Español Intensivo – Intensive Spanish Course for Beginners
Español Intensivo – Intensive Spanish Course for Beginners, available at $64.99, has an average rating of 4.15, with 240 lectures, 23 quizzes, based on 127 reviews, and has 793 subscribers.
You will learn about use full, grammatically correct sentences read and write simple texts apply the rules of the language to make an infinite number of utterances talk about yourself, other people, animals, things and whatever talk / write about the present, the past and the future pronounce and spell Spanish words correctly ask questions and answer them both positively and negatively give orders and commands, ask someone to do something for you count and talk about numbers, date and time describe and compare people and things modify your language by means of adverbs and other linguistic means use the correct conjugation patterns use all the different tenses and moods correctly surprise your friends with some interesting facts about the Spanish-speaking countries much more This course is ideal for individuals who are This course is best suited for students who want to learn Spanish in a systematic way, diving into its grammar and be-ing eager to understand how the language works, how all the inflections, articles, tenses, moods etc. should be used correctly. or This is a beginner course but is also suitable for students who already have some knowledge of Spanish but would like to refresh it in an ordered and systematic way. or This course is NOT suitable for students who only want to learn some everyday vocabulary or expressions like how to order food in a restaurant, book a ticket or something like that but don’t care about grammar. It is particularly useful for This course is best suited for students who want to learn Spanish in a systematic way, diving into its grammar and be-ing eager to understand how the language works, how all the inflections, articles, tenses, moods etc. should be used correctly. or This is a beginner course but is also suitable for students who already have some knowledge of Spanish but would like to refresh it in an ordered and systematic way. or This course is NOT suitable for students who only want to learn some everyday vocabulary or expressions like how to order food in a restaurant, book a ticket or something like that but don’t care about grammar.
Enroll now: Español Intensivo – Intensive Spanish Course for Beginners
Title: Español Intensivo – Intensive Spanish Course for Beginners
Price: $64.99
Average Rating: 4.15
Number of Lectures: 240
Number of Quizzes: 23
Number of Published Lectures: 240
Number of Published Quizzes: 23
Number of Curriculum Items: 263
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 263
Original Price: $22.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- use full, grammatically correct sentences
- read and write simple texts
- apply the rules of the language to make an infinite number of utterances
- talk about yourself, other people, animals, things and whatever
- talk / write about the present, the past and the future
- pronounce and spell Spanish words correctly
- ask questions and answer them both positively and negatively
- give orders and commands, ask someone to do something for you
- count and talk about numbers, date and time
- describe and compare people and things
- modify your language by means of adverbs and other linguistic means
- use the correct conjugation patterns
- use all the different tenses and moods correctly
- surprise your friends with some interesting facts about the Spanish-speaking countries
- much more
Who Should Attend
- This course is best suited for students who want to learn Spanish in a systematic way, diving into its grammar and be-ing eager to understand how the language works, how all the inflections, articles, tenses, moods etc. should be used correctly.
- This is a beginner course but is also suitable for students who already have some knowledge of Spanish but would like to refresh it in an ordered and systematic way.
- This course is NOT suitable for students who only want to learn some everyday vocabulary or expressions like how to order food in a restaurant, book a ticket or something like that but don’t care about grammar.
Target Audiences
- This course is best suited for students who want to learn Spanish in a systematic way, diving into its grammar and be-ing eager to understand how the language works, how all the inflections, articles, tenses, moods etc. should be used correctly.
- This is a beginner course but is also suitable for students who already have some knowledge of Spanish but would like to refresh it in an ordered and systematic way.
- This course is NOT suitable for students who only want to learn some everyday vocabulary or expressions like how to order food in a restaurant, book a ticket or something like that but don’t care about grammar.
Dive deep into the realms of the Spanish language. Master all the ins and outs of Spanish grammar and you’ll feel much more comfortable about the language. In this course we’ll explore all the main areas of Spanish grammar, pronunciation and spelling.
Discover How Fantastic the Spanish Language Is and How Marvelous It Is To Use It Correctly.
- Pronunciation and Spelling
- Conjugation Patterns of Regular, Slightly Irregular and Irregular Verbs, Spanish Tenses
- Number and Gender of Nouns and Adjectives
- Indicative, Imperative and Subjunctive – Spanish Moods
- Articles
- Personal Pronouns
- Prepositions
- Compound Sentences and Conjunctions
- Word Order in Declarative and Interrogative Sentences
- Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers, Fractions and Other Numerals
- Date and Time
- Direct and Indirect Objects
- Impersonal Verb Forms: Infinitives, Gerunds, Participles
- Progressive and Continuous Verb Forms
- Reflexive Verbs
- Relative Pronouns
- Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs
- Possessives
- Diminutives and Augmentatives
- Compound Nouns
- Ways to Express the Future
- Conditionals
- Indefinite Pronouns
- Coordination and Subordination of Clauses
- Reported Speech
- Passive Voice
- … and much more
Become a Highly Skilled User of Spanish – It’s All Well Within Your Reach.
Spanish is definitely one of the most popular languages in the world. There’s a whole bunch of benefits to knowing Spanish. Let me just mention a few. In our global society you can make use of it in business, becoming a more valuable worker, in private life, on vacation, chatting online, reading literature and press or watching satellite TV. In some parts of the world, like for instance in both Americas, Spanish is either the main language spoken or one of the main ones. And I could go on and on like that…
This is an intensive course, which means it covers the basics from level zero (absolute beginner) and then you wander across all the lectures and learn quite a lot of stuff. The explanations are concise and clear. You should have no difficulty following and understanding them. A lot of stuff and a lot of practice.
Contents and Overview
This course is pretty comprehensive. It contains all the basic areas of Spanish grammar. Starting off with Spanish spelling and pronunciation, touching upon all the main grammatical categories in the first sections and then going into much more detail in the following sections. The language I use is simple and should be easily understood by absolute beginners.
This course is divided into 25 sections, each of them covering a broad topic subdivided into lectures. The pace is up to you, you can go through the easier parts faster and then take more time to study the more sophisticated ones.
To help you memorize and practice all the new stuff, there are loads of exercises. Most lectures are accompanied by additional resources. These are downloadable files with exercises (with key). There also files with vocabulary revision and, first of all, the main text file containing the material covered in the lecture video.
After you finish each section, there’s a quiz for you that covers the material discussed in that section.
This course contains:
- 240 lectures in 25 sections,
- about 24 hours of video content,
- nearly 800 pages of grammar explained in detail (lecture scripts),
- over 350 written exercises with complete answer keys on 444 pages,
- over 230 interesting facts about the language and the Spanish-speaking countries
After you finish this course you will be able to use the Spanish language comfortably and correctly, understanding all the underlying rules and thus able to generate any constructions you want, in both spoken and written language. You will be able to use simple, compound and complex sentences and you will know what word order should be used. You will know how the language works and you will get a good feel of it.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Course
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 1
Lecture 2: Get the Ball Rolling
Lecture 3: Keep the Ball Rolling
Lecture 4: How to Use This Course Most Effectively
Lecture 5: Conclusion to Section 1
Chapter 2: Spelling and Pronunciation
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 2
Lecture 2: A, Be, Ce – The Spanish Alphabet
Lecture 3: P como Pedro – Spanish Consonants
Lecture 4: A como Ana – Spanish Vowels and Diphthongs
Lecture 5: Spanish stress rules
Lecture 6: Tú, lámpara, comió – Spanish Accents
Lecture 7: Conclusion to Section 2
Chapter 3: Getting Started – by Leaps and Bounds
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 3
Lecture 2: ¿Qué es esto? – Introducing things
Lecture 3: ¿Cómo es esto? – Describing things
Lecture 4: ¿Quién es esto? – Introducing People
Lecture 5: Hola, yo soy Ana – Introducing Yourself, Common Greetings
Lecture 6: Yo soy, nosotros somos – Personal Pronouns, The Verb ‘to be’
Lecture 7: ¿Quién eres? ¿Cómo te llamas? – Asking For Personal Information
Lecture 8: Canto, cantas, canta – Regular Verbs
Lecture 9: Uno, dos, tres – Cardinal Numbers
Lecture 10: Los estudiantes inteligentes – Plurals
Lecture 11: Cuanto, mucho, poco – Quantity, Number, Amount
Lecture 12: Mi, tu, su – Possessive Adjectives
Lecture 13: Esto, eso, aquello – Some Frequently Used Pronouns
Lecture 14: Yo hablo bien – Adverbs
Lecture 15: Section 3 Vocabulary Recap
Lecture 16: Conclusion to Section 3
Chapter 4: To be or not to be
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 4
Lecture 2: ¿Dónde está esto? – Describing Location
Lecture 3: Estoy, estamos, están – Conjugation of the Verb estar
Lecture 4: ¿Qué hay sobre la mesa? – There is, there are
Lecture 5: Es, está, hay – The Three Ways of Saying to be
Lecture 6: Section 4 Vocabulary Recap
Lecture 7: Conclusion to Section 4
Chapter 5: Conjugation Patterns
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 5
Lecture 2: Bailo, bailas, baila – Regular verbs ending in -ar
Lecture 3: Como, comes, come – Regular verbs ending in –er
Lecture 4: Vivo, vives, vive – Regular verbs ending in -ir
Lecture 5: Pienso, cuento, conozco – Slightly Irregular Verbs
Lecture 6: Me peino, te lavas – Reflexive Verbs
Lecture 7: Tengo hambre – The Verb to have
Lecture 8: Vamos al cine – The Verb to go
Lecture 9: Veo, oigo – Irregular Verbs Used For Senses
Lecture 10: Sé, digo, puedo – Irregular Verbs Used For Capabilities, Will and Speaking
Lecture 11: Vengo, Salgo – Irregular Verbs Used For Moving Around
Lecture 12: Doy, hago, pongo – Other Irregular Verbs
Lecture 13: Section 5 Vocabulary Recap
Lecture 14: Conclusion to Section 5
Chapter 6: Asking, Confirming, Negating and Ordering
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 6
Lecture 2: ¿Hablas español? – General Questions
Lecture 3: Qué, dónde, cuándo – Specific Questions and Question Words
Lecture 4: No es importante – Negative Sentences
Lecture 5: Habla, contad – Imperatives of Regular and Slightly Irregular Verbs
Lecture 6: Ven, decid – Imperatives of Irregular Verbs
Lecture 7: Péinate – Imperatives of Reflexive Verbs
Lecture 8: No hables tanto – Negative Imperatives of Regular and Slightly Irregular Verbs
Lecture 9: No hagas, no tengáis – Negative Imperatives of Irregular Verbs
Lecture 10: No te laves – Negative Imperatives of Reflexive Verbs
Lecture 11: Section 6 Vocabulary Recap
Lecture 12: Conclusion to Section 6
Chapter 7: Direct and Indirect Object
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 7
Lecture 2: Al hijo, de la hija – Expressing Noun Cases
Lecture 3: Te veo, me ves – Objective Forms of Personal Pronouns
Lecture 4: A, de, por – Common Prepositions
Lecture 5: A ella, para ti – Personal Pronouns after Prepositions
Lecture 6: Te lo digo – Double Object Pronouns
Lecture 7: Dale, darle – Verb Forms with Personal Pronouns
Lecture 8: Section 7 Vocabulary Recap
Lecture 9: Conclusion to Section 7
Chapter 8: The Preterite Tense
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 8
Lecture 2: Spanish Tenses, Moods and Other Verb Forms
Lecture 3: Fue tarde – The Past Tense of the Verb to be
Lecture 4: Hablé y comí – The Past Tense of Regular Verbs
Lecture 5: Durmió, sintió – The Past Tense of Slightly Irregular Verbs
Lecture 6: Vi, vimos – The Past Tense of Irregular Verbs
Lecture 7: Section 8 Vocabulary Recap
Lecture 8: Conclusion to Section 8
Chapter 9: Verbal Constructions
Lecture 1: Introduction to Section 9
Lecture 2: Se dice que… – Impersonal Forms
Lecture 3: Cantando y comiendo – Gerund
Lecture 4: Estamos cantando – Progressive Forms
Lecture 5: Seguimos comiendo – Continuous Forms
Lecture 6: Ver, hablar, beber – Simple Infinitives
Kamil Pakula
Here to share what I know.
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 3 votes
- 2 stars: 5 votes
- 3 stars: 22 votes
- 4 stars: 37 votes
- 5 stars: 60 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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