Conquer English Verb Tenses And Speak Better English Now ESL
Conquer English Verb Tenses And Speak Better English Now ESL, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.7, with 106 lectures, 3 quizzes, based on 82 reviews, and has 537 subscribers.
You will learn about Master all 12 English verb tenses faster and easier than most students do by learning them one at a time. Improve your fluency, naturally, with conversation exercises (fluency sections), which put the grammar concepts learned in the previous section into practice. Write emails using grammatically correct verb tenses (lots of interactive writing exercises: sentences, paragraphs, and short stories). A true and deep understanding of all the English verb tenses. Learn the 5 forms that every verb has: present and past participle, etc. Learn the 3 kinds of English verbs: dynamic, stative, and mixed verbs Learn to be self-taught in English – the fastest, cheapest, and funnest way to become fluent. This course is ideal for individuals who are ESL and EFL students who want to speak better English by using all of the English verb tenses grammatically correctly. or ESL and EFL students who want to become more qualified and proficient in the English language for the job market, travel abroad, and foreign exchange programs.. or ESL and EFL students who need to pass standardized / proficiency tests. or Students that have always dreamed of conquering the English language and pass job interviews in English. It is particularly useful for ESL and EFL students who want to speak better English by using all of the English verb tenses grammatically correctly. or ESL and EFL students who want to become more qualified and proficient in the English language for the job market, travel abroad, and foreign exchange programs.. or ESL and EFL students who need to pass standardized / proficiency tests. or Students that have always dreamed of conquering the English language and pass job interviews in English.
Enroll now: Conquer English Verb Tenses And Speak Better English Now ESL
Title: Conquer English Verb Tenses And Speak Better English Now ESL
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.7
Number of Lectures: 106
Number of Quizzes: 3
Number of Published Lectures: 105
Number of Published Quizzes: 3
Number of Curriculum Items: 147
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 146
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Master all 12 English verb tenses faster and easier than most students do by learning them one at a time.
- Improve your fluency, naturally, with conversation exercises (fluency sections), which put the grammar concepts learned in the previous section into practice.
- Write emails using grammatically correct verb tenses (lots of interactive writing exercises: sentences, paragraphs, and short stories).
- A true and deep understanding of all the English verb tenses.
- Learn the 5 forms that every verb has: present and past participle, etc.
- Learn the 3 kinds of English verbs: dynamic, stative, and mixed verbs
- Learn to be self-taught in English – the fastest, cheapest, and funnest way to become fluent.
Who Should Attend
- ESL and EFL students who want to speak better English by using all of the English verb tenses grammatically correctly.
- ESL and EFL students who want to become more qualified and proficient in the English language for the job market, travel abroad, and foreign exchange programs..
- ESL and EFL students who need to pass standardized / proficiency tests.
- Students that have always dreamed of conquering the English language and pass job interviews in English.
Target Audiences
- ESL and EFL students who want to speak better English by using all of the English verb tenses grammatically correctly.
- ESL and EFL students who want to become more qualified and proficient in the English language for the job market, travel abroad, and foreign exchange programs..
- ESL and EFL students who need to pass standardized / proficiency tests.
- Students that have always dreamed of conquering the English language and pass job interviews in English.
The main goal of this English course is to improve your English fluency by mastering all 12 verb tenses faster and easier than most students do by learning them one at a time, and most importantly to implement them into your fluency by yourself, naturally, with lots of interactive writing and spontaneous speaking exercises.
Is it possible to improve your fluency by yourself?
Yes, the fluency sections in this course help you do just that. These are interactive spontaneous speaking exercises based on short stories using only the verb tenses that were explained in the previous section.
First you read, listen to, and watcha video of a funny short story.
Second you speak and answer questions about the short story, spontaneously, using complete sentences.
Third, it’s your turn to write a short story using the verb tenses explained in the previous section.
These fluency sections work very well. Many of my students have had great results in their fluency using this system.
Do you need a college degree to understand the course content?
No. This course is very easy to follow.
A “simple is sophisticated” teaching style is used, which means it’s very user friendly.
This English verb tense course goes step-by-step and has lots of hands-on exercises so you can immediately put into practice what you’ve just learned.
Do you have to do all of the exercises?
No. The exercises are optional.
They are made specifically to reinforce to most important parts of the previous video, give you a chance to practice what you’ve just learned, and help you memorize.
If you have any questions during the course…
Just post your question(s) in the Q&A section. I always answer questions as soon as possible.
And Remember…
You have a 30-day money back guarantee from Udemy, so you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
Start this course and improve your English fluency today!
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: My Personal Phone Number (What'sApp) and Total Dedication
Lecture 2: My What'sApp Telephone Number
Chapter 2: Present Simple & Continuous
Lecture 1: How to Identify and Make the Present Simple
Lecture 2: When Exactly to Use the Present Simple
Lecture 3: Present Simple – Quick Reference
Lecture 4: Dynamic vs Stative Verbs
Lecture 5: How to Identify and Make the Present Continuous
Lecture 6: When Exactly to Use the Present Continuous
Lecture 7: Present Continuous – Quick Reference
Lecture 8: Comparing the Present Simple and Continuous
Chapter 3: Speak Better Now! (Fluency) Present Simple and Continuous Short Story
Lecture 1: Introduction to Fluency Short Story Present Simple and Continuous"
Lecture 2: Wh- Question Words (Guarantee Your Success)
Lecture 3: Short Story with Subtitles Present Simple and Continuous: Bill's Favorite Hobby
Lecture 4: Speak Better Now! (Fluency) Bill's Favorite Hobby – Questions and Answers
Lecture 5: Listening: .mp3 present simple and continuous Short Story
Lecture 6: Reading: present simple and continuous Short Story
Lecture 7: Speaking: Answer questions in the present simple and cont. about the Short Story
Lecture 8: Writing Assignment: Present Simple and Continuous Short Story
Chapter 4: Fundamentals
Lecture 1: Overview of the English Verb Tenses
Lecture 2: Introduction to Fundamentals
Lecture 3: The Best Definition of a Verb
Lecture 4: Verb Forms
Lecture 5: Irregular Verb Lists
Lecture 6: Sentence Word Order
Chapter 5: Fundamentals Part 2
Lecture 1: Introduction to Fundamentals 2
Lecture 2: Dynamic & Stative Verbs
Lecture 3: Passive Voice Formula
Lecture 4: The Passive Voice
Chapter 6: Past Simple and Continuous
Lecture 1: Introduction to Past Simple and Continuous
Lecture 2: How to Identify and Make the Past Simple
Lecture 3: When Exactly to use the Past Simple
Lecture 4: Past Simple – Quick Reference
Lecture 5: How to Identify and Make the Past Continuous
Lecture 6: When Exactly to Use the Past Continuous
Lecture 7: Past Continuous – Quick Reference
Lecture 8: Comparing the Past Simple and Continuous
Chapter 7: Speak Better Now! (Fluency) Past Simple and Continuous Short Story
Lecture 1: Introduction to Fluency Short Story Past Simple and Continuous
Lecture 2: Short Story with Subtitles Past Simple and Continuous: Bill's Childhood
Lecture 3: Speak Better Now! (Fluency) Bill's Childhood – Questions and Answers
Lecture 4: Listening: .mp3 past simple and continuous Short Story
Lecture 5: Reading: past simple and continuous Short Story
Lecture 6: Speaking: Answer questions in the past simple and cont. about the Short Story
Lecture 7: Writing: Past Simple and Continuous Short Story
Chapter 8: Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
Lecture 1: Introduction to Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
Lecture 2: How to Identify and Make the Present Perfect
Lecture 3: When Exactly to Use the Present Perfect
Lecture 4: Present Perfect – Quick Reference
Lecture 5: How to Identify and Make the Present Perfect Continuous
Lecture 6: When Exactly to Use the Present Perfect Continuous
Lecture 7: Present Perfect Continuous – Quick Reference
Lecture 8: Comparing the Present Perfect and Continuous
Chapter 9: Speak Better Now! (Fluency) Present Perfect and Continuous Short Story
Lecture 1: Introduction to Fluency Short Story Present Perfect and Continuous
Lecture 2: Short Story with Subtitles Present Perfect and Continuous: Bill's Decision
Lecture 3: Speak Better Now! (Fluency) Bill's Decision – Questions and Answers
Lecture 4: Listening: .mp3 present perfect and continuous Short Story
Lecture 5: Reading: present perfect and continuous Short Story
Lecture 6: Speaking: Answer questions present perfect and continuous about the Short Story
Lecture 7: Writing: Present Perfect and Continuous Short Story
Chapter 10: Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous
Lecture 1: Introduction to Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous
Lecture 2: How to Identify and Make the Past Perfect
Lecture 3: When Exactly to Use the Past Perfect
Lecture 4: Past Perfect – Quick Reference
Lecture 5: How to Identify and Make the Past Perfect Continuous
Joshua – Professor Americano de Inglês
English Teacher, Instructor, Author
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 5 votes
- 4 stars: 17 votes
- 5 stars: 56 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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