Classical Physics: Journey Through the Laws of the Universe
Classical Physics: Journey Through the Laws of the Universe, available at $94.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 85 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 328 reviews, and has 3957 subscribers.
You will learn about Fluently speak and utilize the language of Lagrangian Mechanics: Calculus of Variations Confidently apply Classical Physics / Lagrangian Mechanics concepts to analyze any system or phenomenon throughout the universe Program algorithms for computationally solving any equation of motion Develop physics simulations similar to those powering your favorite video games and animated movies Establish foundational MATLAB programming skills essential in any STEM industry Develop easy-to-understand techniques for linearizing and solving differential equations This course is ideal for individuals who are University students looking to effortlessly excel in physics & math classes and get that top mark or Die-hard scientists, engineers, or entrepreneurs looking to design the next breakthrough product that will change how we all live or Any curious individual looking to master the principles of physics, develop a rich foundation in mathematics, and use that knowledge practically – whether you want to design simulations or develop engineering masterpieces It is particularly useful for University students looking to effortlessly excel in physics & math classes and get that top mark or Die-hard scientists, engineers, or entrepreneurs looking to design the next breakthrough product that will change how we all live or Any curious individual looking to master the principles of physics, develop a rich foundation in mathematics, and use that knowledge practically – whether you want to design simulations or develop engineering masterpieces.
Enroll now: Classical Physics: Journey Through the Laws of the Universe
Title: Classical Physics: Journey Through the Laws of the Universe
Price: $94.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 85
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 85
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 91
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 91
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Fluently speak and utilize the language of Lagrangian Mechanics: Calculus of Variations
- Confidently apply Classical Physics / Lagrangian Mechanics concepts to analyze any system or phenomenon throughout the universe
- Program algorithms for computationally solving any equation of motion
- Develop physics simulations similar to those powering your favorite video games and animated movies
- Establish foundational MATLAB programming skills essential in any STEM industry
- Develop easy-to-understand techniques for linearizing and solving differential equations
Who Should Attend
- University students looking to effortlessly excel in physics & math classes and get that top mark
- Die-hard scientists, engineers, or entrepreneurs looking to design the next breakthrough product that will change how we all live
- Any curious individual looking to master the principles of physics, develop a rich foundation in mathematics, and use that knowledge practically – whether you want to design simulations or develop engineering masterpieces
Target Audiences
- University students looking to effortlessly excel in physics & math classes and get that top mark
- Die-hard scientists, engineers, or entrepreneurs looking to design the next breakthrough product that will change how we all live
- Any curious individual looking to master the principles of physics, develop a rich foundation in mathematics, and use that knowledge practically – whether you want to design simulations or develop engineering masterpieces
In this course, you’re going to journey through the deepest depths of the universe, understand the underlying physics governing it, and develop practical skills and applications that set you apart from the crowd. Most of these skills are essential for success in any STEM industry (Physics, Engineering, Economics, Computer Science, etc), but we’ll mostly be using them to develop the same physics simulations that power your favorite video games and animated movies!
Learn to fluently speak the language of Lagrangian Mechanics / Classical Physics: Calculus of Variations (Apply the Euler-Lagrange equation, find stationary points to functionals, and extend your Calculus knowledge)
Master the basic tenets of Lagrangian Mechanics / Classical Physics (The Principle of Least Action, the Lagrangian, and Lagrange’s Equations of Motion)
Apply physics principles to solve an assortment of classic examples (The Brachistochrone Problem, Simple Harmonic Motion, Chaotic Motion with Double Pendulums, etc)
Develop easy-to-understand techniques for linearizing and solving differential equations
Learn how to develop computational algorithms (the Finite Difference Approximation, Runge-Kutta Method, ODE45, etc) for solving complex equations of motion commonly found in physics
Establish foundational MATLAB programming skills which are essential in most STEM industries (Physics, Engineering, Research and Development, Computer Science, etc)
Develop real-world physics simulations similar to those powering your favorite video games and animated movies
Experience the beauty of physics in a fun, exciting atmosphere you’ll never find in a classroom; I’ll make you love and enjoy physics, while enhancing your skill sets
Developed back in the 18th century, the basic principles of Classical Physics – which strive to explain the universe’s underlying behavior – are some of the oldest academic achievements to-date. However, their innate power and practicality have barely been tarnished over the years. In fact, they’ve never been more prominent and influential as they are today. For example, most of the essential products you use on a daily basis (such as your house, car, phone, computer, etc) were designed using these same basic principles. The world you now know – along with all of its beauty and thrills – is literally a direct product of classical physics; it would not be possible without these marvelous ideas.
As a result, it is no wonder that Classical Physics concepts are invaluable assets with extremely high demand. Whether you want to be an engineer, scientist, or financial analyst, these skills are not only essential for success in any STEM industry, but their intrinsic value will get you some of the highest salaries throughout the world. For example, in the Forbes article “15 Most Valuable College Majors”, not only does physics appear in the list, but 12 out of the 15 listed majors require physics / programming as an essential skill!
In this course, you’re going to learn these highly coveted physics concepts that make modern society a possibility. Furthermore, you’ll learn how to employ this knowledge to develop practical applications that make a difference. The main application you’ll focus on is developing the same simulations that power your favorite video games and animated movies! So, in the end, not only will you be a master of the universe’s underlying principles, but you’ll also learn practical skills – such as MATLAB programming – that set you apart from the competition.
Through 79 lectures and 18.5 hours worth of HD-quality content, you’re going to journey through some of the deepest depths of the universe – experiencing all the beauty it has to offer. By the end of this journey, you’ll be able to confidently apply classical physics concepts to analyze ANY system or phenomenon throughout the universe – whether that be the orbital motion of our planets or the dynamics of automotive components. Each step of this immersive journey also concludes with a comprehensive quiz; so, you’ll have a chance to practice these concepts first-hand, receive immediate feedback, and quickly become a master of the universe! Here’s a brief overview of each component you’ll explore as you journey through the course:
Component I: As you embark on your journey, you’ll first learn to fluently speak the language of Classical Physics / Lagrangian Mechanics: Calculus of Variations. This mathematical framework involves finding stationary points to “functionals”, using your new favorite equation: the Euler-Lagrange Equation. Not only will this mathematical language allow us to explore and understand Classical Physics principles, but it can also be used to derive catenary curves – which are extensively utilized throughout architecture and civil engineering.
Component II: Once you’ve learned to fluently speak this intriguing language, you’ll then put it to use to peer beneath the surface of reality. In this portion of your journey, we’re going to explore the basic tenets of Lagrangian Mechanics / Classical Physics, which govern all behavior throughout the universe. Some essential ideas you’ll discover include the Principle of Least Action, Lagrangian, and Lagrange’s Equations of Motion.
Component III: ACTIONABLE knowledge is the true source of power and influence though, right? That’s why this journey was also designed to instantly apply your new skills and use them practically. Once you’ve mastered the basic principles of the universe, you’ll first apply these beautiful theories to tackle an assortment of classic problems. Some examples we’ll work through together include the Brachistochrone Problem, straightforward problems involving Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM), and more challenging problems such as chaotic motion with double pendulums. You’ll also have a chance to work through your own examples/problems to test your comprehension and address any gaps in knowledge.
Component IV: At this point, you’ll be a master of the universe; not only will you understand how it works and operates, but you’ll also have experience applying that understanding to problems. So, in the final component of your journey, you’ll get an opportunity to fully unleash your new skills’ potential. You’re going to develop your own practical applications: simulations similar to those powering your favorite video games and animated movies! First, we’ll focus on computational algorithms (such as the FInite Difference Approximation, Runge-Kutta Method, and ODE45) for solving complex equations of motion. Then, you’ll learn how to program them into MATLAB and bring your simulations to life. As you journey through this component of the course, you’ll run through 5 full-fledged walkthroughs on developing real-world simulations – where we walk you through the entire process step-by-step and ensure full comprehension.
At the end of your journey, you will have peered beneath the surface of reality, understood how the universe works and operates, and applied your newfound physics knowledge to develop real-world applications. You’ll be a master of the universe who knows how to utilize his/her understanding, and that alone will make you shine in the STEM industry or effortlessly excel in-class.
So, feel free to explore our comprehensive curriculum or preview videos, and I look forward to seeing and working with you inside the course. I can’t wait to guide you along the same journey which personally made me love physics, engineering, and mathematics :)!
Here’s what some of my YouTube subscribers had to say about the course’s content:
“Well, you just blew my mind. I seriously can´t thank you enough. I’m learning this in Classical Mechanics and I was having some difficulty understanding it. I am totally recommending this to my classmates! Thanks once more, I will keep watching your next videos!” – lp
“This is what i can’t help but say after finishing watching your explanation: ‘Dude,you are awesome! You actually got me to do some calculus solving! It’s hard to make someone who despises a subject into getting interested and curious about it. But you managed to pull it off on me!’ ” –Yassa Moin
“This is what I need – A HIGH ENERGY LECTURER who claps his hands to get my attention! 🙂 Too many old men droning on in the rest of youtube lectures. Something like this is engaging and keeps you awake :-)!” –Hugh Jones
“As a retiree,finally finding time in life to start learning beautiful maths from a young man like you is very gratifying! You are tearing it up kid! Bravo!” -Blue StarFractal
“Thank you very much for this lesson. The enthusiasm and feeling for a clear explanation is very impressive.” –FA Videos
“What I liked best about the video is that you first spent time explaining the intuition behind converting the problem (from, say, cartesian space) to a more abstract space and finding the solution there. Explaining such philosophy greatly helps put things in context as it answers what question really we are trying to answer. Following the content becomes much easier then. If you are not doing that in other videos, please do so :)!
TBH I was a bit skeptical about following through the whole video because I’d like to think I understand problems best when there is a geometrical intuition behind it, and have run away from any kind of analytical math all my life (even though I understood geometrical intuition behind complex calculus operations I’d still fail terribly in exams because I have a problem stating the questions analytically). This video helped me change my perspective. I wish I had teachers like you in college!
Thank you for the wonderful lecture, man!” –nilspin
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: The Language of Classical Physics/Lagrangian Mechanics: Calculus of Variations
Lecture 1: Introductory Concepts
Lecture 2: The Problem With Functionals
Lecture 3: A New Framework For Minimizing Functionals
Lecture 4: Deriving The Euler-Lagrange Equation
Lecture 5: Math Example #1: Determining The Shortest Distance Between Two Points
Lecture 6: Math Example #2: Calculus of Variations Recap & Geodesics Introduction
Lecture 7: Math Example #2 – Part 2: Geodesics & Deriving the Functional
Lecture 8: Math Example #2 – Part 3: Geodesics & Applying the Euler-Lagrange Equation
Lecture 9: Physics Example #3 – The Brachistochrone Problem
Lecture 10: Physics Example #3 – Part 2: Applying the Euler-Lagrange Equation
Lecture 11: Physics Example #3 – Part 3: Interpretting the Brachistochrone Problem's Results
Lecture 12: Quiz 1 – Solution
Chapter 2: Core Physics Principles: The Lagrangian and Lagrange's Equations
Lecture 1: Hamilton's Principle / The Principle of Least Action
Lecture 2: The Lagrangian and Lagrange's Equations
Lecture 3: Formal Proof – Part 1: Why The Lagrangian Satisfies Hamilton's Principle
Lecture 4: Formal Proof – Part 2: Why The Lagrangian Satisfies Hamilton's Principle
Lecture 5: Major Advantages of Lagrangian Mechanics & Coordinate Invariance
Lecture 6: A Particle in Polar Coordinates Demonstrating Coordinate Invariance
Lecture 7: Lagrangian Mechanics Vs. Newtonian Mechanics: A Quick Comparison
Lecture 8: A General Procedure for Lagrangian Mechanics Analyses
Lecture 9: Physics Example #1: Simple Harmonic Motion Revisited
Lecture 10: Example #1 – Part 2: Lagrangian Mechanics Approach with Simple Harmonic Motion
Lecture 11: Physics Example #2: The Atwood Machine Revisited
Lecture 12: Example # 2 – Part 2: Lagrangian Mechanics Approach with the Atwood Machine 1/2
Lecture 13: Example # 2 – Part 3: Lagrangian Mechanics Approach with the Atwood Machine 2/2
Lecture 14: Quiz 2 Solution Part 1 – General Methodology and Approach
Lecture 15: Quiz 2 Solution Part 2 – Calculating Potential Energy Method #1
Lecture 16: Quiz 2 Solution Part 3 – Calculating Potential Energy Method #2
Lecture 17: Quiz 2 Solution Part 4 – Determining the Lagrangian & Equation of Motion
Lecture 18: Quiz 2 Solution Part 5 – Solving the Differential Equation & Conclusion
Chapter 3: Application: Developing Physics Simulations of the Universe
Lecture 1: Linearizing Equations of Motion to Obtain Analytical Solutions
Lecture 2: Obtaining Analytical Solutions to Verify Physics Simulations
Lecture 3: The Finite Difference Method: Forward Difference Approximations
Lecture 4: The Finite Difference Method Part 2: Backward & Central Difference Approximation
Lecture 5: Applying the Finite Difference Method to Simple Harmonic Motion
Lecture 6: Simulating Simple Harmonic Motion: Introduction & Setting Up the Simulation
Lecture 7: Simulating SHM – Part 2: Programming the Algorithm & Verification
Lecture 8: Exploring Our First Physics Simulation: Balancing Accuracy & Computation Time
Chapter 4: Physics Example: The Double Pendulum and Chaotic Motion
Lecture 1: Problem Introduction and Deriving the System's Kinetic Energy
Lecture 2: Determining the Double Pendulum Lagrangian
Lecture 3: Deriving the Double Pendulum's First Lagrange Equation
Lecture 4: Deriving the Double Pendulum's Second Lagrange Equation
Lecture 5: Eliminating the System's Non-linearities to Find Analytical Solutions
Lecture 6: The Art of Solving Differential Equations: Setting up an Analytical Framework
Lecture 7: Determining the Natural Frequencies for Each Normal Mode
Lecture 8: Figuring Out How Each Normal Mode's Amplitudes Are Related
Lecture 9: Constructing the Full, Generalized Solution
Lecture 10: Using ODE45 to Computationally Solve Coupled, 2nd Order Differential Equations
Lecture 11: Programming the Simulation in MATLAB
Lecture 12: Assessing the Physics Simulation's Level of Accuracy
Lecture 13: Exploring the Simulation: Chaotic Motion, Phase Portraits, & Real-life Examples
Chapter 5: Physics Example: The Bead in a Hoop Problem
Lecture 1: Problem Introduction and Geometry Analysis
Lecture 2: Deriving the System's Total Kinetic Energy
Lecture 3: Determining The System's Lagrangian
Lecture 4: Utilizing the Lagrangian to Derive Each Case's Equation of Motion
Lecture 5: Case 1: Eliminating Non-linearities to Obtain an Analytical Solution
Lecture 6: Case 2: Why the Analytical Solution Consists of Transient & Stationary Solutions
Lecture 7: The Method of Undetermined Coefficients & Why it Needs to be Modified
Lecture 8: Case 2: Determining the Steady-State Solution
Lecture 9: Case 2: Using Superposition to Yield the Full Analytical Solution
Lecture 10: Physics Simulation: Developing Algorithms for Rendering the Geoemtry
Lecture 11: Case 1: Programming the Finite Difference Algorithm & Verifying the Solution
Lecture 12: Case 2: Modifying the Physics Simulation & Verifying Results
Lecture 13: Case 2: Exploring the Effects of Centripetal Acceleration & Gravity
Chapter 6: The Two-Rod Arm Physics Problem: Analyzing Rigid-Body Systems
Lecture 1: Problem Introduction & Geometry Analysis
Lecture 2: Determining Each Rigid Body's Center of Mass
Lecture 3: Determing Each Rigid Body's Center of Mass – Part 2
Lecture 4: The Difference Between Translational & Rotational Kinetic Energy
Lecture 5: The Center of Mass Trick
Lecture 6: Determining the System's Total Kinetic Energy: Fail-Safe Method
Lecture 7: Simplifying Our Kinetic Energy Derivation: A More Efficient Approach
Lecture 8: Deriving the Full System's Lagrangian
Lecture 9: Determining the Equation of Motion – Part 1: Finding the Puzzle Pieces
Lecture 10: Determining the Equation of Motion – Part 2: Putting the Pieces Together
Lecture 11: Eliminating Non-Linearities to Obtain an Analytical Solution
Lecture 12: Finding the Transient & Steady-State Solutions
Lecture 13: Constructing the Full Analytical Solution
Lecture 14: Exploring the Requirements for Static Equilibrium
Lecture 15: Developing the ODE45 Computational Algorithm for Our Simulation
Lecture 16: Developing an Algorithm for Rendering the Geometry and Motion
Lecture 17: Implementing Collision Detection Algorithms into the Simulation
Lecture 18: Verifying the Computational Solution & Assessing its Accuracy
Lecture 19: Visually Experimenting with Each Case & Exploring Static Equilibrium Conditions
Lecture 20: Demonstrating How Non-Linearities Grow as the Simulation Runs & More Exploration
Lecture 21: Concluding Remarks
Edward Reilly
Physics Professor & Motivational Speaker
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 21 votes
- 4 stars: 99 votes
- 5 stars: 199 votes
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