Chinese Language for Beginners : Pinyin Course
Chinese Language for Beginners : Pinyin Course, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.63, with 81 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 4 reviews, and has 20 subscribers.
You will learn about Learn to read Chinese Pinyin Learn how to speak tones correctly Understand & pronounce ALL Chinese characters in Pinyin. Speak a standard Chinese pronunciation and lay a solid pronunciation foundation with Pinyin Tips, tricks & drills to master tone pronunciation This course is ideal for individuals who are Any English speaker who wants to learn Mandarin Chinese or Beginners or any Chinese learners who would like to have a clear and easy to understand speaking skill and good listening skills It is particularly useful for Any English speaker who wants to learn Mandarin Chinese or Beginners or any Chinese learners who would like to have a clear and easy to understand speaking skill and good listening skills.
Enroll now: Chinese Language for Beginners : Pinyin Course
Title: Chinese Language for Beginners : Pinyin Course
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.63
Number of Lectures: 81
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 81
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 84
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 84
Original Price: ₹3,099
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Learn to read Chinese Pinyin
- Learn how to speak tones correctly
- Understand & pronounce ALL Chinese characters in Pinyin.
- Speak a standard Chinese pronunciation and lay a solid pronunciation foundation with Pinyin
- Tips, tricks & drills to master tone pronunciation
Who Should Attend
- Any English speaker who wants to learn Mandarin Chinese
- Beginners or any Chinese learners who would like to have a clear and easy to understand speaking skill and good listening skills
Target Audiences
- Any English speaker who wants to learn Mandarin Chinese
- Beginners or any Chinese learners who would like to have a clear and easy to understand speaking skill and good listening skills
This course provides everything about Pinyin, from Initials, Finals, Tones to tongue twisters and pronunciation tips. It helps you develop the skills to understand and speak Pinyin easily and set up a solid foundation for your future Chinese study.
What is Pinyin?
Pinyin is the representation of Chinese character and sounds with Roman Alphabet. Pinyin is an essential for learning how to speak, translate or type Mandarin. This course will create a strong foundation of Pinyin, that will help you easily learn more advanced words and sentences.
Why learn Pinyin now?
Pinyin makes it easy to translate Chinese characters into English words.
Speak Mandarin easier and faster than memorizing characters.
Pronounce Chinese tones with accuracy (and confidence!)
Teaches you the basics of conversational skills & most importantly gives you confidence!
Our course is carefully designed, planned and taught to help students engage, learn and practice and most importantly speak Chinese. Structured design means less wasted time, more engagement, faster uptake, and better results.
You will learn the tones, consonants, and vowels (Initials and Finals) and sentence intonation of the Chinese Language step by step. You will understand tone pairs and rules on how certain tones work with others in syllables. You will find some tongue twisters for fun practice.
If you are a Beginner, speaking is essential and the sooner you start to practice pronunciation and learn the correct sounds and tones, the better.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction to Chinese
Lecture 2: Chinese Characters & Pinyin (Speaking Chinese is Easy!)
Lecture 3: Introduction to Pinyin
Lecture 4: Intoduction to Pinyin : Tones
Chapter 2: Single Finals (Simple Finals or Single Vowel Finals)
Lecture 1: Single Final "a"
Lecture 2: Single Final "o"
Lecture 3: Single Final "e"
Lecture 4: Simple Final "i"
Lecture 5: Single Final "u"
Lecture 6: Single Final "ü"
Chapter 3: Pinyin Initials – I
Lecture 1: Initial "b"
Lecture 2: Initial "p"
Lecture 3: Initial "m"
Lecture 4: Initial "f"
Lecture 5: Initial "d"
Lecture 6: Initial "t"
Lecture 7: Initial "n"
Lecture 8: Initial "l"
Lecture 9: Initial "g"
Lecture 10: Initial "k"
Lecture 11: Initial "h"
Lecture 12: Initial "j"
Lecture 13: Initial "q"
Lecture 14: Initial "x"
Chapter 4: Compound Finals
Lecture 1: Compound Final "ai"
Lecture 2: Compound Final "ei"
Lecture 3: Compound Final "ui"
Lecture 4: Compound Final "ao"
Lecture 5: Compound Final "ou"
Lecture 6: Compound Final "iu"
Lecture 7: Compound Final "ie"
Lecture 8: Compound Final "üe"
Lecture 9: Compound Final "er"
Chapter 5: Nasal Finals
Lecture 1: Nasal Final "an"
Lecture 2: Nasal Final "en"
Lecture 3: Nasal Final "in"
Lecture 4: Nasal Final "un"
Lecture 5: Nasal Final "ün"
Lecture 6: Nasal Final "ang"
Lecture 7: Nasal Final "eng"
Lecture 8: Nasal Final "ing"
Lecture 9: Nasal Final "ong"
Chapter 6: Pinyin Initials – II
Lecture 1: Initial "y"
Lecture 2: Initial "w"
Lecture 3: Initial "z"
Lecture 4: Initial "c"
Lecture 5: Initial "s"
Lecture 6: Initial "zh"
Lecture 7: Initial "ch"
Lecture 8: Initial "sh"
Lecture 9: Initial "r"
Chapter 7: Pronunciation Practice : Tips & Tricks
Lecture 1: 13 Extra Finals + Review of all Initials & Finals
Lecture 2: Chinese Tongue Twister – Red Phoenix
Lecture 3: Chinese Tongue Twister – Four is Four
Lecture 4: Pinyin Spelling Rules – j q x y
Lecture 5: Marking Tones – Pinyin rules of placing tone marks
Chapter 8: Tone Pairs
Lecture 1: Mandarin Pronunciation With Tone Pairs
Lecture 2: Tone Pairs: 1st Tone + 1st Tone
Lecture 3: Tone Pairs: 1st Tone + 2nd Tone
Lecture 4: Tone Pairs: 1st Tone + 3rd Tone
Lecture 5: Tone Pairs: 1st Tone + 4th Tone
Lecture 6: Tone Pairs: 2nd Tone + 1st Tone
Lecture 7: Tone Pairs: 2nd Tone + 2nd Tone
Lecture 8: Tone Pairs: 2nd Tone + 3rd Tone
Lecture 9: Tone Pairs: 2nd Tone + 4th Tone
Lecture 10: Tone Pairs: Half 3rd Tone + 1st Tone
Lecture 11: Tone Pairs: Half 3rd Tone + 2nd Tone
Lecture 12: Tone Pairs: 3rd Tone + 3rd Tone
Lecture 13: Tone Pairs: Half 3rd Tone + 4th Tone
Lecture 14: Tone Pairs: 4th Tone + 1st Tone
Lecture 15: Tone Pairs: 4th Tone + 2nd Tone
Lecture 16: Tone Pairs: 4th Tone + 3rd Tone
Lecture 17: Tone Pairs: 4th Tone + 4th Tone
Lecture 18: The Neutral Tone
Lecture 19: Tone Pairs: 1st Tone + The Neutral Tone
Lecture 20: Tone Pairs: 2nd Tone + Neutral Tone
Lecture 21: Tone Pairs: 3rd Tone + The Neutral Tone
Lecture 22: Tone Pairs: 4th Tone + The Neutral Tone
Lecture 23: Tone Change: The Character "yī"
Lecture 24: Tone Change: The Character "bù"
Lecture 25: Retroflex Finals “er”
YiChi Learn Chinese
Speak Chinese with YiChi
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 2 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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