English Grammar – Understanding the Tenses
English Grammar – Understanding the Tenses, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.81, with 84 lectures, based on 8 reviews, and has 31 subscribers.
You will learn about Communicate accurately in the English language. This course will help you understand how to use English grammar and tenses in your speaking and writing. Study the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Present Perfect and Future tenses in the English Language. Choose between Past Simple tense and Present Perfect tense when talking about situations in the past. Choose between Present Simple tense and Present Continuous tense when communicating in English. Choose from a range of Future tenses when talking about future situations. Improve your grammar for English tests and exams. This course is ideal for individuals who are Students who are studying English as a Second Language (ESL) or as a Foreign Language (EFL). or Students who want to better understand and improve their English grammar for work or for school or university. It is particularly useful for Students who are studying English as a Second Language (ESL) or as a Foreign Language (EFL). or Students who want to better understand and improve their English grammar for work or for school or university.
Enroll now: English Grammar – Understanding the Tenses
Title: English Grammar – Understanding the Tenses
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.81
Number of Lectures: 84
Number of Published Lectures: 84
Number of Curriculum Items: 84
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 84
Original Price: $59.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Communicate accurately in the English language. This course will help you understand how to use English grammar and tenses in your speaking and writing.
- Study the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Present Perfect and Future tenses in the English Language.
- Choose between Past Simple tense and Present Perfect tense when talking about situations in the past.
- Choose between Present Simple tense and Present Continuous tense when communicating in English.
- Choose from a range of Future tenses when talking about future situations.
- Improve your grammar for English tests and exams.
Who Should Attend
- Students who are studying English as a Second Language (ESL) or as a Foreign Language (EFL).
- Students who want to better understand and improve their English grammar for work or for school or university.
Target Audiences
- Students who are studying English as a Second Language (ESL) or as a Foreign Language (EFL).
- Students who want to better understand and improve their English grammar for work or for school or university.
This Understanding the Tenses course is suitable for all speakers of English as a Second (ESL) or Foreign (EFL) Language from A2 Pre-Intermediate to B2 Upper Intermediate levels.
The course begins by looking at the Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses. We will look at how and when to use each tense and what the difference is between them.
We then move on to the Past Simple and Present Perfect tenses. Again, we study how and when to use each tense and focus on the differences between the two tenses.
The next section focuses on the Present Perfect tense. This is one of the most difficult tenses to get right, so we spend some extra time understanding how and when to use it.
Finally, you will study a range of Future language to talk about your plans, intentions, predictions and reactions.
This is an interactive course. It is taught and arranged just like face-to-face English lessons. Each section includes tasks for you to complete and I will give you the answers and explanations after each task. Print the task PDFs to complete them at home as you go through the course.
By the end of the course, you should have a good understanding of how and when to use each of the major tenses in the English language and be confident in the accuracy of your grammar.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Course
Lecture 1: Meet Your Teacher
Lecture 2: Verb Forms
Chapter 2: The Present Continuous Tense
Lecture 1: When do we use the Present Continuous tense?
Lecture 2: Describing a picture using the Present Continuous tense
Lecture 3: Present Continuous Contractions
Lecture 4: Present Continuous Task
Lecture 5: Present Continuous Task Answers
Chapter 3: The Present Simple Tense
Lecture 1: When do we use the Present Simple tense?
Lecture 2: Talking about Routines in the Present Simple tense
Lecture 3: Present Simple Task
Lecture 4: Present Simple Task Answers
Chapter 4: Present Simple Tense with the verb "be"
Lecture 1: Present Simple sentences using "be"
Lecture 2: Form and Contractions with Present Simple "be"
Lecture 3: Present Simple "be" Task
Lecture 4: Present Simple "be" Task Answers
Chapter 5: Present Simple Tense with Other Verbs
Lecture 1: Present Simple tense sentences with Other Verbs
Lecture 2: Present Simple tense with Other Verbs Task
Lecture 3: Present Simple with Other Verbs Task Answers
Chapter 6: Describing Temporary and Permanent Situations
Lecture 1: Comparing the Present Simple and Present Continuous Tenses
Lecture 2: Temporary vs Permanent Situations Task
Lecture 3: Temporary vs Permanent Situations Task Answers
Chapter 7: Stative Verbs
Lecture 1: Using Stative Verbs: be, taste, want, need
Lecture 2: Using Stative Verbs: have/has
Lecture 3: Using Stative Verbs: like, enjoy, love, hate
Lecture 4: Stative Verbs Review Task
Lecture 5: Stative Verbs Review Task Answers
Chapter 8: Present Continuous and Present Simple Review
Lecture 1: Present Continuous vs Present Simple Review Task
Lecture 2: Present Continuous vs Present Simple Review Task Answers
Chapter 9: Positive Sentences in the Past Simple Tense
Lecture 1: What is the Past Simple Tense?
Lecture 2: Past Simple Tense – Positive Sentences
Lecture 3: Past Simple Tense – Positive Sentences Task
Lecture 4: Past Simple Tense – Positive Sentences Task Answers
Chapter 10: Negative Sentences in the Past Simple Tense
Lecture 1: Past Simple Tense – Negative Sentences
Lecture 2: Past Simple Tense – Negative Sentences Task
Lecture 3: Past Simple Tense – Negative Sentences Task Answers
Chapter 11: Questions in the Past Simple Tense
Lecture 1: Asking Past Simple Questions
Lecture 2: Past Simple Review Task
Lecture 3: Past Simple Review Task Answers
Chapter 12: Using the Present Perfect Tense to describe Unfinished Situations
Lecture 1: Comparing the Past Simple and Present Perfect tenses
Lecture 2: Finished and Unfinished Situations Task
Lecture 3: Finished and Unfinished Situations Task Answers
Chapter 13: Using "for" and "since" with the Present Perfect Tense
Lecture 1: Present Perfect Task – Using "for" and "since"
Lecture 2: Present Perfect Task – Using "for" and "since" Answers
Chapter 14: Asking Questions about Finished and Unfinished Situations
Lecture 1: Asking "How long" Questions Task
Lecture 2: Asking "How long" Questions Task Answers
Chapter 15: Talking about Specific and Unspecific Times in the Past
Lecture 1: Specific and Unspecific Past Times
Lecture 2: Specific and Unspecific Past Times Task
Lecture 3: Specific and Unspecific Past Times Task Answers
Chapter 16: The Present Perfect Tense: ever, never, yet, already
Lecture 1: Have You Ever?
Lecture 2: Using: ever, never, yet, already
Lecture 3: Conversations Task: ever, never, yet, already
Lecture 4: Conversations Task Answers: ever, never, yet, already
Chapter 17: Using "been" and "gone" in the Present Perfect Tense
Lecture 1: Describing Journeys Task: "been" or "gone"
Lecture 2: Describing Journeys Task Answers: "been" or "gone"
Chapter 18: Present Perfect: Past Actions with Present Results
Lecture 1: Past Actions with Present Results
Lecture 2: Past Actions with Present Results Task
Lecture 3: Past Actions with Present Results Task Answers
Chapter 19: Present Perfect Tense Review
Lecture 1: Present Perfect Review Task
Lecture 2: Present Perfect Review Task Answers
Chapter 20: Past Simple and Present Perfect Time Expressions
Lecture 1: Past Simple and Present Perfect Time Expressions Task
Lecture 2: Past Simple and Present Perfect Time Expressions Task Answers
Chapter 21: Present Perfect Questions
Lecture 1: Present Perfect Questions with a range of WH words
Lecture 2: Present Perfect Questions Task
Lecture 3: Present Perfect Questions Task Answers
Chapter 22: Talking about Future Intentions using "be going to"
Lecture 1: How and When to Use "be going to"
Lecture 2: Future Intentions "be going to" Task
Lecture 3: Future Intentions "be going to" Task Answers
Chapter 23: Talking about Future Plans in the Present Continuous Tense
Lecture 1: Using the Present Continuous Tense for Future Plans
Lecture 2: Present Continuous Task: Now or Future?
Lecture 3: Present Continuous Task Answers: Now or Future?
Chapter 24: Other Ways to Talk about the Future
Lecture 1: Talking about Future Plans using Other Forms
Lecture 2: Future Forms Reading Task
Lecture 3: Future Forms Reading Task Answers
Chapter 25: Responding to New Information using "will"
Lecture 1: How and when we use "will"
Lecture 2: Using "will" Task
Eddy Lawson
UK University English Tutor
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 0 votes
- 2 stars: 0 votes
- 3 stars: 1 votes
- 4 stars: 0 votes
- 5 stars: 7 votes
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