Common English Grammar Mistakes and How to Fix Them–Sampler
Common English Grammar Mistakes and How to Fix Them–Sampler, available at Free, has an average rating of 4.4, with 23 lectures, 5 quizzes, based on 413 reviews, and has 16720 subscribers.
You will learn about Avoid common grammar mistakes Differentiate between commonly confused words and phrases Write and speak with more confidence and mastery Make a strong impression and convey credibility in your writing and communication This course is ideal for individuals who are ESL students, professionals, and learners or Creative writers who need to improve on the mechanics of their writing or Native English speakers and writers who need a grammar refresher or Native English speaker and writers who want to improve their grammar or This course is NOT for those who have advanced knowledge, understanding, and application of English grammar. It is particularly useful for ESL students, professionals, and learners or Creative writers who need to improve on the mechanics of their writing or Native English speakers and writers who need a grammar refresher or Native English speaker and writers who want to improve their grammar or This course is NOT for those who have advanced knowledge, understanding, and application of English grammar.
Enroll now: Common English Grammar Mistakes and How to Fix Them–Sampler
Title: Common English Grammar Mistakes and How to Fix Them–Sampler
Price: Free
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 23
Number of Quizzes: 5
Number of Published Lectures: 23
Number of Published Quizzes: 5
Number of Curriculum Items: 28
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 28
Original Price: Free
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Avoid common grammar mistakes
- Differentiate between commonly confused words and phrases
- Write and speak with more confidence and mastery
- Make a strong impression and convey credibility in your writing and communication
Who Should Attend
- ESL students, professionals, and learners
- Creative writers who need to improve on the mechanics of their writing
- Native English speakers and writers who need a grammar refresher
- Native English speaker and writers who want to improve their grammar
- This course is NOT for those who have advanced knowledge, understanding, and application of English grammar.
Target Audiences
- ESL students, professionals, and learners
- Creative writers who need to improve on the mechanics of their writing
- Native English speakers and writers who need a grammar refresher
- Native English speaker and writers who want to improve their grammar
- This course is NOT for those who have advanced knowledge, understanding, and application of English grammar.
Your writing can communicate ideas effectively, get the reader’s attention, and help you achieve your goals.
-Created based on student request from many writers like you: A course that clarifies common grammar mistakes, including commonly confused words and phrases and clarifies common mistakes writers make.
This course is the condensed version of the two full courses, “Common English Grammar Mistakes and How to Fix Them” and “Commonly Confused English Words and Phrases.”
This mini course includes lectures from both courses, but stands as a course in itself with some of the most common errors I’ve found in native English speakers’ and ESL writers’ work.
***Note: This is a beginner level course, so serves as a refresher for intermediate and advanced writers, and can especially benefit beginning writers and those with more serious grammar issues, as well as ESL Writers. This course may not benefit you as much if you’re an advanced writer or strong in grammar.
If you find lots of mistakes in your writing, discovery errors after you submit or post something, and find these sometimes undermine how others perceive you and your message, this course can help you prevent common errors in your writing.
That’s why I created Grammar Sampler–to solve this problem and help your writing achieve credibility. I also wrote this course to give you the best of both courses–Common English Grammar Mistakes and How to Fix Them & Commonly Confused English Words and Phrasesin one course for FREE!
**Written by instructor with almost 90,000 students, seven courses on Udemy, and thousands of 4 and 5 star reviews
Master Your Grammar Errors, Master Commonly Confused Words and Phrases, and Achieve Success and Credibility as a Writer
-What makes this course unique?
1. This course shows the root causes of each mistake. If you want to solve a problem and to avoid it in the future, you need to know how the mistake was made to start with. Examples in the course don’t just tell you why the mistake was made, they show you with examples.
2. This course is unique because it shows you tips and tricks to help you avoid the mistake in the future based on the root cause of the mistake.
3. Unlike many similar classes, this course includes exercises to help you practice, apply, correct, and retain what you’ve learned, using the power of repetition and consistency, which learning science shows will help you retain the material.
4. Retention of the material is key. This solves the problemthe causes certain words and phrases to become confused. You can also come back to the material later for future reference.
What Students Had to Say About Other Courses I Created Because They Get Results:
Here is what students in the course had to say. The proof is in the results students get and share in reviews:
“Awesome! Outstanding! I truly appreciated this course. Thank you for providing a free course. Because I took this free course and loved it so much, I am willing to pay for your other courses. I am sure they will be worth the money seeing that this one was so great. Please do a course on all the verb tenses. Verb tenses are something I struggled with for a long time. No one seems to have a course that fills in the gaps for me.”Chantay Shelley–Udemy Student
“Excellent nuts and bolts for anyone interested in crafting a message that connects their audience with the intended meaning. Each section has not only video but slide examples! Thank you for building this course.” Bob Marx–Udemy Student
“This teacher has a very clear way of communicating the lessons she wants us to learn and all in all, this will be a very helpful course for my writing – no doubt! So I will, most definitely, recommend this course for any and all that would like to improve upon their writing skills. +1” Geir Rødde–Udemy Student
“Rachel: Many thanks for creating wonderful courses! I am amateur learner. I took your two courses. I found your courses useful in two ways. First, your courses provided insights “why” I had been writing in a particular way. Second, I got some teaching tips. I am teacher by profession. Impressed with your teaching passion. Keep creating good courses.” Dr. Ajit Kumar–Udemy Student
“This is an great course, especially for a novice writer like myself. I learned so much about structure, word usage, organization, etc. The course is taught by an excellent teacher. I can’t thank you enough!” Sandra Eastman–Udemy Student
“I will be a better writer as a result of this course. Thank you . . .” David Gulp–Udemy Student
What This Course Does:
Grammar mistakes can undermine your writing. Errors can cause you to lose clients, publishers, customers, and good grades. Correcting these mistakes will increase your credibility as a writer, make an impression on your audience, and increase the chances that your writing helps you achieve your goals. This mini course is free and a good start toward correcting grammar mistakes and commonly confused words and phrases in the English Language.
What can this mean for you?
better sales
sterling quality
engaged readers
increased visibility
higher credibility
stronger grades
published articles and books
completed writing goals
If you apply this fundamental and professionally engineered class, your writing will get the attention you desire.
How the Course is Set Up
Grammar Errors Section (Five lessons):
Each lecture applies the following outcomes:
Know the difference between two or three commonly confused phrases
Apply the definition and use of each word
Differentiate why the phrases are confused using examples
Correct the the mistakes made with these words based on examples
Avoid the mistake successfully in the future with tips and tricks
Practice, apply, correct, and retain what you’ve learned with exercises.
Sections in Lecture:
Why words are confused (examples)
Correction and application (Examples)
Tricks to remember correct forms
Practice what you’ve learned
Commonly Confused Words and Phrases Section (five lessons):
Each lecture applies the following outcomes:
Avoid common grammar mistakes
Write and speak with more confidence and mastery
Make a strong impression and convey credibility in your writing and communication
Know why you made the grammar mistakes you made so you don’t make them again
Practice correcting grammar mistakes in action so the lessons stick
Sections in Lecture:
Definition, application and rule
Correct application of rule (examples)
Why mistakes are made (examples)
Tricks to remember correct application
Application of correction (Examples)
Practice what you’ve learned
As a teacher, I improve on the quality of my courses for your benefit with each new course I make.
Who This Course is Specifically Designed For:
Learners who want a quick and basic refresher on common grammar errors
ESL students, professionals, and learners
Fiction and nonfiction writers who need to improve on the mechanics of their writing
Native English speakers and writers who need a grammar refresher and want to improve their grammar
Who This Course Will NOT Benefit:
If you have advanced knowledge in the English language, English mechanics, and English grammar, then this course would be more of a refresher. It might be useful in this way, but you might not learn something new. However, if you struggle in these areas, this course is for you!.
Who Can Benefit From This Course:
business writers
freelance writers
creative writers
academic writers
university students
new writers
lifetime learners
website designers
The course is broken down by types of words and phrases that are commonly confused for ease of access and navigation through the material.
Master Your Grammar Errors, Master Commonly Confused Words and Phrases, and Achieve Success and Credibility as a Writer
**Don’t put off changing your writing today. Sign up for this course today, and you can start achieving writing mastery almost immediately!*
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Common Grammar Mistakes and How to Fix Them
Lecture 1: Semicolon Misusage
Lecture 2: Exercise: Semicolon Misusage
Lecture 3: Answers: Semicolon Misusage
Lecture 4: Count Versus Noncount Nouns
Lecture 5: Exercise: Count Versus Noncount Nouns
Lecture 6: Answers: Count Versus Noncount Nouns
Lecture 7: Subject/Verb Agreement
Lecture 8: Exercise: Subject/Verb Agreement
Lecture 9: Answers: Subject/Verb Agreement
Lecture 10: Misplaced Modifiers
Lecture 11: Exercise: Misplaced Modifiers
Lecture 12: Answers: Misplaced Modifiers
Lecture 13: Sentence Fragments
Lecture 14: Exercise: Sentence Fragments
Lecture 15: Answers: Sentence Fragments
Chapter 3: Commonly Confused Words and Phrases
Lecture 1: Affect/Effect
Lecture 2: Its/It's
Lecture 3: Lay/Lie
Lecture 4: Their/There/They're
Lecture 5: Who's/Whose
Lecture 6: Conclusion
Lecture 7: Bonus Lecture!!
Rachel Leroy BA, MA, MFA
Writing Coach, University Professor, & Trauma Recovery Coach
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 9 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 64 votes
- 4 stars: 175 votes
- 5 stars: 158 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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