Foundation of Statistics with Minitab
Foundation of Statistics with Minitab, available at $59.99, has an average rating of 4.05, with 130 lectures, based on 295 reviews, and has 1960 subscribers.
You will learn about Use wide palette of Descriptive Statistics tools to visualize the structure of your dataset. Get the skills of choosing the appropriate graphical technic or the numerical descriptive measures to explore the tendencies or phenomena hidden in your data. Understand the role and the objectives of Inferential Statistics when you have only a smaller or larger sample of data and your aim is to infer about the whole population of data related to different business tendencies, production quality questions or even scientific phenomena to be explored. Get the skill of analyzing data with the Minitab software and get the master of one, two or multiple samples estimation problems and hypothesis tests. Use the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) method to wide range of real life situations. Learn how to interpret the outputs of a software driven data analysis. Learn the way of using a statistical software not only for analyzing data but for making rather complex statistical concepts clear. Get ready to go further and take the course of “Statistical Methods for Quality Improvement” about Statistical Process Control, Analysis of Experiments and Capability Analysis, which are the core chapters of Six Sigma Statistics applied worldwide in manufacturing and service sectors. This course is ideal for individuals who are The course is ideal for two groups of audiences. or – For undergraduate or graduate students who have been studying Statistics at their universities and need help in understanding the concepts of statistics and in applying the different methods solving problems either by hands or by a software. or – For those who use statistical methods in their jobs and need a short but yet comprehensive guide for a specific chapter of Statistics and use some of these video lectures as a quick reference guide how to do the analysis or how to interpret the printouts of a software driven statistical analysis. It is particularly useful for The course is ideal for two groups of audiences. or – For undergraduate or graduate students who have been studying Statistics at their universities and need help in understanding the concepts of statistics and in applying the different methods solving problems either by hands or by a software. or – For those who use statistical methods in their jobs and need a short but yet comprehensive guide for a specific chapter of Statistics and use some of these video lectures as a quick reference guide how to do the analysis or how to interpret the printouts of a software driven statistical analysis.
Enroll now: Foundation of Statistics with Minitab
Title: Foundation of Statistics with Minitab
Price: $59.99
Average Rating: 4.05
Number of Lectures: 130
Number of Published Lectures: 130
Number of Curriculum Items: 130
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 130
Original Price: $79.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Use wide palette of Descriptive Statistics tools to visualize the structure of your dataset. Get the skills of choosing the appropriate graphical technic or the numerical descriptive measures to explore the tendencies or phenomena hidden in your data.
- Understand the role and the objectives of Inferential Statistics when you have only a smaller or larger sample of data and your aim is to infer about the whole population of data related to different business tendencies, production quality questions or even scientific phenomena to be explored.
- Get the skill of analyzing data with the Minitab software and get the master of one, two or multiple samples estimation problems and hypothesis tests. Use the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) method to wide range of real life situations.
- Learn how to interpret the outputs of a software driven data analysis.
- Learn the way of using a statistical software not only for analyzing data but for making rather complex statistical concepts clear.
- Get ready to go further and take the course of “Statistical Methods for Quality Improvement” about Statistical Process Control, Analysis of Experiments and Capability Analysis, which are the core chapters of Six Sigma Statistics applied worldwide in manufacturing and service sectors.
Who Should Attend
- The course is ideal for two groups of audiences.
- – For undergraduate or graduate students who have been studying Statistics at their universities and need help in understanding the concepts of statistics and in applying the different methods solving problems either by hands or by a software.
- – For those who use statistical methods in their jobs and need a short but yet comprehensive guide for a specific chapter of Statistics and use some of these video lectures as a quick reference guide how to do the analysis or how to interpret the printouts of a software driven statistical analysis.
Target Audiences
- The course is ideal for two groups of audiences.
- – For undergraduate or graduate students who have been studying Statistics at their universities and need help in understanding the concepts of statistics and in applying the different methods solving problems either by hands or by a software.
- – For those who use statistical methods in their jobs and need a short but yet comprehensive guide for a specific chapter of Statistics and use some of these video lectures as a quick reference guide how to do the analysis or how to interpret the printouts of a software driven statistical analysis.
Start to learn Statistics in a way where the use of a statistical software is in the center. Data analysis sessions are used to initiate you not only into solving problems with a software but also making the concepts of Statistics clear with using the capabilities of a high performance statistical software package in visualizing the hidden structures and tendencies in your datasets.
Get the skills of visualizing your data structure with the most appropriate tools of Descriptive Statistics.
Learn from animated video lessons about the process of manipulating data, visualizing the central tendencies, the spread of your data or the relationships between variables.
- Graphical methods for summarizing qualitative and quantitative data.
- Dot plots, Individual value plot, Box-plots, Stem-and-leaf plots, Histograms.
- Numerical descriptive statistics for quantitative variables.
- Mean, Median, Mode.
- Graphical and numerical methods for investigating relationships between variables.
- Correlation, Regression.
Simulate random data, calculate probabilities, and construct graphs of different distributions.
- Discrete distributions: Binomial, Hypergeometric, Poisson etc.
- Continuous distributions: Normal, Exponential, Student-t, Chi square etc.
Learn how to generate random data to simulate repeated sampling to study different sample statistics.
- Large and small sample cases with known or unknown variances.
- Simulation of confidence intervals for population mean or population proportions.
Get the skills of conducting hypothesis tests and constructing confidence intervals.
- One-, two- and multiple sample situations.
- Tests for population means, population proportions, or population variances.
- Checking the validity of the assumptions.
- Z-tests, t-tests, ANOVA.
- Randomized design.
This course is comprehensive and covers the introductory chapters of both the Descriptive and Inferential Statistics.
- 48 video lectures.
- 5 hours video.
- Lecture Notes with 745 slides (not downloadable)
- Test Yourself Questions and Answers with 79 slides.
Enjoy the benefit of the well-structured, short and yet comprehensive video lectures.
In these lectures all things happen inside a software driven analysis.
All in one place, within the same video lesson, gaining computer skills, getting theoretical background, and mainly getting the ability to interpret the outputs properly.
These lessons are specially prepared with intensive screen animations, concise and yet comprehensive, well-structured explanations. If you like you can turn on subtitles to support the comprehension.
The verification of the assumptions for a test, the basic theoretical background or even the formulas applied in a procedure appear in these video tutorials at the right instances of the analysis. The outputs are explained in a detailed manner in such an order that enables you to make the appropriate conclusions.
Learn in a way when you watch the video and do the same simultaneously in your own Minitab.
Watching a video, pausing it and doing the same steps simultaneously in your own Minitab is the best way of getting experience and practice in data manipulation. Repeating the sessions with different sample data develops your skill to solve statistical problems with a software.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Course
Lecture 1: Introduction and Data Files to Download
Chapter 2: Introduction to Statistics, Data and Statistical Thinking
Lecture 1: Statistics, Data and Statistical Thinking
Chapter 3: Managing Data in a Minitab Worksheet
Lecture 1: Getting Started with Minitab
Lecture 2: Summarizing Cases, Row Statistics
Lecture 3: Summarizing Columns, Using Session Commands
Lecture 4: Coding Data
Lecture 5: Ranking and Sorting of Data
Lecture 6: Standardizing Data
Lecture 7: Creating Subsets of Worksheet
Lecture 8: Combining Data using the Stack Option
Lecture 9: Separating Data using the Unstack Option
Chapter 4: Descriptive Statistics – Data Analysis For One Variable – Qualitative Data
Lecture 1: Describing Qualitative Data
Lecture 2: Numerically Summarizing Qualitative Variables
Lecture 3: Creating Bar Charts
Lecture 4: Creating Pie Charts
Lecture 5: Test Yourself – Questions
Lecture 6: Test Yourself – Answers
Chapter 5: Descriptive Statistics – Data Analysis For One Variable – Quantitative Data
Lecture 1: Numerical Measures of Central Tendency
Lecture 2: Numerical Measures of Variability
Lecture 3: Using the Mean and Standard Deviation to Describe Data
Lecture 4: Numerical Measures of Relative Standing
Lecture 5: Numerically Summarizing Quantitative Variables
Lecture 6: Graphical Methods for Describing Quantitative Data
Lecture 7: Creating Histograms
Lecture 8: Creating Stem-and-Leaf Displays
Lecture 9: Creating Dotplots and Individual Value Plots
Lecture 10: Methods for Detecting Outliers: Box Plots and z-scores
Lecture 11: Creating Boxplots
Lecture 12: Distorting the Truth with Descriptive Techniques
Lecture 13: Test Yourself – Questions
Lecture 14: Test Yourself – Answers
Chapter 6: Descriptive Statistics – Data Analysis for Comparing Groups
Lecture 1: Contingency Tables
Lecture 2: Cluster and Stack Bar Charts
Lecture 3: Comparing Subgroups by Dotplots and Individual Value Plots or Boxplots
Lecture 4: Comparing Subgroups Numerically
Lecture 5: Using Charts to Display Descriptive Statistics
Chapter 7: Descriptive Statisitcs – Relationships Between Two Quantitative Variables
Lecture 1: Bivariate Relationships
Lecture 2: Creating Scatterplots
Lecture 3: Adding a Grouping Variable to a Scatterplot
Lecture 4: Creating Marginal Plots
Lecture 5: Computing Covariance and Correlation
Lecture 6: Computing and Displaying the Regression Line
Lecture 7: Test Yourself – Questions
Lecture 8: Test Yourself – Answers
Chapter 8: Probability
Lecture 1: Events, Probability, and Sample Spaces
Lecture 2: Unions and Intersections
Lecture 3: Complementary Events
Lecture 4: Conditional Probability
Lecture 5: The Additive Rule and Mutually Exclusive Events
Lecture 6: The Multiplicative Rule and Independent Events
Lecture 7: Bayes's Rule
Lecture 8: Test Yourself – Questions
Lecture 9: Test Yourself – Answers
Chapter 9: Random Variables and Probability Distributions
Lecture 1: Two Types of Random Variables
Lecture 2: Probability Distributions for Discrete Random Variables
Lecture 3: The Binomial Distributions
Lecture 4: Other Discrete Distributions: Geometric, Poisson and Hypergeometric
Lecture 5: Calculating Individual and Cumulative Probability for the Binomial Distribution
Lecture 6: Calculating Individual Cumulative and Inverse Cumulative Poisson Probability
Lecture 7: Probability Distributions for Continuous Random Variables
Lecture 8: The Normal Distribution
Lecture 9: Descriptive Methods for Assessing Normality
Lecture 10: Other Continuous Distributions: Uniform and Exponential
Lecture 11: Calculating Porbablities Using Distribution Plots
Lecture 12: Calculating Critical Values of Random Variables using Distribution Plots
Lecture 13: Test Yourself – Questions
Lecture 14: Test Yourself – Answers
Chapter 10: Random Data – Sampling Distributions
Lecture 1: The Concept of Sampling Distributions
Lecture 2: Properties of Sampling Distributions: Unbiasedness and Minimum Variance
Lecture 3: Generating Random Data From Normal Distribution and Checking Normality
Lecture 4: Sampling from a Column
Lecture 5: Simulating Sampling with More Samples, Sampling Error
Lecture 6: Simulation Technique to Study Distributions of Sample Statistics
Lecture 7: The Sampling Distribution of a Sample Mean and the Central Limit Theorem
Lecture 8: Distribution of the Sample Mean. Known and Unknown Variance.
Lecture 9: The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Proportion and Sample Variance
Lecture 10: Distribution of the Sample Proportions. Large and Small Sample.
Lecture 11: Distribution of Sample Variances. Normal Population. Large and Small Sample.
Lecture 12: Test Yourself – Questions
Lecture 13: Test Yourself – Answers
Chapter 11: Inferences From One Sample – Estimation with Confidence Intervals
Lecture 1: Identifying and Estimating the Target Parameter
Lecture 2: Confidence Interval for a Population Mean: Normal (z) Statistic
Lecture 3: Confidence Interval for a Population Mean: Student’s t-Statistic
Lecture 4: Large-Sample Confidence Interval for a Population Proportion
Lecture 5: Confidence Interval for a Population Variance
Lecture 6: Finite Population Correction for Simple Random Sample
Lecture 7: Simulation of Confidence Intervals for the Mean of a Normal Population
Lecture 8: Simulation of Confidence Intervals for the Mean. Unknown Variance
Lecture 9: Determining the Sample Size
László Bognár
Professor of Applied Statistics
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 10 votes
- 2 stars: 9 votes
- 3 stars: 34 votes
- 4 stars: 107 votes
- 5 stars: 135 votes
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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