An Introduction to Autism – All You Need to Know!
An Introduction to Autism – All You Need to Know!, available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 93 lectures, 2 quizzes, based on 61 reviews, and has 246 subscribers.
You will learn about Students will learn all about autism, from what its potential causes, how it is classified to how to manage common autistic traits and issues. This course is ideal for individuals who are Anyone impacted by autism (family, friends, colleagues etc.) and anyone interested in the condition. It is particularly useful for Anyone impacted by autism (family, friends, colleagues etc.) and anyone interested in the condition.
Enroll now: An Introduction to Autism – All You Need to Know!
Title: An Introduction to Autism – All You Need to Know!
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 93
Number of Quizzes: 2
Number of Published Lectures: 93
Number of Published Quizzes: 2
Number of Curriculum Items: 95
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 95
Original Price: $29.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Students will learn all about autism, from what its potential causes, how it is classified to how to manage common autistic traits and issues.
Who Should Attend
- Anyone impacted by autism (family, friends, colleagues etc.) and anyone interested in the condition.
Target Audiences
- Anyone impacted by autism (family, friends, colleagues etc.) and anyone interested in the condition.
Autism is a condition which affects almost everyone in some way, whether you have a family member, a child, a friend, a colleague, a student or are have autism yourself. Autism is a hidden condition and therefore it requires some understanding, and in this course, you will learn all you need to understand autism.
This course covers a wide range of topics from the history of autism to autism in daily life. The course is split into over 10 sections which all have tones of videos and resources to help you understand each key concept.
I hope by the end of this course you will be able to approach autism with understanding.
About the author:
Timothy Sproule has been working with autistic children and adults for 13 years using martial arts to help with their development. He was a befriender for the NAS (national autistic society) and member of his local committee between 2009-2019 and is now an ambassador for the European branch of Fighting for Autism.
Tim has also authored two books on autism in a series called the “ASC about” series. The books are “Autism and the church” and “Teaching martial arts to kids with autism.
Timothy was diagnosed with asperges syndrome at 7 years old and understands the struggles and stigma faced by autistic people as well as their skills, abilities and potential.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Intro video
Lecture 2: Introduction
Lecture 3: The importance of understanding autism
Lecture 4: The autism spectrum
Chapter 2: A Brief History of Autism
Lecture 1: Autism before it was autism.
Lecture 2: Discovery
Lecture 3: Autism understood
Lecture 4: Autism in the population
Lecture 5: Autism finds its voice
Lecture 6: Autism today
Chapter 3: Autism Terminology
Lecture 1: The name "autism"
Lecture 2: Autism terminology
Lecture 3: Old terms
Lecture 4: ASD Vs ASC
Lecture 5: Person with autism Vs autistic person
Lecture 6: difficulty Vs disability
Lecture 7: Neurodiversity
Lecture 8: Labels
Chapter 4: Classification of Autism
Lecture 1: How autism is classified
Lecture 2: DSMV Vs ICD
Lecture 3: DSM V Classifications
Lecture 4: Question 1
Lecture 5: Question 2
Lecture 6: Answer
Lecture 7: Other impairments
Lecture 8: Other impairments
Lecture 9: Autism is not all impairments
Chapter 5: Myths About Autism
Lecture 1: Myths about autism
Lecture 2: More myths
Lecture 3: Even more myths
Lecture 4: Singling people out
Chapter 6: Is Autism Increasing?
Lecture 1: Is autism increasing?
Lecture 2: What has caused the increase?
Lecture 3: The decrease in generic learning disability
Lecture 4: Misdiagnosis
Lecture 5: Better medical science
Lecture 6: Changing definition of autism
Chapter 7: What Causes Autism?
Lecture 1: What causes autism?
Lecture 2: Early development?
Lecture 3: Is there a cure?
Chapter 8: Autism and Vaccines
Lecture 1: Autism and vaccines
Lecture 2: How are vaccines made?
Lecture 3: Extra videos
Lecture 4: Autism and its association with vaccines
Lecture 5: Proof vaccines don't cause autism
Lecture 6: The importance of vaccines
Chapter 9: Autism and Females
Lecture 1: Autism and females
Lecture 2: Female autism phenotype
Lecture 3: Why are there so few females with autism?
Chapter 10: Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)
Lecture 1: Pathological demand avoidance
Lecture 2: PDA profile
Lecture 3: Is PDA autism?
Lecture 4: PDA and assessment
Lecture 5: Why diagnose PDA?
Chapter 11: Theory of Mind
Lecture 1: What is theory of mind?
Lecture 2: False belief
Lecture 3: Sally ann video.
Lecture 4: Triangle test
Lecture 5: Negative effects
Lecture 6: Theory of mind story
Lecture 7: Consequences
Lecture 8: Literal thinking
Chapter 12: The Broken Mirror
Lecture 1: The human mirror
Lecture 2: The mirror and empathy
Lecture 3: Mirror video link
Lecture 4: The Mirror and autism
Lecture 5: Lack of inhibitions
Chapter 13: Tips and Tools
Lecture 1: Anxiety
Lecture 2: Doing a needs assessment
Lecture 3: Avoidance
Lecture 4: Sensory sensitivities
Lecture 5: Meltdown chart
Lecture 6: Meltdowns vs Tantrums
Lecture 7: Food
Lecture 8: Safe space
Lecture 9: Social skills
Lecture 10: Doing a dry run
Lecture 11: Communication
Lecture 12: Transitions
Lecture 13: Routines
Lecture 14: Hyper-interests
Lecture 15: Structure part one
Lecture 16: Planning
Lecture 17: Setting goals
Lecture 18: Structure part two
Timothy Sproule
Trainer and Autism Expert
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 22 votes
- 5 stars: 36 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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