Improve your Business English: English for Presentations
Improve your Business English: English for Presentations, available at $69.99, has an average rating of 4.49, with 237 lectures, based on 625 reviews, and has 4298 subscribers.
You will learn about Prepare presentations with the right type of phrases/language/expressions to be able to communicate effectively to your audience. Effectively structure and present a presentation in easy English. Know the phrases for each part of a public presentation. Improve your presentation skills and public speaking skills. Develop your Business English presentation skills as a non-native speaker. Speak confidently in English to all types of audiences This English course can also benefit native English speakers to help them find the right words. Business English skills Business English vocabulary Learn how to do a successful Elevator Pitch using Business English Learn 13 tips to successful online/virtual presentations Learn 105 Power Words for your presentations This course is ideal for individuals who are Non-native speakers who want to deliver a presentation. or Native speakers may also benefit from the course. But, the primary audience, for this course, are non-native speakers. or Students studying IELTS, BEC (Business English Certificate) or an MBA. It is particularly useful for Non-native speakers who want to deliver a presentation. or Native speakers may also benefit from the course. But, the primary audience, for this course, are non-native speakers. or Students studying IELTS, BEC (Business English Certificate) or an MBA.
Enroll now: Improve your Business English: English for Presentations
Title: Improve your Business English: English for Presentations
Price: $69.99
Average Rating: 4.49
Number of Lectures: 237
Number of Published Lectures: 237
Number of Curriculum Items: 237
Number of Published Curriculum Objects: 237
Original Price: $199.99
Quality Status: approved
Status: Live
What You Will Learn
- Prepare presentations with the right type of phrases/language/expressions to be able to communicate effectively to your audience.
- Effectively structure and present a presentation in easy English.
- Know the phrases for each part of a public presentation.
- Improve your presentation skills and public speaking skills.
- Develop your Business English presentation skills as a non-native speaker.
- Speak confidently in English to all types of audiences
- This English course can also benefit native English speakers to help them find the right words.
- Business English skills
- Business English vocabulary
- Learn how to do a successful Elevator Pitch using Business English
- Learn 13 tips to successful online/virtual presentations
- Learn 105 Power Words for your presentations
Who Should Attend
- Non-native speakers who want to deliver a presentation.
- Native speakers may also benefit from the course. But, the primary audience, for this course, are non-native speakers.
- Students studying IELTS, BEC (Business English Certificate) or an MBA.
Target Audiences
- Non-native speakers who want to deliver a presentation.
- Native speakers may also benefit from the course. But, the primary audience, for this course, are non-native speakers.
- Students studying IELTS, BEC (Business English Certificate) or an MBA.
This course is updated frequently with new lessons, projects and resources!
October 2023: NEW Section!Idioms for your presentations – Achievement and Success.
September 2023: NEW Section!Idioms for your presentations – Time and Planning.
July 2023 – UPDATED AND ADDITIONS!Phrases.
July 2023 – NEW Section!Preparing Speaker Notes.
June 2023 – NEW Section!Grammar and Sentence Structure: Conditionals.
June 2023 – NEW Section!Grammar and Sentence Structure: Tenses.
February 2023 – NEW Section!Learn Motivational Vocabulary for Presentations.
December 2022 –NEW Section! Learn Power Words for Presentations.
The quality of how you conduct a presentation is an essential factor to success in the workplace and education. Nowadays, presentation skills are often an employment and educational requirement. For example, being asked to present at your interview is a common request from employers whereby you are given the subject matter in advance. At university, being asked to present on topics is a consistent demand in passing exams and assessments.
Giving a presentation is evident in most professions. For example, you might be an Engineer, and your boss asks you to deliver an Elevator Pitch for a new product. The quality of your presentation could also be an essential factor in the success of promoting your company’s product or service. So, giving a presentation can mean pressure, and as a presenter, you must control your nerves, remain calm and maintain professionalism.
Presenting with confidence is so critical. When speaking to an audience, there is the expectation that you have a unified command of English. Therefore, language skills are essential for delivering effective presentations. Firstly, you need to know the phrases, so your audience understands your message. The design of your presentation will need to be practical and structured.You will need to have a wide vocabulary range and be able to communicate with your audience. You may also have to deal with difficult questions at the end of a presentation, which can be daunting.
Clear communication is vital.You need to understand what your audience is looking for from you. You should be able to communicate effectively with your audience. It will help you avoid any miscommunication involving audience expectations.
Alongside these demands, you might be a non-native speaker unfamiliar with the language of public speaking and speaking to an audience.
To overcome these obstacles, ENROL TODAY on the… ‘Improve your Business English: English for Presentations’ Course!
It’s the most detailed and comprehensive Business English for Presentations course available.
The course is for you if you are a non-native speaker preparing for or are about to do a presentation. In terms of your department of work, you could work in Human Resources/Personnel/Engineering/Accountancy/Finance/Information Technology/Production/Purchasing/Sales and Marketing. You might also be a student studying IELTS, BEC (Business English Certificate) or an MBA.
I designed this course to give you confidence so you can do presentations using professional, effective and efficient Business English.
The course covers Business English for Presentations:-
When making a solid start.
When designing and delivering the middle section.
When signposting.
When providing a conclusion.
When handling questions.
In explainingand describing visual aids.
When describing numbers and trends.
To describe symbols and equations.
When conducting an Elevator Pitch(including examples and templates.)
When delivering virtually/online.
Non-native English speakers will benefit significantly from this course,especially those who must plan and deliver a presentation. You will learn over 200 essential English presentation phrases and useful vocabulary, sentences and power words. In addition, you will learn to structure your presentation correctly. Alongside this, I provide you with helpful tips.
Follow the step-by-step learning process and reach the Example Final Presentation Script. When designing your presentation, this script can be handy.
There is also an opportunity to do a final quiz. Test yourself on what you’ve learnt.
The lesson design of the course will give you confidenceand prepare you for dealing with presentations using English. The course learning is activity-based, meaning you will be doing lots of fun, engaging, challenging and interactive activities. The course falls under the category of Business English.
You will see user-friendly presentation slides and videos in my lessons. These are designed to a very high standard with thought and clarity so that the information conveyed is clear and straightforward.
Each lesson focuses on a single aspect of a particular skill. You can go at your own pace and should take your time, with lots of practice between sections. Replaying each lesson is highly recommended.
I also offer more than just a COMPLETE curriculum.
Get access to Q+A instructor feedback with any questions you have during your studies.
I can’t wait to help you improve your Business English skills.
Sign up now, and supercharge your Presentations Business English fluency.
Here’s what students have had to say about this fantastic course:-
“Aidan’s course helped me to improve my vocabulary. My English in everyday work situations as well as when giving presentations.”
“I enjoy this course very much and find it useful for my work. The presenter has a good, clear voice for me.”
“It’s really amazing. I wish I had known about the course earlier. I wouldn’t have struggled to find the business-related vocabs, phrases on the webs.”
“Thanks, Aidan, for wonderful work. The phrases in this course are very helpful in giving an effective presentation.”
Aidan Toomey comes from England. He’s a professional Business English Language Teacher with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications and TEFL qualifications. He has taught thousands of happy English Language studentsfor 10 years worldwide in Spain, Ireland, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Portugal, Russia and Hungary.
As well as teaching, he has worked for 20 years in the International Corporate world, enjoying various essential roles, delivering training and presentations, developing policy and working with International Partners.
He runs websites for Business English language teachers and Business English language students.
Course Curriculum
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Course
Lecture 1: How to do the Course
Chapter 2: Starting your Presentation
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: 25 Presenter Tips for Success
Lecture 3: Activity on Structure
Lecture 4: The Phrases you can use
Lecture 5: Activity on Structure
Lecture 6: The Phrases you can use
Lecture 7: Activity to Organise Phrases
Lecture 8: Activity on Structure Titles
Lecture 9: Phrases for Formal and Informal Introductions
Lecture 10: Activity to match Formal and Informal Phrases
Lecture 11: Phrases for a Strong Presentation Start
Lecture 12: Activity for a Strong Presentation Start
Lecture 13: Recap
Lecture 14: Activity to Apply Learning
Chapter 3: The Main Body (Middle Part)
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Activity to Reinforce Objective
Lecture 3: Phrases for Signposting
Lecture 4: Activity on Signposting
Lecture 5: Phrases for Signposting
Lecture 6: Activity on Signposting
Lecture 7: Phrases to Describe Visuals
Lecture 8: Activity to Describe Visuals
Lecture 9: Phrases to Describe Visuals
Lecture 10: Activity to Describe Visuals
Lecture 11: Phrases to end the Main Body
Lecture 12: Recap
Lecture 13: Activity to Apply Learning
Chapter 4: The Conclusion
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Phrases for your Conclusion
Lecture 3: Activity on Conclusion
Lecture 4: Phrases for an Effective Conclusion
Lecture 5: Activity on an Effective Conclusion
Lecture 6: Recap
Lecture 7: Activity to Apply Learning
Chapter 5: Handling Questions
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Phrases for Handling Questions
Lecture 3: Activity on Handling Questions
Lecture 4: Activity on Handling Questions
Chapter 6: Final Presentation
Lecture 1: Example of a Final Presentation
Chapter 7: Visual Aids
Lecture 1: Activity on the Different Types of Visual Aids
Lecture 2: Activity on Phrases for the Placement of Information
Lecture 3: Listening Activity on what Visual Aid is in use.
Lecture 4: Activity on Visual Aids and Language
Chapter 8: Grammar and Sentence Structure: Tenses
Lecture 1: Unleashing the Power of Tenses
Lecture 2: Present Simple Tense
Lecture 3: Present Continuous Tense
Lecture 4: Past Simple Tense
Lecture 5: Future Forms
Lecture 6: Tense Identification Activity
Lecture 7: Conclusion on Tenses
Chapter 9: Grammar and Sentence Structure: Conditionals
Lecture 1: Unleashing the Power of Conditionals
Lecture 2: The Zero Conditional
Lecture 3: The First Conditional
Lecture 4: The Second Conditional
Lecture 5: The Third Conditional
Lecture 6: Conditionals Identification Activity
Lecture 7: Conclusion on Conditionals
Chapter 10: Preparing Speaker Notes
Lecture 1: Introduction to Speaker Note Mastery
Lecture 2: Effective Methods for Speaker Notes
Lecture 3: Brainstorming Ideas for Speaker Notes
Lecture 4: Organising Outlines for Speaker Notes
Lecture 5: Achieving Clarity and Simplicity in Speaker Notes
Lecture 6: Structuring Speaker Notes for Coherence
Lecture 7: Enhancing Confidence and Engagement with Speaker Notes
Lecture 8: Adapting Speaker Notes for Different Presentation Contexts
Chapter 11: Visuals and Idioms
Lecture 1: The Magic of Visuals and Idioms in Presentations
Lecture 2: Time and Planning (Visuals and Idioms)
Lecture 3: Success and Achievement (Visuals and Idioms)
Chapter 12: Introduction to Numbers
Lecture 1: The Importance of Numbers
Lecture 2: Decimal Points and Pronunciation
Lecture 3: Decimal Numbers: Multiple Choice and Listening Activity
Lecture 4: Commas in Numbers and Pronunciation
Lecture 5: Commas in Numbers: Multiple Choice and Listening Activity
Lecture 6: Money and Pronunciation
Lecture 7: Money in Numbers: Multiple Choice and Listening Activity
Lecture 8: Years and Pronunciation
Lecture 9: Years in Numbers: Multiple Choice and Listening Activity
Lecture 10: Fractions and Pronunciation
Lecture 11: Fractions in Numbers: Multiple Choice and Listening Activity
Lecture 12: Percentages and Pronunciation
Lecture 13: Percentages in Numbers: Multiple Choice and Listening Activity
Chapter 13: Trends
Lecture 1: Nouns used to describe Trends
Lecture 2: Adverbs and Verbs used to describe Trends
Lecture 3: Reading and describing Line Charts
Chapter 14: Symbols and Equations
Lecture 1: Pronouncing Symbols and Equations
Aidan Toomey
Business English Language Teacher, BA Communications, TEFL
Rating Distribution
- 1 stars: 4 votes
- 2 stars: 7 votes
- 3 stars: 64 votes
- 4 stars: 211 votes
- 5 stars: 339 votes
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don’t have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That’s up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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