Comprehensive Japanese Grammar (Beginner/JLPT N5)
Comprehensive Japanese Grammar (Beginner/JLPT N5), available at $74.99, has an average rating of 4.75, with 142 lectures, 26 quizzes, based on 73 reviews, and has 480 subscribers.
You will learn about The “Comprehensive Japanese Grammar Online Course (JLPT N5)” is intended for beginners. Through the use of video materials, learners will study a variety of grammar used in daily life Students can learn a little bit of Japanese culture. JLPT N5 comes with romaji so those who can not read hiragana still be able to learn the grammar. This course is ideal for individuals who are Suitable for both total beginners, and those who are looking to strengthen their foundation in beginner Japanese. or Learners who want to improve from beginner to intermediate Japanese. or Learners who are preparing to sit the JLPT N5 exam. or Learners who are planning to go to Japan exchange programme. or Learners who just would like a solid start on learning the basics of Japanese grammar It is particularly useful for Suitable for both total beginners, and those who are looking to strengthen their foundation in beginner Japanese. or Learners who want to improve from beginner to intermediate Japanese. or Learners who are preparing to sit the JLPT N5 exam. or Learners who are planning to go to Japan exchange programme. or Learners who just would like a solid start on learning the basics of Japanese grammar.
Enroll now: Comprehensive Japanese Grammar (Beginner/JLPT N5)
Title: Comprehensive Japanese Grammar (Beginner/JLPT N5)
Price: $74.99
Average Rating: 4.75
Number of Lectures: 142
Number of Quizzes: 26
Number of Published Lectures: 142
Number of Published Quizzes: 26
Number of Curriculum Items: 168
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 168
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- The “Comprehensive Japanese Grammar Online Course (JLPT N5)” is intended for beginners.
- Through the use of video materials, learners will study a variety of grammar used in daily life
- Students can learn a little bit of Japanese culture.
- JLPT N5 comes with romaji so those who can not read hiragana still be able to learn the grammar.
Who Should Attend
- Suitable for both total beginners, and those who are looking to strengthen their foundation in beginner Japanese.
- Learners who want to improve from beginner to intermediate Japanese.
- Learners who are preparing to sit the JLPT N5 exam.
- Learners who are planning to go to Japan exchange programme.
- Learners who just would like a solid start on learning the basics of Japanese grammar
Target Audiences
- Suitable for both total beginners, and those who are looking to strengthen their foundation in beginner Japanese.
- Learners who want to improve from beginner to intermediate Japanese.
- Learners who are preparing to sit the JLPT N5 exam.
- Learners who are planning to go to Japan exchange programme.
- Learners who just would like a solid start on learning the basics of Japanese grammar
Whether you are planning to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N5 or just would like a solid start on learning the basics of Japanese grammar, The “Japanese Grammar Online Course (Beginner/JLPT N5 level) ” will guide you the most useful particles, counters, and grammatical patterns in an easy-to-understand way. You can access a mini-quiz at the end of every lesson to review key points as well as self-assessment tool.
This course is Japanese study materials related to the JLPT N5 level. You can study vocabulary, expressions, and grammar that correspond to the JLPT N5 level. Furthermore, in order to understand grammar deeply, you can practice translation from English to Japanese each grammar lesson. All of the narration contains English and romaji, so that those learning Japanese for the first time can freely study the materials. In addition, for those countries unfamiliar with kanji, all of the Japanese is written in roman letters from Lesson 1 to Lesson 14, and all of the lesson examples are shown in English, so that all learners can study effectively. By practicing native’s pronunciation, students will be able to speak slowly spoken in daily life conversations. Learners will study about 100 grammar points used in daily life, in addition to a little bit of Japanese culture. If you’re wanting to learn how to speak Japanese, then you have to master Japanese grammar rules! Japanese grammar patterns are quite different to those we have in English, and there is a lot to learn. Things you may not even realize are grammar patterns in English, you have to learn in Japanese. If you have questions which related to the curriculum, you can post your comment on Q and A section. This course is the good start!!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Japanese Tutor, Ayana Introduction/にほんごきょうし、あやなのじこしょうかい/nihongokyoushi, Ayana
Lecture 3: Goal & Japanese Grammar Online Course (JLPTN5) Grammar List
Lecture 4: Frequently Asked Questions
Lecture 5: Support
Lecture 6: Classroom vocabulary
Lecture 7: Warm Up: Are You Confident in Hiragana Pronunciation?
Lecture 8: Warm Up: Are You Confident in Katakana Pronunciation?
Chapter 2: Overview of beginner level
Lecture 1: Grammar Overview: Key Points and Example Sentences
Chapter 3: Japanese Top 8 Particles.
Lecture 1: Lesson Overview
Lecture 2: Using 'は (wa)' for 'is', 'am', 'was', 'were'
Lecture 3: Using 'も (mo)' for 'Also' and 'Too'
Lecture 4: Using 'の (no)' for 'of' and 's'
Lecture 5: Using 'を (wo)' to Indicate Direct Objects
Lecture 6: Using 'が (ga)' for New or Important Subjects
Lecture 7: Using 'に (ni)' for 'At' and 'To'
Lecture 8: Using 'へ (he)' to Show Direction
Lecture 9: Using 'で (de)' for 'In' and 'At'
Lecture 10: Japanese Particle Mini-Quiz
Lecture 11: What is the Difference Between the Particles で (de) and に (ni)?
Chapter 4: N5 Grammar Lesson 1(です、か、と、や、~ね/~よ)
Lecture 1: N5 Grammar Lesson 1 overview
Lecture 2: Saying "I am X." "I am nationality." and "My major is X." using desu/です."
Lecture 3: Make a Yes/No question using "ka/か"
Lecture 4: Learn the Two Functions of the Particle 'と (to)' (and/&)
Lecture 5: Using 'や (ya)' to List Examples: A and B
Lecture 6: Particles 'ね (ne)' and 'よ (yo)': Expressing Agreement and Emphasis
Lecture 7: Understanding the Difference: ね (Ne) vs. よ (Yo)
Lecture 8: Learn and Pronounce N5 Vocabulary Together!
Chapter 5: N5 Grammar Lesson 2(~ませんか、~があります、います、ましょう、ましょうか、)
Lecture 1: N5 Grammar Lesson 2 overview
Lecture 2: How to Change the Dictionary Form of a Verb to Its Polite Form?
Lecture 3: 'ませんか (masenka)': Invitations with 'Would you like to?' and 'Shall we?'
Lecture 4: 'があります (ga arimasu)' for 'There Is/Are' with Non-Living Things
Lecture 5: 'がいます (ga imasu)' to Describe the Presence of People and Sentient Beings
Lecture 6: ましょう (mashou): Expressing 'Let's do something'
Lecture 7: 'ましょうか (mashouka)': 'Shall I?' or 'Shall we?'
Lecture 8: Learn and Pronounce N5 Vocabulary Together!
Chapter 6: N5 Grammar Lesson 3(~から、~にいく、ないでください、~のがすきです)
Lecture 1: N5 Grammar Lesson 3 overview
Lecture 2: から/kara (because)
Lecture 3: にいく/niiku (go to do something purpose)
Lecture 4: ないでください/naidekudasai (Please do not do something)
Lecture 5: のがすきです/noga sukidesu (like to do something)
Lecture 6: Learn and Pronounce N5 Vocabulary Together!
Chapter 7: N5 Grammar Lesson 4(~のがじょうずです、へたです、~ほうが~より、~のなかでいちばん、つもりです)
Lecture 1: N5 Grammar Lesson 4 overview
Lecture 2: のがじょうずです/noga jyouzu desu (good at something skill)
Lecture 3: A のほうがBより/A nohouga B yori something (A is more something than B)
Lecture 4: ~のなかでいちばん/no naka de ichiban (is the most (something) among a class of items)
Lecture 5: つもりです/tsumori desu (planning to do or intend to do something)
Lecture 6: Learn and Pronounce N5 Vocabulary Together!
Chapter 8: N5 Grammar Lesson 5(~く/~になる、stemたい~、たり~たり、~んです、~んですが)
Lecture 1: N5 Grammar Lesson 5 overview
Lecture 2: くなる・になる/kunaru・ninaru (getting or to become)
Lecture 3: たい/-tai (want to do something) &たくない/takunai (don't want to do something)
Lecture 4: (activity A)たり/tari (activity B)たりする/tari suru (do such things as A and B)
Lecture 5: んです/ndesu (The final expression)
Lecture 6: んですが/ndesuga (followed by a request, an invitation or an seeking permission)
Lecture 7: Learn and Pronounce N5 Vocabulary Together!
Chapter 9: N5 Grammar Lesson 6(~すぎる、~ほうがいい、~ので、~なくちゃいけない/なければいけません/なきゃいけません)
Lecture 1: N5 Grammar Lesson 6 overview
Lecture 2: ~すぎる/-sugiru ("too much" or "to excess")
Lecture 3: ~たほうがいい/-tahouga ii (“it is better (for you) to do something…”)
Lecture 4: ~ないほうがいい/-naihouga ii (“it is better (for you) NOT to do something…”)
Lecture 5: Noun +のほうがいい/Noun +nohouga ii (“Noun1 is better than Noun2)
Lecture 6: ~ので/-node (because)
Lecture 7: ~なくちゃいけない/-nakuchaikenai (have to) -Part 1-
Lecture 8: ~なくちゃいけない/-nakuchaikenai (have to) -Part 2-
Lecture 9: Learn and Pronounce N5 Vocabulary Together!
Chapter 10: N5 Grammar Lesson 7(ことができます、私/わたしのしゅみは~ことです、~たことがあります、~でしょう、~でしょう?)
Lecture 1: N5 Grammar Lesson 7 overview
Lecture 2: ことができます/koto ga dekimasu (can/ability to do something)
Lecture 3: わたしのしゅみは~ことです/watashi no shumi wa koto desu. (My hobby is…)
Lecture 4: ~たことがあります/(ta-form)+kotoga arimasu. (have an experience of something)
Lecture 5: ~でしょう/deshou (probably)
Lecture 6: ~でしょう?/deshou? (a rising intonation to confirm the listener’s agreement)
Lecture 7: ~でしょうか?/deshouka? (asking a question or seeking confirmation)
Lecture 8: Learn and Pronounce N5 Vocabulary Together!
Chapter 11: Lesson 8 The conjugation rule of the verb て/te-form
Lecture 1: When do you use te-form?
Lecture 2: Group 1 (u-verbs) The conjugation rule of the verb て/te-form
Ayana Okamoto
Expert Japanese teacher with over 10 years of experience.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 1 votes
- 3 stars: 7 votes
- 4 stars: 18 votes
- 5 stars: 47 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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