Fun Reading With Phonics for parents, carers and new teacher
Fun Reading With Phonics for parents, carers and new teacher, available at $27.99, has an average rating of 4.4, with 30 lectures, based on 190 reviews, and has 661 subscribers.
You will learn about You will learn 'why' using Synthetic Phonics is a valuable and worthwhile reading strategy. You will learn to teach letter sounds and link those sounds to letter names using picture cues and actions. If you have a child where English is a second language, using phonics early will help correct pronunciation of English sounds and words. You will be able to help your child to decode words using techniques for segmenting and blending. You'll be able to help you child identify 'sight words' (high frequency words) in context and isolation You'll use simple monitoring tools to assess your child's progress From the course materials you can create your own resource library This course is ideal for individuals who are Essentially for parents or carers who want a better understanding of phonics and how they can support their children's early reading development. or Teachers or assistants – particularly ESL teachers – who are new to working with phonics. or Parent or teachers where English is not a first language, to improve pronunciation of English sounds early on It is particularly useful for Essentially for parents or carers who want a better understanding of phonics and how they can support their children's early reading development. or Teachers or assistants – particularly ESL teachers – who are new to working with phonics. or Parent or teachers where English is not a first language, to improve pronunciation of English sounds early on.
Enroll now: Fun Reading With Phonics for parents, carers and new teacher
Title: Fun Reading With Phonics for parents, carers and new teacher
Price: $27.99
Average Rating: 4.4
Number of Lectures: 30
Number of Published Lectures: 30
Number of Curriculum Items: 30
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 30
Original Price: €19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- You will learn 'why' using Synthetic Phonics is a valuable and worthwhile reading strategy.
- You will learn to teach letter sounds and link those sounds to letter names using picture cues and actions.
- If you have a child where English is a second language, using phonics early will help correct pronunciation of English sounds and words.
- You will be able to help your child to decode words using techniques for segmenting and blending.
- You'll be able to help you child identify 'sight words' (high frequency words) in context and isolation
- You'll use simple monitoring tools to assess your child's progress
- From the course materials you can create your own resource library
Who Should Attend
- Essentially for parents or carers who want a better understanding of phonics and how they can support their children's early reading development.
- Teachers or assistants – particularly ESL teachers – who are new to working with phonics.
- Parent or teachers where English is not a first language, to improve pronunciation of English sounds early on
Target Audiences
- Essentially for parents or carers who want a better understanding of phonics and how they can support their children's early reading development.
- Teachers or assistants – particularly ESL teachers – who are new to working with phonics.
- Parent or teachers where English is not a first language, to improve pronunciation of English sounds early on
Reading is an absolutely essential life skill that will enable future success, in school, college and later in work. This course is designed to help you understand the basics of using phonics as a key reading strategy. It provides an overall introduction to phonics and gives you tools to use that will help lay down a foundation for reading fluency.
In each section we discuss reasons for using phonics. You will find lots of very colourful resources (with a value of more than $70) that will give you hands-on practise. You can download directly from within the course itself and they are free for you to use.
Working through four critical stages
1. You will get used to using the sounds of the alphabet, rather than letter names.
2. You will help your child to match sounds to letters
3. As you progress you will learn how to sequence phonemes, and use resources such as picture cues, and some crazy, crazy actions (TPR) that your child will love to engage with.
4. You will explore and learn techniques to present the first 100 high frequency words (sight words), that are a bit ‘tricky’ because they can’t be decoded.
5. You will move on to digraphs that can be a bit challenging. Here you’ll understand the different types of digraphs and how to show your child so they can begin to read more complex words and texts.
Your lead instructor for the course, Brenda Martin is a literacy a specialist and primary/elementary school teacher with more than 35 years experience in the UK and overseas with many international children. Brenda simplifies the use of phonics for you the parent, and for teachers who are new to phonics. With a wide range of resources for you to download and use, work along with Brenda and quickly master the steps to teach your children to read in a way that is motivating and fun for both kids and adults alike.
Brenda’s relaxed manner, clear knowledge and expertise makes this course a must for anyone who wants to provide early reading support to their children.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Introduction
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Course Goals: What's in it for me?
Chapter 2: A Rationale for Teaching Synthetic Phonics
Lecture 1: Phonics versus Phonetics
Lecture 2: Key Aspects of Synthetic Phonics
Lecture 3: Sequencing, Double Consonants & Digraphs
Lecture 4: Segmenting & Blending
Chapter 3: Theory to Practice: Teaching Initial Sounds
Lecture 1: The Phonics Song
Lecture 2: Teaching Ideas for The Phonics Song
Lecture 3: Teaching Activities: Sounds and Actions
Lecture 4: Teaching Activities: The Sound Bag
Lecture 5: Teaching Activities: Using Phonics Fans
Lecture 6: Monitoring and Assessing Phonemes
Chapter 4: Segmenting and Blending
Lecture 1: Overview of Segmenting and Blending
Lecture 2: Word Building & A Practical Task for Teachers
Lecture 3: Teaching Activities: Sound Buttons for Segmenting & Blending
Lecture 4: Teaching Activities: Jumping Phonemes
Lecture 5: Teaching Activities: Elkonin Boxes for Segmenting & Blending
Chapter 5: High Frequency Words
Lecture 1: The First 100 High Frequency Words & Practical Task
Lecture 2: Teaching Activities: Word Recognition & Missing Letters
Lecture 3: Teaching Activities: Word Reveal
Lecture 4: Monitoring and Assessing High Frequency Words
Lecture 5: High Frequency Word Displays
Chapter 6: Teaching Digraphs
Lecture 1: Understanding the Order for Teaching Digraphs
Lecture 2: Teaching Activities: Digraphs Sounds and Actions
Lecture 3: Teaching Activities: Sound Buttons for Digraphs
Lecture 4: Teaching Activities: Elkonin Boxes for Digraphs
Lecture 5: Teaching Activities: Split Digraphs
Lecture 6: Monitoring and Assessing Digraphs
Chapter 7: In Conclusion
Lecture 1: Summary
Lecture 2: Next Steps: Children's Creative Writing
Kathy Roots
Health & Well-Being Solutions -
Brenda Martin
Former teacher, literacy specialist and teacher trainer
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 1 votes
- 2 stars: 3 votes
- 3 stars: 22 votes
- 4 stars: 62 votes
- 5 stars: 102 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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