How to Write and Defend a Doctoral Dissertation Successfully
How to Write and Defend a Doctoral Dissertation Successfully, available at $44.99, has an average rating of 3, with 28 lectures, 7 quizzes, based on 50 reviews, and has 287 subscribers.
You will learn about Dodge common mistakes PhD students make when "pitching" a PhD dissertation topic to their committee. Appreciate the role of the PhD dissertation chair in the overall review and defense process. Set in motion a strategy to get timely feedback from the chair of your PhD dissertation committee Appreciate what is required of a PhD dissertation study (hint: it is more than crunching data). Design a PhD dissertation proposal that will be accepted by your PhD committee. Write a PhD dissertation study that can be successfully defended. Adopt an attitude of pride in your dissertation. Embrace the strategy that accounts for the difference between people who complete their dissertations and those who never finish. (Hint: it is not what you think) Avoid "fatal flaws" when designing and writing your PhD dissertation study. Simplify the topic of your dissertation so it does not take 5 years to finish. Define the meaning of a random sample. Summarize the findings of existing studies that are relevant to your PhD dissertation topic. Formulate a logical rationale for your PhD dissertation study: Why is your study important to do in the first place?. Sidestep common pitfalls that obstruct completion of a PhD dissertation. Include the content required for each chapter of the PhD dissertation. Understand the rationale for why the review process is so terribly critical and judgmental. Distinguish the task of doing a qualitative PhD dissertation study in contrast to a quantitative PhD dissertation. This course is ideal for individuals who are Any PhD or doctoral student enrolled in a social science program of study. or Award of the PhD or doctoral degree requires that a dissertation be proposed, written and defended successfully before a dissertation committee. or Any and All PhD and doctoral students who find themselves frustrated with the process of writing a PhD dissertation and are searching for support and guidance to help them finish their PhD dissertation and graduate with a PhD or doctoral degree.. It is particularly useful for Any PhD or doctoral student enrolled in a social science program of study. or Award of the PhD or doctoral degree requires that a dissertation be proposed, written and defended successfully before a dissertation committee. or Any and All PhD and doctoral students who find themselves frustrated with the process of writing a PhD dissertation and are searching for support and guidance to help them finish their PhD dissertation and graduate with a PhD or doctoral degree.. .
Enroll now: How to Write and Defend a Doctoral Dissertation Successfully
Title: How to Write and Defend a Doctoral Dissertation Successfully
Price: $44.99
Average Rating: 3
Number of Lectures: 28
Number of Quizzes: 7
Number of Published Lectures: 28
Number of Published Quizzes: 7
Number of Curriculum Items: 35
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 35
Original Price: $19.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Dodge common mistakes PhD students make when "pitching" a PhD dissertation topic to their committee.
- Appreciate the role of the PhD dissertation chair in the overall review and defense process.
- Set in motion a strategy to get timely feedback from the chair of your PhD dissertation committee
- Appreciate what is required of a PhD dissertation study (hint: it is more than crunching data).
- Design a PhD dissertation proposal that will be accepted by your PhD committee.
- Write a PhD dissertation study that can be successfully defended.
- Adopt an attitude of pride in your dissertation.
- Embrace the strategy that accounts for the difference between people who complete their dissertations and those who never finish. (Hint: it is not what you think)
- Avoid "fatal flaws" when designing and writing your PhD dissertation study.
- Simplify the topic of your dissertation so it does not take 5 years to finish.
- Define the meaning of a random sample.
- Summarize the findings of existing studies that are relevant to your PhD dissertation topic.
- Formulate a logical rationale for your PhD dissertation study: Why is your study important to do in the first place?.
- Sidestep common pitfalls that obstruct completion of a PhD dissertation.
- Include the content required for each chapter of the PhD dissertation.
- Understand the rationale for why the review process is so terribly critical and judgmental.
- Distinguish the task of doing a qualitative PhD dissertation study in contrast to a quantitative PhD dissertation.
Who Should Attend
- Any PhD or doctoral student enrolled in a social science program of study.
- Award of the PhD or doctoral degree requires that a dissertation be proposed, written and defended successfully before a dissertation committee.
- Any and All PhD and doctoral students who find themselves frustrated with the process of writing a PhD dissertation and are searching for support and guidance to help them finish their PhD dissertation and graduate with a PhD or doctoral degree..
Target Audiences
- Any PhD or doctoral student enrolled in a social science program of study.
- Award of the PhD or doctoral degree requires that a dissertation be proposed, written and defended successfully before a dissertation committee.
- Any and All PhD and doctoral students who find themselves frustrated with the process of writing a PhD dissertation and are searching for support and guidance to help them finish their PhD dissertation and graduate with a PhD or doctoral degree..
Let me ask you question: How would you like to know how faculty members view the process of writing and defending a PhD dissertation? I created How to Write a Dissertation to help PhD and doctoral students from social science disciplines navigate their way through the process.I have experienced the process at both ends – as a PhD student and as a faculty member.
Certain actions result in success. Others result in failure. I want every PhD student to know the difference!
Many PhD students give up because they did not have a rich understanding of what it takes to develop a dissertation project, pitch the idea to their committee, write their PhD dissertation and defend it successfully. It is really not such a mind wrenching experience once you have a clear understanding of what is expected during each step of the process.
In my experience, most PhD students have little or no information about the mysterious process of writing and defending a PhD dissertation successfully.
- What are the fundamental components of a study that must be included in your dissertation proposal to be acceptable to your PhD committee?
- What are the most common mistakes PhD students make when formulating and writing their PhD dissertation?
- Why do so many PhD students never complete their dissertations?
The process of writing and defending a dissertation leads some PhD students to pull all of their hair out, get divorced or even lose all of their friends. It is a process full of roadblocks, setbacks and repeated requirements to “do it over” or worse, “start over.” If you idea is to have some fun, do not choose to earn a PhD degree!
After having served on over 300 dissertation committees as chair, committee member or outside evaluator for a wide diversity of academic disciplines including public policy, public administration, business administration, psychology, sociology, education, journalism, history, library science, sports medicine and political science, I have a keen sense of what it takes to succeed and why students fail.
I also have a rich understanding about why PhD and doctoral students fail to finish their PhD or doctoral dissertations and graduate with their PhD degree in hand. Course work is typically not the road block for most students. Most get stuck in the mud at the dissertation stage.
This course offers you all of my inside tips (from the perspective of a faculty member) for what it really takes to succeed. If you follow my recommendations for what to avoid and what steps to take, you will be very pleased when you earn your PhD.
- Will it be a lot of work? Yep!
- Will you get frustrated with the process? Everyone does.
- Will you find yourself angry at your committee members? You betcha.
- Can you succeed? Yes indeed!
Understanding the process you will confront (or are confronting now) will make the difference between writing a PhD dissertation that can be defended successfully and proposing a dissertation that your committee rejects so you never get to first base. My course offers a comprehensive perspective on what you can expect at each step of the process.
I am so proud of my course that enrollment comes with a 30 day full money back guarantee – no questions asked. As one of my students you get to ask me the questions you have about the process. I promise to answer them all.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: All About the Process of Getting a PhD Disseration Approved
Lecture 1: Introduction:How to Write a Dissertation and Defend it Successfully
Chapter 2: Secrets to Writing and Successfully Defending a PhD Dissertation
Lecture 1: Persistence
Lecture 2: Keep It Simple
Lecture 3: Embrace Criticisms. Make Revisions Willingly. Give the Process Time.
Chapter 3: Developing the PhD DIssertation Proposal
Lecture 1: Structure of a PhD Dissertation Proposal
Lecture 2: Why is Your PhD Dissertation Important to Do in the First Place?
Lecture 3: One Easy Way to Develop and Propose a PhD Dissertation Project
Chapter 4: Structure of the PhD Dissertation
Lecture 1: Structure of a PhD Dissertation
Lecture 2: Chapter One: Why is Your Study Worth Doing in the First Place?
Lecture 3: Chapter Two; The Literature Review
Lecture 4: Chapter Three: Theory and Hypotheses
Lecture 5: Chapter Four: Methods. Be Specific! Tell All! Hide Nothing!
Lecture 6: Chapter Five: Results – What Did Your Analysis Find?
Lecture 7: Chapter Six: Discussion and Conclusions
Chapter 5: What to Expect from your PhD Committee Chair
Lecture 1: Criteria for Selecting the Chair of Your PhD Dissertation Committee
Lecture 2: Qualifications for the Chair of your PhD Dissertation Committee
Lecture 3: What to Expect When You Submit Your Dissertation for Review by Your Chair
Lecture 4: Why is it so Difficult to Get Feedback on Your Dissertation?
Chapter 6: What to Expect from Members of Your PhD Dissertation Committee
Lecture 1: How Much Effort Do Most Committee Members Devote to Your PhD Dissertation?
Lecture 2: When Should the Defense of Your PhD Dissertation be Scheduled?
Chapter 7: What You Need to Know about Literature Reviews
Lecture 1: Overview of the Review of Literature: Include All Studies
Lecture 2: Systematic Analysis of Studies using Meta-Analysis can be a Dissertation
Chapter 8: Methods Issues
Lecture 1: Qualitative (case study) versus Quantitative PhD Dissertations
Lecture 2: Variation in the Dependent Variable: Do Not Restrict the Range
Lecture 3: Survey Research
Lecture 4: How to Select a Random Sample
Lecture 5: Measurement Error
Chapter 9: Section 9: Next Steps
Lecture 1: Still Struggling to Complete and Defend Your Dissertation?
Robert Rodgers PhD
Founder of Parkinsons Recovery
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 2 votes
- 3 stars: 13 votes
- 4 stars: 10 votes
- 5 stars: 21 votes
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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