Become a Kinematics (2D) Master
Become a Kinematics (2D) Master, available at $34.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 45 lectures, 18 quizzes, based on 24 reviews, and has 1289 subscribers.
You will learn about Master the following topics using plenty of MCQs & assignments. 1 Add and subtract vectors using the 'triangle (& parallelogram) law of vector addition' with intuition (Highly essential skill for this course) 2 Convert any vector from polar form to cartesian form (and vice versa) 3 Decompose a vector into perpendicular components. (Highly essential skill for almost all of mechanics) 4 Explain 'projectile motion' and 'uniform circular motion'. 5 Derive formulas for Maximum height, range and time of flight for any projectile motion. 6 Solve any problem on projectile (oblique, horizontal etc.) motion using a general recipe of decomposing vectors 7 Explain what 'radians' and 'angular speed' are with intuition. (highly essential for circular motion) 8 Convert from 'degrees' to 'radians' and vice versa 9 Connect between 'angles covered' & 'distance covered' 10 Connect between 'linear speed' & 'angular speed' 11 Explain what centripetal acceleration is with intuition. (one of the most non intuitive concept) 12 Explain why moon doesn't crash into the earth with intuition. 13 Be ready to take on higher courses in mechanics (like Newton's laws of motion) This course is ideal for individuals who are If you are absolute beginner in physics or you are already taking a course but want to understand the subject deeply. or If you don't like to just memorise equations but understand where they come from and how to use them. or If you find problem solving in 2D motion hard, this course is highly recommended. or If you are high school student, this course is very highly recommended. It is particularly useful for If you are absolute beginner in physics or you are already taking a course but want to understand the subject deeply. or If you don't like to just memorise equations but understand where they come from and how to use them. or If you find problem solving in 2D motion hard, this course is highly recommended. or If you are high school student, this course is very highly recommended.
Enroll now: Become a Kinematics (2D) Master
Title: Become a Kinematics (2D) Master
Price: $34.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 45
Number of Quizzes: 18
Number of Published Lectures: 43
Number of Published Quizzes: 18
Number of Curriculum Items: 69
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 67
Original Price: ₹1,799
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master the following topics using plenty of MCQs & assignments.
- 1 Add and subtract vectors using the 'triangle (& parallelogram) law of vector addition' with intuition (Highly essential skill for this course)
- 2 Convert any vector from polar form to cartesian form (and vice versa)
- 3 Decompose a vector into perpendicular components. (Highly essential skill for almost all of mechanics)
- 4 Explain 'projectile motion' and 'uniform circular motion'.
- 5 Derive formulas for Maximum height, range and time of flight for any projectile motion.
- 6 Solve any problem on projectile (oblique, horizontal etc.) motion using a general recipe of decomposing vectors
- 7 Explain what 'radians' and 'angular speed' are with intuition. (highly essential for circular motion)
- 8 Convert from 'degrees' to 'radians' and vice versa
- 9 Connect between 'angles covered' & 'distance covered'
- 10 Connect between 'linear speed' & 'angular speed'
- 11 Explain what centripetal acceleration is with intuition. (one of the most non intuitive concept)
- 12 Explain why moon doesn't crash into the earth with intuition.
- 13 Be ready to take on higher courses in mechanics (like Newton's laws of motion)
Who Should Attend
- If you are absolute beginner in physics or you are already taking a course but want to understand the subject deeply.
- If you don't like to just memorise equations but understand where they come from and how to use them.
- If you find problem solving in 2D motion hard, this course is highly recommended.
- If you are high school student, this course is very highly recommended.
Target Audiences
- If you are absolute beginner in physics or you are already taking a course but want to understand the subject deeply.
- If you don't like to just memorise equations but understand where they come from and how to use them.
- If you find problem solving in 2D motion hard, this course is highly recommended.
- If you are high school student, this course is very highly recommended.
This course is all about 2 dimensional kinematics.
2D kinematics is study of things moving in a plane. Which means stuff can curve now. This adds difficulty to the analysis of motion. However by learning a new tool of mathematics called Vectors, we can use our knowledge of 1D kinematics (motion in a straight line) and analyse 2D motion WITHOUT ANY EXTRA FORMULAE! This is amazing!. This is the beauty of mathematics.
The course is Structured as follows
1. Concept videos, practice problem videos, extra information (Which is not mandatory but helps you get more insight and get more out of the course.
2. For every concept, we have trivial and challenging quizzes to make sure, you can check your understanding and review any material if needed.
3. There are assignment questions which test your application abilities and how you are able to connect various topics together. (This is also where you and I exchange a lot of thoughts)
4. At the end we have practice test, with timings and scores. This makes you self evaluate your learning and understand how much you have gained from the entire course. (coming soon)
So what are you waiting for, enrol and “let’s get.. wait for it… moving“! (sorry for that, my jokes get better)
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Most important tool for 2D Vectors
Lecture 1: How Far is She? (Solution) – Intro to Vectors
Lecture 2: Polar form of vectors
Lecture 3: Adding vectors in Polar form (part 1 – simple cases)
Lecture 4: Adding Vectors in Polar Form (part 2 – a little angled problem)
Lecture 5: Adding Vectors in Polar form (Part 3 – Generalising – The set up)
Lecture 6: Adding Vectors in Polar Form( Part 4 – The general formula)
Lecture 7: Example Problem using General Formula
Lecture 8: Vector Subtraction Method 1
Lecture 9: Vector Subtraction Method 2
Lecture 10: Another Example on Subtracting Vectors
Lecture 11: Multiplying a Vector by a Scalar
Lecture 12: Unit Vectors
Lecture 13: Cartesian Form of Vector Representation (Part 1)
Lecture 14: Cartesian Form of Vector Representation (Part 2 -Challenge question Solution)
Lecture 15: Example on Cartesian form of vector representation
Lecture 16: Vector Decomposition
Lecture 17: Practical Example of Components
Lecture 18: More Intuition on Vector Components
Chapter 3: Entering the 2D world
Lecture 1: A complicated looking 2D problem
Lecture 2: The Classic Swimmer Problem
Lecture 3: Meeting his Gf (Class Swimmer Problem Part 2)
Lecture 4: Relative Motion in 2D (Khan Academy Resource)
Chapter 4: Projectile motion Part 1 – Horizontal Projectile Motion
Lecture 1: Welcome to projectile motion – Which bullet hits the ground first?
Lecture 2: 87% of my students thought this way
Lecture 3: Method 1 – Quick but not very rigorous
Lecture 4: Method 2 – Bus and ball analogy
Lecture 5: What's the time of fall? (Example problem)
Lecture 6: How far did it land? (Example problem part 2)
Lecture 7: Water bombing your neighbour!
Lecture 8: Hitting the target
Lecture 9: Classic Puzzle (Monkey and the hunter)
Chapter 5: Oblique projectile motion part 1 (Solving any problem)
Lecture 1: General strategy to solve any projectile motion problem
Lecture 2: Calculate time, range and height
Lecture 3: Calculating equation to trajectory
Chapter 6: Oblique projectile motion part 2 (Deriving shortcuts)
Lecture 1: Equation for height, range and time of flight
Lecture 2: Check your results (derivation of height, range and time)
Lecture 3: Conditions for maximum height, time and range
Chapter 7: Oblique projectile motion part 3 (Solving using 2D equations)
Lecture 1: Numerical – Min. speed to clear the spikes
Lecture 2: Numerical – Time of flight for maximum range
Chapter 8: Circular motion & Angular variables
Lecture 1: What's a radian?
Lecture 2: Radians to degrees
Lecture 3: Angular speed
Mahesh Shenoy
Physics teacher
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 17 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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