Masterclass: Ultimate Field Guide to Wildlife Photography
Masterclass: Ultimate Field Guide to Wildlife Photography, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.5, with 87 lectures, based on 91 reviews, and has 416 subscribers.
You will learn about The most comprehensive course on wildlife photography on the Internet. This is the only course you need to complete, to learn in-depth all facets of wildlife photography. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned photographer with or without experience in wildlife photography, you will still find this course extremely valuable. In this course, you get the complete lowdown on the ideal equipment for wildlife photography. Apart from picking the right cameras and lenses to suit your shooting needs and your budget, this course will also introduce you to some really useful accessories for wildlife photography. Composition can make or break an image. This course teaches you all you need to know about how to compose your shot by applying the rule of thirds. Light lies at the heart of photography. The course teaches you to paint with light and create stunning imagery. You will also learn about story-telling imagers that have the potential to win competitions. In the course, your mentor talks extensively on some of the hottest wildlife destinations in India. Places that he has frequented, along with the wildlife shooting opportunities at each place. This is also a ready reckoner which is the best season, park timings, on how to plan your visit, and the safari booking options available at these destinations. Shooting technique is vital in wildlife photography, more so during safaris. In this course, you will learn the various shooting techniques, workarounds during safaris and the various accessories to facilitate and aid an optimal shooting experience. Whether or not to use a tripod in your safari vehicle; if you can use, what’s the best way to do it; how to shoot handheld – these are some of the topics that will be explained. Theory of reciprocity and its relevance in wildlife photography is another concept dealt with in great detail. You will also gain a firm understanding of concepts of exposure triangle, its dependence on metering and other related topics. In our quest for great pictures, we often forget some of the basics. This course touches upon such aspects as care for your equipment during safaris, care for your own health and safety and most important, the ethical aspects of wildlife photography. This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring wildlife photographers and even those who are already into wildlife photography will find this course immensely useful and relevant. It is particularly useful for Aspiring wildlife photographers and even those who are already into wildlife photography will find this course immensely useful and relevant.
Enroll now: Masterclass: Ultimate Field Guide to Wildlife Photography
Title: Masterclass: Ultimate Field Guide to Wildlife Photography
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.5
Number of Lectures: 87
Number of Published Lectures: 87
Number of Curriculum Items: 87
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 87
Original Price: ₹3,299
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The most comprehensive course on wildlife photography on the Internet. This is the only course you need to complete, to learn in-depth all facets of wildlife photography. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned photographer with or without experience in wildlife photography, you will still find this course extremely valuable.
- In this course, you get the complete lowdown on the ideal equipment for wildlife photography. Apart from picking the right cameras and lenses to suit your shooting needs and your budget, this course will also introduce you to some really useful accessories for wildlife photography.
- Composition can make or break an image. This course teaches you all you need to know about how to compose your shot by applying the rule of thirds.
- Light lies at the heart of photography. The course teaches you to paint with light and create stunning imagery. You will also learn about story-telling imagers that have the potential to win competitions.
- In the course, your mentor talks extensively on some of the hottest wildlife destinations in India. Places that he has frequented, along with the wildlife shooting opportunities at each place. This is also a ready reckoner which is the best season, park timings, on how to plan your visit, and the safari booking options available at these destinations.
- Shooting technique is vital in wildlife photography, more so during safaris. In this course, you will learn the various shooting techniques, workarounds during safaris and the various accessories to facilitate and aid an optimal shooting experience. Whether or not to use a tripod in your safari vehicle; if you can use, what’s the best way to do it; how to shoot handheld – these are some of the topics that will be explained.
- Theory of reciprocity and its relevance in wildlife photography is another concept dealt with in great detail. You will also gain a firm understanding of concepts of exposure triangle, its dependence on metering and other related topics.
- In our quest for great pictures, we often forget some of the basics. This course touches upon such aspects as care for your equipment during safaris, care for your own health and safety and most important, the ethical aspects of wildlife photography.
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring wildlife photographers and even those who are already into wildlife photography will find this course immensely useful and relevant.
Target Audiences
- Aspiring wildlife photographers and even those who are already into wildlife photography will find this course immensely useful and relevant.
The most comprehensive online photography course on wildlife photography. This is the only course you need to complete, to learn in-depth all facets of wildlife photography. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned photographer with or without experience in wildlife photography, you will still find this course extremely valuable.
Sudhir has distilled his 23+ years of experience shooting in the wild in this single most comprehensive field guide for wildlife photography.
Through this tutorial, he has striven to cover every tiny detail pertaining to this genre of photography.
At the outset, he introduces the topic of wildlife photography and goes on to talk about the ideal equipment for wildlife photography.
There are several chapters dedicated to highlighting some of the best wildlife destinations in India and the opportunities present there to sight and shoot wildlife.
Sudhir places a lot of importance on subject knowledge in photography, more so wildlife photography. He has covered this subject in great detail and has talked about understanding animal behaviour and how to make use of this knowledge to get superlative shots. He emphasises how subject knowledge can help with pre visualisation – another vital concept in wildlife photography. Again, he drives home the point with numerous real-life examples.
Sudhir has dedicated several videos to illustrate the various challenges one may encounter while shooting during a safari and the ways in which to overcome these challenges. He also talks about the numerous accessories that help during safaris, some techniques and workarounds for shooting with long tele lens and many other tips and tricks to make the most of your safari experience.
Then there is also a whole set of videos where Sudhir has picked specific actions by the subjects and explained how to capture those flawlessly. In parallel these videos also deal with core technical aspects including shutter speed, focussing modes, auto focussing points in different cameras and so on. Composition is another topic he has dealt with in great depth.
He then covers the topics of post processing which is an integral part of digital photography and takes you through the various steps he follows to get back that life in the images.
Apart from the core photography aspects, Sudhir has covered numerous other topics including the ethical aspects of wildlife photography; equipment care and safety and healthcare during safaris; post processing and more.
Finally he has a few chapters which are dedicated to real life examples from the field.
In a nutshell, this is the one course you need to sign up for if you are an aspiring wildlife photographer or for that matter even a fairly seasoned one, for there is so much to learn here for everyone.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction – Your Complete Guide to Wildlife Photography
Lecture 1: Introduction – Your Complete Guide to Wildlife Photography
Chapter 2: Equipment for Wildlife Photography
Lecture 1: Equipment for Wildlife Photography
Chapter 3: Identifying the locations for Wildlife Photography
Lecture 1: Various Locations in India for Wildlife Photography
Lecture 2: Sudhir's Favourite Destinations for Wildlife Photography
Chapter 4: Safari / Game Drive for Wildlife Photography
Lecture 1: Safari / Game Drive for Wildlife Photography
Chapter 5: Understanding the Behavioural Aspects of Animals
Lecture 1: Introduction to Subject Knowledge in Wildlife Photography
Lecture 2: Subject Knowledge – Understanding Tigers
Lecture 3: Subject Knowledge – Understanding Leopards
Lecture 4: Subject Knowledge – Understanding Elephants
Lecture 5: Subject Knowledge – Understanding Wild Dogs
Lecture 6: Subject Knowledge – Understanding Sloth Bears
Lecture 7: Subject Knowledge – Understanding other Common Animals
Chapter 6: Subject Knowledge and Previsualization
Lecture 1: How to use Subject Knowledge for Planning your Shot
Lecture 2: Previsualize – Tigers Crossing with Vehicles in backdrop
Lecture 3: Spotted Deers Action Photography
Lecture 4: Photographing Macaque with Rim Light Effect
Lecture 5: Spotted Deer Behaviour after out of Water
Lecture 6: Previsualising in the Field – Tigers in the Grassland
Lecture 7: Understanding Behaviour of Monkeys and Planning your Shot:
Lecture 8: Lion in Rain and Capturing its Behaviour
Lecture 9: Understanding Behaviour of Leopard and Planning your shot
Chapter 7: Signature Shots in Wildlife
Lecture 1: Signature Shots in Wildlife
Chapter 8: The Concept of Story-telling Images
Lecture 1: The Concept of Story-telling Images
Chapter 9: Shooting Techniques in Wildlife
Lecture 1: Best Way to Shoot from Safari Vehicle
Lecture 2: How to use Tripod in a Safari Vehicle
Lecture 3: Handheld Shooting Technique to get Sharp Images
Lecture 4: Handheld Shooting from a Safari Vehicle
Lecture 5: Technique to Support Long Tele lens in Safari Vehicle
Lecture 6: Workarounds for Shooting with a Long Tele lens:
Lecture 7: Using a Clamp While Shooting in Safari Vehicle
Lecture 8: Combination of Beanbag and Panning Pod – Best Setup for Wildlife Photography
Lecture 9: Carrying Equipment in the field
Chapter 10: Technical Aspects of wildlife photography
Lecture 1: Using Aperture Priority and Lowest f Number
Lecture 2: Shutter Priority Shooting Mode for Wildlife Photography
Lecture 3: When to Use Shutter Priority and When not to Use
Lecture 4: What is the Best Shutter Speed for Wildlife Photography
Lecture 5: All about Manual Exposure for Wildlife Photography
Lecture 6: When to use what Shooting Mode in Wildlife Photography
Lecture 7: Theory of Reciprocity – Most Important for Low-light shooting
Lecture 8: Understanding Camera Metering
Lecture 9: Different Kinds of Metering Modes Available
Lecture 10: When to Use what Metering Mode for Wildlife Photography
Lecture 11: The Challenges of Spot Metering in Wildlife
Lecture 12: Focusing Modes to be Used for Wildlife Photography
Lecture 13: Understanding Auto Focusing Points in Canon
Lecture 14: Understanding Auto Focusing Points in Nikon / Sony
Lecture 15: Using the AF Distance Switch on the Lens
Lecture 16: The Concept of Shooting in Auto ISO
Lecture 17: How to get the Best out of an Entry-level Camera
Lecture 18: Tigers Fighting – What Went Wrong in Execution
Lecture 19: Tiger Climbing a Tree – How to be Ready for such Actions
Lecture 20: Jumping Blackbucks – How to Arrive at Correct Camera Settings and Composition
Lecture 21: The Concept of High-key and Low-key Images
Chapter 11: The Art of Composition
Lecture 1: How to Compose Extreme Close-up Subjects
Lecture 2: Getting to the Eye Level in Wildlife Photography
Lecture 3: Eye Contact and Head Turn for Better Impact
Lecture 4: When to Zoom In and When to Zoom Out
Lecture 5: Bad Compositions in Wildlife Photography
Lecture 6: The Art of Black and White Photography
Lecture 7: The Concept of Rim Lighting
Lecture 8: All About Making Creative Images
Lecture 9: Practically Understanding Subject Placement
Lecture 10: What are Distractions in your Composition
Lecture 11: Photographing around Water Bodies
Lecture 12: Shooting Angle while on Foot
Lecture 13: Understanding the Concept of Head Turn and Eye Contact in the Field
Lecture 14: Using AF Points for Proper Composition
Lecture 15: Photography – All about Playing with Light
Chapter 12: Equipment and Health care during safari
Lecture 1: Equipment Care During Wildlife Safaris
Lecture 2: Care for your Health During Safaris/Wildlife Photography
Chapter 13: Post Processing Tips for Wildlife Images
Lecture 1: Introduction to Post Processing for Wildlife Images
Lecture 2: Filtering and deleting bad images from your trip
Lecture 3: Right Application to Process RAW files
Lecture 4: How I process my Wildlife Images – Complete Workflow
Lecture 5: Working with Shadow and Highlights Slider for RAW Files
Lecture 6: Processing High Key and Low Key Images
Chapter 14: Practical Field Examples
Lecture 1: The Story of Tiger and Gaur
Lecture 2: Photographing Wild Dogs
Lecture 3: Photographing Five Pythons in the Field
Lecture 4: How to Arrive at the Correct White Balance
Lecture 5: Concept of Pre-visualising and Animal Behaviour
Lecture 6: Studying the behaviour and planning your shot
Lecture 7: Close-up vs Habitat Shots
Lecture 8: How to Arrive at the Correct Shooting Angle
Lecture 9: Understanding Light and Planning your Shot
Chapter 15: Ethical aspects of Wildlife Photography
Sudhir Shivaram
Photography Mentor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 6 votes
- 4 stars: 29 votes
- 5 stars: 53 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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