Your Complete Filmmaking Guide
Your Complete Filmmaking Guide, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.58, with 67 lectures, 4 quizzes, based on 6 reviews, and has 19 subscribers.
You will learn about You will understand the fundamentals of storytelling, how to find the right story and the people to tell it, how to structure and create compelling content. You will develop knowledge and understanding of equipment, confidence using cameras, lighting, sound, and editing software. You will know how to plan and organise an independent film production, budgeting, scheduling, to confidently tackle the world of filmmaking on your own. You will be able to explore different strategies for marketing and promoting your film, find and connect with distributors as well as fund your film projects. This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring filmmakers with a passion for story telling who want to express their artistic imagination through film. or Film students who want to learn from a teacher who has current experience and knows what it's like to carve out your own independent creator space in the film industry. or Creative professionals who want to add video production to their professional offerings. or Amateur filmmakers who want to break out of the mold and start making an income from their films. or Content creators who are looking at creating cinematic style story-based content. or Anyone who wants to enjoy the pleasure of independently creating their own documentary films. It is particularly useful for Aspiring filmmakers with a passion for story telling who want to express their artistic imagination through film. or Film students who want to learn from a teacher who has current experience and knows what it's like to carve out your own independent creator space in the film industry. or Creative professionals who want to add video production to their professional offerings. or Amateur filmmakers who want to break out of the mold and start making an income from their films. or Content creators who are looking at creating cinematic style story-based content. or Anyone who wants to enjoy the pleasure of independently creating their own documentary films.
Enroll now: Your Complete Filmmaking Guide
Title: Your Complete Filmmaking Guide
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.58
Number of Lectures: 67
Number of Quizzes: 4
Number of Published Lectures: 67
Number of Published Quizzes: 4
Number of Curriculum Items: 71
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 71
Original Price: A$42.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will understand the fundamentals of storytelling, how to find the right story and the people to tell it, how to structure and create compelling content.
- You will develop knowledge and understanding of equipment, confidence using cameras, lighting, sound, and editing software.
- You will know how to plan and organise an independent film production, budgeting, scheduling, to confidently tackle the world of filmmaking on your own.
- You will be able to explore different strategies for marketing and promoting your film, find and connect with distributors as well as fund your film projects.
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring filmmakers with a passion for story telling who want to express their artistic imagination through film.
- Film students who want to learn from a teacher who has current experience and knows what it's like to carve out your own independent creator space in the film industry.
- Creative professionals who want to add video production to their professional offerings.
- Amateur filmmakers who want to break out of the mold and start making an income from their films.
- Content creators who are looking at creating cinematic style story-based content.
- Anyone who wants to enjoy the pleasure of independently creating their own documentary films.
Target Audiences
- Aspiring filmmakers with a passion for story telling who want to express their artistic imagination through film.
- Film students who want to learn from a teacher who has current experience and knows what it's like to carve out your own independent creator space in the film industry.
- Creative professionals who want to add video production to their professional offerings.
- Amateur filmmakers who want to break out of the mold and start making an income from their films.
- Content creators who are looking at creating cinematic style story-based content.
- Anyone who wants to enjoy the pleasure of independently creating their own documentary films.
Many aspiring independent filmmakers, beginners or experience, find themselves grappling with questions like:
· Can I self-fund my films without digging into the family fund?
· Do I have the ability to manage a documentary project on my own?
· Where do I even start?
· Can I even do this in my free time?
The simple answer is ‘YES!’, you absolutely can … and you can do it on your own!
With drive, motivation, willpower to see your vision come to life and the skills you learn in this course, the possibilities are almost endless. Most importantly, you don’t even need expensive gear to get started. If you have a smartphone capable of taking awesome videos, get ready to hit that record button!
This 4-hour straight-to-the-point course will get you equipped with the right skills but will also inspire you to start and finish your documentary film project. It is designed to build your knowledge in independent filmmaking through:
· Developing your ideas
· Building a story
· Giving you the tools and knowledge to project manage your film
· Enhancing your awareness
· Understanding your gear including technical knowledge
· Looking at overall affordability and viability of your film
· Setting up to film through planning and budgeting
· Completing post-production including software and computers
· Initial funding options to get your project off the ground
· Developing your cinematography style
· Creating artwork for various purposes for your film
· Approaching and submitting to film festivals
· Finding and dealing with distributors
· Funding and planning your future projects … just to name a few.
Unlock your creative potential in filmmaking and turn your dream of creating your own films into reality. This course will be your gateway to unleashing your artistic vision and providing the skills for you to grow as a filmmaker.
Course Curriculum
Lecture 1: Introduction & Course Outline
Chapter 1: The Story
Lecture 1: Finding a Story
Lecture 2: Understanding the flow of a story
Lecture 3: Building your story
Lecture 4: Inspirations
Chapter 2: Planning & Budgeting
Lecture 1: Planning overview
Lecture 2: Creating a flow chart for your story using MS Excel
Lecture 3: Creating a basic production plan in MS Excel
Lecture 4: Budgeting for your documentary film using MS Excel
Lecture 5: Scheduling your production and contacts list using MS Excel
Lecture 6: Managing your time effectively
Lecture 7: Time to get creative: creating Mood Boards using MS PowerPoint
Lecture 8: Creating a Storyboard in MS PowerPoint and shot list in MS Excel
Lecture 9: Know your location
Lecture 10: A brief look at using drones
Lecture 11: Release forms, waivers and NDA's
Chapter 3: The Gear
Lecture 1: Introduction to this section
Lecture 2: Overview of one of the most popular cameras used by indie filmmakers
Lecture 3: Know your gear – cameras
Lecture 4: Why I choose to work with certain cameras
Lecture 5: The technical aspects
Lecture 6: Camera image sensors
Lecture 7: Camera frame rate and shutter speed
Lecture 8: SD cards, C-Fast cards and SSD (Solid State Drives)
Lecture 9: ISO, speed boosters and lens adapters
Lecture 10: HD vs UHD
Lecture 11: Know your lenses
Lecture 12: Aperture and focal lengths (part 1)
Lecture 13: Aperture and focal lengths (part 2)
Lecture 14: ND filters and polarized filters
Lecture 15: Histograms
Lecture 16: What is chromatic aberration?
Lecture 17: Lens barrelling
Lecture 18: Know your audio gear
Lecture 19: Setting up audio for an interview
Lecture 20: Know you lighting
Lecture 21: Basic lighting set up
Lecture 22: Who or what is Kelvin?
Lecture 23: Camera IBS
Lecture 24: Know your camera stabilizers
Lecture 25: Stabilize without camera stabilization aid
Lecture 26: Know your computer
Lecture 27: My computer set up and downloading a free editing suite
Lecture 28: Post-Production (editing)
Lecture 29: Royalty free music and videos
Lecture 30: Voice overs
Lecture 31: Inventory
Lecture 32: Looking after your gear
Chapter 4: Initial Funding
Lecture 1: Crowd funding
Lecture 2: Distributors – proof of works
Lecture 3: Know everything and your other options for funding
Chapter 5: Working with Talent
Lecture 1: Talent for your documentary film
Chapter 6: The Art of Filming
Lecture 1: Interviews
Lecture 2: Filming conversations
Lecture 3: Run and gun
Lecture 4: B rolls and cutaways
Lecture 5: Time laps
Lecture 6: Behind the scenes
Lecture 7: Aerials
Lecture 8: Exercise
Chapter 7: Artwork
Lecture 1: Documentary film artwork
Chapter 8: Trailers, Screeners & Film Festival
Lecture 1: Trailers, screeners, and film festivals
Chapter 9: Working with Distributors
Lecture 1: Documentary film distributors
Chapter 10: Self Distribution
Lecture 1: Self distributing your documentary film
Chapter 11: Audience Feedback
Lecture 1: Audience feedback and further education
Chapter 12: Income & Planning Ahead
Lecture 1: Generating income from your documentary film and planning ahead
Lecture 2: Thank You!
Attila Kaldy
Documentary Filmmaking Instructor at Udemy
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 4 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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