Be an impressive English Speaker
Be an impressive English Speaker, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.6, with 129 lectures, based on 24 reviews, and has 519 subscribers.
You will learn about Surefire tips to improve English speaking skills Using common and impressive Idioms in their conversation Using phrases to make an impact Embellishing your speech and talk with rich vocabulary words This course is ideal for individuals who are Students : This course is meant for school and college students to improve their English skills. or Professionals: working professionals will find this course immensely beneficial as English skills are of paramount importance in any profession or Businessmen: The more skillful you are in English higher the chances of attracting new customers or Employees : Employees having excellent spoken English skills are manifold more likely to get promoted It is particularly useful for Students : This course is meant for school and college students to improve their English skills. or Professionals: working professionals will find this course immensely beneficial as English skills are of paramount importance in any profession or Businessmen: The more skillful you are in English higher the chances of attracting new customers or Employees : Employees having excellent spoken English skills are manifold more likely to get promoted.
Enroll now: Be an impressive English Speaker
Title: Be an impressive English Speaker
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.6
Number of Lectures: 129
Number of Published Lectures: 129
Number of Curriculum Items: 129
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 129
Original Price: ₹799
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Surefire tips to improve English speaking skills
- Using common and impressive Idioms in their conversation
- Using phrases to make an impact
- Embellishing your speech and talk with rich vocabulary words
Who Should Attend
- Students : This course is meant for school and college students to improve their English skills.
- Professionals: working professionals will find this course immensely beneficial as English skills are of paramount importance in any profession
- Businessmen: The more skillful you are in English higher the chances of attracting new customers
- Employees : Employees having excellent spoken English skills are manifold more likely to get promoted
Target Audiences
- Students : This course is meant for school and college students to improve their English skills.
- Professionals: working professionals will find this course immensely beneficial as English skills are of paramount importance in any profession
- Businessmen: The more skillful you are in English higher the chances of attracting new customers
- Employees : Employees having excellent spoken English skills are manifold more likely to get promoted
This course is intended to be taken up by those who want to be not only fluent but impressive English speakers. Following are the prime elements of this course –
1) Idioms
2) Phrases
3) proverbs
4) Vocabulary word
a) What is an idiom –
“A group of words meaning of which is different from the meaning of individual words”
Example – To spill the beans
b) What is a phrase –
“A group of words that have a particular meaning when used together”
Example – Break a leg
c) What is a proverb –
“A well-known advice by sages and wise people in form of a phrase”
Example- Do unto others as would have them do unto you
There is no gainsaying that all these elements are integral part of modern day English. One can leave an excellent impression on the gathering be it social or professional if one uses idioms, phrases, proverbs while speaking. Moreover no one can undermine the importance of rich vocabulary while expressing your views and thoughts.
This course will also go a long way in your writing, reading and listening skills.
To conclude, one thing that I can assure you is, if you complete this course whole heatedly and sincerely it will open the flood gates of career growth for you.
I am always available for clearing your doubts.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Listen in before you leap
Chapter 2: Surefire tips to improve your English
Lecture 1: Tip number 1 to become a fluent English speaker
Lecture 2: Tip number 2 to become a fluent English speaker
Lecture 3: Tip number 3 to become a fluent English speaker
Chapter 3: Common Idioms explained with example sentences
Lecture 1: A bird in hand is worth two in the bush, At the drop of a hat, and more
Lecture 2: Barking up the wrong tree, The pot calling the kettle black, and more
Lecture 3: A stitch in time saves nine, To miss the boat, Under the weather and more
Lecture 4: To break the ice, Barking dogs seldom bite, Wild goose chase, A piece of cake
Lecture 5: To cost an arm and a leg, By the skin of one's teeth, To lie through one's teet
Lecture 6: Two is a company there s a crowd, The more the merrier and more
Lecture 7: To have the best of both the worlds, To kill two birds with one stone and more
Lecture 8: To have a ball, Good things come to those who wait and more
Lecture 9: To put all youe eggs in one basket, To burn the candle at both ends and more
Lecture 10: To be at one's wits' end, Empty vessels make more noise, and more
Chapter 4: Impressive English with advanced Idioms, phrases, proverbs – Part 1
Lecture 1: "What goes around comes around" and more
Lecture 2: "There is no use crying over the spilt milk" and more
Lecture 3: "What is good for the goose is good for the gander " & more
Lecture 4: "Getting too big for one's shoes" and more
Lecture 5: "Do unto others as would have them do unto you" & more
Lecture 6: "A chip[ on your shoulders" and more
Lecture 7: "Wasted on someone" & more
Lecture 8: "Not enough room to swing a cat" and more
Lecture 9: "To wrap your head around something" & more
Lecture 10: "To pay through your nose" and more
Chapter 5: Impressive English with advanced Idioms, phrases, proverbs – Part 2
Lecture 1: "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" and more
Lecture 2: "The grass is greener on the other side" and more
Lecture 3: "To veg out" and more
Lecture 4: "A watched pot never boils" and more
Lecture 5: "To know the ropes of something" and more
Lecture 6: "To bite one's tongue" and more
Lecture 7: "If wishes were horses beggars would ride" and more
Lecture 8: "Fiddle while Rome burns" and more
Lecture 9: "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" and more
Lecture 10: "To come down like a ton of bricks" and more
Chapter 6: Impressive English with advanced Idioms, phrases, proverbs – Part 3
Lecture 1: "Straight from the horse's mouth" and more
Lecture 2: "Lock the stable after the horse has bolted" and more
Lecture 3: "To talk through one's hat" and more
Lecture 4: "Kick up your heels" and more
Lecture 5: "We will cross that bridge when we come to it" and more
Lecture 6: "Get your act together" and more
Lecture 7: "To keep an ear to the ground" and more
Lecture 8: "To set the stage on fire" and more
Lecture 9: "To read between the lines" and more
Lecture 10: "As alike as two peas in a pod" and more
Chapter 7: Impressive English with advanced Idioms, phrases, proverbs – Part 4
Lecture 1: "To cut corners" and more
Lecture 2: "To boil the ocean" and more
Lecture 3: "To Cry wolf" and more
Lecture 4: "A cold day in July" and more
Lecture 5: "To eat humble pie" and more
Lecture 6: "We reap what we sow" and more
Lecture 7: "To freak out" and more
Lecture 8: "To have eggs on your face" and more
Lecture 9: "Like a cat on the hot tin roof" and more
Chapter 8: Impressive English with advanced Idioms, phrases, proverbs – Part 5
Lecture 1: "To go back to the drawing room" and more
Lecture 2: "A honey tongue, a heart of gall" and more
Lecture 3: "Not the only fish in the sea" and more
Lecture 4: "To cast pearls in front of a swine" and more
Lecture 5: "To turn a deaf ear" and more
Lecture 6: "To be in doldrums" and more
Lecture 7: "To call it a day" and more
Lecture 8: "To scrape the barrel" and more
Lecture 9: "To sell like hot cakes" and more
Chapter 9: Impressive English with advanced Idioms, phrases, proverbs – Part 6
Lecture 1: "Get your act together" and more
Lecture 2: "To rest on one's laurels" and more
Lecture 3: "As sure as death" and more
Lecture 4: "Blowing hot and cold" and more
Lecture 5: "To ride roughshod over someone" and more
Lecture 6: "To bend over backwards" and more
Lecture 7: "Between a rock and a hard place" and more
Lecture 8: "Back to square one" and more
Lecture 9: "To set the cat among the pigeons" and more
Lecture 10: "Over the moon" and more
Chapter 10: Most important vocabulary words – Part 1
Lecture 1: Indecent, Overture, Immobile
Lecture 2: Hearsay, Homicide, Meager
Lecture 3: Blunt, Biased, Uncared for
Lecture 4: Deserted, Foxy, Sob, Awestruck
Lecture 5: Scrumptious, Sumptuous, Trivia, Worn-out
Lecture 6: Eternal, Everlasting, Amateur, Abandon, Forsake,
Lecture 7: Deplorable, Docile, Dork, Soiled, Inadequate
Lecture 8: Bizarre, Toddle, Remisnisce
Lecture 9: Unforeseen, Contrary, Toxic
Lecture 10: Dusk, Detrimental, Narrate
Chapter 11: Most important vocabulary words – Part 2
Lecture 1: Hoity-toity, Airy-fairy, Hocus-pocus
Lecture 2: Astonish, Awful, Dismal
Lecture 3: Exquisite, Commence, Enormous
Lecture 4: Grouchy, Humongous, Rupture
Lecture 5: Tranquilse, Serene, Hazardous
Lecture 6: Slash, Demolish, Slay
Lecture 7: Notorious, Illustrious, Snappy
Anand Mahajan
Online Course Creator on Programming & English Speaking
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 13 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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