Become A Pro At Knowing Where Spanish Written Accents Go:
Become A Pro At Knowing Where Spanish Written Accents Go:, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.35, with 35 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 12 reviews, and has 119 subscribers.
You will learn about Analyze the anatomy, the sound and the intention behind words to determine whether words have an accent or not Identify what category words belong in and use the guidelines for that category to determine whether these words have an accent or not. You will even know the fun tips that will help you deal with the exceptions to the rule intelligently. Identify how to split words into syllables, using the vowel and consonant patterns, not to waste time, but rather to have a solid framework on which to classify words according to their category, which will determine whether the word has an accent or not. Overcome the fear of diphthongs once and for all, they're really not as bad as everyone thinks! Deal with the greatest curveball when it comes to written accents, otherwise known as homonyms, with ease. This course is ideal for individuals who are If you're a native Spanish speaker and you've forgotten how to apply written accents correctly, this course is for you. or If you're someone who is learning Spanish, or has learned it in the past and simply wants to improve upon it, this course is also for you. It isn't for you if you have no intention of learning Spanish. or This course is for students who want to understand the reason why Spanish words have written accents. It is not for people who just want to memorize where accents go (memorizing will occur naturally, especially when you fully understand accents through a course like this). or This course will not focus exclusively on "if" and "where" accents go. Instead, it'll provide you with a framework for the "why" accents are used and the contexts in which they are. This will empower you to become a pro in knowing where accents go because you'll be able to rely on this framework and apply it for years down the line. or This course is not for you if you want a general overview of Spanish written accents. You can always look that information up on the internet, but there isn't a comprehensive course like this one on the internet that has been able help people truly understand written accents and apply accents with confidence, even years after learning this content. or This course is NOT for you if you're in love with parts of speech. As much as I love language, I HIGHLY believe in making learning about language FUN, relatable, un-boring and easy to apply and to remember. (I only use the parts of speech and the written accent terminology that is absolutely necessary for you to understand the content). It is particularly useful for If you're a native Spanish speaker and you've forgotten how to apply written accents correctly, this course is for you. or If you're someone who is learning Spanish, or has learned it in the past and simply wants to improve upon it, this course is also for you. It isn't for you if you have no intention of learning Spanish. or This course is for students who want to understand the reason why Spanish words have written accents. It is not for people who just want to memorize where accents go (memorizing will occur naturally, especially when you fully understand accents through a course like this). or This course will not focus exclusively on "if" and "where" accents go. Instead, it'll provide you with a framework for the "why" accents are used and the contexts in which they are. This will empower you to become a pro in knowing where accents go because you'll be able to rely on this framework and apply it for years down the line. or This course is not for you if you want a general overview of Spanish written accents. You can always look that information up on the internet, but there isn't a comprehensive course like this one on the internet that has been able help people truly understand written accents and apply accents with confidence, even years after learning this content. or This course is NOT for you if you're in love with parts of speech. As much as I love language, I HIGHLY believe in making learning about language FUN, relatable, un-boring and easy to apply and to remember. (I only use the parts of speech and the written accent terminology that is absolutely necessary for you to understand the content).
Enroll now: Become A Pro At Knowing Where Spanish Written Accents Go:
Title: Become A Pro At Knowing Where Spanish Written Accents Go:
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.35
Number of Lectures: 35
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 35
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 40
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 40
Original Price: $159.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Analyze the anatomy, the sound and the intention behind words to determine whether words have an accent or not
- Identify what category words belong in and use the guidelines for that category to determine whether these words have an accent or not. You will even know the fun tips that will help you deal with the exceptions to the rule intelligently.
- Identify how to split words into syllables, using the vowel and consonant patterns, not to waste time, but rather to have a solid framework on which to classify words according to their category, which will determine whether the word has an accent or not.
- Overcome the fear of diphthongs once and for all, they're really not as bad as everyone thinks!
- Deal with the greatest curveball when it comes to written accents, otherwise known as homonyms, with ease.
Who Should Attend
- If you're a native Spanish speaker and you've forgotten how to apply written accents correctly, this course is for you.
- If you're someone who is learning Spanish, or has learned it in the past and simply wants to improve upon it, this course is also for you. It isn't for you if you have no intention of learning Spanish.
- This course is for students who want to understand the reason why Spanish words have written accents. It is not for people who just want to memorize where accents go (memorizing will occur naturally, especially when you fully understand accents through a course like this).
- This course will not focus exclusively on "if" and "where" accents go. Instead, it'll provide you with a framework for the "why" accents are used and the contexts in which they are. This will empower you to become a pro in knowing where accents go because you'll be able to rely on this framework and apply it for years down the line.
- This course is not for you if you want a general overview of Spanish written accents. You can always look that information up on the internet, but there isn't a comprehensive course like this one on the internet that has been able help people truly understand written accents and apply accents with confidence, even years after learning this content.
- This course is NOT for you if you're in love with parts of speech. As much as I love language, I HIGHLY believe in making learning about language FUN, relatable, un-boring and easy to apply and to remember. (I only use the parts of speech and the written accent terminology that is absolutely necessary for you to understand the content).
Target Audiences
- If you're a native Spanish speaker and you've forgotten how to apply written accents correctly, this course is for you.
- If you're someone who is learning Spanish, or has learned it in the past and simply wants to improve upon it, this course is also for you. It isn't for you if you have no intention of learning Spanish.
- This course is for students who want to understand the reason why Spanish words have written accents. It is not for people who just want to memorize where accents go (memorizing will occur naturally, especially when you fully understand accents through a course like this).
- This course will not focus exclusively on "if" and "where" accents go. Instead, it'll provide you with a framework for the "why" accents are used and the contexts in which they are. This will empower you to become a pro in knowing where accents go because you'll be able to rely on this framework and apply it for years down the line.
- This course is not for you if you want a general overview of Spanish written accents. You can always look that information up on the internet, but there isn't a comprehensive course like this one on the internet that has been able help people truly understand written accents and apply accents with confidence, even years after learning this content.
- This course is NOT for you if you're in love with parts of speech. As much as I love language, I HIGHLY believe in making learning about language FUN, relatable, un-boring and easy to apply and to remember. (I only use the parts of speech and the written accent terminology that is absolutely necessary for you to understand the content).
Course was updated for June 2018.
Do you want to communicate in Spanish in a way that WOWS people?
Mastering Spanish written accents allows you to impress others when you speak and especially, when you write. It doesn’t matter if you’re a native Spanish speaker, or someone who is just starting to learn Spanish, by using written accents, you will come off as more educated, more fluent and especially, more clear.
In this course, you will learn the foundation for understanding Spanish accents, but you’ll do so in a way that is fun, engaging and immediately applicable.
Instead of having to look up words in the dictionary or online to see if they have accents or not most of the time, you will hardly use the dictionary. Why? Because after taking this course, you won’t need to.
This course consists of several components of Spanish language that will help you communicate in a way that looks professional in your personal, interpersonal, professional and educational setting.
Having a good grasp on Spanish accents will ensure that you speak, read, write and communicate in a way that makes your interactions precise instead of vague, confusing, foolish or even controversial.
This course, which consists of 35 lectures, will allow you to:
1. Understand the why behind Spanish accents
2. Know the factors that influence whether words have accents and when they don’t
3. Learn how to communicate with accents effectively
4. Increase your confidence when communicating in Spanish
5. Master your linguistic abilities to your greatest potential
6. Learn how to use diphthongs to your advantage instead of fearing them
7. Learn how to analyze and dissect words just enough so that you can be more empowered to apply accents effectively
8. Keep your ability to communicate with Spanish accents top notch
What are the course requirements?
Something to take notes with and your willingness, diligence and above all, your curiosity.
Who Should Take This Course?
- Native Spanish Speakers
- Spanish learners
- Parents
- Teachers
- Coaches
- Business People
- People who are marrying into a Spanish-speaking family, or want to
- People who live in communities where Spanish is spoken
- People who are interested in interacting with Spanish speakers
- Authors
- Translators
- Bloggers
- Public Speakers
- People who have great linguistic etiquette
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Welcome, Introduction And Why You Should Learn Accents ASAP
Lecture 2: What Type of Accents Will This Course Cover?
Lecture 3: What You'll Need For This Course
Chapter 2: Learning Accents Is Easier Than You Think
Lecture 1: How The Consistency Of The Spanish Language Benefits You
Lecture 2: What ARE Accents?
Lecture 3: How The Anatomy of A Word Helps You Identify The Placement Of The Written Accent
Lecture 4: What Are Tonic Syllables And How Are They Helpful?
Lecture 5: So, What’s The Big Fuss About Accents?
Lecture 6: English Alphabet vs. Spanish Alphabet
Chapter 3: Splitting Words Into Syllables
Lecture 1: Two Quick But Essential Guidelines for Splitting Words Into Syllables
Lecture 2: Splitting CVCV and VCV Words Into Syllables
Lecture 3: Splitting Up VCCV Words Into Syllables
Lecture 4: Splitting Up VCCCV Words Into Syllables
Lecture 5: Review of How To Split Spanish Words Into Syllables
Chapter 4: The Power Of One or 2 Individual Letters
Lecture 1: Analyzing Vowels and Their Strength
Lecture 2: Introduction to Diphthongs
Lecture 3: 3 Ways For Approaching Diphthongs In a Simple Manner
Lecture 4: Splitting Up Words With A Weak And A Strong Vowel
Lecture 5: Splitting Up Words With Two Weak Vowels
Lecture 6: Splitting Up Words With 2 Strong Vowels
Chapter 5: Spanish Word Classification
Lecture 1: Classification of Spanish Words
Lecture 2: Preparing to Fully Understand The 4 Spanish Word Categories
Lecture 3: Exploring Agudas
Lecture 4: Exploring Graves/Llanas
Lecture 5: Exploring Esdrújulas
Lecture 6: Exploring Sobresdrújulas
Lecture 7: Revisiting Diphthongs
Chapter 6: Homonyms
Lecture 1: Homonyms
Lecture 2: Interrogative Word Homonyms In Questions
Lecture 3: Interrogative Words Homonyms That Answer Questions
Lecture 4: Dealing With Both Interrogative Homonyms In The Same Statement
Lecture 5: Why is “Porque” So Confusing?
Lecture 6: Exclamatory Homonyms
Chapter 7: Conclusion
Lecture 1: Resources
Lecture 2: Conclusion
Haydee Montemayor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 3 votes
- 4 stars: 4 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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