Divine healing
Divine healing, available at $19.99, with 15 lectures, and has 2 subscribers.
You will learn about 1. You will learn that the Bible record confirms that it is God’s will to heal. 2. You will come learn the dynamics of faith and hope that come through the hearing of God’s word and how that faith can heal you. 3. You will learn that divine healing is sourced in the redemptive work Jesus fulfilled in through His death and resurrection 4. You will learn the reasons why not all people experience divine healing. This course is ideal for individuals who are This course will be most attractive to those of the Christian faith. However, there will be those interested in this course due to the subject matter. Everyone has an interest in healing. Everyone encounters a need for healing at sometime in their life, or they know of someone who does. Everyone can learn the spiritual principles of faith and embrace the teachings of Jesus and discover that healing through the Word of God is available for all. In Jesus’ healing ministry all that came to Him for healing received healing, none were turned away. It is particularly useful for This course will be most attractive to those of the Christian faith. However, there will be those interested in this course due to the subject matter. Everyone has an interest in healing. Everyone encounters a need for healing at sometime in their life, or they know of someone who does. Everyone can learn the spiritual principles of faith and embrace the teachings of Jesus and discover that healing through the Word of God is available for all. In Jesus’ healing ministry all that came to Him for healing received healing, none were turned away.
Enroll now: Divine healing
Title: Divine healing
Price: $19.99
Number of Lectures: 15
Number of Published Lectures: 15
Number of Curriculum Items: 15
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 15
Original Price: $39.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- 1. You will learn that the Bible record confirms that it is God’s will to heal.
- 2. You will come learn the dynamics of faith and hope that come through the hearing of God’s word and how that faith can heal you.
- 3. You will learn that divine healing is sourced in the redemptive work Jesus fulfilled in through His death and resurrection
- 4. You will learn the reasons why not all people experience divine healing.
Who Should Attend
- This course will be most attractive to those of the Christian faith. However, there will be those interested in this course due to the subject matter. Everyone has an interest in healing. Everyone encounters a need for healing at sometime in their life, or they know of someone who does. Everyone can learn the spiritual principles of faith and embrace the teachings of Jesus and discover that healing through the Word of God is available for all. In Jesus’ healing ministry all that came to Him for healing received healing, none were turned away.
Target Audiences
- This course will be most attractive to those of the Christian faith. However, there will be those interested in this course due to the subject matter. Everyone has an interest in healing. Everyone encounters a need for healing at sometime in their life, or they know of someone who does. Everyone can learn the spiritual principles of faith and embrace the teachings of Jesus and discover that healing through the Word of God is available for all. In Jesus’ healing ministry all that came to Him for healing received healing, none were turned away.
Course Landing Page
Welcome to our Divine Healing Series. This teaching is Bible based and relies on the scriptures that declare the truth of God’s promises to heal all who will believe in Christ. Jesus remains after 2000 years the greatest healer the world has ever known. In the 3 years of the ministry period of his life, Jesus spent 40 percent of that time involved in miracle healings. Jesus called His church to be active in healing ministry. Mark16:15-18, “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” The gospel is the power of God unto salvation.
Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”
That salvation is a salvation of spirit, soul and body. Salvation in all dimensions both eternal and in this present earthly life in which we will have need of “divine healing.”Being healed is like being saved but manifests in the physical realm. The full gospel is for every creature and for all nations. Knowing the power of the gospel should deliver us from uncertain prayers directed to God for healing which His word repeatedly states He has already provided. The most common prayer of uncertainty heard among Christians concerning healing is “if it be Thy will.” Praying for healing with the words, “if it be Thy will” are faith destroying words.
The prayer of faith which heals the sick is to follow (not proceed) the planting of the “seed” (the word) which faith gives substance to. Putting the written words of healing from scripture into your heart represents the process of sowing the seed of the Word. Jesus declared in the parable of the Sower, that “The seed is the word of God.”That seed is powerless until it is planted. Many of God’s people instead of saying, “pray for me” should first say, “teach me God’s Word,” that I might activate it in my life toward my recovery. We need to be full grounded in the benefits of our covenant founded at Calvary before we appropriate them through faith.
In our first two teaching session entitled “The Incorruptible Seed,” we explore this truth that the “seed” must be planted in the heart and mind. It is not planted until it is known, received, and fully trusted. Seeding the written words of healing from scripture into your heart represents the process of sowing the seed of the Word. Seed is powerless until it is planted. Once planted in the heart the promise of healing can produce faith and hope for healing.
In our next teaching session “Healing in the Atonement” we study the foundational truth that the work of the cross is the source of divine healing. Just as Jesus bore within His body all the sin of humanity, He likewise bore all the sickness and pain of humanity. He paid the price for our release from sin and sickness. This teaching reveals the power of coming to understand the doctrine of “substitutionary”sacrifice of Jesus.
It is essential to know that… It is God’s Will to Heal You!The message we bring to you in the teaching of sessions 5 and 6. It is God’s will today, as it was in the past to heal all who need healing, and to fulfill the number of your days. The greatest hindrance to the faith of many people who seek healing in their bodies is an uncertainty in their minds concerning the will of God to heal all. The power of God can only be released where the will of God is known. Therefore, knowledge of God’s word on the matter is essential. The word of God confirms that we can be destroyed due to a lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6,“My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge…”
In sessions seven and eight we study the “Working of Faith.” Understanding how faith works within the believer requires a basic knowledge of the human creation. It is vitally important in order to receive what God has for us to know how He has created us. The Word of God teaches that God designed man to be very special in His creation plan. Scripture references from creation and throughout Old and New Testaments reveal that man is triune (3 part) in nature. That is man is spirit, soul, and body. God’s creation of man was based in a design made in His own likeness and image. These truths concerning our make up are vital to understand how the process of faith for the healing of God flows from our renewed spirit man.
In sessions 9 and 10 we learn how to “Appropriate Healing.” What we are able to understand through the natural senses alone is not the sum total of reality. We must activate faith by believing in our heart and declaring with our spoken words exactly what we believe. This is how we come to receive Christ and His salvation, and it is the same way we receive His healing virtue. It is not enough to just have head knowledge. We must activate the working of faith. We must appropriate. We must take hold of it for ourselves.
“Transformation”is the topic in Sessions 11 and 12. The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 12:2,We have this command, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
Once you are “born again” you are a candidate for God’s transforming plan. That good, acceptable, and perfect will of God, which is His destiny for you, and is now programmed (downloaded from the Kingdom of Heaven) into your “new spiritual man.” It is ready to be released from your spirit into your soul to produce transformation. So that you are fully equipped to operate with the God kind of faith for healing and all the other promises of God!
Session 13 and 14 asks the question: “Why Are Some People Not Healed?” There is an abundance of evidence to support that it is God’s will and desire to see people healed and whole. Why then, in our time do so many not receive healing, and experience early death? This is an honest question that deserves our attention in the study of “Divine Healing.” There are some reasons for the failure of many to be healed. This teaching provides 9 reasons why people may not receive healing.
Our final session 15 explores “The Different Ways of Healing.”We provide Biblical examples of the many ways both Jesus and the early apostles worked healing miracles, for instance calling on God in the name of Jesus, the laying on of hands, declaring the word of healing, receiving the emblems of bread and wine at the table of Communion.
My hope and prayer for all those who decide to take this course is that they will prosper and be in health themselves and be able to lead others into the knowledge of “Divine Healing.”
Reverend Robert Radford
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: The Incorruptible Seed
Lecture 1: The incorruptible Seed
Lecture 2: The Incorruptible Seed Part 2
Chapter 2: Healing in The Atonement
Lecture 1: Healing in The Atonement Part 1
Lecture 2: Healing in The Atonement Part 2
Chapter 3: It Is God's Will To Heal
Lecture 1: It is God's Will To Heal Part 1
Lecture 2: It is God's Will To Heal Part 2
Chapter 4: The Working of Faith
Lecture 1: The Working of Faith Part 1
Lecture 2: The Working of Faith Part 2
Chapter 5: Appropriating Healing
Lecture 1: Appropriating Healing Part 2
Chapter 6: Transformation
Lecture 1: Appropriating Healing Part 1
Lecture 2: Transformation Part 1
Lecture 3: Transformation Part 2
Chapter 7: Why Are Some People Not Healed?
Lecture 1: Why Are Some People Not Healed? Part 1
Lecture 2: Why are Some People Not Healed Part 2
Chapter 8: The Different Ways of Healing
Lecture 1: The Different Ways of Healing
Robert Radford
Instructor at River of Life Bible School
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