Analog Electronics: Mastering Analog Circuit Design by OpAmp
Analog Electronics: Mastering Analog Circuit Design by OpAmp, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 4.83, with 124 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 3 reviews, and has 23 subscribers.
You will learn about Diode Circuits BJT Circuits Operational Amplifier Basics Parameters of Operational Amplifier Characteristics of Ideal Operational Amplifier Virtual Short and Virtual Ground Concept of Operational Amplifier Inverting and Non Inverting Amplifier Different types of Operational Amplifier Circuits 741 IC 555 Timer IC Astable, Monostable and Bistable Multivibrator using 555 Timer IC Phase Lock Loop 565 PLL IC Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Fixed and Variable Voltage Regulators This course is ideal for individuals who are Students (Engineering, Diploma, Science) or Hardware Engineers or Those who are keen on mastering the basics of electronics or Hobbyists or Electronics Circuit Designer or Anyone with a curiosity for technology It is particularly useful for Students (Engineering, Diploma, Science) or Hardware Engineers or Those who are keen on mastering the basics of electronics or Hobbyists or Electronics Circuit Designer or Anyone with a curiosity for technology.
Enroll now: Analog Electronics: Mastering Analog Circuit Design by OpAmp
Title: Analog Electronics: Mastering Analog Circuit Design by OpAmp
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 4.83
Number of Lectures: 124
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 124
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 131
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 131
Original Price: ₹2,999
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Diode Circuits
- BJT Circuits
- Operational Amplifier Basics
- Parameters of Operational Amplifier
- Characteristics of Ideal Operational Amplifier
- Virtual Short and Virtual Ground Concept of Operational Amplifier
- Inverting and Non Inverting Amplifier
- Different types of Operational Amplifier Circuits
- 741 IC
- 555 Timer IC
- Astable, Monostable and Bistable Multivibrator using 555 Timer IC
- Phase Lock Loop
- 565 PLL IC
- Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO)
- Fixed and Variable Voltage Regulators
Who Should Attend
- Students (Engineering, Diploma, Science)
- Hardware Engineers
- Those who are keen on mastering the basics of electronics
- Hobbyists
- Electronics Circuit Designer
- Anyone with a curiosity for technology
Target Audiences
- Students (Engineering, Diploma, Science)
- Hardware Engineers
- Those who are keen on mastering the basics of electronics
- Hobbyists
- Electronics Circuit Designer
- Anyone with a curiosity for technology
Welcome to the world of Analog Electronics! In this course on Electronic Devices and Circuits, we’ll delve into the fundamental principles and applications of analog circuits. From operational amplifiers to filters, oscillators, and more, you’ll explore the intricate world of analog electronics, gaining the skills to design, analyze, and troubleshoot a variety of circuits essential for modern electronics.
Prof. Hitesh Dholakiya is an Electronics and Communication Design Engineerwith over 15 years of experience in the core Electronics/Electrical domain as well as in the Antenna/RF/Communication field. With a passion for teaching and a wealth of industry knowledge, Prof. Hitesh Dholakiya is dedicated to helping students achieve their academic and professional goals in the Analog Electronicsdomain.
This Analog Electronicscourse is specially designed for students who want to clear basic to advanced fundamentals of Analog Electronics. It is also useful for working professionals. It forms the foundation for entering fields like Embedded Systems, VLSI, Instrumentations, etc. This Analog Electronicscourse covers almost all universities’ syllabus. This Analog Electronicsis a unique course in the online marketplace.
This Analog Electronics course applies to Degree, Diploma, and Science Students. After completing this course students will be able to understand basic to advanced-level concepts of Analog Electronicssuch as OP-AMP, PLL, VCO, Voltage Regulators, etc. which will be a stepping stone for starting many lucrative career fields.
This course on Analog Electronicscovers the following Chapters.
1. Diode Circuits in Analog Electronics
2. BJT Circuits in Analog Electronics
3. Operational Amplifier in Analog Electronics
4. 555 Timer in Analog Electronics
5. Phase Lock Loop (PLL) in Analog Electronics
6. Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) in Analog Electronics
7. Fixed Voltage Regulators and Adjustable Voltage Regulators in Analog Electronics
Topic wise Detailed Syllabus of Analog Electronics is as follows:
1. Diode Circuits in Analog Electronics:
Energy Bands and Classifications of Solid Materials, Types of Semiconductor Materials, PN Junction Diode, VI Characteristics of PN Junction Diode, Dynamic Resistance of Diode, Effect of Temperature in PN Junction, Diode Testing and Diode Quality verification, Ideal Diode and Practical Diode Approximation, Diode Ratings, Half Wave Rectifier, Parameters of Half Wave Rectifier, Full Wave Rectifier, Parameters of Full Wave Rectifier, Comparison of Half Wave Rectifier and Full Wave Rectifier, Filters in Rectifier, Capacitor Filter, Inductor Filter, Pi Filter and T Filter in Rectifier, Linear and Nonlinear Wave Shaping Circuit, Clipper Circuits, Examples of Clipper Circuits, Clamper Circuits, Examples of Clamper Circuits, Zener Diode, Zener Diode as Voltage Regulator, Examples of Zener Diode.
2. BJT Circuits in Analog Electronics:
BJT, BJT Operational Regions, BJT Working, Common Base Configuration of BJT, Common Emitter Configuration of BJT, Relationship of Alpha, Beta and Gamma of BJT, DC Load Line of BJT, Bias Stabilization of BJT, Stability Factor of BJT, Fixed Bias of BJT, Emitter Bias of BJT, Collector Feedback Bias of BJT, Voltage Divider Bias of BJT, Examples of Transistor Biasing, Transistor as Switch.
3. Operational Amplifier in Analog Electronics:
Introduction to Operational Amplifier, Parameters of Operational Amplifier, Examples of Parameters of Operational Amplifier, Characteristics of Ideal Operational Amplifier, Feedback in Operational Amplifier, Virtual Short and Virtual Ground Concept in Operational Amplifier, Inverting Amplifier and Non-Inverting Amplifier using Operational Amplifier, Voltage Follower using Operational Amplifier, Summing Averaging and Scaling using Operational Amplifier, Summing using Differential Operational Amplifier, Subtractor using Differential Operational Amplifier, Circuit Design from Equation using Operational Amplifier, 741 IC of Operational Amplifier, Examples of Operational Amplifier Circuits, V to I Converter using Operational Amplifier, I to V Converter using Operational Amplifier, Differentiator using Operational Amplifier, Examples of Differentiator using Operational Amplifier, Integrator using Operational Amplifier, Examples of Integrator using Operational Amplifier, Monostable Multivibrator using Operational Amplifier, Pulse width Derivation of Monostable Multivibrator using Operational Amplifier, Astable Multivibrator using Operational Amplifier, Frequency Derivation of Astable Multivibrator using Operational Amplifier, Designing of Multivibrator using Operational Amplifier, Bistable Multivibrator using Operational Amplifier, Triangular wave generator using Operational Amplifier, Sample and Hold Circuit using Operational Amplifier, Peak Detector using Operational Amplifier, Comparator using Operational Amplifier, Schmitt Trigger using Operational Amplifier, Instrumentation Amplifier using Operational Amplifier, Designing of Instrumentation Amplifier using Operational Amplifier, Precision Rectifier using Operational Amplifier, Log Amplifier using Operational Amplifier, Antilog Amplifier using Operational Amplifier, Clipper Circuits using Operational Amplifier, Active Filters using Operational Amplifier, First Order Butterworth Low Pass Filter using Operational Amplifier, First Order Butterworth High Pass Filter using Operational Amplifier, Designing of First Order Butterworth Low Pass Filter and High Pass Filter using Operational Amplifier, Wide Band Pass Filter using Operational Amplifier, Narrow Band Pass Filter using Operational Amplifier, Wide Band Stop Filter using Operational Amplifier, Narrow Band Stop Filter using Operational Amplifier, RC Phase Shift Oscillator using Operational Amplifier, Designing of RC Phase Shift Oscillator using Operational Amplifier, Wein Bridge Oscillator using Operational Amplifier, Designing of Wein Bridge Oscillator using Operational Amplifier, Designing of Oscillator using Operational Amplifier, Designing of Schmitt Trigger using Operational Amplifier, Designing of Integrator using Operational Amplifier, Designing of Filters using Operational Amplifier, Solved Examples of Operational Amplifier.
4. 555 Timer in Analog Electronics:
555 Timer IC, Astable Multivibrator using 555 Timer IC, Monostable Multivibrator using 555 Timer IC, Bistable Multivibrator using 555 Timer IC, Designing of Multivibrator using 555 Timer IC.
5. Phase Lock Loop (PLL) in Analog Electronics:
Phase Lock Loop – PLL, Phase Lock Loop IC – PLL IC – 565 IC
6. Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) in Analog Electronics:
Voltage Controlled Oscillator – VCO, Voltage Controlled Oscillator IC – VCO IC – 566 IC.
7. Fixed Voltage Regulators and Adjustable Voltage Regulators in Analog Electronics:
Fixed Voltage Regulator, Adjustable Voltage Regulator.
Enroll now and take the first step toward mastering Analog Electronics’core concepts! Join Our Community of students who have transformed their careers with our expert-led course on Analog Electronics!
See you in the Analog Electronicscourse! You’re going to love it!
All the best…
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Analog Electronics Course Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Trailer
Lecture 3: How to access the course materials
Chapter 2: Diode Circuits in Analog Electronics
Lecture 1: Energy Bands and Material Classification
Lecture 2: Types of Semiconductor Materials
Lecture 3: PN Junction Diode
Lecture 4: VI Characteristics of PN Junction
Lecture 5: Dynamic Resistance of Diode
Lecture 6: Effect of Temperature on PN junction
Lecture 7: Diode testing and diode quality verification
Lecture 8: Ideal and Practical Diode Approximations
Lecture 9: Diode Ratings
Lecture 10: Half Wave Rectifier
Lecture 11: Parameters of Half Wave Rectifier
Lecture 12: Full Wave Rectifier
Lecture 13: Full Wave Bridge Rectifier
Lecture 14: Parameters of Full Wave Rectifier
Lecture 15: Half Wave Vs Full Wave Vs Bridge Rectifier
Lecture 16: Requirement of Filters in Rectifier
Lecture 17: C Filter in Rectifier
Lecture 18: L Filter in Rectifier
Lecture 19: Pi Filter and T Filter in Rectifier
Lecture 20: Linear and Non Linear Wave Shaping Circuit
Lecture 21: Clipper Circuits
Lecture 22: Biased Clipper Circuits
Lecture 23: Combinational Clipper
Lecture 24: Examples of Clipper Circuits
Lecture 25: Clamper Circuits
Lecture 26: Clipper Vs Clamper Circuits
Lecture 27: Examples on Diode Circuit
Lecture 28: Examples on Diode Circuit
Lecture 29: Examples on Diode Circuit
Lecture 30: Examples on Diode Circuit
Lecture 31: Examples on Diode Applications
Chapter 3: BJT Circuits in Analog Electronics
Lecture 1: BJT basics
Lecture 2: BJT Operational Regions
Lecture 3: BJT Working
Lecture 4: Common Base Configuration of BJT
Lecture 5: Common Emitter Configuration of BJT
Lecture 6: Relationship of Alfa, Beta and Gamma in Transistor
Lecture 7: Comparison of CB, CE and CC Configuration of BJ
Lecture 8: DC Load Line and Q Point
Lecture 9: Bias Stabilization of BJT
Lecture 10: Stability Factor in BJT
Lecture 11: Fixed Bias of BJT
Lecture 12: Emitter Bias of BJT
Lecture 13: Collector Feedback Bias of BJT
Lecture 14: Voltage Divider Bias of BJT
Lecture 15: Solved Examples of Transistor Biasing
Lecture 16: Solved Examples of Transistor Biasing
Lecture 17: Solved Examples of Transistor Biasing
Lecture 18: Transistor as Switch
Chapter 4: Operational Amplifier in Analog Electronics
Lecture 1: Op-Amp Basics
Lecture 2: Parameters of Operational Amplifier
Lecture 3: Examples of Parameters of OpAmp
Lecture 4: Examples of Parameters of OpAmp
Lecture 5: Characteristics of Ideal Operational Amplifier
Lecture 6: Feedback in Operational Amplifier
Lecture 7: Virtual Short and Virtual Ground
Lecture 8: Inverting and Noninverting Amplifier
Lecture 9: Voltage Follower using Operational Amplifier
Lecture 10: Summing, Averaging and Scaling using OpAmp
Lecture 11: Summing using Differential OpAmp
Lecture 12: Subtractor using Differential OpAmp
Lecture 13: Circuit Design from Equation using OpAmp
Lecture 14: Circuit Design from Equation using OpAmp
Lecture 15: 741 IC of Operational Amplifier
Lecture 16: Examples of Operational Amplifier Circuits
Lecture 17: V to I Converter using OpAmp
Lecture 18: I to V Converter using OpAmp
Lecture 19: Differentiator using Operational Amplifier
Lecture 20: Examples of Differentiator using OpAmp
Lecture 21: Integrator using OpAmp
Lecture 22: Examples of Integrator using OpAmp
Lecture 23: Examples of integrator using OpAmp
Lecture 24: Monostable using OpAmp
Lecture 25: Plus Width Monostable Multivibrator by OpAmp
Lecture 26: Designing of Monostable Multivibrator by OpAmp
Lecture 27: Astable Multivibrator using OpAmp
Lecture 28: Frequency Derivation of Astable Multivibrator
Lecture 29: Designing of Astable Multivibrator using OpAmp
Lecture 30: Bistable Multivibrator by OpAmp
Lecture 31: Triangular Wave Generator by OpAmp
Lecture 32: Peak Detector using OpAmp
Lecture 33: Sample & Hold Circuit using OpAmp
Lecture 34: Comparator using OpAmp
Lecture 35: Schmitt Trigger using OpAmp
Lecture 36: Schmitt Trigger Problems using OpAmp
Lecture 37: Instrumentation Amplifier using OpAmp
Lecture 38: Designing of Instrumentation Amplifier
Lecture 39: Precision rectifier using OpAmp
Lecture 40: Log Amplifier using Operational Amplifier
Lecture 41: Antilog Amplifier using Operational Amplifier
Lecture 42: Clipper Circuits using OpAmp
Hitesh Dholakiya
Study Simplified
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 2 votes
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