly
Lecture 13: An easy way to deepen your connection with someone
Lecture 14: How your natural playfulness will change your social results
Lecture 15: The counter-intuitive way to create more attraction
Lecture 16: Using your own signs of interest to increase other's interest in you
Lecture 17: The two parts of taking things to the next level
Lecture 18: How knowing what you want will change what you get
Lecture 19: Easily and quickly increase your decision and initiative taking skills
Lecture 20: How to maximize the likelihood that people accept your invitations
Lecture 21: The three parts of an attractive invitation
Lecture 22: How what you've now learned will change your socializing forever
Lecture 23: How to create the relationships of your dreams
Lecture 24: How to adjust and ensure that your relationships last and simply work
Chapter 5: Lastly
Lecture 1: The one thing that separates those who succeed fast and those who succeed slow
Lecture 2: Optional: My life story
Lecture 3: Bonus lecture
TJ Guttormsen
Communication Coach
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 4 votes
- 3 stars: 39 votes
- 4 stars: 142 votes
- 5 stars: 393 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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