Early childhood and Special education for Hearing disability
Early childhood and Special education for Hearing disability, available at $19.99, has an average rating of 4.85, with 114 lectures, 6 quizzes, based on 11 reviews, and has 24 subscribers.
You will learn about Prenatal, natal, and post-natal risk factors of hearing loss. Types of hearing loss. Myths of hearing loss. Preventive strategies: primary (precaution before occurrence), secondary (early diagnosis and treatment), and tertiary (education and curriculum adaptation). Hearing aids, concepts such as air and bone conduction and assistive technology which can help children and adults with hearing loss. Relevant terms such as sign language, speech reading, cued speech, ling six sound, telecoil, Individualized education plan (IEP) etc. This course is ideal for individuals who are Aspiring special educators, expecting mothers or new parents, guardians, caregivers. or Anyone who is interested in gaining knowledge regarding hearing loss, special education or disability. or Individuals interested in professions of rehabilitation, special education, early childhood education, pre school or any other profession related to the disability field. It is particularly useful for Aspiring special educators, expecting mothers or new parents, guardians, caregivers. or Anyone who is interested in gaining knowledge regarding hearing loss, special education or disability. or Individuals interested in professions of rehabilitation, special education, early childhood education, pre school or any other profession related to the disability field.
Enroll now: Early childhood and Special education for Hearing disability
Title: Early childhood and Special education for Hearing disability
Price: $19.99
Average Rating: 4.85
Number of Lectures: 114
Number of Quizzes: 6
Number of Published Lectures: 112
Number of Published Quizzes: 6
Number of Curriculum Items: 120
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 118
Original Price: ₹1,199
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Prenatal, natal, and post-natal risk factors of hearing loss. Types of hearing loss. Myths of hearing loss.
- Preventive strategies: primary (precaution before occurrence), secondary (early diagnosis and treatment), and tertiary (education and curriculum adaptation).
- Hearing aids, concepts such as air and bone conduction and assistive technology which can help children and adults with hearing loss.
- Relevant terms such as sign language, speech reading, cued speech, ling six sound, telecoil, Individualized education plan (IEP) etc.
Who Should Attend
- Aspiring special educators, expecting mothers or new parents, guardians, caregivers.
- Anyone who is interested in gaining knowledge regarding hearing loss, special education or disability.
- Individuals interested in professions of rehabilitation, special education, early childhood education, pre school or any other profession related to the disability field.
Target Audiences
- Aspiring special educators, expecting mothers or new parents, guardians, caregivers.
- Anyone who is interested in gaining knowledge regarding hearing loss, special education or disability.
- Individuals interested in professions of rehabilitation, special education, early childhood education, pre school or any other profession related to the disability field.
This course has been created to generate awarenessregarding hearing loss/ impairment which is an invisible disability.
This course is divided into 6 sectionsand at the end of every section there will be a simple Q and A.
Section 1focuses on the introductory aspects of hearing impairment, section 2focuses on the types of hearing loss.
Section 3focuses on the prenatal, natal, and post-natal risk factors of hearing loss.
Section 4 focuses on the preventive strategieswhich are primary (precaution before occurrence), secondary (early diagnosis, treatment, and intervention), and tertiary (maximize function and minimize adverse effects of hearing loss).
Section 4also talks about the various hearing tests/screeningsthat are part of secondary prevention along with the role of family, special educators, and community.
Section 5 talks about hearing aids, and assistive technology which can help children and adults with hearing lossnavigate on a daily basis.
Section 5 also talks about the concept of air conduction vs. bone conduction which is relevant in terms of hearing tests and amplification (hearing) devices.
Section 6talks about government acts and schemes, international and national organizations that are a part of hearing loss and disability, and myths about hearing loss.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to hearing impairment.
Lecture 1: Contents of the Course : Intro, Types, Risk factors, Prevention, Tech and Misc.
Lecture 2: Section 1 contents : Terminologies, Definitions, Human ear anatomy and process.
Lecture 3: International Classification by World Health Organization: ICIDH and ICF
Lecture 4: What does Impairment mean?
Lecture 5: What does Disability mean?
Lecture 6: What does Handicap mean?
Lecture 7: Difference and Interrelation: Impairment, Disability and Handicap.
Lecture 8: Components of ICF: Functioning and Disability.
Lecture 9: Components of ICF: Contextual Factors.
Lecture 10: Interaction between Functioning and Disability and Contextual Factors.
Lecture 11: Basic Anatomy of the Human Ear.
Lecture 12: Process of Human hearing.
Lecture 13: Difference between 'D'eaf and 'd'eaf.
Chapter 2: Classification of hearing impairment.
Lecture 1: Section 2 contents : Hearing loss divided into categories and sub- categories.
Lecture 2: Hearing loss categorized based on 'Degree'.
Lecture 3: Difference between 'Deaf' and 'Hard of Hearing'.
Lecture 4: What does 'Residual Hearing' mean?
Lecture 5: Hearing loss categorized based on 'Site of Lesion'.
Lecture 6: Site of Lesion: Conductive hearing loss: Ear malformations and ear wax blockage.
Lecture 7: Conductive hearing loss: Foreign bodies, hole in eardrum and ossicular chain.
Lecture 8: Conductive hearing loss: Middle ear problems and benign tumors.
Lecture 9: Site of Lesion: Sensorineural hearing loss: Malformations, age, noise induced.
Lecture 10: Sensorineural hearing loss: Drugs, explosions and trauma, meningitis, diabetes.
Lecture 11: Site of Lesion: Mixed hearing loss.
Lecture 12: Hearing loss categorized based on 'Age of onset'.
Lecture 13: Age of onset: Congenital hearing loss: Prematurity, genetics, illness etc.
Lecture 14: Congenital hearing loss: Rh factor, malformations, infections and birth weight.
Lecture 15: Age of onset: Acquired hearing loss: Diseases, drugs and head injury.
Lecture 16: Acquired hearing loss: Ear infections (glue ear) and noise exposure.
Lecture 17: Age of onset: Pre- lingual hearing loss.
Lecture 18: Age of onset: Post- lingual hearing loss.
Lecture 19: How are hearing loss and language development related?
Lecture 20: Terms: Hearing Screening | Audiometry | Audiometer | Audiogram | Audiologist.
Lecture 21: What is pure tone audiometry? What is air conduction and bone conduction?
Lecture 22: What happens during a hearing test? What is an audiogram?
Lecture 23: Symbols/Markings in an Audiogram.
Lecture 24: What do different shapes in an audiogram represent?
Lecture 25: Hearing loss categorized based on the 'Configuration'.
Chapter 3: Causes (risk factors) of hearing loss.
Lecture 1: Section 3 contents : Causes (risk factors) of hearing loss : 3 categories.
Lecture 2: Pre Natal risk factors of hearing loss.
Lecture 3: Natal risk factors of hearing loss.
Lecture 4: Post Natal risk factors of hearing loss.
Chapter 4: Intervention and preventive strategies.
Lecture 1: Section 4 contents : Intervention and preventive strategies: 3 broad categories.
Lecture 2: Primary Prevention Strategies: Immunization and genetic counselling.
Lecture 3: Primary Prevention Strategies: Prenatal screening and nutrition counselling.
Lecture 4: Primary Prevention Strategies: Folic acid administration and healthy lifestyle.
Lecture 5: Secondary prevention, what is High Risk Register and 1-3-6 guideline?
Lecture 6: Secondary prevention strategies: what are formal hearing tests?
Lecture 7: Secondary Prevention: Formal Hearing tests: New born hearing screening.
Lecture 8: Secondary Prevention: Formal Hearing tests: Subjective tests.
Lecture 9: Secondary Prevention: Formal Hearing tests: Other test names.
Lecture 10: Secondary Prevention: what is informal hearing screening?
Lecture 11: Why is Hearing Impairment known as an 'Invisible disability'?
Lecture 12: Secondary Prevention: Informal hearing screening: Signs and symptoms.
Lecture 13: Secondary Prevention: Informal hearing screening: Developmental milestones.
Lecture 14: Developmental milestones: Communication milestones : 3 months and 6 months.
Lecture 15: Developmental milestones: Communication milestones: 9 months and 12 months.
Lecture 16: Developmental milestones: Communication milestones: 18 months and 24 months.
Lecture 17: What are early intervention services and why is it important?
Lecture 18: Medical and surgical interventions: Earwax blockage and ear infections.
Lecture 19: Medical and surgical interventions: Ear reconstruction and implants.
Lecture 20: Medical and surgical interventions : Surgical implants for better hearing.
Lecture 21: Terms : ENT doctor | Otology | Audiologist | Speech and Language Pathologist.
Lecture 22: What is the scope of an Audiologist?
Lecture 23: What is the scope of a Speech and Language pathologist?
Lecture 24: What is Habilitation and Re- habilitation?
Lecture 25: What is Aural rehabilitation: Diagnosis, counselling, selection of devices.
Lecture 26: Aural rehabilitation: Training in auditory perception.
Lecture 27: Aural rehabilitation: Lip reading, hearing aids, language stimulation and IEP.
Lecture 28: What is Lip reading/ Speech reading?
Lecture 29: What is IEP: Case study and general background.
Lecture 30: IEP: Functional Assessment.
Lecture 31: IEP: Annual goals, short term goals and developing teaching plan.
Lecture 32: What does school readiness mean?
Lecture 33: What are Teaching Learning Material's?
Lecture 34: Different types/models of early intervention services.
Lecture 35: Tertiary prevention strategies categorization.
Lecture 36: Formal | Non- formal | Informal Education.
Lecture 37: Special | Integrated | Inclusive Education.
Lecture 38: Oralism | Bilingualism | Total Communication.
Lecture 39: What is Sign language and Finger spelling?
Lecture 40: Difference between Sign language and Sign system.
Lecture 41: What is Cued Speech?
Lecture 42: What does Curriculum Adaptation mean?
Lecture 43: Curriculum Adaptation: Curricular content.
Lecture 44: Instructional strategies, assessment procedures and role of a special educator.
Lecture 45: What is Vocational Training?
Lecture 46: Role of family in rehabilitation.
Lecture 47: What is the role of a community in rehabilitation and what does CBR mean?
Chapter 5: Assistive Technology
Lecture 1: Section 5 layout: Assistive technology categorized.
Lecture 2: What is a hearing aid?
Arpita Roy
Instructor at Udemy
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- 1 stars: 0 votes
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- 3 stars: 0 votes
- 4 stars: 2 votes
- 5 stars: 9 votes
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