Drug Safety Management
Drug Safety Management, available at $54.99, has an average rating of 4.1, with 56 lectures, based on 24 reviews, and has 65 subscribers.
You will learn about How to develop a medication plan Drug efficacy and safety Risk management in drug safety Adverse effect reporting Preparing for safety issues following drug approval Tips for preventing substance abuse How to develop and implement a national drug policy Minimizing drug side effects Drug safety and food interactions This course is ideal for individuals who are Doctors, nurses, health workers, caregivers, ministry of health, governments, specialist, consultants, managers, hospital administrators, hospitals, clinics, pharmaceuticals, directors, CEO, etc. It is particularly useful for Doctors, nurses, health workers, caregivers, ministry of health, governments, specialist, consultants, managers, hospital administrators, hospitals, clinics, pharmaceuticals, directors, CEO, etc.
Enroll now: Drug Safety Management
Title: Drug Safety Management
Price: $54.99
Average Rating: 4.1
Number of Lectures: 56
Number of Published Lectures: 56
Number of Curriculum Items: 56
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 56
Original Price: $74.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- How to develop a medication plan
- Drug efficacy and safety
- Risk management in drug safety
- Adverse effect reporting
- Preparing for safety issues following drug approval
- Tips for preventing substance abuse
- How to develop and implement a national drug policy
- Minimizing drug side effects
- Drug safety and food interactions
Who Should Attend
- Doctors, nurses, health workers, caregivers, ministry of health, governments, specialist, consultants, managers, hospital administrators, hospitals, clinics, pharmaceuticals, directors, CEO, etc.
Target Audiences
- Doctors, nurses, health workers, caregivers, ministry of health, governments, specialist, consultants, managers, hospital administrators, hospitals, clinics, pharmaceuticals, directors, CEO, etc.
The drug safety concept has earned a lot of attention during the past decade due to the fact it plays a major role in patients health. Recent laws stress this concept should be included in the process of new medications approval and continued conduct of post- marketing drug evaluations.Benefit-risk assessment should be considered by all health care professionals when they need to give specific drugs to specific groups of patients. All drugs have side effects, but the extent of their impact and severity varies from mild to severe. Most of the side effects are predictable and mentioned in the leaflets for each drug. However, the serious problem is that some of the drug side effects are not previously known or have not been noticed, and the real risk here is whether they would exert a severe deleterious impact on the patients who are using them. Among the factors that may increase the severity of the side effect the type of medication and the type of patients using them are the most important.
The danger of effects of drugs is not limited to taking drugs during pregnancy, deleterious effects on the fetus may be experienced even if a medication is taken within a short period of time period before pregnancy. The incidence of side effects can be easily avoided by applying certain preventive measures on the part of the patient. One of these measures is full awareness and knowledge about the medications used, and this can be achieved by reading the leaflet including in the package of the drug, which usually contains all necessary information about the drug. Different medication can interact with each other and cause what is known as drug interactions, which can occur with most drug. Such interactions could occur at any stage while the drug is present in the body.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: What is drug safety
Lecture 3: Drug safety facts
Lecture 4: Special patient population and drug safety
Lecture 5: Minimizing drug side effect
Lecture 6: Drug safety and food interaction
Lecture 7: Terms commonly used in drug safety
Lecture 8: Herbal medicine
Lecture 9: Drug development
Lecture 10: Placebos
Lecture 11: Introduction to concepts in pharmacotherapy
Chapter 2: Drug Efficacy And Safety
Lecture 1: Efficacy and effectiveness
Lecture 2: Adverse effects
Lecture 3: Balancing drug benefits and adverse effect
Lecture 4: Therapeutic index
Chapter 3: How To develop A Medication Plan
Lecture 1: Know about your prescription medication
Lecture 2: Know about over- the counter medication
Lecture 3: Store your medication properly
Lecture 4: Develop a watchful eye
Lecture 5: Dispose of unused medication properly
Chapter 4: Risk Management Of Drug Safety
Lecture 1: Casuality assessment
Lecture 2: Signal management
Lecture 3: Risk management plan
Lecture 4: Risk benefit profile of drug
Lecture 5: Pharmacoepidemiology
Chapter 5: Adverse Extent Reporting
Lecture 1: Activities involved in pharmacovigilance
Lecture 2: Coding of adverse events
Lecture 3: Serious detarmination
Lecture 4: Expidited reporting
Lecture 5: Clinical trail reporting
Lecture 6: Spontaneous reporting
Lecture 7: Aggregated reporting
Lecture 8: Other reporting methods
Chapter 6: How To Develop And Implement A National Drug Policy
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: The national drug policy process
Lecture 3: Legislation
Lecture 4: Selection of essential drug
Lecture 5: Affordability
Lecture 6: Drug financing
Lecture 7: Supply system
Lecture 8: Drug regulation
Lecture 9: Rational use of drug
Lecture 10: Research
Lecture 11: Human resource development
Lecture 12: Monitoring and evaluation
Chapter 7: Preparing For Safety Issues Following Drug Approval
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Pre-approval planning for proactive risk management
Lecture 3: Pre-approval consideration of registries or observational studies
Lecture 4: Proactive risk mitigation strategies pre-approval
Lecture 5: Conclusion
Chapter 8: Tips For Preventing Substance Abuse
Lecture 1: Understand how substance abuse develops
Lecture 2: Avoid temptation and peer pressure
Lecture 3: Seek help for risk mental illness
Lecture 4: Examine the risk factors
Lecture 5: Keep a well-balance life
Chapter 9: Pharmacoenvironmentology
Lecture 1: Pharmacoenvironmentology
Eric Yeboah
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 2 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 2 votes
- 4 stars: 3 votes
- 5 stars: 17 votes
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