A Mathematical and Programming Course on Machine Learning
A Mathematical and Programming Course on Machine Learning, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 3.67, with 129 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 6 reviews, and has 90 subscribers.
You will learn about In depth knowledge of mathematics behind building ML models How to prepare data for feeding into models In depth analysis of support vector machines and their kernels Concepts of Ensemble methods in machine learning Building Recommendation system by using concepts of machine learning Building Recommendation System Implementation of CNN models Implementation of Fashion MNIST Recurrent Neural network Quiz at the end of each Section to test the concepts you have learned Natural Language Processing Active Learning Implementation of Cost Estimation functions using TensorFlow from scratch This course is ideal for individuals who are undergraduates, graduates who want to learn python and machine learning along with their mathematical concepts It is particularly useful for undergraduates, graduates who want to learn python and machine learning along with their mathematical concepts.
Enroll now: A Mathematical and Programming Course on Machine Learning
Title: A Mathematical and Programming Course on Machine Learning
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 3.67
Number of Lectures: 129
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 128
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 135
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 134
Original Price: $139.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- In depth knowledge of mathematics behind building ML models
- How to prepare data for feeding into models
- In depth analysis of support vector machines and their kernels
- Concepts of Ensemble methods in machine learning
- Building Recommendation system by using concepts of machine learning
- Building Recommendation System
- Implementation of CNN models
- Implementation of Fashion MNIST
- Recurrent Neural network
- Quiz at the end of each Section to test the concepts you have learned
- Natural Language Processing
- Active Learning
- Implementation of Cost Estimation functions using TensorFlow from scratch
Who Should Attend
- undergraduates, graduates who want to learn python and machine learning along with their mathematical concepts
Target Audiences
- undergraduates, graduates who want to learn python and machine learning along with their mathematical concepts
This course of “A Comprehensive Course on Machine Learning using python” is a very comprehensive and unique course in itself. Machine Learning is a revolution now days but we cannot master machine learning without getting the mathematical insight, and this course is designed for the same. Our course starts from very basic to advance concepts of machine learning. We have divided the course into different modules which start from the introduction of python its programming basic and important programming constructs which are extensively used in ML programming.
The mathematics involved in Machine learning is normally being not discussed and being left out in , but in our course we have put lot of emphasis in mathematical formulation of algorithms used in ML. We have also designed modules of pandas, sklearn, scipy, seaborn and matplotlib for gearing the students with all important tools which are needed in dealing with data and building the model. The machine learning module focuses on the mathematical derivation on white board through video lectures because we believe that white box view of every concept is very important for becoming an efficient ML expert.
In Machine Learning the cost estimation function also called loss functions are very important to understand and in our course we have explained Cross Categorical Entropy, Sparse Categorical Cross Entropy, and other important cost functions using TensorFlow.
Concepts like gradient descent algorithm, Restricted Boltzmann Algorithm, Perceptron, Multiple Layer Perceptron, Support Vector Machine, Radial Basis Function , Naïve Bayes Classifier, Ensemble Methods, recommendation system and many more are being implemented with examples using Google Colab.
Further I wish best of luck to learners for their sincere efforts in advance…
Use of various components of statistics in analyzing data
Graphical representation of data to get deep insight of the patterns
Mathematical analysis of algorithms to remove the black box view
Practical implementation of all important ML Algorithms
Building various models from scratch using advance algorithms
Understanding the use of ML in research
Quiz at the end of each section
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: A mathematical approach to Machine learning : An Overview
Lecture 1: Detail Overview of Course
Lecture 2: How to connect Google CoLab with .csv file
Lecture 3: Basics of Python : Part1(Basic Constructs, IF Else)
Lecture 4: Basics of Python : Part2(Loops in python)
Lecture 5: Basics of Python : Part3(List)
Lecture 6: Basics of Python : Part4(Dictionary and Tuples)
Lecture 7: Basics of Python : Part5(Functions)
Lecture 8: Concepts of Numpy in Google Colab
Lecture 9: Concepts of Pandas part1
Lecture 10: Concepts of Pandas part2
Lecture 11: Exploratory data analysis using test case-part1
Lecture 12: Data Cleaning using Test case part-2
Chapter 2: Statistics using Python
Lecture 1: Descriptive Statistics and its importance
Lecture 2: Different types of Probability Distributions
Chapter 3: Machine Learning using Python
Lecture 1: Different Types of Learning
Lecture 2: Bayesian Learning and NB classifier
Lecture 3: Naïve Bayes Classifier
Lecture 4: Bayesian Network
Lecture 5: Implementation of Naïve Bayesian Classifier in Python
Lecture 6: Practical Implementation of Naïve Bayes Classifier
Lecture 7: Concept of different type of Regularization
Lecture 8: Regularization Theory : Practical Implementation of Ridge and Lasso Regression
Lecture 9: Principal Component Analysis and LDA : part1
Lecture 10: Principal Component Analysis and LDA : part2
Lecture 11: Implementation of Linear and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
Lecture 12: Building PCA from Scratch using Python
Lecture 13: KNN Algorithm using Python
Chapter 4: Linear Regression and Logistic Regression using Python
Lecture 1: Concept of Linear and Logistic Regression
Lecture 2: Implementation of linear regression from scratch
Lecture 3: An example of Ordinary Least Square
Lecture 4: Introduction to Multiple Linear Regression
Lecture 5: Importance of significance test in multiple linear regression
Lecture 6: Practical Implementation of Multiple Linear regression
Lecture 7: Maximum Likelihood estimation importance in Logistic Regression
Lecture 8: Logistic Regression and analysis
Lecture 9: Implementation of Logistic Regression in python
Lecture 10: Loan Prediction algorithm using Logistic Regression
Lecture 11: Feature Engineering on continuous data : House Prediction
Lecture 12: Feature Engineering on Categorical Variable : House Prediction
Chapter 5: Decision Trees and its implementation in Python
Lecture 1: Overview of Section 4 Decision Tree and its implementation
Lecture 2: Introduction to Decision tree and ID3
Lecture 3: Introduction to ID3 and its concepts
Lecture 4: Concept of Entropy, Overfitting and Information Gain
Lecture 5: Practical Implementation of ID3and their limitations
Lecture 6: C4.5 Decision and its advancement over ID3 Decision tree
Lecture 7: Building a Decision tree with data using python from scratch
Lecture 8: Practical Implementation of CART Algorithm using Python
Lecture 9: CHAID Algorithm and its importance in Data Analytics
Lecture 10: Implementation of CHAID using Python
Chapter 6: Recommendation System using Python
Lecture 1: Introduction to Recommendation System (RecSys)
Lecture 2: Memory based Collaborative Filtering (CF)
Lecture 3: Matrix Decomposition based Collaborative Filtering
Lecture 4: Item based Recommendation System
Lecture 5: Movie Recommendation using Content Based Filtering
Lecture 6: Collaborative Filtering based Movie Recommendation
Lecture 7: Hybrid Collaborative filtering
Lecture 8: Implementation of clustering in Recommendation System
Lecture 9: Implementation of Machine Learning in Recommendation System
Chapter 7: Support Vector Machines and its types
Lecture 1: Introduction to Support Vector Machines
Lecture 2: The Constrained Optimization Problem
Lecture 3: The dual formulation concept of SVM part1
Lecture 4: The dual formulation concept of SVM part2
Lecture 5: Maximum margin with the introduction of noise
Lecture 6: Non Linear SVM Classifier
Lecture 7: Implementation of Linear and Non Linear Support Vector Classifier
Lecture 8: Implementation of SVR(Support Vector Regressor
Lecture 9: Multi SVM and their applications
Lecture 10: Case Study: Implementation of Support Vector Classifier
Lecture 11: Case Study : Implementation of Support Vector Regressor
Chapter 8: Neural Network and Deep Neural Network
Lecture 1: Introduction of Tensor flow in Neural Network and Deep Networks
Lecture 2: Data representation in the form of Tensors
Lecture 3: Concept of Artificial Neural Network
Lecture 4: The Perceptron
Lecture 5: Practical implementation of Perceptron
Lecture 6: Gradient Descent Algorithm using python
Lecture 7: Stochastic gradient Descent Algorithm using Python
Lecture 8: Mini Batch Gradient Descent Algorithm
Lecture 9: Practical implementation of MLP
Lecture 10: Back Propagation Algorithm
Lecture 11: Batch Normalization
Lecture 12: Building a Classifier for Fashion MNIST dataset
Lecture 13: Implementation of Linear regression using Tensor flow on Housing data
Lecture 14: Practical implementation of Convolution Neural Network
Lecture 15: A brief introduction of Computer vision using openCV
Chapter 9: Un Supervised Learning and Concepts of Clustering
Lecture 1: Introduction to the concepts of Unsupervised Learning and clustering
Lecture 2: The Mathematics of K-Means Clustering
Rituraj Dixit
Data Scientist and Assistant Professor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 2 votes
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