Design a CPU 3
Design a CPU 3, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.83, with 52 lectures, based on 6 reviews, and has 420 subscribers.
You will learn about Mathematics: power functions, modulo, factorials, square roots. Graphics: Bresenham's circle, triangles, plotting, and vector manipulation. Matrices: multiplication, addition, subtraction, determinants, and transposition. Complex Numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and conjugates. String Library: copying, concatenation, and length calculation. Fixed Point Library: addition, multiplication, division, power functions, and trigonometry. Visual Studio Code Editor CPU architecture to practical coding with comprehensive libraries. This course is ideal for individuals who are Everyone who wants to know how computers work. It is particularly useful for Everyone who wants to know how computers work.
Enroll now: Design a CPU 3
Title: Design a CPU 3
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.83
Number of Lectures: 52
Number of Published Lectures: 52
Number of Curriculum Items: 52
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 52
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Mathematics: power functions, modulo, factorials, square roots.
- Graphics: Bresenham's circle, triangles, plotting, and vector manipulation.
- Matrices: multiplication, addition, subtraction, determinants, and transposition.
- Complex Numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and conjugates.
- String Library: copying, concatenation, and length calculation.
- Fixed Point Library: addition, multiplication, division, power functions, and trigonometry.
- Visual Studio Code Editor
- CPU architecture to practical coding with comprehensive libraries.
Who Should Attend
- Everyone who wants to know how computers work.
Target Audiences
- Everyone who wants to know how computers work.
Design a CPU3
Unlock the mysteries of computer architecture and delve into the heart of computational brilliance with our groundbreaking course, “Design a CPU3.” As the third installment in our series, this module focuses on the creation of bespoke assembly language libraries, equipping you with the tools and knowledge to wield the true potential of a CPU.
Embark on a journey through the intricacies of mathematics, string manipulation, graphics rendering, and fixed-point arithmetic. Our meticulously curated curriculum encompasses an array of indispensable routines, including:
Memory Mapping: Understand the core of memory management, an indispensable skill for efficient programming.
Mathematics: From basic operations like power functions, modulo and factorials to trigonometry (sine, cosine, and tangent).
Graphics and Geometry: Dive into the world of graphics programming with algorithms like Bresenham’s circle, triangle plotting, and vector manipulation (addition, multiplication, scalar operations, dot and cross products).
Matrix Operations: Master matrix manipulation techniques, including multiplication, addition, subtraction, determinants, and transposition.
Complex Numbers: Explore the realm of complex arithmetic, covering addition, subtraction, multiplication, conjugates, and more.
String Handling: Learn efficient string manipulation techniques such as copying, concatenation, and length calculation.
Fixed-Point Arithmetic: Delve into fixed-point numbers, tackling addition, multiplication, division, power functions, and trigonometric operations.
Hands-On Learning in a Modern Environment
Our course doesn’t just stop at theory; it’s a practical, hands-on experience. You’ll wield the power of Visual Studio Code as your assembly language playground, crafting code and witnessing it transform into machine code before your eyes. With our guidance, you’ll gain the expertise to navigate this powerful environment confidently.
Building upon Architecture: Your Path to Expertise
This course isn’t just a standalone endeavor. It’s the natural progression from our first and second parts, which centered on CPU architecture. With “Design a CPU3,” you elevate your understanding from hardware design to programming.
Why Choose Our Course?
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course leaves no stone unturned, offering a rich tapestry of essential concepts and practical applications.
Practical Application: Dive into real-world scenarios and emerge with the ability to implement these libraries in various computational projects.
Expert Guidance: Learn from a seasoned professional with hands-on experience in both CPU architecture and assembly language programming.
Future-Proof Skills: Equip yourself with timeless skills that transcend specific technologies, ensuring your relevance in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.
Join Us and Unleash the Power of Code
Are you ready to transcend the ordinary and embark on a journey that unlocks the true potential of computers? Enroll in “Design a CPU3” today and become the architect of computational marvels. Elevate your skills, expand your horizons, and wield the power of code with confidence.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Memory Map
Chapter 2: Mathematics Library
Lecture 1: Power Function
Lecture 2: Call to Subroutine
Lecture 3: Modulo Function
Lecture 4: Factorial Function
Lecture 5: Square Root Function
Chapter 3: Graphics Library
Lecture 1: Rectangles
Lecture 2: New Assembler Setup
Lecture 3: Bresenham's Circle Drawing Algorithm
Lecture 4: Bresenham's Circle Drawing Algorithm in Assembly Language
Lecture 5: Triangle
Lecture 6: Plot
Chapter 4: Taking Things to the Next Level
Lecture 1: Visual Studio Code Editor
Lecture 2: Assembler Update (You will need this one !!!)
Lecture 3: Assembly Language Commands
Chapter 5: Vectors
Lecture 1: Vector Addition
Lecture 2: Vector Subtraction
Lecture 3: Multiplication by a Scalar
Lecture 4: Magnitude of a Vector
Lecture 5: Dot Product
Lecture 6: Cross Product
Chapter 6: Matrices
Lecture 1: Matrices
Lecture 2: Matrix Addition and Subtraction
Lecture 3: Matrix Multiplication by a Scalar
Lecture 4: Determinant 2×2 Martix
Lecture 5: Determinant 3×3 Matrix
Lecture 6: Matrix Transpose
Lecture 7: Matrix Multiplication
Chapter 7: Complex Numbers
Lecture 1: Complex Numbers
Lecture 2: Complex Conjugate
Lecture 3: Complex Addition and Subtraction
Lecture 4: Complex Multiplication
Chapter 8: String Library
Lecture 1: String Length
Lecture 2: String Concatenation
Lecture 3: String Copy
Chapter 9: Fixed Point Numbers
Lecture 1: Addition and Subtraction
Lecture 2: Multiplication
Lecture 3: Power Function
Lecture 4: Taylor Series Sine Function
Lecture 5: Taylor Series Cosine Function
Lecture 6: Taylor Series Tangent Function
Lecture 7: Taylor Series Exponential Function
Lecture 8: Sine Function Full Domain
Lecture 9: Cosine Function Full Domain
Lecture 10: Tangent Function Full Domain
Chapter 10: Parameterised Equations
Lecture 1: Parametric Circle
Lecture 2: Parametric Spiral
Lecture 3: Parametric Lines
Lecture 4: ChatGPT Generates Parametric Equations
Chapter 11: Goodbye
Lecture 1: Goodbye
Chapter 12: Bonus Section
Lecture 1: Bonus Lecture
Ross McGowan
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Educator
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 1 votes
- 5 stars: 5 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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