2 Min Learn French Whisperer Beginner 1-2 – Lessons 1 to 99
2 Min Learn French Whisperer Beginner 1-2 – Lessons 1 to 99, available at $49.99, has an average rating of 4.69, with 102 lectures, based on 8 reviews, and has 66 subscribers.
You will learn about Beginner 1: 130 Basic French words (1 – 14: 2mn lessons average) Beginner 1 Suite: Sentences to travel to France (15 – 47: 2mn lessons average) Beginner 2: 52 expressions – Learn how to use the French Whisperer Color Coding System to speak like the French, with fun and confidence (48 – 99: 8mn/lesson average) This course is ideal for individuals who are French Beginners or French Beginner II or Actually, all levels will benefit from our unique approach to the language It is particularly useful for French Beginners or French Beginner II or Actually, all levels will benefit from our unique approach to the language.
Enroll now: 2 Min Learn French Whisperer Beginner 1-2 – Lessons 1 to 99
Title: 2 Min Learn French Whisperer Beginner 1-2 – Lessons 1 to 99
Price: $49.99
Average Rating: 4.69
Number of Lectures: 102
Number of Published Lectures: 102
Number of Curriculum Items: 102
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 102
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Beginner 1: 130 Basic French words (1 – 14: 2mn lessons average)
- Beginner 1 Suite: Sentences to travel to France (15 – 47: 2mn lessons average)
- Beginner 2: 52 expressions – Learn how to use the French Whisperer Color Coding System to speak like the French, with fun and confidence (48 – 99: 8mn/lesson average)
Who Should Attend
- French Beginners
- French Beginner II
- Actually, all levels will benefit from our unique approach to the language
Target Audiences
- French Beginners
- French Beginner II
- Actually, all levels will benefit from our unique approach to the language
With French Whisperer, you will learn French as millions have learned successfully before you, hands-on.
“What I got out of it: I wish I had this course 10 years ago. What I noticed as a singing coach is your jaw placement for “AH”. You opened your mouth and that made sounding the “R” easier. Arrêtez – AHH retter. That helped me. Loved it!!! You are a true coach! Private students would be lucky to have you.
I’ll keep looking at it. Your explanations for some of the expressions were interesting (2 Min Learn French Whisperer Beginner 1-2 – Lessons 1 to 99). I am always looking for ways to speak faster and not stumble over my words. I have a slight stutter. I enjoy your hints. My wife could do this course when she is ready.”
Jon, January 24, 2021
“I’ve tried them all and this one is it!”
Joe Hogan, CBS
“When I heard my first lesson I honestly felt betrayed by my other programs –why didn’t they simply tell the truth about French pronunciation like French Whisperer does?”
Patricia J. Gust, Attorney, Los Angeles, CA
I was impressed with your teaching methodology, particularly with the emphasis you place on the correct pronunciation of contractions. — Scott Tingley, One World Language Solutions, Dallas
It really gave my confidence a boost and gave me hope that I actually can be fluent in this language. — Mary Pat Avery, Post Production Manager, Los Angeles
French Whisperer has created a unique and effective way to learn. My last trip to France was an entirely different experience! — Judi Irving, CEO, HemaCare Corporation, California
I just went over the beginner’s level for the French lesson and I asked myself, ” Why didn’t my French instructors from France, teach me how to read the material or even pronounce the alphabet correctly?” I review some of the material and French is way easier to learn with your program. Thank you for making this course. No other programs work for me at all, Not even other “learn French online for free” websites. Thank you Thank you Thank You. You’ve just gained another lifetime customer. — Brittney Johnson
I really like the method. The intelligent simplicity of its structure makes it very efficient and enjoyable. Yes, you repeat a lot, but such in a practical way that you learn French with the right accent and inflections immediately. I started to listen and pay attention to the sound right away, much more than with any other French courses I have used before. My comprehension has improved tremendously. —Geena
French Whisperer is a MUST buy. This program will completely demystify the art of French spoken language–and it is an art. When I heard my first lesson I honestly felt betrayed by my other programs–why didn’t they simply tell the truth about French pronunciation like French Whisperer does? That is why if you have had years of instruction or not even one French lesson this program will benefit you.
You get written dialogues, the alphabet, and helpful pronunciation tips. You also get a program, which effortlessly takes you through a rich library of interesting conversations. You can watch the video and audio together or listen to the audio alone. The secret to French Whisperer is that it breaks it down for you–lesson by lesson. One of the most important things in learning a language is to utilize your listening skills–something that had always terrified me until French Whisperer. Go through each dialogue step by step and you will lose your fear and finally gain the confidence to trust your ears. Then pick up your old language books, tapes, and French movies and you will be amazed when you finally understand the speech patterns. I highly recommend this program—ENJOY! — Pat Jones
I have studied French grammar and memorized French vocabulary. But until French Whisperer, I often found carrying on a conversation with French people difficult and understanding French movies and TV, almost impossible. Then I discovered French Whisperer. This program focuses on two important but often ignored aspects of learning the French language: pronunciation and aural comprehension. In these two areas, French Whisperer is outstanding. It begins by discussing the alphabet and French sounds, french words, french sentences, and expressions. Then painstakingly walks you through interviews with real French people. You hear the interviews read, you pronounce the words, and you pay attention to the rhythm of the language and the patterns of speech. You read the text and then you hear the actual interview. As the program progresses, your ability to listen, hear, and understand improves. I highly recommend this program to people who want to challenge themselves to actually speak and understand the French language. — LivinginFrance
You won’t find a better way to learn French and learn it quickly than French Whisperer. I took 2 years of French in high school and two in college but couldn’t speak or understand the spoken language. After a week or so of French Whisperer, I had learned more than I had during years of formal training. You will pick this up with lightning speed. The ability to listen to a variety of native French speakers (and to have the French text and translation when you want them), to hear them use typical French expressions that you will quickly find yourself using, to hear how they form sentences in everyday conversation, is simply invaluable. As you listen and repeat (and you should listen over and over), you’ll begin to notice that, just like with English speakers, some Frenchmen speak better French than others; the young student, for example, speaks more casually and with more slang than, say, the diplomat or the art dealer. With this ingenious system, you’ll be exposed to all manner of speaking habits, all of which you can copy, or not, and will find yourself automatically absorbing all the nuances of the language you cannot learn in any other way. Other than living in France, of course. — Michael M.
You will start with words and sentences in 2-minute lessons. Then, through 52 expressions (8mn each average), like ‘No problem’ or ‘Gotta go,’ you will master reading French the way it is spoken in everyday situations. From day one, we will use red letters to show you what to pronounce and what not to pronounce. Our color-coding system will make it much easier for you to speak and understand French… and be understood. You will be made aware of the structure of the language. Learning the rules of French conjugation and some grammar will be a pleasure at the ‘Course 2’ level. Too many people learn French, only to accumulate struggle and confusion. They lose their confidence. It will not be your case. Your confidence to speak without an accent will make you a special guest when you visit France. You can take the course at any level you are. Our original way to approach the French language will benefit all. For intermediates and advanced, it will surely be a ‘breakthrough’. This French course doesn’t delve into grammar. After all, no French native learns grammar before they speak French fluently. It’s also the case for English natives. That way has been proven effective. At French Whisperer, we trust nature.
I want to thank my friend John Farley for his support and his role as an adviser for the course.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: First 130 French words
Lecture 2: 1/13: 10 words
Lecture 3: 2/13: 10 words
Lecture 4: 3/13: 10 words
Lecture 5: 4/13: 10 words
Lecture 6: 5/13: 10 words
Lecture 7: 6/13: 10 words
Lecture 8: 7/13: 10 words
Lecture 9: 8/13: 10 words
Lecture 10: 9/13: 10 words
Lecture 11: 10/13: 10 words
Lecture 12: 11/13: 10 words
Lecture 13: 12/13: 10 words
Lecture 14: 13/13: 10 words
Chapter 2: Sentences for your trip to France by situation – hotel, restaurant, market…
Lecture 2: TRAVELERS 1/34 (To Play/Download audio files, click on RESOURCES to the right)
Lecture 3: TRAVELERS 2/34
Lecture 4: TRAVELERS 3/34
Lecture 5: TRAVELERS 4/34
Lecture 6: TRAVELERS 5/34
Lecture 7: TRAVELERS 6/34
Lecture 8: TRAVELERS 7/34
Lecture 9: TRAVELERS 8/34
Lecture 10: TRAVELERS 9/34
Lecture 11: TRAVELERS 10/34
Lecture 12: TRAVELERS 11/34
Lecture 13: TRAVELERS 12/34
Lecture 14: TRAVELERS 13/34
Lecture 15: TRAVELERS 14/34
Lecture 16: TRAVELERS 15/34
Lecture 17: TRAVELERS 16/34
Lecture 18: TRAVELERS 17/34
Lecture 19: TRAVELERS 18/34
Lecture 20: TRAVELERS 19/34
Lecture 21: TRAVELERS 20/34
Lecture 22: TRAVELERS 21/34
Lecture 23: TRAVELERS 22/34
Lecture 24: TRAVELERS 23/34
Lecture 25: TRAVELERS 24/34
Lecture 26: TRAVELERS 25/34
Lecture 27: TRAVELERS 26/34
Lecture 28: TRAVELERS 27/34
Lecture 29: TRAVELERS 28/34
Lecture 30: TRAVELERS 29/34
Lecture 31: TRAVELERS 30/34
Lecture 32: TRAVELERS 31/34
Lecture 33: TRAVELERS 32/34
Lecture 34: TRAVELERS 33/34
Lecture 35: TRAVELERS 34/34
Lecture 1: Introduction to Lectures 51 to 102
Lecture 2: 1/52: Pas de Problème
Lecture 3: 2/52: Il faut que j'y aille
Lecture 4: 3/52: Ça vaut le coup
Lecture 5: 4/52: On se voit après le ciné?
Lecture 6: 5/52: Tu sais ce que je vais faire?
Lecture 7: 6/52: Je m'appelle Paul. Je parle Français
Lecture 8: 7/52: C'était il y a longtemps
Lecture 9: 8/52: Ils feront ça demain
Lecture 10: 9/52: Tu sais ce que c'est, le Rayon Vert?
Lecture 11: 10/52: Oui, bon, je veux bien
Lecture 12: 11/52: Je suis libre toute la semaine sauf lundi
Lecture 13: 12/52: Vous êtes avec qui?
Lecture 14: 13/52: Ça sera prêt mardi
Lecture 15: 14/52: Tu es d'où, toi? Moi, je suis Américain
Lecture 16: 15/52: Vous parlez Français? – Un petit peu
Lecture 17: 16/52: Les toilettes, s'il vous plaît?
Lecture 18: 17/52: Je n'ai pas besoin de ça
Lecture 19: 18/52: On n'a pas beaucoup de temps
Lecture 20: 19/52: C'est pour ça que ça ne marche pas
Lecture 21: 20/52: Ce n'est pas ce que je veux dire
Lecture 22: 21/52: Eh bien, tu n'as qu'à y aller
Lecture 23: 22/52: Je vais faire un tour
Lecture 24: 23/52: Fais ce que je dis, pas ce que je fais
Lecture 25: 24/52: Je n'arrive pas à ma décider
Lecture 26: 25/52: Ce n'est pas mon truc
Lecture 27: 26/52: Dans la vie, il ne faut pas s'en faire
Lecture 28: 27/52: Je vous ai apporté des bonbons
Lecture 29: 28/52: Je vais te le donner tout de suite
Lecture 30: 29/52: Non, je ne peux pas y aller
Lecture 31: 30/52: Moi, je prends le Plat du Jour
Lecture 32: 31/52: Ils ne te comprennent pas
Lecture 33: 32/52: Eh bien, il n'y en a pas mal, hein?
Lecture 34: 33/52: Oui, je crois que c'est dans le coin
Lecture 35: 34/52: Je n'en veux plus. J'en veux plus
Lecture 36: 35/52: Quatre oranges, quatre pommes
Lecture 37: 36/52: On n'a pas fini d'en entendre parler
Lecture 38: 37/52: Je ne l'ai pas vu venir
Lecture 39: 38/52: À bientôt. À tout de suite. Au revoir
Lecture 40: 39/52: Je te donne un coup de main?
Lecture 41: 40/52: Va le faire! Vas-y!
Lecture 42: 41/52: Elles sont en train de manger
Lecture 43: 42/52: Ça te plait? Tu aimes ce pull?
Lecture 44: 43/52: Personne ne sait ce que c'est
Lecture 45: 44/52: Tu as de beaux yeux, tu sais
Lecture 46: 45/52: Ce n'est peut-être pas par l
Lecture 47: 46/52: Je suis désolé de vous avoir dérangé
Lecture 48: 47/52: Qu'est-ce qu'on fait maintenant?
Christian Aubert
French Whisperer teacher – to learn French smart
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 4 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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